Young Jocks Sexual Awakening

By Gerald Simmons

Published on Feb 25, 2004


I have always been a sports nut, and I was definitely a late bloomer when it came to being interested in girls, but I am not really gay even though some of my first sexual experiences were with guys in school.

This is the story of my first experience. The first sexual-awakening experience was sort of weird, but it led to a much more pleasurable one. Here is how it started:

As a 9th grader, I joined the High School Football team. One of the requirements for this was to get a physical from this school-approved doctor. I think they had basically worked out a cheap deal with this guy, but we all had to go to this one certain doctor.

He was middle-aged, but not too old. He was the type that liked to try to get kids to relate to him so that they would trust him and tell him stuff that they wouldn't tell their parents. Anybody who has had one of these exams knows that at one point the doctor is going to start feeling around your balls. While this guy was doing this, he told me that my balls looked bigger than normal, and he thought maybe I had a hernia. Without going into all of the medical details, it led to him asking me whether my balls were always big or were they sometimes more normal. I hadn't paid much attention to what other guys' balls looked like (although I had certainly seen other guy s in the showers and stuff.) I didn't know how to answer his question.

I think he thought I was embarrassed or something because he started trying to ask the question in other ways. I finally told him that I thought my balls were normal. He then he sort of suggested/asked me if it would help for him to show me what he was talking about. I thought he was going to go get some book with pictures or something. But the next thing I know he is loosening his belt and pulling his pants down.

I was a little scared, but I was also excited about the prospect of being able to exam someone's dick and balls up close. And this guy had one of the thickest dicks I had ever seen, and he was uncut. I didn't recall ever having seen someone uncut before, so I was really turned on. He started talking to me like some sort of professor, telling me to notice this and that about his balls. Finally, he sort of paused and said, go ahead and take a closer look. My dick was getting hard and I since I was still standing there totally exposed, I appreciated the chance to kneel and hide myself. Plus, I was very excited about getting closer.

He asked me whether I could see what he was talking about, but I wanted to continue, so I played dumb. Eventually he told me to feel his sack so that I can feel how loose his balls were within it. I paused, but he told me to go ahead. I positioned my hand so that as the tips of my fingers followed his directions, the rest of my hand was practically wrapped around his dick. By this time, I was hard as a rock, so I really didn't want to have to stop and stand up. He told me to feel my own balls, as I felt him, so that I could tell the difference. I just kept rubbing and prodding without saying anything, so finally he told me to stand up.

I stood up slowly, but there was no way to hide my gigantic hard-on. He guided my hands to feel the same parts of his balls and my balls and was explaining the differences. His thumb was sort of hooked over the top of my erect dick. As he was talking he began telling me not to be embarrassed about my "erection." He told me it was natural at my age to be curious and turned on by other guys. He started talking to me like a friendly counselor asking me about my experience and knowledge about sex. I continued to play dumb, and he transitioned from me feeling his and my balls to feeling our dicks. His was beginning to get hea rd too. He began talking about masturbation and sex as he guided me to gently jack us off.

Suddenly he got to the end of his little speech and he let go of my hands. I think at this point I was supposed to stop jacking us off, but I didn't. He sort of laughed and told me that I needed to stop before we went too far. He asked me whether I had ever cummed. I told him I wasn't sure, and he sort of allowed me to keep going until I cummed, while he talked away about it all. He grabbed a paper towel and positioned his hands to catch my cum. It didn't take me long, and he cleaned me up.

Before I left, he asked me whether there were any other boys that I had experimented with; I told him the truth that this was the first time I had ever done anything like this. He was a little embarrassed because it sounded like I was accusing him of having sex with me. He told me that he thought it would be a good thing for me, and he said he knew some guys that might be good partners for me, and that he might send one my way. This was all very strange to me, and I didn't know what to make of it.

For several days, I fantasized about middle-aged guys coming to my house and conducting sexual lessons like school or something. Eventually I sort of forgot about his promise, so when Charlie stopped me in the hall one day asking me to meet him after football practice at his car, I had no idea what was up.

Charlie was an 11th grader, so I wasn't part of his group of friends at all. It was a complement that he even knew my name! He was pretty popular, so I knew which car was his, and I was waiting for him. I remember thinking I was so cool as I left with my friends that played football when I stopped at his car and told them that he had asked me to hook up with him after practice. If I had had any idea what this was about, I would never have let them know that I was meeting him!

He came out, and I still remember how his hair was still dripping as if he hadn't even tried to dry it at all. He told me to hop in, and we took off in his truck. He didn't start talking immediately. I didn't know what was going on, but I was thrilled to be treated like one of his friends. Finally he started asking me little questions about football. He seemed like he didn't know what to say, and this was very strange. He was the popular jock, and I was the nobody 9th grader. He should be confident, and I should be nervous. He started kind of griping about having to go get a p hysical, and he seemed to want to know what I had thought of the experience. I tried to be neutral and agree with whatever his opinion was. Finally he said that Dr. ------ had talked to him about me, and had asked him to "show me the ropes" about sex and stuff. Suddenly I realized what was going on, but I almost started laughing at his choice of words because it sounded like something that the doctor would have said. Charlie seemed to be wanted to get my agreement, and I gave it to him. At that point, he seemed relieved.

He asked me, "so you want to experiment and stuff?"

I said "yeah, I guess so." He didn't like that answer, so I told gave him a definite "yes."

At this point my dick was getting hard, because I was thinking that he was going to yank out his dick and let me start playing with it or something. Instead he headed back to school. He told me that we would get together Friday night, and he asked me whether I could tell my parents that I was going out to hang out at his house to watch TV or something. I told him I thought I could. Charlie made sure that I knew not to tell my friends that we were getting together Friday.

I was really nervous asking permission from my parents, but it worked out okay. They were happy that I was making friends with other guys on the team. I didn't really tell them at this point that Charlie was two year's older than me. During the week Charlie didn't really talk to me much, but he acted like he knew me. I also noticed that he started checking me out when I walked to the shower. It almost gave me a boner when I noticed him watching me.

We had a home game Friday night, and Charlie told me to hang out in the locker room until he was ready to go. As he was leaving I followed him but not in a way that made others think we were leaving together. As we walked to his truck, I was pretty nervous. We didn't talk at all until he got home, and then he talked very casually with his Mom as he told her that we were going to watch TV in his bedroom. I followed him upstairs and into his room. He closed and locked to door, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He turned the volume up a little bit more than he probably would if we were actually going to watch it.

He stripped off his shirt, and looked over at me and told me to "relax." I was sitting on his bed in the position as if I was watching the TV. I was wondering whether he was going to strip off all of his clothes, but he only took off his shirt. He then plopped himself down next to me on the bed. I was sitting on the edge, and he was lying back with his knees hanging over the edge next to me. I looked back at him, and he had his arms behind his head. His chest was very nice looking, and for some reason his exposed underarm hair really turned me on.

I was getting a hard-on, and I sort of collapsed back on my elbow beside him. Finally he said, "Undo my pants." So i fumbled at his belt and the button and zipper on his pants. I folded back his pants. I still remember the pattern of little triangles on his boxers. He wasn't hard or anything at this point. I didn't go any further. He started massaging my shoulder, and he asked me what sort experimenting I had in mind.

I gave him some answer like "I dunno." He asked me about what I had done before, and that was a really short conversation because I hadn't done anything beyond what had happened in the doctor's office. I wasn't really comfortable telling him about that, and I thought he might know anyway.

He reached down and started rubbing my hard dick through my pants. Charlie said "Why don't you let that bad boy out?"

I stood up and started taking off all of my clothes. I started with my shoes and pants, so my dick was sticking out from underneath my shirt and undershirt as I took them off. As I was almost done, he got off the bed and came over beside me and started rubbing me and kissing the back of my neck. His pants were still hanging open, and I could begin to see his dick getting hard. I stuck my hand down the front of his pants, found his fly, and I stuck my hand in. He got really hard at this point, and I pulled him out. I kneeled down in front of him, and he moved back to lean on the bed. I enjoyed slowly pulling his pants and underwear down. I loved slowly exposing his pubic hair, forcing his hard dick down as I slipped his boxers down, having his hard dick pop back up slapping the bottom of my chin. At that point I instinctively took it in my mouth, and I began licking and sucking it. I started jacking myself off. He told me to stop, and he took over with his hand. He made me cum all over him. At that point I was spent and I didn't really want to do anything more.

He went to get a wet washcloth, and cleaned up my dick and balls. While he was doing this my cum was dripping down his front. He then handed me the rag and lied back down the bed, and I cleaned him up. He was still very hard, so I began jacking him off. finally he came all over himself, and I got to clean him up again. He dozed off for a few minutes, and I think I did as well. He took me home after that, and I jacked off again when I got home.

Next: Chapter 2

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