Young Hung and Full O Cum

By john smith

Published on Mar 30, 2023



Warning: the following story will contain extensive homoerotic material including domination, SM, watersports, and CBT of an older male by a younger male. If you are not of a legal age to read this, or such material might offend or not be of interest to you, then do not proceed.

The author resides in San Diego and is always interested in meeting young men who might wish to cross from fantasy into reality in either a dom or sub role. Please contact me by e mail:


Please read Part 1 prior to this in order to understand the story line.

I woke up holding Zack the next morning. He was not yet awake, but I stared down at his boyish face; blond hair; and his lean, taught body. I felt his smooth skin next to mine. Soon I had a raging hard on, but I decided that this was not the time.

Still pondering what our roles would be, I quietly went downstairs and made breakfast for the two of us. I brought it upstairs on a tray with coffee and when I entered the Master suite, he was sitting up awake.

He flashed that youthful smile and said "Good, I'm starving, what are we having?"

"Cheese Omelette, bacon, toast, coffee, and juice" I replied.

We sat next to each other and ate breakfast. When we had finished, I just couldn't hold back any longer.

"Zack...what's the story here? Clearly you have me cold with that camera, and it seemed like maybe you were going to blackmail me last night; then you became real nice again...what's going on?"

Zack, looked down, then away, then back at me and began his story.

"When I was growing up, my mom and dad split up when I was real young... never knew him really. Mom had lots of boyfriends in and out when I was growing up, but I never really had a dad...always wanted one. Then when I was 12, she remarried to my stepdad Larry. At first everything was cool; he took me places; did things with me; I finally had what I wanted. But Larry drank too much. He got real mean. Used to beat the shit out of me and my mom. When I got to be about 15 and found out I was gay, it got real bad. Finally had to leave home; lived in and out of different friend's houses `til I finished high school. I don't know if that's it, but ever since I was about 16 or so I have wanted to be in charge of an older guy in the bedroom. I like older guys, and I like the idea of making one submit. At the same time, I want the older guy to love me...kind of like being a dad...but I've still got to be in charge...pretty weird, huh?"

This was definitely not what I expected to hear from him; so open and vulnerable. I wanted to reassure him and said "No, I don't think it's weird. You want a father figure who can't hurt you, and you want to be the boss in the bedroom".

"You got it" was his reply.

I could feel my dick stiffening again as I saw where this could go. Our interests were quite complimentary: I wanted to be dominated by a young guy, but the whole full time master/slave thing doesn't really work for me. I'm an adult; a professional; I don't really feel like I can have my whole life run by a young guy. However, it totally turns me on to be dominated by one. Additionally, I was experiencing very strong paternal as well as sexual feelings toward Zack. I decided to see where this would go:

"So, you decided that you would experience part of your fantasy of dominating an older guy by blackmailing me into doing what you wanted..."

Zack replied: "Well its not just about that...yeah I really got off on being in charge of you, but I also picked you because of what the other students say".

"What do they say?" I asked.

"They feel like you care about them; you listen; you give good advice. The students respect you... So when this whole camera thing happened, well I thought maybe..."

"Is it what you want still?" I asked.

Zack answered quickly: "its exactly what I want...I want you to be a mentor to me outside of the house, and I want you to be my slave in the bedroom".

"Yes SIR" I replied.

Zack smiled, and gave me a command that we would both enjoy.

"Get the condoms and lube boy" he said.

"Yes sir" I replied, handing him both.

He threw off the covers, and his massive erection was throbbing up and down, slapping his belly the way young guys do. The kid was hot to fuck me. I on the other hand was a little worried: I hadn't been fucked in a couple of years, and even then not by someone like this. Zack read my mind:

"What's the matter boy, afraid it won't fit? Don't worry, it'll fit. Its just a matter of force".

As he said this he struggled to get the condom onto his dick: I saw how much trouble he was having and made a mental note: "better buy magnums" I thought.

Zack then had me lay on my back with my ankles up high. He positioned himself between my legs and began licking my cock and balls and asshole. I was groaning and begging for more when I felt his mouth cease contact with my ass, and his lubricated finger being inserted. Over the next 5 minutes or so, he stretched me out, then he began to press his cockhead against my hole.

"OOH GOD" I said as it slipped past my sphincter. I could feel sharp pain in my ass as he continued to slide all the way in.

"'re too big...aaaaah...fuck me Sir" I said as I accommodated to his big cock.

He began to fuck me: slowly at first, then pounding away. The bed shook and the headboard was hitting the wall. This kid was a total top: hammering away at my ass. He used all his athletic strength and stamina as he slammed into mefor about 15 minutes. I could feel and hear his balls slap against me as he rammed it in and out. I started stroking my cock, and stayed ready to cum until he cried out:

"Chriiiist..I'm cummming..." He gasped.

I shot my load at the same instant, and he collapsed on me gasping. I couldn't believe how much I had cum: even at my age, I hit the headboard with it.

We rested for a minute then went into the shower; I took to my role as "slave" by washing every inch of his body (not a real distasteful task). We made out some in the shower, and by the time we were dry he was ready to fuck again.

In the afternoon we went out for lunch, then sat at the beach and talked. To an external observer, Zack and I looked like father and son. We sat staring at the breaking waves and the diving gulls, and I tried to give him advice on various topics. It became apparent that Zack had set high goals for himself, wanting to go to medical school. It was critical that he get A grades. This was proving quite difficult for him as student aid was being cut back, and his scholarship would now not cover housing. The solution was obvious: Zack would move in with me.

We headed home at about 4pm: immediately upon entering the house, Zack announced: "I'm going to fuck you again boy".

"Not now", I replied. "You've fucked me twice already today and I'm sore. Let's take it easy".

This was the wrong thing to say: Zack stared at me, his blue eyes now appearing angry and malevolent.

"Get your ass up to the bedroom NOW boy" he bellowed, pointing up the stairs.

I trudged up the stairs, still hoping to dissuade him: my ass felt like hamburger already from his enormous cock: I needed a rest.

"Come on Zack, be cool; there's always time tomorrow. I'll give you a blow job".

Upon reaching the master suite, he commanded me to strip, which I did. He took off his shirt and shoes, remaining just in his trademark shorts. Then it appeared that he was going to get undressed as he undid his belt.

WRONG! He slowly undid his belt and pulled it out of each belt loop, staring at me the whole time. I was transfixed on it: black, shiny, about 2 inches wide and made of thick cowhide that must have started out quite stiff, but was now well worn and flexible.

My dick instantly sprang up to attention: this was just like the SM sites I had been visiting. I was going to be whipped by this boy.

My hands shook a bit; I was both excited and scared. My last experience with a belt was at age 15 when I was caught shoplifting. My dad had taken me down into the basement and made me strip. Dad took off a thick workman's type belt and laid into my ass hard until I was screaming and begging and promising to be good. My dick had not been hard that time.

I was drawn out of my reverie when Zack gave another command: "See that chair over there?" he asked, pointing to a big overstuffed leather chair. "Put it in the middle of the room, then bend over the back of it with your head down in the seat and your ass up high".

I complied with his request, feeling the cool leather on my throbbing cock as I bent over. There was a slight breeze in the room, and the hairs on my balls and ass sort of made my skin tingle in anticipation.

Zack approached and stood on my left side. I could see he had wrapped the belt around his right hand, leaving about a 20 inch length free.

I heard the belt whistle through the air just as it slammed into my exposed ass.

"OOOW" I said, more surprised than hurt.

The next blow however hurt: he had found his mark and brought it down full force on my ass: "FUCK...Zack that hurts".

"It's supposed to boy, and call me SIR" he said.

"SHIT...AAAAH...FUUUCK...STOP...Please Zack...OOOOOOW...Please Sir...I'll be good...I'll let you fuck me...I'll do anything...Please fuck me sir...I'm sorry..."

This went on for about 50 blows of the belt. I was crying and begging like a 15 year old boy, only this time it was more like the boy beating the dad.

Finally, Zack stopped and said "I hope you learned a lesson boy, in the bedroom you will do what I say immediately or suffer instant punishment".

"Now get on your knees and suck my dick" he commanded.

I didn't need to be told twice: I got on my knees and sucked for all I was worth. After just a couple of minutes though he gave another command:

"Now suck my balls boy".

I hungrily worked on his balls, vaguely realizing that at 42 I was a total cockslut to this kid. However, my dick continued to throb and was now draining precum.

After a few more minutes, he turned around and said: "now eat my ass out boy".

I immediately had my tongue in as far as it would go as I lapped at his tight virginal hole for about 10 minutes. He sort of shifted his pelvis to allow me better access, and he sighed a couple of times in obvious pleasure. At one point I got a look between his legs and could see a long strand of precum extending to the floor.

Then a dreaded command came: "Get your ass back over that chair boy".

I rushed over there, fearful that I had displeased him and was getting another whipping.

Instead, shortly after I bent over the chair, I felt his dick slam up my hole: no warm up or gentleness this time. Fortunately I was still somewhat stretched out from the morning or it would have killed me. As it was, I screamed when it rammed in and was hyperventilating with tears in my eyes for the first few minutes.

Zack just hammered at my ass in an angry frenzy. Fortunately for me, he was so turned on that he came in about 10 minutes. He then pulled out, dropped the condom on my back, and announced: "I'm going for a run boy, you need to clean up and think about correcting your attitude".

I got up slowly, feeling my red hot pounded ass. I noticed that the chair had moved about 6 feet across the room during his frenzied fuck. I also noticed that without knowing it, I had shot a load on the back of the leather chair and carpet below.


Next: Chapter 3

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