By sharper

Published on Oct 18, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 15 -- Secret

"QUICK! Pull down your pants!" I hesitated. I wasn't wearing any pants ... but he knew that ... oh my shorts ... oh yes ... and my bottom was already sore ... "QUICK!"

I lowered my shorts and baring my bottom, leaned over the bench, separating my legs, and felt my cock rub uncomfortably underneath my weight. "B but I didn't do anything ... wrong did I Ssir?!" THAACCK! "UNgghhSorrySir!!" THAAK!

"NEVER! I'm sorry Sir," he shouted over my whimpering sobs. THAKK The blows were all on my sore buttocks and hurt more than before. "ALWAYS: Thank you Sir!" he said.

"B bu but ... Thank You Sir! Thank you Sir!"

"That's it, pouty lips."

But I knew there would be one more cause he hadn't caned the backs of my legs where it would really hurt more than anything and I knew he w-ou-TTHHWAKK!!

And I basically crumpled, or almost did - "Th Th Thank you sSir!"

"Hold it! Hold it steady."

"Y yes Sir tha thah thank yusr."

"Hold on. Just one more. Just one more. I want to see you crack. I want to see it OK." TTHHAAAKKK I think I fell forward, I think, cause my knees sort of buckled and I was struggling I think, just to stay. But there was no let up.

"OK standing now. Standing. Stand up! First position. FIRST POSITION. Come on. Do as I say. Fight it. Don't give way. Stand up. First fucking position."

And I could feel the cane like sway about to land again so I put my hands behind my head, stood up by stressing my stomach into the bench, then straight, weak in my whole body, and closed my eyes, cause I knew that would come next and, also, and my eyes were streaming and my face was all shaking and like tears and I was so fucking fucking fighting not to cry. I mean, I was FUCKING FUCKING yeah? Not to cry.

And I didn't cry.

"Open your eyes; you're fine."

My eyes were so wet.

Urib didn't use the cane. Instead he looked at me and at my willy which had shrivelled away, and smirked, "You'll forget you ever had a cock."

He touched my sore bottom and my legs and - cause I don't know do I? But my cock shot-up again and I was hard even more and I thought, 'I wonder if he'll cane me again?' Cause I kind of hoped he did. Cause it made me so hard, like afterwards, cause I realised it was like the saying says it is, 'He's into pain.'

"You liked that bitch."

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Want me to do it again?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Well that's for later. We got gym work to do now."

I mean, much as I wanted it, I was pretty relieved you know?

He asked me what I could push, what weight? And when I said I didn't know he said, "Oh why am I not surprised ...?"

*** The rest of the time was spent learning how to use the equipment safely. It wasn't so demanding, just to learn a few practical things and the correct technique. So I was fine.

When he wanted to praise me he rubbed my behind to sooth where it was sore. When he wanted me to know I was wrong he took the waist of my shorts and pinged it like just in case I might get the cane.

When we was finished I was still pretty tired through, and even though all my muscles ached it felt pretty good, like I'd really done some good stuff!

"Position two! That should come naturally!" Urib smiled and patted my shoulder, "Yeah, you done OK in the end. Just keep at it. Do you think Po will be pleased with the progress you've made?"

"I hope so."

"OK, I hope so," he gripped my shoulder again and sort of held me like that at arm's length, like he was thinking whether to tell me something. "I know so. You want to please him don't you? OK just one tip. If you want to please Po? One thing you can do that'll always please him? Is: Po likes being rimmed, I know. I mean he really likes it, so you make sure you do that every opportunity, don't wait to be asked, and he'll be very happy. Friendly tip."

I couldn't believe it! "So when he fucked you did you rim Po?"

"I did. What did you think? OK. I'm going to tell you a secret and you can't tell anybody OK?"

I nodded my head.

"Po's got a tight hole."

"He does?"

"Oh yeah. Tight as anything. So he likes being rimmed but also he likes being fucked OK so remember that but DON'T tell AN-Y-BO-DY OK? Cause he'll know it was me."


"How what?"

"How will he know it's you?"

"Cause I know who fucked him, OK?"

"Who fucked him?"

"OK. I know, but nobody else knows."

"Ye-eeah ... But how do you know nobody else knows?"

"Cause he told me OK?"

"What, the guy who fucked him?"

"No-o - Po told me. OK."

"Why would he tell you? I mean isn't that supposed to be ...What if he was kidding you?"

"He wasn't kidding, OK? I could tell. He was ripe from it like you are. Like me. I could tell: he loves it."

It was confusing cause I couldn't imagine Po getting his arse fucked, not him ... But then I could imagine ... and I, then I thought, yeah ... And then that's all I could imagine! And I thought, yeah, I COULD rim him - like I HAD rimmed Luke already; so I knew it was sweet.

"Does Jobal know?"

Urib shook his head. "Jobal doesn't know everything. I don't think he knows. Because if he knew it'd kill everyone wouldn't it? His brother? Look no one knows. I shouldn't'a told you. You're gonna blab."

"No I'm not! But if ..."

"OK don't worry about it you thick cunt, just concentrate on doing as I say and getting it right OK. Look, OK, I'm not ... "

"So why did he tell you?"

Urib stared at me for a bit and laughed. "You just don't get it so you? I'm OWNED, OK? I don't matter. What I want? I do what Po or Jobal or whoever ..."


"Akim as well. He's another one. I do what they have me and if that's keep a secret - OK - I keep a secret. It's like Jobal once said to me, 'You know you didn't want a choice.' Did you want a choice? So I'm saying it's like that."

"But you're telling me, Urib! So who was it? Not Jobal!"

"Fuck off! Look, I do what ANY of them, whatever it is, OK? Cause I'm OWNED see? I'm OWNED and I do what they tell me. So if they tell me a secret, well then that's a secret. It's just another way of owning me."

"So why did you tell me?"

"You won't tell anyone else. They'd kill you. But you got this ... look, understand something, this is what it is. You got to get used to it, that you will get used by anybody and everybody and treated like just this piece of fuckmeat OK cause that's what they want. And they fuck with you but you don't fuck with them. You keep their secrets, and in return? That's part of it. They do what they like. Don't you get it? Don't you even care what's happened?"

"Yes I care what's happened," I said, staying absolutely calm cause I reckoned Urib had been close to just about losing it. "But I just don't get, what's the big deal about it is?"

"Don't you even know what's happened?"

"Yes I know."

"Do you? OK? Do you actually even have any actual idea what has happened?"

"What has happened?"

Urib laughed. "Oh boy you have got to wake up but ... OK. I'm not the one. That's enough. That's enough for one day. I need to take you back to Po. Don't tell him what you know; it's just better, to know him better, that if you are going to keep him happy: lick his hole!"

I nodded, thinking, 'Oh I'll lick his hole all right!'

"Speaking of which I want you to step up your game at home as well. So ..."

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean, dipshit - Is that what he calls you?"

"Sometimes he calls me dipshit. When he's disappointed with me, I think."

"OK. When he's disappointed ... So let's see if he can be not disappointed shall we? See if we can't impress him can we? OK. This: when he gets home today, I want you to present yourself to him the moment he comes in. OK. Naked obviously. OK? Totally naked like just like you just showered. Clean inside as well obviously. Fresh. This is how you greet a Superior Men when they come to the door: just open the door, do not look up, open the door and then, fall! OK? and the moment he comes in it's adopt this position, it's called the Worship position; look I'll demonstrate:"



Next: Chapter 69

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