By sharper

Published on Dec 18, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 29 - morning wood

It had been a long day. When we woke he was wrapped around me like I couldn't move and I was hot from being in his arms like that. Po didn't say anything, just lay a long time like that barely moving but just enough that I knew he was awake, breathing against the nape of my neck. It was really warm and lovely and comforting. Eventually he let out a long like a yawn breath and told me to lick the night out of his arsecrack. "I always want you to do that..." "Yes Sir."

And I thought, 'Yes!' I slid down; under the covers (but they fell off the bed) he half lay on his stomach, with one leg at an angle so that his hole was exposed and its hairy gap and I could see his bollocks resting on the sheets like they was still asleep! He had closed his eyes. I put my nose into his ripe crack and started licking the juice out which was really sharp cause his crack was well ripe! And it felt good cause I was thinking like, yeah this was HIS smell, this was HIS arse, this was HIS smell and HIS taste and I thought, like, yeah, I liked it it, it was HIS flavour and he owned me and I was learning it; I was learning him and his body and his smells, yeah? I was learning his flavour; his masculine taste. It was ... And he was enjoying it, it wasn't just me, it was him just enjoying it, enjoying what I was doing, having my tongue in his cunt and licking it out as well he was enjoying. He was rubbing it on my face and I knew he was hard cause he was rubbing his hardon against the bed as well and he was like really getting it - cause obviously he was hard on in the morning wasn't he? And he wanted to cum first thing - I mean, he had to be before he could do anything, didn't he?

So that was what he did, rubbing his crack on my face and I did his balls as well. He opened his legs the more I licked him so I could get in deep then he rolled onto his back and his prick - I mean I could feel his prick hardon fattening even behind his balls where it kind or emerged and then went in again like just behind his arse, and he was grinding himself into the sheets as well, really - but now here it is and I licked it up its length, its curvy shaft and its barrel throat, and sucked in the head into my throat so it was really swelling, like, in my neck.

He took my head and fucked it all different speeds before he said, "Come here you cunt," and I crawled up to him but thought he wanted to kiss but he made a face and "Eww I'm not licking that; you stink of my shit!" So I just sat across him and he held his dick up and sat myself into it and fucked myself on it, which he liked.

Cause he was watching me and my face.

I mean, I wanted it so deep but I didn't think he could go that deep but I opened my legs and spread so much it went so far into me I could actually feel it actually hit my stomach from the inside where it hit when he held my waist and slammed it up as far as he could and bruised me like a punch as well. So it hurt good.

"Do you want it? Yeah!" "Y-ues Sir I Sir!" "Do you wWANT it?" He slammed it and punched me inside. "Y-ueh Sir pl, pl, please."

"You know what I want!" he said.

Until he was cumming inside me and really forced it up - deep as I like - trying to be filled - ripping me apart - except that - I was doing it - to myself - on it!

He was really into it!

And when he was finished we was both breathless but I didn't kiss him, I just eased myself off and dripping cum down his shaft I stood up First Position with his cum all squishy between my cheeks and he got up, rolled of the bed and went to shower and I shat, so that it didn't drip, and though my cock was still hard and standing up. He was showering when I stood up and I was thinking like, coffee toast or something. For him. But he came out and took the towel I was holding for him and, I don't know why but I thought it seemed right, I fell to the ground and kissed his nice warm clean feet.

"Here what you doing your shitty face on my fucking toes!" I'd forgot. "Now I gotta wash again!"

"I - I'm sorry Sir!" I cried, immediately like I'm starting to well up! I sat back in my heels and then knelt up all sad because I thought, with his arsecrack juice on my face I can't do anything! It was like a curse! And like when you're stupid it was like I would never be able to kiss his feet or do anything ever again!

Which was mad cause all I had to do was wash my face!

I was so stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I just knelt there unable to think what to do and I was thinking, he's going to punish me all over again and I was so sad, I was literally crying and crying, like, "I'm so sorry Sir I'm sorry I-s-s-So sorr eeSir Sir!" I sniffed and I was like breaking down and I didn't even know where that came from only I was crying and crying.

I mean, I'm like this hairy man aren't I? but I'm crying like I'm little again ...

"I I I I ... I didn't think Sir I'm sorry Sir I'm really sorry. I'm really truly sorry Sir please Sir don't ..."

"Don't what?" he asked, unsure why I was so upset, I mean, a bit upset, but this was way over the top - I was really upset and I just like suddenly I couldn't control it. I was sobbing and I was like, I mean ... fucking stupid I was so upset like I was crazy or something and I was crying ... and crying ... and crying ... and crying ... and crying and

It was like I completely lost my grip.

Po squatted down and out a hand on my shoulder, "Hey there little bear cub," he said, gripping my shoulder like I really was a little bear cub who was crying and needed something. "Stop crying. It's not that ... serious ... Is it ... I mean ..."

But I kept crying and I sort of couldn't stop.

"S'ok you've been under a lot of pressure lately. You've been extreme. Haven't you?"

"No Sir - I mean, yes Sir but it's not that Sir I ..."

"I understand," he said.

I took a deep breath and I had my nose all blocked and I said, "Are you going to punish me Sir?"

And he said, "Yes."

He stood up and I wanted to kiss his leg or something but I couldn't and I started crying again.

"Fuck me you cunt just get in the shower and calm down ... Go on! Jump!"

I leapt to my feet and got in the shower, which was hot and I thought it was too hot - cause he had been showering me cold to harden me up and I was sinuses to that this hot water felt like it was the wrong thing to do! So I turned it down but he reached in and turned it up again. He rinsed his feet and then let me stay and told me to keep the heat up - just because I was so upset or something.

He even reached in and held my hand for a little, like to check I was calming down and he let go slowly, like he was balancing me, like a house of cards and I might go down at any moment ...

He looked through the steamy glass at me and the look on his face ... "I'm going to fucking slam you when you get out," he said. "You fucking self-pitying cunt. I can't have that! Displays like that? You're not a baby; you're a ... You should be able to take it. What good are you?"

"I'm sorry Sir!"

"You're not sorry. If you were sorry you'd stop sniveling and shut up instead you're being pathetic and I haven't even done anything!"

"Nno Sir I know Sir I'm sor-" But then I just completely lost it again and I was like just blubbing and the water was going in my mouth cause I was like uncontrollably crying like wasn't I? It was mad!

Po looked at me. Then he told me to come out. He let me dry and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the main room like I was made of rag, but I could tell he had lost it cause he was basically fuming; his hand on my wrist was like a vice grip and he hurt my arm pulling me through the flat. I almost tripped up he was so angry.

He basically threw me into the room and I sort of stumbled against the sofa. I wondered what he was going to do. I mean I was sort of excited cause he'd jolted me like out of my self pity for a bit. But also I was scared of him, I mean like this. I'd never seen him so angry. His face was completely serious and unrelenting.

"I I'm sorry Sir I I've stopped crying now sSir I'm sor-"

"It's too late," he interrupted. "You've got to learn, I can't have that! I don't care how difficult it was to deal with it, you just deal with it, ok? You're a slave, get it, so you obey and you don't snivel. Fuck me Jason -" (he used my name) "- you snivelling piece of shit you slime why do I even bother?"

"I I I'm sorry Sir! I am. I'm truly sorry. I lost it. I'm sorry Sir."

I could feel my arse hole open and contract like it didn't know what to do, like it wanted to be fucked but it didn't want to be fucked! It felt kind of cool because it was like, yeah, I liked it, but, no, don't, you know, like, don't, don't hurt me. Don't hurt it, my arse, with like a whip or a strap or something ... something nice ... like hurt me but don't hurt me - Yeah?

I know ...

"Bend over!" he said. I actually didn't want to. "BEND! OVER!"

So course I bent over the back of the sofa and held onto the back with my hands as tight as I could before he hit me and he hit me. H A R D !! I don't know what with. It was a piece of wood or something. Talk about 'morning wood'! I don't know what it fucking was. It fucking hurt. It fucking ... FUCKING DID! But I knew I had to take it. So I gripped the sofa and spread my legs, you know, like for for the next one.

"Some days are not for getting out of bed. Wish you hadn't now I bet. You thought yesterday was all there was but this isn't going to stop. This is all there is."



Next: Chapter 83

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