Young Bailey

By Lewis Morales

Published on Mar 25, 2018


This story is loosely based around characters that appear in another story I wrote, Bailey and Me' which you can find in the adult-youth section. This is a standalone story and you don't need to have read my earlier work, but you will find some crossover between the two as Young Bailey' is designed to be a prequel of sorts, set about 4 or 5 years prior to the other story.

I hope you enjoy reading `Young Bailey'; I do love to receive your feedback so please drop me an email at to tell me what you think. And please don't forget to donate to Nifty so they can keep publishing stories like this.

The usual disclaimers apply - this story is purely fictional and the characters are not based on anyone in real life. It contains male-on-male sexual contact, so if you are uncomfortable reading about homosexual content between and adult and a minor then please do not proceed. In this story the characters are having unprotected sex, but in real-life you should always use protection.

Chapter 1

"Ooooooooooh..... mmmmmmmmm..... ooooooooh!" I moaned as the head of his cock rubbed against my prostate again. I was lying on my bed, staring up at my beautiful boyfriend's face as he plunged his thick phallus deep inside me passage for the umpteenth time tonight. As he drove himself and and out of me, he hit every one of my pleasure spots and the sensations were driving me wild. My constant moaning seemed to be encouraging him to drive deeper and harder, only heightening the experience of him passionately making love to me. His arms were supporting his body weight as his groin slapped against my arse over and over again. "Ooooooh you are incredible!" I cried out before emitting yet another involuntary moan.

"Oh God that feels so good," he replied somewhat breathlessly as his thrusting became even more urgent than before. I could feel little droplets of his sweat dripping down from his forehead and landing on me. His handsome face was staring down at me, growing more and more flushed from the energy he was expending, as his eyes stared longingly into mine.

"Oooooooh. I'm so close!" I cried out as his penis slid back and forth against my prostate again. I reached forward to kiss him as I felt the first signs of my approaching orgasm. He grabbed hold of my ankles, which had been resting on his shoulders, before spreading my legs out either side of his body and he continued pounding away at my hole. My desperate moaning encouraged him to thrust even harder and deeper than before, and I could feel his balls bouncing against my butt as I cried out from the intensity of the pummelling he was giving me. "Ooooooooh... mmmmmm... ooooooooh!" I whimpered as he continued punishing my arse. His hips were moving at lightning pace, and his cock pistoned in and out with an alarming alacrity. It wasn't long before my toes began to curl and I felt the arrival of my climax; just moments later he brought me to a ferocious orgasm and I shot rope after rope of cum between our heaving chests, the sensation sending a shudder through my entire body and causing my eyes to blur. My moaning was soon echoed by the cries of my boyfriend who was shooting his load deep inside my passage and I revelled in the feeling of his warm seed flooding my insides. The intensity of his climax caused his arms to give out, sending his body crashing down on top of mine and we lay there unable to move for several minutes.

"Holy Fuck!" he eventually cried out. "That was incredible," he whispered breathlessly into my ear as the euphoric waves slowly began to dissipate following the conclusion of our marathon sexual encounter.

"Baby you were amazing," I replied before kissing him on the mouth. "That was by far your best performance tonight," I cheekily added, referencing that this was the third time he'd brought me to orgasm this evening.

After taking a few moments to catch his breath, he slowly withdrew his deflating cock and rolled off me, landing on his back beside me. I reached out and wrapped my arms around his sweaty torso, pulling my body to his and we kissed passionately. "Give me two minutes to recharge the batteries and we can go again" he joked, causing me to giggle; from our previous encounters I had learnt that his recovery time was lightning-fast and I wondered whether I could take a fourth pounding. He turned onto his side and snuggled himself between my arms with his back against my chest and our bodies spooning. I held onto him as tightly as I could and gently kissed the back of his neck as we lay there. Before long his breathing slowed and I realised that he was drifting off to sleep; the poor guy must have been exhausted!

As he fell asleep in my arms I began thinking about how much I was going to miss him. Tomorrow I would be graduating from the prestigious private boys' boarding school that we both attended and I would be starting the next stage of my life, so we both knew that this was to be our last night together. At eighteen, I was quite a bit older than my fourteen year old lover and the natural consequence of my leaving school was that it would also bring our relationship to an end. This had been a forgone conclusion from the moment we got together, and neither of us saw any point in dwelling on a fact of life that we couldn't change. I certainly hadn't planned on falling in love with a much younger boy, but it had happened nonetheless; we had just one final night together before I would graduate and I planned on making the most of the short time we had left.

While he drifted off to sleep, exhausted from our love-making, I felt more energised and alive than ever before. I held his tired, cum-streaked and sweat-covered body close to mine as I reflected on the events that had led up to this evening's encounter. To say that our relationship had been unexpected would be an understatement; even just a few months ago I could never have anticipated that I would be spending the night before graduation in bed with this boy. It was just under a year ago that I had returned to the exclusive boys' boarding school I called home, brimming with the energy and effort I knew I would need to make it through my senior year. Like every other senior, I knew that the the academic workload at the prestigious Northpoint School was intense, and my involvement in a large number of sporting teams and extra-curricular groups only added more pressure my already busy schedule. To make my life even more hectic I had been elected as School Captain, bringing with it even more extra-ordinary responsibilities and expectations above and beyond those of every other senior. So the beginning of the new year had brought with it a mix of excitement, anticipation and dread - but certainly never any suggestion that I might fall in love with this boy.

As School Captain I had the privilege of being allocated my own room which was far more luxurious than what I had been used to, and much more impressive than what the other senior students endured, each having a tiny room with just a single bed, wardrobe, and study desk in the main boarding house. In comparison, the School Captain's room was a veritable palace with a double bed, a small living area, a couch, and my own private bathroom. Best of all, it was located separate from the boarding house and had its own private entrance from the road which, according to the rumours, had no security cameras overlooking it.

This last piece of information had peaked my interest from day one, as I'd heard stories about wild things happening in the School Captain's room in previous years that had apparently gone undetected by the staff. It was just a few weeks into the first term when that theory was tested by a late night knock at my door - a knock that would set in motion a wave of events that would forever change the course of my life.

It was just after midnight on a quiet Tuesday evening when I opened the door to find my girlfriend, Sara, standing there. She was a boarder at the nearby private girls' school and we had started dating just before the summer break. Because we both attended boarding schools, our relationship relied on a great deal of texting and phone calls to supplement the weekend parties and events where we actually got to spend time together. I enjoyed spending time with Sara, though our disparate living arrangements meant our physical relationship hadn't advanced much beyond kissing and soft touching. Despite the image that some people inferred from my strong physical appearance and rather outgoing personality, the truth was that I was quite shy around girls and still a virgin. Of course now that I look back on it I realise why that was the case, but at the time I told myself it was because I wasn't ready to rush into doing anything. How naive I was.

Sara had snuck out of her boarding house after final roll check and ridden her bike across town that fateful night to be standing at my door. Her friends had told her the rumour about the unlit and unsupervised pathway to my room and she had used this information to gain access without being detected. What I had expected would be a gentle kiss hello, quickly turned into something far more steamy as my girlfriend pushed her tongue inside my mouth, and her way inside my door. Before I realised what was going on, she was kissing me passionately and she had begun pulling down the boxer-briefs I was wearing. It wasn't long before her hands were touching my exposed penis before she shoved me backwards onto the bed. Sara was far more sexually experienced than I was and within a few moments I was naked, lying on my back, and her lips were sliding down the length of my cock.

It was all happening so fast and I didn't quite know how to react. Even though I desperately wanted to be able to tell my mates a tale of sensual love-making that lasted all night, I was nervous as hell and in reality the blowjob lasted less than a minute before it was game over. My overexcited teenage cock exploded in her mouth far sooner than either of us expected, causing her to shriek in disgust as she wretched from the taste of the spunk I had unloaded without warning. My first sexual encounter had lasted little more than sixty seconds and I felt completely humiliated.

Sara tried to hide her disappointment as we lay there in the silent aftermath, both painfully aware that my performance had been, at best, lacklustre. In addition to the shock at what had just happened, I was also embarrassed that my sexual skills were found to be so wanting. As someone who was naturally good at everything I did, it came as a huge blow to my ego to have performed so poorly. Without wanting to sound arrogant, I knew that I was a gifted athlete who excelled at most sports I played, I was on the Dean's List for my academic success, and I was a talented musician who played the guitar in a number of school ensembles, so it was no exaggeration to say that I had never really experienced the humiliation of failure like this before. But I felt pretty crushed by what had happened, even if Sara was kind enough to write it off as excitement and nerves and told me not to worry about it. Looking back, I realise that she was just being kind, but at the time I was far more worried that news of my premature ejaculation would be all over school by morning and I would be teased mercilessly by me mates. As we lay there in my bed in an awkward silence, I closed my eyes to briefly escape the tension in the room.

I had only intended to rest my eyes for a few moments, but I woke with a fright several hours later when I realised the first rays of morning sunlight were beaming through the window into my room. "Shit!" I cried out in panic when I realised that Sara was still lying in my bed cuddled up beside me. I leapt up from the bed and woke my girlfriend from her peaceful slumber with a desperate cry. "Sara!" I yelled at her. "You've got to get out of here!" I commanded. I looked at the clock realising that it was almost 6:00am and any moment now the entire school would be rousing. There would be no way to sneak her off the campus without getting caught once that happened.

"Fuck!" was her first word of the day. "How could you let me fall asleep like that?" she screamed, expressing her panic at the situation we suddenly found ourselves in.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I began.

"I am so screwed!" she yelled at me. "Quick, help me find my clothes and get out of here." We gathered up her scattered clothing and as she dressed I found my boxer briefs and put them back on.

"You need to help me get out of here!" she demanded as she hastily put on her shoes and headed for the door.

"Ok," I replied. I stuck my head out of my door to see if anyone was around; luckily I couldn't see anybody on the path from my room out to the road so I ushered her outside. We managed the few steps between my room and the bushes where she had hidden her bike without detection and I helped her clamber onto it before she took off down the road towards the town. It was only as I turned around to head back to my room that I realised that someone was standing there watching me. I had no idea who he was, how much he had seen, or how long he had been there, but from the way he was looking at me I figured that he has seen enough to get me into trouble.

"Oh...hey. How are you?" I tried to say nonchalantly as I began walking towards him. He stared intently at my face for a brief moment before turning and rushing back in the direction of the boarding house. I wanted to chase after him, but I was dressed only in my underwear, and I was already late for breakfast, so I decided it was best not to follow.

I rushed back to my room to shower and get dressed for school and I admonished myself for ending up in this predicament. I began preparing for the onslaught of gossip that would erupt once the kid told his mates that he'd seen me sneaking a girl out of my room this morning; boarding schools are like country towns and rumours spreads like wildfire through them, so it would only be a matter of time before the entire school found out that Sara had spent the night in my room. I expected that I would be called to account in the Headmaster's office before day's end and I desperately searched my mind to think of a way out of this situation.

But surprisingly, the gossip never came. Nobody raised an eyelid when I walked into the dining hall late and the whispers and rumours never eventuated. I wasn't called in to see the Headmaster to explain myself and by day's end it almost seemed as if I'd gotten away with it. The kid, whoever he was, mustn't have told anyone about what he had seen, though for the life of me I couldn't understand why he'd kept something like that to himself; surely a rumour about catching the School Captain sneaking his girlfriend out of his room would have brought him instant credibility with the other boys.

Even though it was a small school where I knew most of the boys, I hadn't recognised the kid's face so I figured he must have been one of the new boys. Through a process of elimination I worked out who he was, and later that evening I went to his room to confront him over what had happened. But when I knocked on his door I discovered he wasn't there - his room-mate, Kyle, told me that the kid was a swimmer who trained long hours and probably wouldn't be back until much later. Rather than wasting even more of my incredibly precious time on a kid I didn't even know, I decided to head back to my own room to study for the maths test that was scheduled for the first lesson tomorrow.

About an hour later, I was studying at my desk trying to solve some complex quadratic equations that I knew would be assessed in my test, when I heard what sounded like a trolley being wheeled past my room. I looked at the clock and reckoned it was far too late for the grounds staff to be about, so I got up from my desk and headed out to investigate the cause of the racket. That was when I saw him.

"Hey!" I yelled out to him, expecting him to stop and turn to face me when he realised he had been caught somewhere he shouldn't have been. But he didn't stop, in fact he seemed to walk even faster. "Hey!" I yelled out again as I walked down the path after him. "Hey, kid! Stop! I'm talking to you!" I called after him. When I finally caught up to him I grabbed his arm and he finally turned around to face me. As I opened my mouth to say something I realised that he was crying.

"What do you want!" he shouted at me with tears streaming down his face.

"I...I'm...I just..." I tried to speak but I couldn't get the words out as he stood there in front of me weeping. Not knowing what else to do, I threw my arms around his shoulders and pulled him towards me. I enveloped his upper body with my own causing his crying to intensify. It was only then that I looked down at his bulging suitcase and realised he had been running away. "It's ok," I consoled him as I rubbed my hands across his shoulders. "Whatever's going on, I can help you."

We stood there on the path for a minute or two before his crying finally abated. "I'm sorry," were his next words to me as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes and attempted to pull away from me.

"Nothing to be sorry about," I replied, loosening my grip on his shoulders. "Why don't you come inside and we can talk about it?" I suggested.

"No," he responded as he turned away from me. "Please just let me go. Please don't tell anyone. I just want to get out of here. Nobody will even notice. You can pretend you never saw me," he pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," I replied.

"Why not? I kept your secret - I didn't tell anyone about your girlfriend sneaking out this morning, doesn't that mean you have to keep my secret too?" he queried. I thought about his question for a moment then I offered him a compromise.

"Look I'll make you a deal. Why don't you come inside for a bit and we can talk about whatever is going on here. If you agree to tell me what's caused you to feel so upset, then after we're done talking I'll let you leave," I said. "Assuming you still want to of course," I added after a short pause. I looked at his face and noticed his piercing blue eyes staring back at me.

"So, if after I've told you what's going on, I still want to leave, then you'll let me go?" he questioned.

"I promise," I replied.

He stared at me for another moment, seeming to assess whether or not my offer was genuine, before he finally relented. "Ok, I'll come in for for a five minutes."

"Five minutes," I agreed as I directed him towards my room. "My name's Ben, by the way"

"I know who you are. You're the School Captain - everyone knows your name," he responded.

"Um...yeah, I guess that's kinda true," I replied feeling slightly foolish. Of course he knew my name, the whole school knew who I was. "So what's your name?" I queried.

"I'm Bailey," he responded quietly.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Bailey. Come inside and I'll get us both a drink," I suggested as he dragged his suitcase inside and sat down on the couch in my room.

I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of `Young Bailey', and I'd love to receive your feedback so please drop me an email at to tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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