Young Black Driver

By Daemon King

Published on Mar 16, 2012


Young Black Driver part 1 The Rapper

                          • Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. Any similarities to actual persons or events are purely coincidental. - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey Rodney, the boss wants to see you!"

"Oh shit! Hope I didn't do something wrong," I mumbled as I walked towards Ed's office.

If you didn't catch it, my name is Rodney. I'm a 27 year old black man who recently lost his job at the office but also recently got hired at this chauffeur company. I'd always loved to drive and knew the roads like the back of my hand so it was sort of a no-brainer when I saw their want ad in the paper. Anyway, I got into Ed's office, hoping I hadn't committed some error that would get me fired. I'd only been working there 3 months, the pay was great, and like I said I just liked driving around.

"Rodney, have a seat," Ed motioned. I sat in the small, uncomfortable wooden chair. Ed was what you probably are imagining: a pudgy/overweight Italian-esque guy leaning back in a leather armchair.

"What did you want to see me about?"

"I got a job for you but it's high end. I mean real high end."

"How so?" I got excited. High end usually meant overtime pay and tips from rich passengers.

"Now don't get excited. Lemme explain. He's a celebrity and as you know the music awards are tonight so that's where you're taking him."

"Great! Who is he?"

"You know the rapper KaiRon?"

Did I know KaiRon? Who didn't?! He was the hottest new rapper on the scene. I listened to his music all the time, having bought all three of his albums. It was about time they gave him the big award for his hard work.

"But why me? I've only been here three months."

"Remember this. The driver and the client have to get along. Not only are you, well, black to be frank, but you're also one of the youngest drivers here. I figured you'd mesh better with him than one of those crabby old guys we out there, right?" he laughed

"Sure, Ed. This is great." I thanked him, even thought I found the whole "well you're black" thing slightly offensive but I understood his logic.

"Go home and get some rest for tonight. He's hired you to take him around until morning."

I could barely contain my excitement. I was celebrating when I got back to my apartment, however, I promised myself that I wouldn't freak out when I met him. I couldn't let Ed down like that; he was counting on me to be professional. Plus, most celebs hated the fan freak out moments, at least that's what I'd heard.

I woke up around 5pm and started getting ready. After my shower, I stood in front of the mirror admiring myself a bit. All my hard work in the gym was paying off. I finally got that nice washboard look to my abs, and my v-cut was showing more clearly than ever. My arms were bigger and stronger, and when I turned and flexed my shoulder muscles bulged. Now imagine all that combined with my smooth, chocolate skin and you won't hate me when I say that I was a pretty hot number. I'd gotten my hair cut earlier that day so it was edged up sharply, and my face was clean-shaven. That was enough self-admiration. Anymore and I would start running late. I put on my uniform: white inside shirt, black slacks and shoes, black Nehru jacket with a black cap to boot. I was looking pretty sharp. One last glance over and I was out the door. Tromping downstairs. Hopping in my car, and I was off.

I arrived at the garage on time. The guys had the town car ready for me. It was a beauty. Shiny black with chrome accents perfectly polished. The beige inside impeccably clean and smelling fresh. With no time to lose, I took the wheel and rolled out, heading to KaiRon's townhouse. It was a really nice place. It was a Spanish-style hacienda with red clay tile roof, whitewashed walls, a flag-stone paved courtyard complete with fountain, a small lawn, and trees lining the path to the front of the house. I circled round the fountain, stopping in front of the large patio. Some security guys approached as I stepped out. They asked me the whole 21 questions, including looking at my ID card and driver's license. Finally, they let KaiRon show his face.

I knew he looked good in photos but he looked even better in person. He was just a bit shorter than me, and two years younger, but his body was on point; toned, firm, and athletic, with smooth caramel-brown skin, baby dreads, and a thin mustache. He was dressed in blue jeans, high-cut sneakers, a gray wax-cotton jacket with black aviator shades perched atop his head. Why these guys wear shades out in the evening I'll never know. Point is, he was a hot looking guy. Oh yeah, I am gay, if you didn't figure it out yet.

"Yo homes, sup?" he greeted, pulling me into a bro-hug. I was shocked at first but reciprocated cautiously. "Glad to see they sent a brotha and not some rap-fanatic white-boy."

"Um, yeah...So, shall we get going?"

"Sure, bruh. Let's roll out," he grinned, pulling the shades down over his eyes as he hopped into the back seat.

"What's you name, homie?" he asked as we drove along.


"What hood you rep?"

"I don't rep any hood. I'm just a driver."

"Aight, I respect that. No time to play gangster when you making real money, huh?"

"That's how it is," I smiled, mimicking a line from one of his songs as I looked into the rear-view mirror to see his reaction. I couldn't help myself.

"Oh, I see we have a fan," he grinned, "which of my songs is your favorite?"

"Oh man, I got several..."

The fan-boy in me burst the doors of professional restraint. I was rattling off songs and lyrics while he just listened, nodded and grinned. Eventually, he joined in on my monologue, and we ended up engrossed in a deep conversation about the direction hip-hop was going in and his plans for his next album. We were so engrossed I almost missed the turn.

"Shit!" I hit the brakes and KaiRon flew forward, hitting his head against the seat pretty hard.

"Muthafucka! You tryna kill me?!"

"Sorry, man. It just-"

"Don't call me man! It's KaiRon. We ain't friends! Just fuckin' drive!"

So much for a fat tip at the end of the night. I had messed up big time by letting myself lose my focus. I just hoped he wouldn't report the incident to Ed. We arrived on time at the venue. The red carpet was laid out and lights from cameras were flashing non-stop. KaiRon slammed the door as he got out. Dude was still pissed. He looked like he was about to say something to me but then changed his mind. As he walked up the carpet his mood turned 180. He was all smiles for the cameras. Meanwhile, I felt like shit as I drove to park round back with the other chauffeurs.

I was prepared for the worst as I waited on KaiRon. He walked right up to the car and hopped in without saying a word to me. I took a deep breath and hoped beyond hope that he wouldn't call and tell Ed I nearly broke his neck. OK, that was exaggerated but that was probably what he would say. He was a celebrity after all. Only as we were driving along the highway back to his place did he finally say something to me.

"I'm sorry, Rodney," he said quietly.


"I'm sorry! For yelling at you and shit. My bad."

"OK. Don't worry about it," I said.

"Nah though. It wasn't cool. We were both distracted with the convo. It wasn't right of me to get crazy like that."

"Don't worry about it. It's in the past."

"My nigga," he smiled, "so we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool."

"Great! Turn this bitch around and let's hit the club!" We headed to Club Ebano. I thought that was odd as it was known to be the most liberal of black clubs with no discrimination against gays, transgender or non-blacks.

"Park the car round back then come in, OK," he told me.

Wow! It was awesome to be back in his good books again. I'd never been inside Ebano, though I'd always wanted to. Now I was going to get in free because of KaiRon. I parked out back and walked back to the front. KaiRon was right there waiting for me with a bunch of women in tow.

"Come on in, sir," the big bouncer unhooked the barrier and let us through.

Inside was even better than I'd ever imagined. The music was loud and reverberated through my frame but I hadn't heard a thing from outside. People were all over the dance floor and bar, chatting and having a good time. Wild lights were flashing and spinning. It was kind of confusing at first. We headed straight to the VIP booth. When that door closed, the craziness of the main club was silenced; only soft R&B could be heard. A spread of drinks and finger food was already laid out on the table. Some of the ladies were already helping themselves.

"From now on, you can call me Kai," he told me, "we real homies now." I grinned and thanked him with a dap. He actually seemed like a really cool person after all.

The songs changed tempo to more sensual tunes, and the ladies, 5 of them in all, offered to give us lap dances. Kai didn't refuse so I just followed suit although I wasn't interested. The one giving me the dance started grinding on my lap with the rhythm, lifting her skirt, etc. I can't recall how long those sensual songs went on but somewhere along the line, I heard a moan that broke me out of my bored haze. I looked over and Kai was getting head from the blond girl. My eyes bulged when I saw his dick. It was pretty thick.

"Like what you see, homie?"

"Yeah...a lot..."

I was unsure as to how to answer that question correctly. I was liking what I saw but what I was focused on and what he was focused on were probably two different things. Either way, he kept the blond's face down on his thick erection, her pink lips stretching to encompass it. He must have noticed my annoyance as another woman joined the first in trying to excite me.

"Yo! All you bitches get out! You're upsetting my boy!"

"What? Are you serious?" one girl started.

"Are you deaf?! I said get out, bitch!" They knew he was serious when he yanked the blond girl off his dick and tossed her to the floor. Once they all left, he turned to me.

"What's the deal with you, my man? You a fag or something?"

"What?" I was a bit stunned. We rehearse what we'll say over and over in our heads but when someone asks us that question so directly, we tend to freeze up, don't we?

"Are you a fag? Yes or no, Rodney," he said, staring into my eyes.

"Yes," I said, swallowing hard. I was pretty sure I'd had it. He leaned back and sighed.

"I thought this might happen."

"Y-You knew I was?"

"Not knew...more like...hoped."

He lunged and planted his lips on mine, knocking me flat on the futon. At first, I was ready to push him off but then I thought, why? I had him were I wanted him. I reciprocated, parting my lips. He accepted the invitation and slid his tongue in. He moaned softly as I started sucking on it while my hands groped his ass. Gently, he pulled away from me.

"You feel pretty good, homie," he flashed that characteristic debonair grin of his.

"You too, homie," I replied and guided his lips back to mine.

He opened my jacket and my white button-up undershirt, running his hands over my chest then down to my belt buckle. He groped my hard dick through my slacks as I opened his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. I did the same with his underwear, leaving his cheeks vulnerable.

"That's a nice ass," I whispered between kisses, copping a feel of his soft, smooth bubble-butt.

"And this is a nice dick," he countered, "I wanna feel it inside me."

He fished it out and wasted no time engulfing it in his mouth. I leaned back in the seat, moaning. I couldn't believe my luck. Not only did I meet my favorite rapper but now I was going to get to fuck him. I pulled him off my dick and stood, removing my clothes. He followed suit and we were both totally nude. I felt his muscles as I kissed along his chest, sucking on his nipples; along the mid-seam of his abs then tracing his v-cut with my tongue as I closed in on his dick.

"Ohhhh dang, homie," he sighed, writhing as I engulfed his entire length.

Despite its thickness, I managed it pretty well, getting it to the back of my mouth. I moved slowly back and forth in time with the slow, sensual music filling the booth. I raised his legs, licking along his balls to his asshole. He cooed as I started to eat his booty. His whole body shivered and he squirmed with delight from my twirling tongue buried up his chute. I got him pretty wet with spit then pressed two fingers in, all the way to the knuckle.

"Fuck me, Rodney," he begged.

"You want this good dick in you, homie?" I teased him with my dick at his back entrance.

" gotta use condoms though," he noted, fingering through a bowl of chocolate buttons and withdrawing a condom and a packet of lube. I didn't even bother to ask. I slipped on the latex, lubed up my shaft and his hole, then pressed in. He gasped as my dick-head popped inside. He pushed against my chest to slow me down but I kept going at a steady rate of descent until I felt my skin touch his.

"Go slow, man. I ain't get dicked-down in a minute," he advised.

"However you want it, baby I got it, for youuuuuuuuu," I sang a line from another one of his songs, leaning in and covering his mouth with mine. I slowly pumped back and forth with his legs around my waist. His ass was tight, and, although I preferred a good raw fuck, I was loving doing him with the rubber. I increased the pace a bit as I sucked on his neck. His grip tightened and he gazed into my eyes as I started to pound him. He huffed with every thrust, never breaking eye contact, even when I sunk in deep.

"Fuck me, Rodney. Fuck me harder, home boy!" he demanded, biting his bottom lip. I gave in to his demands. I pressed his legs to his chest and plowed him, my thick pipe slicing through his dick-hungry hole. My hips slapped wetly against his skin. The temperature was rising; both of us beaded with perspiration.

"That's what I'm talking about! Fuck me, boy! Fuck this good ass!" he whispered.

"I want you to ride it," I said, pulling him up.

Without removing him from my dick, I pulled us both into sitting position. He planted his feet on the futon, straddling my waist, then began to bounce on my dick. I held his ass-cheeks apart so he could sink further down my pole. He pressed his lips to mine and we made out, hot and heavy as his speed increased until he was impaling himself on my dick while stroking his own thick cock.

"You 'bout to make a nigga bust!" I growled.

"I want you to bust in me. Shoot that load, home boy," he replied, grinding on my lap. His asshole chewed on my dick, faster and faster as he approached his own orgasm. I pumped upwards, slamming into his hole and my orgasm hit.

"AHHHHHHHH FFFFFF-UCK!" I bellowed, erupting inside the latex barrier. He roared almost immediately afterward, spraying my chest with a thick, creamy load. He rested against me, both of us panting. My dick was still rock-solid and firmly thrust up his ass while he gently kissed me.

"Want to head back to my place?" he asked.

Hell yes!

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Next: Chapter 2

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