By sharper

Published on Jan 9, 2023


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 33 - babe hole

I liked the meaty underwear smell of Christopher's slippery junk - yes I did!; so what if he wanted? I wanted it too. So I did what he wanted and buried my head there, driven to lick it and taste it and inhale it full on real, and full on, and feel the hair and hot skin on my face, taking his cock as well, sucking his sweat and rolling his balls around with my tongue. He liked that and he let me feast for some time, only just watching and feeling my mouth working it - which I think he liked.

"That's it."

He encouraged me to worship his shaft, repeatedly smoothing my mouth up the hard rippled underside.

"Would you like to sit on it?" he asked, like ever so polite.

I almost laughed, thinking who wouldn't want it? and nodded like a idiot and smiled, "mmnYessSir!"

He lowered his back onto the bed with a sort of groan, using his elbows to support him, and lay, or collapsed, spread out with his arms there on the bed like a drowned body. I crawled up him over his legs, spreading my thighs over his massive hairy waist and thick bush so that his massive cock was rubbing up and down against my pussy and then like finding my hole and then not finding it, trying to open it and then slipping past.

I groaned with pleasure, I couldn't help it, and he smiled.

He raised his arms, like he was swimming, and let them land in the bed above his head, exposing two armpits which he looked at me like I'd I couldn't wait to lick them, soft and warm and his whole body giving off a kind of confusing stench, a man's heat and his armpits and clothes.

"Go on then," he said.

I sort of lay on him like a beanbag, with my taped hands folded into my chest, and put my face right into his big hairy under-arm; he seemed to want it that even like he knew I was hungry for his pits, licking it like it was pizza. He let me lick the other one as well. All the time he was just gently rubbing my cunt with his prick. I licked his fatty nipples and his neck. He definitely wanted that cause he said so and encouraged it - even nibble it a bit, but not to hurt him, more to show him I was hungry and wanted it. Which I did! He just moved a bit to give me something else to get my tongue into. Then he grabbed my legs, stroking my thighs and touching my buttocks and just gently touching my hole until he decided it was enough and he pushed me to kneel up and I positioned myself over him and held it straight so I could force it up into it - my hands were still taped, remember; so this wasn't as easy as I just made it sound.

So now I was kneeling with my knees spread across him, with my hands resting on his belly in front between my legs and kneeling up and I lowered myself down so it went into it and found a way to enter myself with it and push myself down in stages so pretty soon I was fucking myself on his fat hard shaft the way he wanted - "Yeah babe fuck yourself on it ..." - which meant spreading my legs as far as and getting it in as deep before l raised myself up and letting it almost come out before dropping myself down onto it again. Like that. And repeat.

I thought I was doing fine and I was enjoying it but suddenly he looked angry and slapped my leg, "Fuck that's .. you better grip or you're gonna make me wish ..."

"S sorry Sir ..." There was a crow outside cause just then I heard it 'KrKraghK', that noise it makes, cause that reminds me of the sound Po's whip makes.

I remembered that what Urib had said, how "... he likes to just sit or lie and me fuck myself on it; he like to watch me do it. Like when I moan he likes that. He likes when I really drive it in deep and it hurts my inside. He likes that. He likes it cause it means I'm well fucked. He likes to watch me do it and he can stare at me fucking myself on top of him. He likes that ... And he says things like, 'You're pretty you know that? Do you like being pretty? Do you like being fucked? Not much point being pretty if you don't like being fucked is there?' He says things like that. And I just say, 'No Sir. No Sir I like being fucked!' I always sleep between his legs, so I can always feel it. He knows I need that. I mean, I don't know what I lived for before I came out and got my owner. It's a mystery to me because NOW I live for my owners cock and I'm always hungry, but it just seems so natural he's my owner, but sometimes I just can't believe it!"

So now I was moaning and riding Christopher like rodeo and arching my back, I could see why Urib liked having sex with him. His big body was sort of enormous and comforting and the way the held my waist, gripping it round like almost with one hand and squeezing my bottom and smoothing his hands over my shoulders, pinching my nipples - "Good babe" - even stroking my hair, made me feel beautiful and sexy and like I really wanted to screw myself on him like a complete rent whore!

"You like that babe?" he said.

"Yes Sir."

"You well fucked? You like being fucked? Course you do. Course you do. It makes you feel sexy, your sexy body, all muscles and smooth hairy. Such lovely muscles and tight little fuck hole pussy. So tight and pretty. You like being pretty?"

It was like a script.

"Yes Sir."

"So say fuck me, I want to hear it. Beg."

"Please Sir please fuck my fag pussy please Sir," I moaned like a girl trying to get bred.

"Yes that's it. Ride it. Slowly. Show me you love it. Be my babe hole."

So I yeah I arched my back and worked my hole so I was tight on him and sliding myself on it like a stripper dancer what I worked it like moaning and saying all, "Yes please Sir deep fuck my hole Sir pleasnghyeehsir ..." Like a girl did. Cause that's what he wanted isn't it? Me and my inner dialogue; like I must be an idiot trying to please these Superior Men like I'm capable of meeting up to their demands. I'm going to never be good enough. But I am their inferior. I just feel this need to please them. Like I could feel him in me and I was being as slutty as I could, totally piercing myself, holding on to him with my sphincter like a fist around his shaft and each time it sank in my balls landed with a thwump on him, making me want him more. I didn't say anything but I was like fucking myself on him and it was like in my imagination he was this brutal stud, except that he was ...

"Can you feel yourself fucking me Sir?"

He smiled and nodded. "Babe." There was this like sweat shine in his skin and I could feel it hot and wet in his hair when I pushed my palms down on his chest to raise my buttocks and then down again, driving him in. "Babe." I mean if you'd been fucking yourself on it you'd'a done the same thing. You'd'a stretched your pussy for him. His thick pole just wanted what you'd gave to him wouldn't it? "Babe ..." Like I was working myself on him and working him, letting him feel himself in me til he exploded.

*** 'KrKraghK' There's this crow keeps sitting on the balcony and making a noise. 'KrKraghK'. It's right annoying it is.

When he finished I stayed there fucking myself so that all of his cum soaked into me, entered my gut and filled through my entire system. He was breathing heavily for a while, stroking my waist and looking at me like I was his angel fucking cock with a heavenly arse like all the stars and magical beauty. "You wanna cum babe?"

I was so hard and so ultra stimulated, with his prick rubbing my hole and my balls and dick bouncing off his furry belly I was that close but - you know - I did not. So I said, "Yes please Sir I want to cum ..." and the stress and strain of it on my face must have made him impressed cause he laughed, yeah?, like, like he knew it, and he knew I wouldn't, cause - well, I couldn't could I? Cause if I could I knew full well I'd be a lesser fag for it, that I couldn't cum even if I was on the real edge of it like now ... he cupped my balls and squeezed and tickled between my legs with his fingers and I thought that was it, I couldn't not, but he let it go and then just traced up the vein on my prick to the ripe head and smiled, cause he was still inside me and he could still feel it when I gripped on him and rubbed my hole on him and moaned.

"P p lee ase sse ss ss ssSir rr ..."

He laughed. "You like fucking yourself on big daddy's cock yeah? You wanna cum faggot? You wanna cum babe?"

"Y yy yye. esss S ssSir rr ..."

"Oh yes. Course you do. Yeah I can feel it. Keep it tight like that. Suck all of my seed in. That's it. Feel it all rise ... within in you ... breeding you-r ... whole body ... Oh babe ... That's it ..."

I could feel his sperm forming a great foaming mass inside my rectum and forcing it's way into my bloodstream.

He was speaking to me so gently, so softly, like he was inside my head, and he touched me here and there with his fingertips like I was so ripe it would bruise; lay on his back, breathing heavily. "Babe ... yeah ... take it all ..." But then told me abruptly to get off! Like it wasn't a moment and I, well I had no choice! I got off; I eased myself off - letting him leave my anus with a wet plop - and knelt-walked back off the bed and stood up - he indicated me to stand on the floor again, on the floor by the bed - which was still difficult with my hands taped! And with my cock still hard sticking out and quivering, and trying to look right - standing straight to attention, waiting for him to give me further instructions - he was quite calm but also like quite happy, put his hands behind his head to look at me. I mean, I was breathing quite heavily mainly cause of the strain of my erection wanting to bust. I was desperate. I was so aroused.

"First position," he said, "come on babe, you should know that!"

So I put my taped hands on my head correctly and stood up straight like I should, like Urib had thought me. "sSorry Sir," I said. "I'm sorry Sir!" And I started to cry again cause I thought, 'He's going to beat me, or tell Po and Po will beat me ...' and I was afraid, but also, I was proud, cause, 'Yes!', I thought, 'Yes! I can do this!'

And I thought, if I was walking down the street with this stuffed down my trousers I'd be everyone one could see it. But that only made it worse.

"Are you crying? Hey babe ... That's so cute. I love it when a male a grown man cry. You're such a catch!"




Next: Chapter 87

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