You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Dec 9, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 27 - poppers and the strap

Well possibly I was breathing hard. I was standing Position One which is actually quite a hard and tiring position if you are doing it right, cause you have to strain every muscle to stand up absolutely perfectly straight, and you back is arched and your stomach is tense so, and your ribcage in - everything right - plus your arms are in the air when your hands are on your head which is tiring. Obviously. And I wasn't thinking about it at all but I think I might have been breathing heavily just to maintain it. I hadn't realised but I think I probably was breathing heavily I imagine.

"Look at me," Po said super-calmly, as though I was in a panic (but perhaps I was). "Look at my cock. It'll help you to concentrate. Just think about it."

Perhaps he thought I was frightened. But I wasn't. I was excited. But it's different isn't it?!

He lay with his feet apart; the strap and those poppers were on the bed by his foot, and he was just staring at me like he, imagining he was going to use them to really hurt me a lot, and yet he wasn't even doing anything and I was like all ready but he wasn't doing anything, just lying there with his cock half at rest like even he wasn't sure exactly yet what he was about to carry on or not carry on anything!

"Yeah kneel down cause I'm fucking sick of you standing like that man. I mean, it's good cause it shows respect but it cranes my neck to look at you."

I knelt, keeping my hands up which is a bit like kneeling one leg at a time balancing a big plate on your head.

Then he suddenly did like a crunch and his stomach hardened into a bridge and he sat up, lifting his legs and half crossing them, placing one hand on the bed - and he leaned forward to pick up the belt strap, which he stroked and started playing with, and then the tiny bottle which he held in his thumb and finger and like rolled it, like a cigar or something. Like he was enjoying them as nice objects rather than as instruments to hurt me which is what they was. Or thinking about it.

"You're going to enjoy this," he said, feeling the strap through his fingers and shaking the little bottle. "Do you believe that?"

"Yes Sir." Well I did! I did think that there was some way it would hurt but that I would want it and really want it; but I forgot to factor in the way your body becomes this kind of involuntary thing when it's subjected to loads of straps across the back and legs and backsidw; it tries to avoid the pain like naturally and like twists and also you scream cause it just hurts and so you can't, you know, like, not scream. In fact you start begging for him to stop hurting and just stop! It's quite odd that you can't do anything to stop reacting, and you're totally like totally focused and everything and straining to take it and

But then he opened the bottle.

He had been holding me down in the bed and beating me with the belt strap folded in a piece round his hand and just beating and beating me, leaving marks, holding me down where I was trying not to be hit and he just stopped and I thought, 'Yeah that's it. It's stopped.'

I remember once I was on a train and I looked at this guy sitting two empty seats away, thinking he was really lovely and kind of innocent-looking and sweet and probably gay and probably even sub and he would probably like to suck some cock like I would, even on the train if he could get some guy he saw in the corridor next to the toilet compartment where they could both go in. He had really lovely reflective black hair and his skin was shiny like something had been polishing it and then he had a bit of a shadow cause he was one of those hairy ones wasn't he? I could see the hair on his wrists where it started up his arms. I thought, 'Oh yeah he's definitely one like me but, I mean, I don't know, but even if he is, well ...' And what I meant was, fucking hell, if he was tied to a bed and beaten with a two-inch wide thick leather belt strap and over and over and again and again and even if he was begging to stop then when Po said, 'Are you asking me to beat you again?' then he wouldn't cry and say, 'Yes Sir please yes Sir please yes Sir pl-!' He might be a fag used sub but he wasn't like me. He wouldn't do that!

But I would.

But then Po just stopped. He was probably quite tired or something cause he just stopped but he did something and then crawled round to my head and sat, or knelt so his legs were folded in a big valley either side of my head and

Obviously my face was all wet cause by now I was really crying and I was frightened cause I thought, 'He doesn't know when to stop! And we're all by ourselves and there's nobody round to make him stop!'

But it's ok, cause, like he said: "It's ok. Ok. Stop crying. Stop crying. I've got you baby. I've got you. I've got you baby. It's all right now. I'm here. Hey now. Stop your crying. Stop crying. Where are you going, hey? Where are you going? Are you looking for me? What are you looking for? Is this what you are looking for? Is this where you are going? What do you want? Is this what you want? Is this what you want? Do you want your Master? Do you want me to hold you? Do you want me to stop? Do you, hey? Do you?"

Then he took that little bottle and opened the lid and then he held my head like a baby and he put it under my head, under my nose with one finger over my nostril and the bottle next to my other nostril and said, "Breathe in breathe in," and I did, "hold it. Don't breathe out. Ok. Ok breathe out. Again. That's it."

I mean, I wonder if that guy on the train had ever taken them (he looked like he would) cause they were like ... this, you know when Frodo puts on the ring and everything is different? It was different. Clearer. It was! It was this different human being and was all, Yes! All this and Yes! to everything. Like Po said, "Now what? Are you ready?" And I was like, Yes! Do it! I said. And Po said, show me you want it, and I was like Yes! And I did. I showed him by arching my back and sticking my arse into the air like for a good target - Harder! - and he thwacked it and I was like, Yes! when he said did it hurt and did I want it again and I was like Yes! when it felt him raise his arm again to hit it and I raise my arse to help it, like, Yes! Here it is! Hit it! Don't hold back!

It was

"Oh baby take that!"

Oh and his cock was just bobbing about next to my head and I FUCKING wanted it FUCKING did! Cause just then he just sort of pulled on my chin and twisted it and opened my mouth with his hand and lifted himself up and stuck it prong in my head all curved and at a funny angle so when it went in it was difficult but I just wanted it! FUCKING Yes! Like my heart was absolutely thundering in my ears but I could breath like magic and I could take it and take it and when he took it out and then put it back in I was gagging like I was choking without it. "Yeah take that."

"Do you want it?" Yes! He did it again, both nostrils and I just heaved up as much of it as I could suck into my lungs and I felt like, Yes! Whatever it was! Yes!

"You all right baby?"

I nodded best I could.

"You ok?"

I smiled and nodded. Yes! My head was spinning.

"You want more?"


"You want more of that?" My whole body felt amazing! Like a spring that was tight and about to jump into the air and even when he touched me, with his cock still in my throat, even his fingertip on my shoulder felt like it was deep inside my head. I literally could not get enough! I nodded desperately. Yes! I did!

"You want more?"

Yes! Please! Sir! - I grunted cause I couldn't even speak cause his cock was sliding between my lips and I was sucking it as hard as I could, tightening my mouth around the shaft like a face cunt. Cause I loved him. Cause he gave me another sniff and I was like, Yes! More! and he fucked my head and whipped me with the strap like over and over and over again and then straddled me and fucked my arse and he was sniffing the bottle too so he was super hard and I

"You are my cunt what are you?"


No matter how deep we was we wanted it to go deeper, we did, and our heartbeat were racing like this just one great big machine pump driving it all round and we, he Hit me! with the strap again, FUCKING let's, Now! Turned on my back and he was so deep in it opened up and was looking in my eyes while he was kissing me and holding me like he has to crush me and

cumming somehow FUCKING so hard it made my cunt scream. Or I did. And then we was just laughed - so bad - then slapped my face and spat like he wanted it, and then when he said, "Sorry baby, but you do know I had to do that didn't I? I needed that. You needed that." Which I knew. "I needed to break it. I needed to break it completely. And you needed it, didn't you? I think you're ready now. Do you think you're ready?"

And I said, "Yes Sir I'm ready."

He laughed cause there was a bit of my shit on his nob when he took it out. But he put it back in and kept on wanking his cum in and out slowly and over again.

"Sit on it, fuck yourself on it. I want to watch. Want some more poppers? Here."

"Yes! please Sir, I do please ..." I wanted.

"You like them. I knew you would. It's another thing."

"nYes Sir."

"It helps you want the pain, yeah?"

"nnYes Sir."

"But it makes it like it you want it more."

"nYes Sir."

"So you want it."

"Yes Sir." ffuk "So you take it."

"Yes Sir." ffuk "So you do want it."

"Yes Sir. Please Sir."

"Here then ..." And he held the tiny bottle to my face. ffuk "... Do it to yourself. Take it."

So I blocked one nostril and inhaled from the other and vice versa, then he took the bottle and did himself and then put the lid on and put it on the bed and I sat up on him and fucked myself on his cock.

I did and I watched him watching me fuck myself on his cock which was still a hard prick which pretty soon he was holding me down on his hips when I went down and once it slipped out and I managed to grab it and put it back in and

Pretty soon he had to cum again though he really had to take over and like fuck me properly up the back on my, with me on my face and him just drill ramming it fast, just that he could get some more out of his balls into my arse.

It was. ffuk

"Did you cum?" I mean, what if I did? But I always said yes. "You did?" Like it was his achievement. "I mean ... Did you? Fuck, you did! You had to cum! Did it? Yes? Or didn't it?" "I'm not sure Sir I - No I I I think I cum." "Where's the mess?" "I don't make much mess," - which is true cause I don't cum much even if I do cum, so I might have. But I knew I hadn't cum cause of how I felt: still I wanted more; it, poppers and cry and beg for more of it. Everything Sir



Next: Chapter 81

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