Young Hung and Full O Cum

By john smith

Published on Mar 27, 2023


please see the attached new story for the authoritarian section.


Warning: the following story will contain extensive homoerotic material including domination, SM, watersports, and CBT of an older male by a younger male. If you are not of a legal age to read this, or such material might offend or not be of interest to you, then do not proceed.

The author resides in San Diego and is always interested in meeting young men who might wish to cross from fantasy into reality in either a dom or sub role. Please contact me by e mail:


It was only October, and already I was obsessed with one of the new students. As a professor at a large university in Southern California, I have marvelous boy watching opportunities. They are in my lectures; all around campus; in the gym, at the pool, and in the locker room. As a result, I have developed discriminating taste in young men. I am not easily impressed, much less obsessed by a young guy.

Zack was an exception however. I first saw him running on campus in September shortly after the Semester began. He stands about 5-5; weighs about 140 lbs; is so blond that I initially thought he bleached his hair; and has a body that any boy watcher would drool over. I discovered that he is a sophomore transfer student and thereby concluded that he must be about 19. He has the most striking face: tanned, thin, aqualine nose; and intense blue eyes that instantly make one think of the bedroom. In our warm Southern California weather, he always ran with his shirt off, dressed only in nylon running shorts. He had a well defined boyish chest, well defined arms, smooth body, and as he ran one could see each muscle striation in his upper body. His hair is a bit long, and streams behind him as he runs. His legs are lean muscle, as one would expect of a distance runner. His bouncing basket also looks quite promising, though at the speed of his running one only gets a brief glimpse.

For the first month or so, I observed him and established his schedule. He ran every day at about 3 pm, retiring to the locker room at 4:30. He would emerge from the locker room around 5: freshly washed and dressed in his trademark cargo shorts and t shirt.

Wishing for a more intimate look at Zack, I altered my work out schedule to match his. I would swim my laps from 3:15 to 4:25, then head into the locker room. For the first week of this, I had trouble getting the timing right: he would often be a few minutes off schedule, and our paths could not quite cross without my being too obvious. However, persistence always pays off.

In the second week of my observations, I hit it perfectly. I went to my locker to get soap and towel just as he went to his locker, 6 down from the one I had chosen. My homework had paid off: I now knew which locker area he usually chose. I took my time, acting quite tired from my swim and leaned against the locker until he undressed.

Two things were immediately clear: he is a real blond, and his basket is more than promising. His blond pubic hair was only a little bit darker than the hair on his head; he had that perfect adolescent diamond shaped bush, with a faint trail leading up to his belly button. Framed by this was a cock that completely soft was hanging about 7 inches; thick and uncut. Below this were low hanging large balls the size of eggs in what appeared to be a hairless sack. I marveled at how a guy this height could be so endowed. Zack lazily scratched himself, then picked up the towel and headed for the showers.

I waited a couple of minutes for my erection to subside, then went into the shower as well. I took a corner nozzle which commanded a good view of the guys in the shower, especially Zack. He seemed quite unaware of me as he meticulously soaped his body and shampooed. Then, he soaped his cock and balls a second time, while facing away from the wall, making tons of lather around his now bouncing cock and balls. Unfortunately, I only got a glimpse before I had to turn to face the nozzle and switch to cold water to deal with my raging hard on.

By the time I got back to the locker, he was pulling on his cargo shorts, commando style I noticed. I waited about 5 minutes after he left to also leave the locker room.

I established the routine of observing him each day after our respective work outs. I came to realize that he was a very quiet, shy boy. It appeared that he didn't say much to anyone, and unimaginably he was unaware of just how hot his body was. I suspect that he is one of those boys who hit puberty a bit late, and never quite recovered from that middle school embarrassment. I still had no idea of whether he was gay or straight, but at my age of 42 it was a moot point anyway. I tried to make small talk with him, but he was so quiet it really didn't go anywhere.

After a month of sitting up at night masturbating while imagining this boy, I decided to try a hidden cam to get better material. I used a gym bag with mesh on one side and my digital movie camera. I had to make adjustments for almost 2 weeks before I got it to consistently work. Soon I was sitting at home watching Zack undress and dress as I stroked my 7 inch cut meat. I would imagine what his cock looked like hard all the while.

I got pretty good with the hidden camera and collected quite a volume of footage of Zack. As I watched my successive photos of him, a pattern appeared. It was very subtle, but it almost appeared that Zack was beginning to pose for the camera. He would turn so that his cock was at a perfect angle, then lazily pull it a couple of times. After a few days of this, he began to stroke a bit, at one point getting his cock to half mast and 9 inches in length. This was getting really interesting. Could the boy be on to me?

Finally one Friday, I emerged from the showers and returned to my locker to discover, to my horror, that Zack had the camera in his hand. He was already dressed, and he just looked at me: piercing blue eyes, not giving anything away, but looking intense. I started to open my mouth to say something, and he just turned and left, camera in hand.

I was horrified: even as a full professor with tenure, one cannot get caught filming naked college guys in the locker room and keep one's job. At 42, teaching History was all I knew, and I was not anxious to begin another career.

I reached into my locker and slowly removed my clothing. When I put on my pants, I found a note in the front pocked that read as follows:

"I know you've been watching and filming me for months. Wonder what the administration would say? Be at the East door to the gym at 7 pm if you want to avoid finding out".

My hands shook a bit, but there was still hope: he wasn't simply going to the administration! There was hope for my career still. I figured he is probably going to hold me up for some money, and that is not going to be a big price to save my career.

At 6:55 I was in the appointed place. On a Friday night after dark, there was no one else around. I waited as the minutes ticked past. Finally at 7:05 I saw him coming: confidently walking toward me in his trademark shorts, but wearing a surfer's sweatshirt in the cool night air. He slowly strode up to me and stood about 3 feet away:

"You like my body" he asked.

I did not initially respond; I mean the answer was obvious, but what is one to say?

"I asked you a question, answer it".

"Yes, I find you extremely attractive" I responded.

He just looked at me without showing any emotion and said:

"I have the camera in a safe place and will hold it for future use. If you wish to avoid an embarrassing situation, you will cooperate".

"Yes, sure, anything you say Zack" I found myself saying, and noticed that my dick was hardening.

"Take me to your car" said Zack.

I did so, and he nodded to me to unlock the doors. We got in and he said "Drive to your house".

I live about 10 minutes drive from campus in a 1950's era California house. The architecture is vaguely Spanish; white stucco and red tile roof. It was initially a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, but I had built up a story and it now had a massive master suite and bath upstairs. One unusual feature of this house is that sometime, presumably during the Cuban Missile crisis, a 30 by 50 foot bomb shelter had been installed underground. The entrance to this was down a trap door; ladder from the downstairs bedroom.

We got to the house, and I led Zack inside. No sooner had I put down my keys than he gave an order: "Take all your clothes off".

I complied, and was nearly fully erect when I finished. I could not believe what was happening. Zack noticed my erection and laughed: "looks like you like this situation" he said.

I tried to reply "Well, I, ...Uh its like this...".

Zack cut me off:

"I want you to show me every room in the house" he said in a reserved and boyish voice. I replied with the expected "Sure Zack, right this way" and took him through everything. He was particularly excited about the bomb shelter, in an excited voice exclaiming "This is so Cool!"

When we got to the master suite, he ordered me to log on with my computer. Then he sent me downstairs to make him some food. When I came back up with his dinner on a tray, he had undressed down to just his shorts and was working his way through my internet history. His shorts were tented, and he was gently massing his massive cock. As I approached, I noticed that he was surfing some of the domination sites.

He looked up and smiled "you into this stuff?" he asked.

"Well...Yes sir". I replied.

"Cool" was the only answer.

He continued to surf through the sites, taking particular interest in the CBT sites. Several times he exclaimed "God that must hurt" or "He's SOOO hot".

Finally, he found his way to my picture files and spent a half hour checking out all of the footage of himself in the locker room. He laughed several times at the footage: "Man, didn't you figure out I was doing that for the camera?" he asked.

I replied that after a while I suspected, but that no, I hadn't really figured it out: "I was too busy staring at your cock and balls...Sir" I replied.

He got up from the computer revealing a massive thick full erection: 9.5 inches; 8 inches around; foreskin retracted, and precum draining from the slit.

He walked over to the bed and sat up on it with his legs spread wide. "Then come over here and get a closer look boy" he said, flashing a smile with those blue eyes twinkling.

I went to the bed, and kneeled at the end of it, extending my stomach on the bed to rest my mouth near his throbbing dick.

"Lick my balls boy" he commanded, and I rushed to fulfill his order.

After a time he directed me to take each ball in my mouth, which was quite difficult with the size of them but I managed it.

Finally, he said what I was waiting for: "lick my cockhead".

I stared down at it for a second, no longer covered by the foreskin; throbbing and glistening with precum, drops of it flowing down his rod. I extended my tongue and licked up his precum, tasting the salty sweet nectar.

Next I circled his cock head with my tongue like I was eating a dairy queen cone: only this was a lot better. He gasped a bit, as his uncut cockhead was extremely sensitive. Then I nibbled my way down the shaft using my lip covered teeth. He shifted his pelvis a bit. Finally, I took his cock in my mouth, or at least the half I could get in without choking. Soon I was going down on him with abandon.


The encouragement just got me going faster and within 10 minutes I felt him spurt: at least 6 separate hot jets of semen hit my throat. It tasted like he had shot a cup into my mouth, though that is not possible I suppose.

After shooting his load, Zack became the tender quiet boy again. He nestled his head next to me, ran his hands over my body; played with my cock and balls, and asked me to hold him. He fell asleep quickly in my arms butI had trouble falling asleep: I was intensely turned on by Zack, and intensely confused. Was he going to be a tough S and M master; a gentle boy; where was this going?

Next: Chapter 2

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