By sharper

Published on Jun 14, 2022









I still remember that as one of the best cause I felt safe just kneeling there in the dark getting faced. It felt right for me. It felt like I was in the right place, kneeling in front of Jake. What I liked about him physically most was his gigantic bush which exploded in his lap like a landmine! Course he was definitely the leader of our group, he was the most mature and manly and strong and it was all muscle and when I was with him I felt like I was servicing the most important man I had ever met. When I looked up at him and he was exerting his whole body to cum it was like watching a volcano get ready to erupt. And when he touched me like he was my friend, but also master, and said I was a good cocksucker, I felt like I was in the presence of the pure sun.

The streetlight on his face: he looked like an angel! I was so proud and I tried to make him proud of me by servicing him the best way I could. The one thing that would have made it perfect was if he fucked me, which is what I truly wanted more than anything and what I obsessed about every day. But I couldn't say anything to him about that cause ... it really freaked him out.

He finally finished spurting. I was swallowing and wiping my face. "Ooh bunny got Jakey's cum on bunny's face," he smiled as I wiped it into my mouth; he even helped flick up a bit and put it between my lips, staying a while with his finger to let me suck it. His cum was all over my teeth and the taste of I knew wouldn't go away for ages. I was rubbing the back of my head and wondering if I could cum as he tucked himself back in but he lifted me to my feet like a rag doll from the tarmac where I'd been kneeling all pert like a pet puppy - and he kissed me and said, "Ew you taste of fucking cum! Dis-gusting!" He didn't like it; but the street light was on his face and I could see him smile. Just what it was like before. I felt things were ok again.

As I got to my feet (with his help) I was still as stiff as anything. "Can I cum Jake?" I said, thinking I needed his permission now in case he, you know, needed me for something else. "I gotta go," he said in response, like 'in your own time mate!' "D'y'think there's CCTV?" He scanned around.

I didn't have a clue if there was CCTV or not and I wondered why he cared so suddenly.

I rubbed my head again and he said, "Eww, did I hurt you bunny?" and laughed like I was his pet, but left it at that. He didn't touch me but when we stepped out of the gap he put his arm round my neck like Po had as we walked down the lane. The street light was on behind us so our shadows went on for ages in front - like two penises waving about.

"I saw Po," I said. "Yeah I know that. Like you arrived arm in arm," he laughed. "He knows everything," I said. "The fuck. He just thinks what he wants to think." "Did you tell him?" "Yeah I told everyone. You was there. But they don't know anything. And even if they did know, so what? You blow me. You're a poof. So what?" "I think he wants to fuck me," I said. "You are a toilet!" said Jake in response. "What?! I just said I think he wants to not that he did!" "Fuck him if you want!" said Jake. "He doesn't want to fuck you, you can be sure of that. Like I'm not into it. He doesn't even want you to anywhere near his cock, didn't you notice?"

"I don't want him to. I want you to," I said, impulsively. I had been thinking about Jake fucking me for so long it was almost as though it had already really happened. I thought of him with me on my back pushing my legs apart, spitting on his hand and, rubbing it on his cock and then poking some of his spit into me and loosening me up and kissing me; then when I was really excited and loose, putting it into me and ramming it hard up into me like that and if he came in me and bred me like that, like on the internet. Sometimes it was like a dream sequence where things got pretty weird sometimes.

"Po you can forget," he said, ignoring what I had just said. "He isn't going to fuck you. Remember how he wanted to beat you up? I saved you. You're mine. Right? You're my little cocksucker. Yeah? Remember that: I use you; no one else. You're my toilet, not anyone else's, not Po's! He's a cunt. Don't trust him. He ok as a mate, but don't trust him. He'll do you over." He clearly really thought Po was straight! "Why? What's he done?" "He's just a mate yeah? No more no less. Don't trust him, that's all I'm saying, cause he won't do more than he has to. That's all." I left it at that.

"So why didn't you call?" I said putting my hand round his waist. "I thought we were off."

"Nah, this is alright. Hey!" He didn't like my arm round him. He let go of my neck and ran ahead of me on his toes, turned running backwards and made a signal like, 'Phone me!', with his fingers. And then he just ran full pelt. I guess he was in a hurry.

I was still stiff. I wanted to say, 'You can still fuck me! Like, when you are ready!' But he was already gone. And I was thinking that, 'You don't know Po at all, Jake, even though you're best mates he has secrets you haven't got a clue of.' But I think we all got secrets.

When I got home and I was in bed I get this text which I didn't look at and then a phone call - from Po. He wanted to know if I was still awake, which, duh? He said he'd just texted me so why hadn't I answered and he said he thought Jake ran off a bit quick and he thought Jake wanted another blowjob and did he get one? And did I say anything, you know, about him to Jake?

"Why does it matter?" "Because I want to know! Look, do you want me to come round there?" I wanted to have a wank, so no I didn't want him to come round there.

"Look, Po," I said, "there's nothing to worry about cause I didn't meet up with him anyway. So no, and no, answers your questions." "Ok. Good." Then before I could say anything he said could he come over anyway cause there was things he wanted to talk about. He'd sent the text, so he, like if I'd been awake I would have answered it! So he basically wasn't concerned about what I was, awake or not awake or if I wanted him coming round at late-o'clock disturbing me when I'd basically had already had enough! So I said to fuck off, and hung up.

But I. But I just wondered. I basically just wondered, will it always go on like this? Jake was never going to fuck me. He was never going to stop being straight. I bet if Po had come round that night I'd have lost my virginity that night for definite. I was ready to. Instead when I woke up I would still be just Jake-and-the-gang's cocksucker pooftie sub queer mate. I was annoyed with myself about that. I bit my lip when I thought how getting Po to fuck me would probably transform my life. I don't know how, but I just thought it would. It was like the next step after sucking was getting fucked, wasn't it? And it made me sad to think I'd missed my chance, so I decided that next time Po said anything, like anything remotely like there might be a chance of him and me making out then I'd say yes and go along with him, whatever he said to do to make it happen. It was like a New Year's resolution! In fact I decided to text and ask if he wanted to come round soon as I could next day, after I'd got myself together and so on. I'd seduce him. And I'd be his boyfriend. And that would be great.

But I didn't text.

I lay on my side and on my back and on my other side and thought of various things and rubbed myself and touched myself and found my hole and poked my finger in to see if it really was that tight and I did all those things and still wasn't hard. It was as though my dick had heard me thinking that I really wanted a wank and had decided I didn't deserve one or something. Mr Penis stayed floppy and like he had never heard of an erection like ever. It was mad. I looked at my phone and tried to find some porn but all the images of muscles and cuties and dicks and fucking were like paintings at the National Gallery and didn't do anything for me at all. I started to wonder if I could ever feel excited ever again and thought of Jake and Jake's penis in my face but it was like soft focus, literally, and another dream sequence, because I didn't get turned on. Then I thought about Po in his red tracksuit and his hood round his neck and the zip open to his waist revealing his chest - the crazy sportiness of that tracksuit and the way it hung. And I thought of him in his football kit, his distinctive authentic Ozil 'Emirates' pale yellow and blue Arsenal away-stripe, with his dick barely disguised inside his shorts and the big number 10 on his chest and back and his soft knees and the way he walked which wasn't gay but ... somehow wasn't straight either. He was actually so cute and his closetry was even sort of a turn on, like it was with Jake, except that Po really was a poof like me and it was our secret. Well I had a minor hardon and managed to whack one out before I fell asleep, so ... ... whatever.



Next: Chapter 8

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