By sharper

Published on Jun 19, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Dean grabbed the neck of my top and pulled me towards the tree so that I had to scramble to keep up, sort of on all fours. As he dragged me the others separated like curtains and let me pass between them into the shelter. I could see they were all watching me like I was some kind of spectacle of nature, like a sunrise or a waterfall appearing before them, or a piece of theatre, like a circus or a bullfight. Luke was rubbing his crotch, "I go first!" He was eager. "Been waiting for this!" I don't know, but Dean seem ok with it, so I was already basically on my knees so Luke approached me with his cock already out the top of his bottoms, waving it in my face, "G'o'n then!" Waving it. "You'll have to keep it still!" I said. "Yeah," agreed Dean as though the expert. "Let him catch it!"

So Luke held it still and I gobbed it. It was moderate length, curved and I don't know but it didn't seem to get properly hard though I worked on it and worked on it. Luke seemed to get impatient as though he'd been sold a dud, and kept on at me to do it properly or else, and slapped my head a few times as if that would help.

"Haha he's doing it! Yeah? Yeah fag. Do it properly!" And he laughed, so everybody else laughed, but I was just trying to give him head despite him giving me slaps, so I wasn't laughing.

Truth is, it did help cause the more violent he was it made him feel more masterful, or more powerful or, or like he was in command, which turned him hard, I think, and being slapped made me feel more like I wanted to suck it for him better so he would stop slapping me and I could enjoy just making him excited and make him cum. Eventually he was moaning a bit and gradually I could tell he was getting close. He was pushing it in with a hesitant rythmn like you do when you're about to unload. My lips were sore and my knees too when he finally whipped it out to finish by cumming all over my face, "Ooh yeah that ..." and he dropped it back in his pants quickly, like that was all there was to it.

There was a thick gob of Luke's cum on my face dripping down so I wiped it and ate it like I always would when if Jake cum on my face - cause what else? And that made them laugh, Luke and Dean. They thought it was funny.

John said, "Was it good?" meaning Luke. "Oh yeah!" Luke was smirking. "It was like did you see me cum?" Luke seemed eager to get John's approval or impress him. John laughed and nodded.

"You're up," said Dean to Po. Po shook his head. "You're up," said Dean. "Nah. I'm good," said Po, looking down at his feet. But his hands were still in his pockets and I knew why.

Dean waited for a bit and then he said, "Alright then, looks like it's me then." He stepped forward and stood in front of me with his legs apart, quite wide apart, and he started to undo his front but quite slowly. I went to help. "Ooh eager!" he laughed. "Just let me," I said. "You know what you're doing I guess," said Dean. So he dropped his hands to his sides and let me undo him and get him out. He had a beautiful cock, just like I expected given his self-love and the constant preening. He looked at me with satisfaction when it came out. The size was good and the foreskin was peeling as it filled up.

"You want it yeah?"

"Yeah," I admitted without thinking. The tip was glistening and the foreskin was soft and stretched around the neck, really red and obviously sensitive. I knew I'd be able to make him love it.

"You really are a fag aren't you?" he said, rubbing his balls and holding it at the base. "You really are a cocksucker," he laughed and shook his hips so that it waved about in front of me and touched my nose. And I no longer thought of anything but that I desperately wanted to put it in my mouth.

"Cocksucker," he muttered. He saw me briefly stare at it. "Go on then!" and I slurped it. It became completely hard super quickly. I could tell he was pleased and he was proud to exhibit his erection to the audience of Luke, John, Jake and Po. He liked having an audience, so when he withdrew it he let it linger there a split second so everyone could see it all covered in my spit and rippled hard and red. A line of precum or spit connected it to my lower lip. Pretty soon I didn't have to do anything because he was fucking my head violently and saying how great it was so that everybody knew. I liked that everyone was watching us because I knew that I would never be like them cause I had discovered something, like it was a memory or something: that I liked guys, and guys' bodies, and guys' cocks, and the way guys were, how they behaved and the things they did, their bravado and strength and energy, selfishness and brutality, and I wanted to be close to them so that I could always enjoy it. I would do anything, because anything I did was making them expose their beauty to me, without their having to think about it at all!

Dean grunted. His beautiful cock increased in speed to a rapid drilling. I could feel that he was close as the rythmn kept changing to get the stimulation to the max. Sometimes he was banging me; sometimes he pushed it in and out slowly. I was always just this hole he was fucking, until finally I should feel him shoot, a powerful torpedo of cum that filled my mouth and made me choke. "Fuck yeah ..." He grabbed my head. "Swallow it all!" I wanted to but it was flooding out of my mouth. "Cunt, don't waste my juice! I'll make you lick it up! He's eating my cum!" he laughed. "Oh this is fucking diabolical!" - in a good way, I hoped.

He wanked it a bit to squeeze out the last into my mouth which I lapped it up. The taste was so ripe, but I wanted more of it. I wanted him to put his fat cock in my mouth and cum in me all over again.

"What you say cunt?" "Thank you Dean," I said, "for giving me your cum." "Hey he's thanking me!" he shouted. "What a fag!" "You done?" said John who had been watching like it was a show on telly. He pulled out his dong and walked forward to me. His prick was floppy and fat. It hung down over his hand as he reached in to pull out his balls. "Lick my balls first," he said to me. I hardly had my breath but started to lick his balls cause just then I felt mad, like I felt really eager cause it was like, This is my purpose, This is what I want, This is it! This is who I am!

"Yeah, like that, yeah," said John, watching me servicing him with all my attention, but his dick didn't get any harder. I tried licking it and sucking it but nothing happened. "Lick my balls again," he said. So I did. He pushed my face into his sack and I sucked them into my mouth, holding them with my lips so that they rested on my tongue, and then kind of sucking them in whilst letting them slowly ride out of my mouth, dripping, and then sucking them back in again. "No lick them I said!" So I licked them and licked his fat dollop of a dick as well.

He let me do that for some time before giving up though I think he liked it and I certainly did, worshipping his junk - it was a fruit I could not consume. "Nah, this is useless!" he announced despondently.

"Can't get it up!" laughed Luke with a kind of sympathetic astringency. "Perhaps you need a real girl!"

"Yeah," John muttered. "I think I do. I just keep looking at his face and I'm like, There's this bloke sucking me! And it just ... it's a turn off!" "Ha ha, Johnny's tackle doesn't work!" laughed Dean proudly. "Yes it does!" John rose to the bait, "Just not for some fag ..." And I thought, 'Yeah that's what I am now, some fag, some cocksucker ...' And I actually felt ok about that cause I realised I was regretting not getting the taste of John's cum in my mouth and I was slightly worried, cause I had this sneaky feeling I was becoming a bit of a cum whore. I wanted cum. I craved cum. I could feel this amazing curiosity to get to swallow more cum and taste more cocks. It was a funny feeling that there was this world of guys out there and my place was to grovel. And suck. And serve. And I thought, 'Now I know what this is all for. Guys own me and this is how I own guys, by serving them ... This is my new life! This is how it is going to be, for the rest of my life!' And I felt great.

So that was John done; I was pretty disappointed. I could see he got hard when he was put back, cause I did look and I caught him playing with it in his pocket. Fuck knows what he was thinking of for it to suddenly get hard like that! I mean, I could have got him off if he wasn't so uptight and I was kind of annoyed cause I wanted it now it was hard and I felt cheated.

That's just the way I am I guess.



Next: Chapter 10

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