By sharper

Published on Oct 31, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 19 -- Gabriel and Dhak

I hesitated. "Po will wonder where I am ..."

"Tell him you met me man! Duuhstoopid! Tell him GABRIEL wanted you to hang around. Are you allowed to say no? ... No I didn't think so."

Gabriel stood up. He wasn't so much taller than me or anything, just this pile of unbelievable muscle and manliness. "Shorts."

Dhak knelt and pulled Gabriel's shorts down, revealing a white-grey jockstrap which dug into his large hairy buttocks.

"You look at me like you never seen a man before!" he joked, stepping out of his shorts for Dhak to take them.

I swallowed in awe and gripped that t-shirt like it was a rope bearing all my weight.

"Don't you see men all around you, all men you want to serve? Perhaps they aren't all as great looking as me though!"

"No Sir," I said. It was easy to agree. His jockstrap bulged with huge bollocks and a large cock that curved down but prominently, like it had nothing to prove.

"Give them here." Dhak handed Gabriel his gym shorts. "Put that down," said Gabriel - meaning me put down the t-shirt somewhere. I gave it to Dhak. Then Gabriel tossed the shorts at me. I caught them mid-air.

"Sniff the crotch. It's well ripe!"

He laughed and shook his head so that his hair trembled

I searched out the wet raw mark he was talking about and put my nose up to it. Ripe was the word; it smelt of his arse and the hours where its seam had been riding his crack and everything. It was gorgeous. And I mean, just this manliness and being allowed to get it like this!

He watched me sniffing and sucking on his skids with a curious satisfaction, gently fingering the swelling knit of his jock, and smiling. He laughed, "Ha all this is making me horney! Ok, come here. Put them down. Stoopiduuh! Come here. Do as I tell you. Come here and let me take a proper look. You dim? No I don't think so. So do as I tell you."

So I dropped his dirty shorts on the bench, where Dhak picked them up, and stepped closer so I was almost touching his chest. He placed his hand on my backside and stroked my shorts gently. It was nice. I could feel his breath.

"You're quite the project aren't you? Are you a project?"

"A project?"

"A work in progress; a newbie sub; 'in training' - yeah? Po likes a project ... Well, we all do," he smiled. "Something we can work with and mould like ..." He pinched my nipples and made them hurt - both at the same time - by twisting them and digging his nails through the fabric into the small buds. "... put-ty ... Yeah. Torture you into shape - that the idea?" He let go and rubbed the pain out of them. "You got a tight cunt? You got a tight little manhole have you?"

"Yes Sir," I answered truthfully.

"Yeah I bet. Well let's see. Dhak guard the door would you."

Dhak went to the changing room door, shut it and turned a lock.

"Right," said Gabriel, " You see, I get it. I do get it. You are one of them. You've become clear about your most profound dreams and desires - perhaps only recently? It's still fresh isn't it? I love meeting guys like you. Because it's about brain chemistry. You've gone into your head and you only exist there. You've dissolved and recreated your mind to serve men, and you can't even see it. You hang like a string on the desires of the men who control you. You wait for men, you live for men, you wake for them, you sleep for men. Everything is men and serving them. Men like me. You don't care about anything else anymore. What are you training for? What are you living for? What are you doing here? Come here. Come here."

I was already standing right there in front of him!

He held my waist and let his hands slide over my body like he was measuring me up or looking for a place to hold me.

"You want this?" he said.

I nodded - cause whatever it was, I wanted it, didn't I!?

He lifted one arm and stressed his bicep. "Go on, kiss it." I leaned forward and kissed his muscle. It was hard like a ball and cold even, like stone, but the velvety skin tasted soft on my lips. "And this ..." He indicated his pit, lifting his arm to show me this huge bowl of hair and sweat. "... go in then."

I put my face in his pit. It fitted like a covid mask and overwhelmed me with the smell, as I started to lick the wet golden hairs. His sweat and my lick went all over my face. I didn't care; all I wanted was to lick him out. It was frustrating, but gradually I got into a kind of rhythm where I could just lick and lick him and lick and lick and lick him, mopping up his juices and getting high on the slightly bitter salt taste that had accumulated there.

"Ok. Enough. Kneel ... Right there yes? Kneel up here. Good and ..."

I knelt so that his jock was like really close and I just wanted to look at it and eat it. "Look at me. LOOK at me!" and he raised his hand. "Look at me. Look at me. Don't look away from my eyes. Yeah. Just watch me. yeah. Now o-pen ... open your mouth. Thats it. Good lad." He rested his fingers on my lips and gently pushed them into my mouth, opening my jaw as he entered. "Yeah. That's it. That's it. Yeah. Ok. Yeah. That's fine." I don't know quite cause my mind went blank. All I could think was, 'Yes yes let me let me touch your fingers please please touch my tongue please put you fist in my throat,' - like that was possible! - 'please please do what you want!' But not like words; like thoughts that were all I could have - not even pictures, just the thoughts.

He seemed pleased, sliding his fingers in and out of my lips and making them wet. I looked at his eyes just like he had told me and it was a connection - there - like nothing else I had experienced before, like he was inhabiting me ... He nodded slowly, like he could read my exact thoughts - or more like he could plant his thoughts, whatever thoughts he chose, directly into my brain.

"Now I'm going to let you suck my cock," he said. "You ready?"

Dhak was guarding the door with his back to it, facing us but not looking at anything.

"Yeah that's it. Don't mind him.The doors locked. No one can get in." Cause I glanced at Dhak didn't I? "That what you want?"

His hand was still in my mouth and he used it to make me nod my head. He smiled cause I was like his puppet Pinocchio!

"Ok. You deserve it. You've been good, so I'm going to fuck your head. You're lucky; I don't usually fuck on a first date." He laughed. "Just joking. I ALWAYS fuck on a first date. That's what makes it a date!" He laughed. But he didn't release his jockstrap or anything and I was literally moaning, him filling my mouth with his hand and, well he was sort of fucking my mouth with it. And every now and then he blocked me completely so I couldn't breathe and I had to really concentrate, not panic or choke or cough or spoil it like that.

"So. So Po is your owner is he? Po? Po hasn't got a fucking clue, has he?" He smiled, still just feeding me with his hand, letting me suck and lick. "He's a dickhead. Because, it's like this: you can be born into money; connections can get you a job; even knowledge only comes with education: but to be a man you have to BE a man and you are or you aren't but you don't have to prove it; because, if you are a man then you ARE a man; and if you are a sub, then you are that and that is all you can ever be and live that truth. Like Dhak here. Or you. Or Urib. But Po? He's got a long way before he stops being a fucking dickhead. And I'm gonna hard-ride your cunt while it's still tight and fresh as celery. You like that?"

"ngYe sSr."

"Yes Sir, I thought so Sir. You know how thick and hard my dick is?"


"No Sir. I don't think so either."

I could I swear I could feel the heat of it filling his tight jockstrap; and I was looking at him, looking at me, the hair rise and fall on his chest, towering above my head, and his arm reaching into my neck. And he wasn't smiling but he looked like he was thinking. And course the light coming from the ceiling like a halo ...



Next: Chapter 73

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