By sharper

Published on Sep 18, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






King Po took a breath. "All these books," he said, looking about. "You're always the brainy one. You won't be needing all these books but we'd better keep them all the same. You're thoughtful and I think you'll need to keep stuff for your brain even if ..."

"If what?"

"Well there won't be much time for sitting about - even assuming your backside isn't so sore you can't sit," he laughed at his not so funny joke. "Aren't you turned on by it?"

"Yeah but ..."

"But what?"

"I'm just not sure ..."

"Not sure of what? Look I'm gonna make sure. You need to decide what you want. You decide to let me mould you into the guy you can be and everything'll be all right. I mean get you ... under control. I mean give you a proper training, full-on physical and mental and yeah? Like a total programme. Cause then, when Jobal sees you and everyone sees you are total, you'll be accepted and everything yeah?"

"But ..."

"But what?"

"But WILL I be accepted?"

"I don't know. I think so ... You need to be tamed. But if you are tamed I think you will."


"Yeah. Tamed, like broken yeah?"

"I thought I already was broken."

Po smirked. "You thought that, did you?"

"Yeah! I did!" I said.

Po smirked and grinned and then laughed with a sort of cruel coldness. "Yeah. You have no fucking idea. You are such a princess. You think this is it. You think you drink a bit of piss, you take a kick and say 'Thank you Sir,' and you're broken like this little broken pussy. You have no idea. You think you have a mind? You think you know when you're broken? You have no fucking idea. Cause how do I know that? How do I know? Cause I can fucking read too, and I read you and you have no fucking idea cause when you're broken you don't say, 'Aww I thunk I was brokin Duh'. Yeah?"

I didn't speak. I kind of thought it wasn't a good time to laugh at his funny.

"Yeah. Cause you don't fucking think, yeah?, when you're broken - and THAT'S broken! And you don't even fucking think then, anymore!" He smiled.

I think I must'a gone a bit silent and perhaps I looked a bit scared cause he smiled like I was this scared little puppy and made a pouty face like, 'there now', and smiled, like, and said, "It'll be alright. You'll get there."

"Will I? I'm a little bit scared."

"Oww, 'Woos a wittle bit scarwed'," he said like Tweety bird, "Don't be scared! There's no need for that. You'll be fine. Cause you'll be changed and you'll be accepted and, yeah? Brought under control. Yeah? It's natural yeah? You're just this little bit too wild. Too crazy. The mark-up will help, cause you'll get it and it'll never leave you - I mean the experience, yeah? Cause it fucking hurts!" He grinned. "You'll never get over that. You'll never forget it, and it'll change you, apart from anything else, into this willing, docile object which is what we both want isn't it? So it'll help with that, cause it'll help you, you know, get in that mind space. But you GOTTA work, yeah babes? You gotta do the work or this isn't going to work and we'll both be losers. You know what I mean don't you? I need you to be obedient. An obedient little bitch. It's for your own safety."

"But ..."

"Hey! Don't answer back! Do you WANT me to use the strap? Don't make me! I'm telling you I need you to be obedient, and you immediately answer back! I need you to be obedient. It's for your own safety. You want me to fuck you, yeah? Well I need you to be obedient. It's the same thing."

"Yes, I suppose so," I said.

'It's not,' I thought. But I didn't argue. Cause I did want him to fuck me. Cause he did have the best cock. And his cock had grown a lot whilst he was speaking cause I could see it now inside his tracks, so all this talk must'a turned him on.

"You do know what I mean?"

"Yes I do," I admitted.

"Yes you do. Come here."

I took a step forward so he could reach me. He patted my behind gently where he had made me sore, then made me kneel down on the floor.

"I'm so gonna mess you up," he grinned. "I'm so looking forward to it. I'm gonna give you poppers. You'll like that. There'll be no stopping you once you get some of that."

"What does it do?"

"It messes you up."

He nodded and nudged me with his toe. I bent forward and kissed his foot. "I'll be obedient Po," I said. "I promise I will."

"Yeah, well good," he said, "It's for the best. Hey! Just look at me yeah? It's for the best yeah? Yeah. It's for the best, cause now you're never going back."

He stroked his cock through his clothes.

"Never going back?" I was confused.

"Yeah." He stroked his cock. I looked at it. "Hey, here! What's bothering you now fucksake?"

"No, it's fine. I'm just ..."

He stroked his cock. "You're what?"

"I'm just, what about the gang?".

"What gang you talking about?"

"Our gang! Luke and Jake... Dean... John ..."

"What about them?"

"I dunno ..." I said.

"Yeah," he said. "You don't."

"No," I said.

He stroked his cock. "Cause you're never going back, yeah? You're never going back. Accept it."

He reached inside his tracks and pulled his cock out, and his balls - just that; he didn't take anything off - he stroked his cock, the underside, the smooth rippled throat, from the bottom, from the base, to the tip, a bead of his precum. He touched it and caught it and held it out for me to lick off the tips of his fingers. "You want it don't you. Admit it. You want my cock. Yeah? Admit it."

I leaned forward to lick it. "Yes I want it," I said. "I want your cock. Of course I do."

"Yeah. Just tell me what you want. Just tell me what you need."

"I need it Po."

"Yeah you need it. You just tell me what you need and I'll give it to you ok?"

He smiled. "It's for the best." He smiled again, looking at the reaction on my face, "Yeah, I know. You want my cock. I know." He played with his cock and watched me watch it.

"I want it Po."

"Yeah. I know. Well just do what I say. You'll never lose if you do as you're told will you?"

"No Po." I couldn't take my eyes off his cock.

"Ok, stand up."

I stood. I was so erect I was in physical pain.

"Like a soldier."

I stood like a soldier.

Then he stood up.

"I like this," he said. He held my balls and squeezed them so they hurt. I wanted to cry as he made them hurt and hurt. "You like pain ..."

"Ye-yes ..."

"I know you do," he smiled. "And there's going to be lots." And then just as I was about to scream or pull away, he let go and kissed me and I put my tongue in his mouth and he sucked it so hard it hurt as well.

"You're so hot mate, you're so hot. I mean like really really hot right now I really really want to fuck you."

I just wanted it such a lot. I thought, 'If he doesn't fuck me now ...'

But it's ok folks cause he did!

He stood behind me and pushed me forward into the dog-fuck position and he fucked me again with some spit. He just had me on all fours and fucked the living shit out of me. He didn't even undress. He just pulled down and that was it. It was so great. I could tell he was excited cause he was fucking me so fast his cock kept slipping out and he had to keep putting it back in me again. And when it was out I felt this sudden panic and begged him to put it back in again. And when he cum he was spurting for like ages, and groaning, and when he pulled out he took a look at me and laughed.

"Hey I can see all my cum running out of you. It's really cool. I really like it running out of you like that. Just goes to show how much there is cause there isn't room and it's just running out!"

He put it in again and just gently fucked me with his still fat prick in my cummy hole. He grabbed my head and pulled my mouth round and was just like kissing me and kissing me like that, letting his spit run into my mouth and down my throat.

"This is good," he said. "I'm happy with this. Are you happy with this?"

"Yes," I said. "I'm happy," I said.

"You ARE happy with this?"

"Yes," I said.

"Yeah just as well," he said, "cause you're never going back."

I suppose I was excited but frightened at the same time as excited so I was also scared wasn't I? ... but excited. But I think I know what Po meant; he meant that I was permanent and that this ... new life, yeah? it was unreal, like a dream except that, yeah, I was never going to wake up. So it was real.

You know how stories normally end, how they come back in some way to the begining, or there's some closure or something? Like in the Wizard of Oz it ends cause Dorothy goes back to Kansas and everything's sort of all right? Yeah, well this story isn't going to end that way cause: I was never going to go back.

None of us were.




Next: Chapter 54

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