By sharper

Published on Jan 10, 2023


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 34 - the edge

'KrKraghK' The crow was still sitting on the balcony making its 'KrKraghK'-ing noise. Lonely crow. Am I lonely? No I don't think so. I've got loads of people haven't I? That crow's right annoying.

Christopher lay still on his back, still breathing hard, and then rolled onto one side and propped his head on one arm so that the entire mass of his body slumped to one side and made him look like he was thin on one side, but a walrus on the other. He was looking at me with approval and a sort of 'fed but still hungry' look ... Not angry like I'd been scared - cause when I'd forgot First Position I thought he was ...! - but more like thoughtful or something, staring at my body like it was for sale.

"You're very much the kind of slave I'd like to have - if I didn't already have one," he said.

"Thank you Sir!" I replied, relieved - though that still made me cry cause now I was teared up with pride. I mean I could feel it, my pride cause of his words, and he could see it in my face: my eyes brightened. I mean, I know I was always trying to be a good sub but I still needed to hear it - like if he came into a shop and it was either me or loads of others that he would choose me. Like, cause I was better wasn't it?

You know how important it is to feel valued ... "Ohh you like that? Hey don't cry then. That's good. Take pride in being good. Even an inferior like you can be the best servant for its owner. You just need to surrender to your owner and then do everything he tells you and then do your best to please him and anyone he makes you go with, please them as well - like you have with me, yeah? - and then everything will be all right. Will you do that then?"

"Ye s sSir," I sniffed.

"Look at you. You're so fag. Super fag. But you can always get to think, 'What can I do to get noticed and get used?' And the way you'll get noticed and you'll get used? Do as I say and everything'll be ok. Will you do that?"

"YesS Sir."

"Dumb down, muscle up, stay hard, and show it off for all the Superior Men you're going to meet. Make yourself into a good servant, ok? What is a good servant? A good servant makes a Superior Man's life better; simple as that! He likes to have something to admire. Something he can show off to his friends. Remember that. Always remember, HE chose you, not the other way around, so he can un-choose you if you don't measure up. You got to make sure he doesn't change his mind about choosing you. So, keep muscling up, keep showing him how hot you are, anticipate and keep him happy."

"Yes Sir." I was feeling that; the pride swelled in my chest and I stood upright for him, tall and flexed and proud.

He smiled when he saw me trying. "That's it. Remember, you are always on display. Even when no one is looking. Flex." (This was all good advice!)

"Yes Sir." I tightened my whole body, trying to show him my body was firm and lean body and at it's best.

"Become the man Po needs you to be. Don't try to be clever. Do you think Urib's clever?"

"I - I don't know Sir."

"Well he isn't. He isn't clever. No one wants a clever sub. Keep it stupid. Don't act like you know. Because you don't know. Do you?"

"No Sir."

His attention was keeping me hard and it was getting even more solid, but I was trying not to think about it, but he noticed it pointing even more directly out in front of me. Like, if I was walking down the street ... Yeah? Everyone would know! Yeah?

"That's a good erection you've got there! I'm glad you're this excited. You like this old body, the admiring gaze of an older man ... It's funny, you wanna cum but you can't cum ... Can't make it go down; how does it feel? Painful?"

"Y yes Sir." I nodded.

"That's right. That's good. Yeah that's good ... What d'you think?"

"I'm just ... I just belong to ... Sir. I don't have ... and ... I ... I ... don't know Sir."

"You don't know. Well well well, good answer! Just for that I'd like to see you cum. I'd like to make you to cum. I'd like to force it."

"P pl ease Sir," I pleaded. "I I ... Po would kill me! ... Sir."

But just standing there, him looking at me, was making me want to cum so much and my throbbing cock was just THIS close. I could feel it. I could feel it from its root deep inside me, like a spurt of wood coming from my rectum!

"You like being naked?"

"Yes Sir."

"Feels good doesn't it being stared at. Being looked at."

"Yes Sir."

"All those punishment marks covering your legs and your back and your cute fucking glutes ... they look so cool ... turn round and show me ..." I did so. "Do you like that? Do guys stare at you in the showers? What do they think?"

(There's a whole lot I could say here about how the guys in the showers when I go to the gym to train or to be instructed or spotted by Urib or when I go swimming and Po comes with me and we are in the shower and all the men who just like blatantly look at me like ... They know! They know what I am! And sometimes they come on to me or ask Urib or Po if they can play with me or something or whatever ... But that's something that came later, so, like, not now, except Gabriel ... and Dhak ... and all those men ... Well, apart from that!)

"I don't know Sir."

"Do they stare at you?"

"I I think so Sir."

"Yeh I bet they do. Do they come on to you?"

"I I don't know Sir. Yes Sir. A bit Sir. I can't help it Sir."

"Ok turn back. Do you like that I like that, staring at all the red marks Po made. It must be so painful."

"Yes sir, I mean, yes I do like that and the pain ...f-feels also feels good, Sir."

"Yeah. I mean, fucking you was good, but watching you trying to control your hard on ... I think that's even more cool," he laughed. "Urib couldn't control it. I had to put him into a cage. But you're tough. Aren't you?"

"Yes ... sSir."

"You like looking at my body?"

"Yes Sir."

"My old body ..."

"It isn't that old Sir! I like it Sir!"

"You do? Why's that?"

"It's a man's body Sir it's it's a man's body. A strong body. It's like a real man body I can ... Sir ..." I wasn't quite sure what I was saying. I mean, I did like his body but I couldn't say, could I? Like, what I liked about it.

"You can? You can what then?"

"I ... I can serve you Sir."

"Yes you can. You like my big tits."

"Yes Sir."

He chuckled. He started playing with his balls again, scratching them and pulling on his dick. Staring at me; he never took his eyes off me but looked me over, tracing a line of inspection that roved all over my body, like it was looking for something, or like it was thinking, which part to eat first ...

"Those hairy balls are fit to burst," he chuckled. That turned me on even more. It wasn't funny!

"I've almost always got an erection Sir."

"I can see that. The colour!" He laughed. "Now it's rocking up and down with your heartbeat! Are you doing that deliberately?"

"N no sir I I c can't help it sSir ..." All I could do was stand still and try try desperately not to think about the blood in my penis!

"I'm sSorry Sir."

He smiled, "That's alright man, you can't help it."

"pPlease please Sir!" I almost laughed, it was so difficult; I could feel the precum dribbling out of my nobhead, run down the neck and over my ballsack. It was agony cause I thought, like I did want to cum but I didn't want to - for my sake cause I knew Po would make me sorry. It was like being fucked; but really fucked.

"What if I touched it?"

He sat up and I was actually scared cause I thought, if he touches it, it'll go off!

"Come here ..." And as he spoke his eyes were like staring at my body, examining me still. But I thought, I'm not sure if I can even move now! But I just about managed to not think about my own body as I edged forward (literally!) until he could reach out and pull me towards him so that he was holding me and rubbing his hands over my muscles, pinching me and touching me, like I was something he found in a shop.

"Do you like having an erection?" "yYes sSir ..."

He leaned his face against my chest and kissed my skin repeatedly, then he put his hand into my arse crack and poked my hole - which stung, obviously, but it made my erection go down just a bit, even though I wanted him in it, cause it was brutal, but I knew he'd wanted to fuck me again and I felt my rosebud relax, like to let him in. I mean, I know he'd cum but he kept on playing with me like that until I knew he wanted to do it again. He was hard.

"Do I excite you?" "Yes Sir." "I can see that! You're a receptive little fucking bastard of a cunt, aren't you? Yeah I like this," he said, getting more excited. "I like this body; I like this attitude ... completely rearranging your psyche to be accepted by the Superior Men you are so attracted to. You know, if Po wants to hurt you you have to let him because it's what he wants and because whatever he wants is for your own good. I mean, it's obvious what you want; but you can't expect the attention you desire unless you actually learn to beg for it, earn it, until it becomes what you deserve."

"Yes Sir."

"Now come here," he said, leaning back onto the bed and pulling me with him so that I was on top of him again and he was cuddling me again with our pricks sort of mashed together all alive and electric. I opened my legs as wide as I could to let him explore me further.



Next: Chapter 88

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