You Win

By Sascha Meier

Published on Sep 22, 2015


You Win - Part 1

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are older then 18. They have fun having gay sex. If gay sex is not allowed in your country, you should consider moving to another one. The characters are not having save sex, please use condoms while exploring your sexuality.I know my English hasen't improved that much, if you keep reading, i keep working on it :)

Two Years ago i first meet him, i took him home on the second date, which was a bad idea. We tried to have sex but it was just awful. Now Two Years later we are still friends but he never stayed over again, he is a nice guy and gives good advice. But i am the one having problems exploring my sexuality. I always want to be in charge, but i end up just being a cocktease.

I was sick of Luca being pissed at me, him never sleeping over and making fun of me because i never really had enjoyed sex. Well here's what happened.

"You said you wanted to talk to me ?" Luca asked

"Yes well... i wanted to talk" i said facing the kitchen table

"Yeah right, you know what ? i am gonna leaf now" he said getting up from the chair

"No wait, i'll make it quick, i know your still pissed at me that i didn't let you cum that night..."

"Go on" he said still standing

"And i know we both like to be in charge and it's not working.... " i continued

"Yes i already figured that out on my own" he hissed

"Well i decided that you can be in charge and you can do what ever you like, as long as it's save"

"Come again ?" Luca said confused

"You can use me" i said quietly

"Your an idiot, i am gonna leaf" Luca said angry

"Wait, are you still sucking on the bonbon ?"

"Yes" he said annoyed

"Spit it in my mouth" i said

He looked even more confused

"You said you think it's natural to spit in guys mouth and i am not allowed to spit in your mouth because you don't let anyone else"

"Well yes but..."

I stood up from the chair facing him and opened my mouth

He walked up to me and spat his bonbon in my mouth.

I closed my mouth, it was pineapple flavored.

"Oh i hate pineapple... i'm gonna spit that thing out" i said walking towards the kitchen

"No...wait...what ? ... SWALLOW IT " he said know almost yelling

I stopped, turned around and swallowed

"Why did you swallow ?" he asked

"Because you told me to" i said facing him again

His facial expression changed. He started to smirk and his eyes lit up. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down on the chair. Luca ran his hand through my hair, pulling my head back. Then he placed his other hand on my Chin.

"open" he whispered

I did. He spat right in. He circle his thumb around my chin, keeping my mouth open, only to spit a second time.

"swallow" he whispered

I closed my mouth and did as told

"nice" he smirked again

He let go of my hair.

"Turn around Aiden" he said sitting down on the other chair

I was now facing him. We are about the same size height, he is a little bit shorter than me but on the chair it didn't make a difference.

He opened his zipper and i tried to do the same.

"No, no you don't touch your self unless i tell you too" he said in a firm and quiet voice

I just sat there watching him, pulling his boxer shorts under his balls.

His dick was smaller then mine and he was cut. Now he was presenting his stiff cock, one hand behind his head and one around the base, fucking macho didn't even bother to take of his pants or boxers. I felt like cheap whore not even allowed to touch my self, while my cock was trying to break through my jeans.

"Your gonna do as i say.... see that ?" He motioned to the drop of precum oozing out from his pisslit

"Yes " i said

"Your gonna bent down, put your tongue out, and lick it off"

I bent down, until his dick was just a few inches from my mouth. He kept it in the upright position with one hand. So i put the tip of my tongue under his pisslit and licked it up.

"Taste it" he said quietly, still one hand behind his head.

I put my tongue back in mouth and got back in to my initial position.

"Taste good ?" he asked

"Yes" i swallowed

"Wait there's still some more" he jerked his head a little and another drop came right out

"Get it, Get it" he ordered, bending forward.

And i did just in time. i wanted to sit straight up again put he grabbed me with his other hand

"You stay right there, I don't want you to waste a drop"

So he massage his dick with one hand while he held me on my chin with the other. Soon another drop made it's way out and i went for it.

"Fucking sweet Aiden, i could do this all night, feeding you my pre juice right from the tap" he yelled

And so he did. Well not all night. But he kept me bent down for the next 15 minutes, my back started to hurt.

He let go of my chin and i sat back up and arched my back.

He flipped his boxers up from under his balls and zipped up like it was an everyday thing.

"Get up" he said walking out of the living room

I followed him into my room. He opened my closet and grabbed a tie.

"Put your pants down" he ordered without even looking at me

Of course i did it immediately.

He laughed "Look at you all wet, you little whore"

I wanted to take of my boxers too but.

"No, don't touch them" he said in a serious voice.

Then he put the tie around my neck. Suddenly his facial expression changed, like he just had the greatest idea.

"You never eaten ass before, have you ?" he grind at me

"Noo... " i said quietly

"Lay on the floor on your back, now"

He opened his pants quickly like, he was in hurry.

I just stood there not moving. Luca let go of his zipper.

He moved his hand between my legs, grabbing me by the balls through the fabric and then moved his lips to my ear.

"It's okay Aiden, it's really clean and you don't have to do much i promise, just taste it.... you will taste many more holes in the future"

He tighten his grip around my balls.

"But this is going to be your first hole to lick and now get on the fucking floor" He said still whispering but squeezing the shit out of my balls

I sunk to the floor, knowing my balls wouldn't have survived if i refused.

He got ride of his pants and also dropped his boxers, but still keeping the shirt on. He walked up to me, until his feet were next to my chest, then he turned around and i got a closer look at his ass. It was a little bit furry and it got bigger and bigger, the more he squatted down.

Then he stopped a few inches above my face.

"Okay now get your face in there and start licking"

I lifted my head from the ground and slowly started to lap between his checks

"Ohhhh nice" he moaned quietly

"All the way from the bottom to the top of my crack"

I did as told.

"Fuck yeah just taste it" he moaned again

He stayed like this and after a few minutes, he took his hands and spread both of his cheeks.

"Circle your tongue around my hole"

Fuck this was hard, not being allowed to move my arms away from my body.

"Okay i want you to push your tongue into my hole" He said in quiet and serious voice

I stopped immediately. I didn't want to do that, what the hell was he thinking.

"Aiden you don't give me a choice, do you ?"

He moved his hand over my boxers, i knew where this was going. A split second later my balls were in his hands, slowly getting squeezed.

So i pushed my tongue into his hole.

"FUUUCK Yeeahhh you dirty fucking slut" he shouted

His hole twitched, i think he was trying to open it up. I just move my tongue as little as possible, not trying to do more then necessary.

But this fucking Asshole soon realized how he could make me go deeper.

"Aiden, hold your head still, and keep your tongue stiff" he ordered

He began to move is ass up and down, fucking himself on my tongue.

"2 years wasted on talking, while i could just have done this instead...sooo fucking sweet" he said

My head was getting tired, i didn't know how much longer i could do this.

"One last thing.."He said putting his hand behind my head. Then he lowered him self a little bit more, pushing my tongue all the way in.

"That's it, don't move, just...aaahhh....fuck" he moaned

After a few seconds he let go of my head.

He stood up again and i drooped my head on the floor.

He turned around looking down at me.


I did and he spat.

Right in my mouth


And i did

End of Part 1

I hope you enjoy it, please send me your comments, thoughts and critics. -->

Nifty needs Money, so make it rain ! (i believe thats how it's called)

Next: Chapter 2

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