By sharper

Published on Feb 25, 2023


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 40 - Messy

So while I was licking Po's trainers this guy in one of the workshops just sort of comes out of there and he calls out doesn't he, "Oi, you!" So I looked up, cause I thought you know like, What if?

He was wiping his hands which was greasy, with this rag, and he face was all sweat, where it wasn't beard; loose blue overalls what were open in the front so I could see his body hair (I glanced) like right down almost to his bush. He wasn't smiling but he didn't seem threatening or anything, just like, interested. "You looking for Jobal's gig?"

"Yeah," said Po.

"It's a bit further down."

"Yeah. I know."

"You got'm well trained innit? This your cocksucker?"


"Lucky you. Sticks his receptive little arse in the air; sexy little cunt the way it sticks it up when it kneels. Taking him for Jobal?"


"Heh, lucky Jobal's income stream! Saw him earlier. I'm sorting his ride."

He was a mechanic, clearly.

"Oh. Right."

"Yeah. He done me a few ... favours."



"So what does that mean?"

"This fag yours?"

"Yeah I said so."

The guy grabbed his own crotch, "Here. Sort this out!"

"We got an appointment. Some other time."

"Can't make time? Jobal owes me."

"I thought you said you owe Jobal."

"Both. Look, does it blow me or what?"

He held his dick through the cloth and I could see that it was a thick and straight fistfull, and I was staring, cause, like I wanted it didn't I?

He started strolling over, wiping his hands' black oil with his piece of rag. "Thing about bottoms is ..." - He crouched a bit to reach my up-pointed arse - "... They GOT to have a cute bottom." He laughed, and Po agreed. He groped my cunt through the nylon of my tracks and rode one finger especially across the line of my crack, patting the precise spot where my anus was and pressing it with his fingertip through the tight material - "... and this has. It's very cute. Very nice. Very fuckable. Very very cute. Can I?"

I didn't know what he was saying cause I was still licking my face into Po's trainers wasn't I? But I suppose Po was ok cause then next - and he said, "Who's that lady?", You know? Like the song? - I felt his hand slip into the waistband and down my line into the hairy space where I was, where my hole was, like, panting. "Wow this is nice. This is tight. Yeah that works for me!" I wiggled my bottom so that his finger ground in. "That's nice." I tightened round it so he could tell I was grateful. He removed his finger. "That's it," and he patted my rump like a man pat's his horse.

"Come on man," said Po.

"You in a hurry man?"

"We got an urgent appointment innit."

"Urgent?" He sniffed his finger and pulled his rag out of the pocket of his overalls again and wiped the juice onto it. "Nothing's urgent. You know when they say it's urgent, it isn't urgent. Never is. Trust me."

"They're waiting."

"Jobal? Keep him waiting. It'll do'im good won't it?"

"Are you out of your mind?! I don't think so!" said Po kicking my teeth so I like, knew to stand up yeah? And we'd get going, I guess.

"Just let me cum in its face."

"Some other time."

The man reached in his pocket and pulled out some notes. "How much?"

"No time. Look, ask Jobal. He'll fix you up."

"His whores don't look as fresh."

"It'll have to wait."

"I can't wait. Here." He held out the notes and grinned. "Just let me cum on its face."

And I admit cause I was thinking, why couldn't he fuck me? He had his lockup where his garage stuff was done and he'd be quick - I could tell he was hot. And I was hot to be fucked like cause EVERYTHING turns me on! So I wanted it! And look at that beard: why wouldn't I want that roughing my muff?

Po sighed, "Ok then -" But he didn't mean 'Yes.' He held out his hand again to take mine and he started walking, pulling me along. "- gotta be going."

But the man in overalls wasn't having it. "They're going to be using you fag," he shouted, at me, as we walked away.

"Look just fuck the fuck off," said Po over his shoulder.

The man immediately bowled over like iron man and brought Po to the ground, rugby style. It was so quick I didn't even see; Po's hand left mine and I was just looking at them round each other on the road like wrestling and Po was trying to get the blokes eyes ... It was odd cause it happened suddenly but was like in slow motion and they was struggling with each other, kicking and grappling. I mean, what the fuck?

But it was real and no one was really winning until I thought, I should do something. So I jumped on the man and held him in a grip with my arms round him and skipping down inside his overalls. His body felt smooth but really hairy and I just thought, if I grab his balls that should put him off. I reached down and cupped my fist round his bollocks and, fuck me he had great junk! So I squeezed and he yelped and elbowed me, which hurt but let Po get free and kick him so he just sort of stopped. I let him go and he relaxed while I just sort of got up. He was laughing like it was funny and just sort of lay there on the ground looking at us and laughing.

"What the actual fuck?" said Po.

"Worth a try," said the man, all laughing even still. "Yeah?"

We realised he was only having a laugh; not much of a laugh but nothing serious. "Do you actually want Jobal to kill you?" said Po.

The mechanic smiled, "We go way back."

"He doesn't like his stuff interferred with."

"I didn't interfere. I was just joking. He knows what I'm like. Tell him Messy said hi."


"Yeah. Tell him I said hi."

So Po grabbed my hand again and pulled me away and like into a run almost, a very fast walk like we was late for school or something, and Messy just stood there where he was.

"Ok. Fucking idiot." He meant Messy.

When we was further out of sight of him, Po slowed down.and pointed ahead.

"That's it," he said, without letting go of my hand, nodding at this one of the arches, a lock-up with red painted steel doors - or I thought it was red-painted and then realised it was rust when we got closer. I mean, it doesn't matter, but it had been red painted but now it was mainly just rust, yeah? Well, we marched right up to it and Po held onto my hand even tighter than before. He was a bit out of breath. So was I. He inhaled deeply like to calm himself and closed his eyes and like calmed himself down. His put his hand in his tracksuit pocket while he took a breath; that's how he was, cause now he was playing with himself and I thought, 'Its making him hard!' He opened them again, then took another breath and said, "Ok. This is it yeah? So don't let me down."

"No Sir."

"Right then. This is it."

He took his hand out of his pocket and banged the door and shouted, "Open up! Police!" Like, a joke, yeah?

But all that while he didn't let go of my hand, warm and moist, and gripped my fingers so tight it crushed. I was sure he cared about me, and he was proud of me, and wanted to do everything right so Jobal and his mates would understand he was one of them and a proper member of the gang. I mean, he was so strong and like in the fight with Messy, yeah? Assertive; like, what he saw in me I don't know.

I thought, like, if I can do this, if I can do this, then I'll prove it, won't I? to him, that I'm worthy and I'm ok to have, like, him owning me, cause he can be proud of me like I'm proud of him. Isn't it? I mean, when I'm marked his and he can take me anywhere and show me off, and everyone knows who I belong to, and show me off how like fit I am and how I took his mark and how he owns me totally like that and I'm his property? and like ... let other Superior Men use me and, and if they want, and admire me and, and if they want to, like, whatever, pay up, like; and he can be proud and say something like, 'Yeah. That's mine!' and he can be proud. Isn't that what this is all about? So like if and when, when they do this thing and I'm, so I'm accepted and one of the pack ... like, I mean, you know what I mean don't you? One of the fag pack. Yeah?

"That you?" said this voice from inside. I think it was Akim.

Po banged on the door again like to say, "Yes it's us moron, let us in!" And he said to me, "Jason, I'll give you 30 seconds to change your mind," while we waited for them to undo the door locks from inside.

When I didn't respond he said, "Hey, fag cunt, you like my dick you like my dick don't you?"

"Yes Sir! I love your dick!"

"Yeah, well when this is over I'm going to ... fuck you and fuck you and fuck you yeah? I'm going to fuck you so hard yeah? I'm gonna bang you right up and that's a promise ok yeah?"

"Open up," he said, banging the door.

"You got him?" said the voice.

"Yeah, hurry," said Po. He put his hand in his pocket and adjusted himself cause he was hard and I think it was a bit uncomfortable. His dick.

"You sure?"

"FUCKSSAKE moron, stop fucking around!"

And the door opened - it needed oil in the hinges cause it squealed like a rat on a spike when they pulled on it to open it, and Po gave it a kick as well cause it scraped on the ground.

And we went in.

So, Po went in and I went in with Po. I followed him. Don't get me wrong: I didn't have to! I wasn't being like kicking and screaming, but I followed him in cause he's like, he's my man and I was going to prove it.

Jobal took Po's hand, "Yeah? wassgoin'?" and they sort of man-hugged, that way like man-friends greet, and Po went round doing that to everyone like a ritual, though that's what they always did when they met so ... it was just their way.

I stood still just inside the doorway and waited for them to tell me what to do - I had my hands behind my back and I was hard as fuck but I didn't know - I mean, I didn't fucking know did I?

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please comment on this episode if you like it. Thanks.


Next: Chapter 94

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