By sharper

Published on Nov 11, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 21 - In the middle

Dhak was kneeling in front of me, just to hold my head so the used clothing he'd stuffed in my mouth to keep me quiet, in my mouth didn't come out and also he was supporting my shoulders when Gabriel was like fucking me so hard I nearly fell forward. So he was helping - he was string - but my head kept on hitting into his body and my face was constantly in his firm flat stomach, which like hard and soft at the same time, and lovely, and I was looking down at his shorts which were tight with his fuckjunk.

Then it was my face went down, or he pushed it, I really was in his gear and he slipped his shorts off, wearing thin black pants underneath over his stuff like nestled up like a baby arm and the rest so it was in my face, short neat black pubic hair and the hairy stomach banging my head each time Gabriel gave it another in my back end.

It was Gabriel holding onto my t-shirt with one fist ("Right. That's good.") like rodeo style, and even that tightness rubbing on my chest made me aware of my tits what were still sore when he pinched them - I mean, not serious, just like to feel them - and slapping my backside as well like to keep tight and keep going. That was when Dhak slapped my face. First time was ok but carried on; like if Gabriel slapped, Dhak slapped, like a rocking horse, and Dhak's pants slipped off cause his prick was hard and it just kind of slipped out gradually into my face, this gorgeous cock, so bearing and sensitive, and then he pulled out the clothes gag and stuffed it in instead, I mean his prick yeah? In my mouth - like I was the baby, dummy! - fucking me for a ride; wasn't as big as Gabriel but was still big and really lovely and as Gabriel was in and out the other end like I was a rocking horse.

I mean, fuck, not that I could think, but it was like that when Gabriel started to moan and his rhythm ... sort of faltered, he was holding it in and each time deeper, ejaculating so far in, so that ... cause that was when Dhak was down my throat as well so he was so deep in; was Dhak cumming? His hands were on my shoulders, or with an encouraging slap, and his pelvis I could just tell was angled to just extend it reach-gagged me to choke. And I thought, was Dhak going to cum? Cause I knew Gabriel was cuming right now - I could feel each squirt - but Dhak as well? His balls were still inside the bit of his pants what hasn't slipped off yet and it felt warm to be, to have him in my face though I thought he was concentrating - on his cock and his cock in me - but he doesn't think about me cause he's that close to orgasm and all he can think about is his cum shooting out, into it and if I'm going to swallow it. And Gabriel too - he's the same!

So what am I?

I am a mancunt.

Yeah, that. That. That's what I am!

Kind of to my surprise but not to my surprise Dhak quickly swapped with Gabriel when Gabriel was done and out and dripping and Gabriel put his runny cock ... in my face, all cummy and stinky, and sort of rubbed it around and then popped it into my mouth for me to clean it and suck out the last of the cum while Dhak went and finished himself off in my hole, what felt sloppy from Gabriel pounding and his cum running out. I mean Gabriel's thick meat tasted of shit mainly to be perfectly honest, which just about did for me now it was in my neck when Dhak was screwing his turn into my arsehole!

And talk about how 'never speak' - which is what Dhak DID never speak, even when he cum if he even grunt I don't think so. So his full weight was on my back with his hands (and his toes a bit) knocking his prick in out super quickly (Gabriel held me up as well to help) then BANG in and BANG in Dhak and I could feel him pumping shots - but he never did speak or even a sound from his throat except for breathing hard - cause he was mointing. Except he WAS happy, I could tell. So what was all that? I wondered if he even had a voice - but he always addressed Gabriel 'Sir'; so he could speak if that's when it came to it, haha.

"Whewh!" Gabriel said, like his sweat, and he wiped it with a towel Dhak threw him. They both were a mess - not like I wasn't a mess though. I wanted to shitfart and wash up basically. And I was worn. I mean like if you've never wanted to felt used then you have no idea what it feels like to feel, like used like this and I was ... basically I was in faggot heaven where I'm basically everything I ever wanted. Obviously really, cause these two hunks just emptied their rocks into MY rectum and I was in the middle of them like their favourite flavour was!

And they were just sweating, breathing and sweating. Dhak stripped and wrapped Gabriel in a big towel and put one round himself too, and then he unlocked the changing room door and we went into the showers - I followed them, bringing my shorts - and there still wasn't anyone, except steam (So like, why lock it? Just in case I suppose.) and then they washed. Gabriel was saying lots of stuff and Dhak was laughing - not out loud obviously but like he got the joke and he was listening to every word Gabriel was saying. They both smiled and put on lots of soap on their bodies, and rubbing themselves - like busy and like 'Look at me! Look at my form!' - except that Dhak also lathered Gabriel's back and everywhere whilst Gabriel only just stood there or lathered himself, like his cock and all that, letting it slip through his hand obviously soft and smooth and nice. Dhak paid lots of attention to Gabriel's neck and shoulders, cause I reckon they needed a massage, and his backside fold with his hand, cause it was magic, wasn't it? Yeah. All soapy.

I've stripped off my shirt and left it outside in the changing room with my shorts and stuff and I'm showering as well, but standing a little bit off - a showerhead between them and me - and I'm showering as best as I can. Dhak gives me some shampoo, so thats all right except obviously I'm all hard a bit as well still cause, like I always am cause I never cum and just turned on.

And when I'm watching and washing as well, and this other guy comes out of nowhere - must of been somewhere and changing - and he starts, I mean not obviously looking but obviously, like me, looking; so this guy sees me and looks at the other two and he has no-oo idea what's going on except here I am with a hard on and so of course he starts to get like he's deliberately ignoring us like we aren't even there then. And then some older man with some sort of disability walking and no hair comes in and he starts showering, looks at the other bloke, looks at them two and he starts to play with his dick doesn't he; and blow me if he doesn't start masturbating like a perv!

I mean ... when I see the old bloke is just watching us and playing with himself I'm like, 'what's this?' Gabriel and Dhak aren't even that bothered; they carry on like there's no one, not anyone else them two - and of course me. But Gabriel sees me and me looking all odd and he says, "Don't mind him. He likes to watch. Don't'ye old man?"

And the old man just carries on masturbating with a smile and winks at me like I'd be interested!

The other guy, the first guy, sort of gets embarrassed and rinses off and leaves in a hurry. So Gabriel waves me over - "Hey you, all good?" - and him and Dhak starts soaping me all over as well like brothers! Gabriel's putting his hand between my legs and playing with my prick and poking my sore hole as well - what it stings. He's washing my hair and standing behind me so his dick slides between my arse and then Dhak sort of sandwiches so he's standing in front and he starts kissing Gabriel and then starts kissing me which is nice to be snogging my face. I'm sort of the meat in this slippery sandwich - meat on meat you could say ... And their hands are all everywhere so I'm like, why not? So I just start to slide my hands over their shiny bodies and get all the tingle of that muscle and hard beefy in heaven enfolded in the soapy arms of these two amazing men. It's like a dream of my adolescence made real! To think they were only a few years older than I was - but when you're young even those years can seem like an ocean of experience, insight and skill and amazing. They enfolded me. But also I was roughly as tall as well - ok weedier but average height; so ok they were a bit taller; so, much more developed muscular but they was men and I was in the middle of them and they was touching and enjoying and we was, and me! Cause we were men! We were all men weren't we? Three gay men! Three of us! It was like we was brothers, like family; and I was the youngest but still, I was really proud that I didn't think I'd ever feel that feeling, you know, if being proud like proud to be me. Proud to be men. Proud to be gay and most of all, proud to be fucked by real men.

And I thought, 'Yeah! Men!'

So I'm all slippery and warm between these two bodies and its nice being in the middle. Then that old bald bloke limps up and sort of starts touching - yeah, he does! He just kind of holds his dick and with the other hand he's joining in and then puts his dick between Gabriel and Dhak and like slides it against me and tries kissing me and holding on to us and Gabriel - give him his due - Gabriel's sort of like, 'Ok join in!', and we are all holding even the old man who is kissing me and I think, Hold on! But then I think, 'Yeah. Why not?'


I mean ... yeah.

Why not?



Next: Chapter 75

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