You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Dec 2, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 24 - sweet dreams

The air was still fresh with the evaporating dew of morning - even though the day was half by. I walked quickly until I was out of sight of the old man and then ran like the wind to get home. Strange the way my building, its door, the stairs (I couldn't be bothered to wait for the lift - I ran up two by two) and my own front door, and then the flat itself, seemed empty as though waiting for me.

I pulled off my clothes, dropped them in the washer to wash, and then fell on the bed and let my heart die down. I tried to think what I had to do but I couldn't think of anything: I was tired. So I closed my eyes and dozed, just to see if it helped. The washer sound gently squeezing and squelching in the background ...

I mean he must'a been quite old - what, 60? - and still able to get it up and - sometimes I wonder what happened to the men who first possessed this soil; the old men; the fathers? I feel them all like ghosts now, and I see them in our own faces ... am I a sociopath do you think? But then what if you were going to die tomorrow; what would all of this mean?

When I woke ...

When I woke ...

When I woke a beam of sunlight was across my face from the window; hot and bright and shining all pink and orange through my eyelids, it was just like lying on a beach except for the sound was of passing traffic not the waves and the surf fizzing on shingly sand (the washer sound gently squeezing and squelching in the background) and my hard cock. I felt so dozy, I was out of it, I felt so nice! My skin all naked and warm all sort of tingled like there was a load of tiny insects with tiny feet all but not creepy, just standing on my skin like on a tent and gently drumming with their tiny little feet so that this delicious vibration sort of all through me, into my muscles and even making my hair quiver - that was my heartbeat as well making like a drum in my chest.

I felt so strong. The workout and then being fucked and sexed by every guy ... like I was the best sub who ever lived, like I was this muscle boy who everyone wanted to use! It was so cool the way no one said, Oh who's this? Oh what's this? They just knew, and they used without speaking until every one of them had used me.

I could feel my arsehole so fucked I could practically breathe through it! and I imagined Po coming in like a dream and I was throwing myself naked at his feet in the worship pose Urib had taught me - spread on the floor like a rag and stretching towards him with my arms and palms down, knees separated and my arse slightly raised as though begging. That's what I would do. He would see me and approve of me and he would fuck me as well, even harder than anyone else and cum in thick ropes that he shot so deeply into my body they came up my throat like a meal.

And he'd be so happy!

Basically with this dream I didn't want to wake up, but then I realised I had to - there was jobs and stuff and he could turn up any minute and would too! And and then what? If I wasn't ready it would ruin everything.

I had to be ready. I had to.

I heaved myself off the bed and and then thought about the flat and about food. Everything had to be tidied up and there had to be a meal. I was running around the flat like a naked rat - it was sexy to be naked and thinking about how like everything I do, yeah? Everything was for him. And even being naked, was for him to approve even if he wasn't there to see it. Like if he was there, what would he think? He'd like it wouldn't he? And like I cleaned bits of the flat I knew he wouldn't look and tidied clothes - hung the washing up - and drawers and even refolded stuff that was already folded and washed all the old plates and put them away so everything was tidied and I don't think the flat was ever this tidied and I was just sitting there, on the floor by the door, waiting for him to come back, waiting all naked with my bum on the cold laminate-flooring. Just waiting and trying not to think about my cock even though it was pulsing, or about my hole even though it was feeling so good and used, or even the taste of all those guys' cumshots which I was still tasting when I burped and it slightly rose again in my neck - I had so much cum in me I thought, I don't even need to eat! I'll just serve him his dinner and kneel and watch, or not watch while he eats it but just crouch on the floor and maybe kiss his beautiful feet. Cause you know Po has beautiful feet!

He has beautiful feet doesn't he!

Like everything else that's beautiful about him.

I wonder if he'd like me to suck his cock or lick his balls and tickle the skin of his scrotum while he's eating? I could do that. I could put my head between his legs and perhaps he'll stroke my hair while he's eating. I'd like that. But it's up to him. He can do anything - you don't need me to tell you that! Cause he he owns me isn't it? and he's a Superior Man! And when he's eaten I'll get him tea and some afters - he'll watch me do it all naked and vulnerable and fuckable and then he'll want to lie down but he might be too stuffed to fuck me right then, again, so he might like to lie down face down and I could rim his sweet arse cause I know he'd like having his rim licked - like Urib said, Yes he'd like that!

*** I thought he'd like a fry-up, so I had these things like sausages and bread and mushrooms and eggs and tomatoes. The big thing was it'd be stupid to cook it before he arrived cause then it wouldn't be either it would be cold or it would be over-cooked so I had a problem. I got all the ingredients and arranged them like a painting on the worktop next to the cooker and I had oil in the pan and everything all chopped or sliced or, like the eggs I had cracked into a glass so I'd just pop them into the pan as soon as it was hot enough. I decided to fry the mushrooms and the tomatoes cause they could easily warm up. See how I'm planning it? I wanted it to be all right. Cause I'd cooked his dinner for him every day so now was nothing odd, but equally, something changed cause now Urib had shown me that there was always a correct way and a wrong way to do it. It wasn't like, ok get in with it and just do your best, like before, it was all 'this has to be right and this has to be right, and this, and this,' and everything has to be right so now I'm kind of worried cause I want it to be right don't I?

I looked at the flat and wondered if it was all right.

Then I kind of thought I heard something. Like a click and I thought, like, Oh that's him! But it couldn't be him cause he would ring, wouldn't he? But then I remembered he had a key so then I thought, like, Fuck it IS him! He's there!

So I rushed to the door and slid across the floor in my knees and just in time I was in the worship position like what Urib had taught me and I'd practiced a lot with my knees spread flat and my backside raised, my chest on the floor and my face and my arms outstretched towards him, towards the door. Even my fingers I had stretched out so I was completely tense even if I looked like I was just lying there I was actually completely held in that position like a rubber band all in tension and hard.

So I heard the door open and I felt the floor flex just a little bit with his weight.

I kept completely still and waited. He closed the door and stood still. I presume he was watching me, like I was a dog waiting to be told it could move. It was so sexy. I just hoped he was satisfied with everything I'd done, as I waited, and tried to get a sense of what he was thinking even though I couldn't see him, with my face on the ground, and just listening to him like if I could hear him breathe, which I couldn't hear anything ...

"Ok. That's good," he said.



Next: Chapter 78

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