By sharper

Published on Sep 12, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






"You're just like Dean!" I said, bitterly.

He stopped, and looked at me, and then he held me, wrapping his arms round my head like a human turban, and squeezed my head like that way it wouldn't hurt.

Look, I said, pleading - whimpering, my lips against his arm so that I could actually smell and taste him, "don't I get a say? I should, shouldn't I? It's my body isn't it?"

Po held my face in his hands and looked at me calmly and smiled, "Yeah, it's your body. It's your body all right. Yeah. It's your body." He adjusted his posture slightly so he was looking a bit more directly at me. "Yeah. But you're mine. Yeah? You are mine. I own you now, yeah? So I own your body. I own your mind. And I decide everything about you. Everything. And I've decided - because it's a decision you cannot take by yourself on your own - I've decided to do this. I need you to carry my permanent mark clearly so everyone knows who owns you so you're protected, yeah? I've decided to mark you permanently for myself yeah? so you'll never be afraid. You'll never be uncertain. You'll never not know whose property you belong to. You'll always be safe and that way you'll be able to devote yourself entirely to being my bitch. Yeah? Like, how else am I supposed to protect you?"

I was sad. "Is this the only way?" I said.

"Yes it is. This is the only way. So get used to it. Now will you do as I tell you?! Cause if not ... Look at me!"

His hands slid down my arms and gripped my fingertips.

I hesitated. "I don't know, Po. It seems a bit extreme." "A bit extreme?" "Yeah, like who says I have to be, protected? Who says I have to be in this protected state? I'm ok. I can look after myself. I think I can look after myself." "Yeah?" "Yeah and anyway, I don't know if I can even be like this. I don't know. I don't know if I can even be like ..."

"Like what?"

"Like somebody's boyfriend," I said.

Po made a face. "You aren't going to be anybody's boyfriend," he said, "so you can forget that little fantasy. You are going to get used and used and used the way you love it." "Oh?"

"Hey look do you want to be used or not?" "Yeah," I said. "I do want to be used."

"Yeah? So what is that? What is that?" "It's where I suck your cock, and ..." "And what? Where you suck my cock and I fuck you is it? Is that what being used is?" "Something like that ..."

"You fucking loser. You don't even have a fucking clue. You don't even have a fucking clue what being used is yet you claim to want to be. You're pathetic."

I got a bit exasperated, and I think I lost it cause I had this small rant, "So tell me then Po tell me what it is. Don't keep me in suspense. What is it? You seem to know everything. Let me in on the big fucking secret! Yeah, so I want to be used. I want to be your cum dump. At least I'm honest. At least I'm being honest. And what's wrong with wanting that? I do want you to fuck me and cum and I do want to be used! What's the fucking problem? At least I've never hidden what I am!"

No surprise after that little outburst Po was really pissed off. He grabbed me by my ear lobe and rugged it like it might come off, "You cunt, you little cunt, you fucking talkback at me!?" and he started like bitch-slapping my face and like continually shouting at me, "You disrespect me!? THIS is being used you dipshit! THIS is being used!" He kept on hitting my face but though it was red and sore and I was crying he still didn't seem to have had enough. "THIS IS BEING USED YOU CUNT!"

Fuck, he was pissed off and he looked about, "Where's a stick? Where's a belt?" I didn't have a stick. "I don't know," I whimpered. "Where's a belt?" "In the bedroom." "Go and get me a belt. Now!" "What kind of belt?" I whimpered. "Any fucking kind of belt you moron! Get one I can hit you with. Like a strap. Preferably leather. Then I'm going to whip your fucking arse until you get the fucking message or until you can't sit down for a week, yeah?"

I ran off and looked in my wardrobe. I know I shouldn't a been but I was excited! Yeah, I was! I knew just the thing I knew Po would like, and it was my army surplus belt with a really wide strap and double holes. Yeah. He'd like that. And I knew it would hurt.

"And bring it in your mouth!" He shouted as an afterthought.

I found it, folded it and put it in my mouth, really excited, and ran back to him. I ran right up to him and knelt and he took it from me - all stern and angry - but I don't think even he believed he was going to do this!

"That's it. Right. This is going to hurt. I am going to beat you. I am going to punish you, yeah? Do you know what for?" "For talking back!" "For?" "For disrespecting you." "Yeah. Right. Bend over that." He indicated a chair what was strong'nd looked like it could take it. "All right this is going to fucking sting I promise!"

I looked at him. "What are you waiting for?" He said. I had no I idea. I looked at him and then the chair. "Ok idiot. Bend over the fucking chair. Keep your back straight. Stick your arse out, yeah? Cause you do NOT want me to miss!"

I bent forward, presenting my arse for him to strike and held onto the chair seat cause I knew it was going to hurt, I knew it was, but I had no idea how much cause ... well I just hadn't any idea! Cause it might'a been a lot or it might'a been not very much, I just didn't know.

Well, Po wound the strap so that there was a length doubled and hanging off his fist and - cause I peered round and saw him getting that ready - and then he put his hand on my neck, holding me still and I held on tight cause even though I didn't know how much, I knew this was going to hurt and FUCKKk! "Strike ONE!" he said. I screamed and struggled to break free so that he couldn't hit me again but he held me so tight, just with this grip on my neck, and shouted at me, "KEEP STILL FUCKER. Accept your fucking punishment you fucker! Keep fucking still! and ..."

"FUCK!KFUCK!!" I screamed. It fucking hurt! "Strike TWO! It isn't over yet."

That had me crying and begging, "Please don't please don't please!" But I knew he would cause I could feel his body turn as his arm went back and

"FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK!! Please stop Po please stop please stop! I'm sorry. I won't disrespect you again plhplease please sto-stop!" But I felt him strain to strike me again. "NO!!!!"

He laughed, "You should see your arse. It's so red!" "I I I I know I can fffffeel it Po please stop please no more now I can't - - FUUUUUKKK! FFFUUUUUUUKK! FUUUUUUUK!" I screamed at the top of my voice. He paused.

He rubbed my neck and rubbed my arse with the strap wrapped around his fist.

"You can't take much can you?" he said. "How you going to take the pain of a scar if you can't take a few straps?"

But I already felt a kind of lovely feeling where he was rubbing my backside and a kind of strange feeling like if he wanted to give me one more then I could take it, and like I wanted him to touch me where he had hurt me cause it felt nice and I wanted him to hurt me cause then he'd touch me and be proud.

He waited a bit and even undid the strap and stood me up and held me so that he could grope my backside like it was to help me but it was really for him to cop a grope.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked, quietly. "Ok I suppose," I sniffed. "Does that feel good? It feels good now doesn't it?" "I suppose so." "Yeah? It does feel good. It feels good to me too. You done well. Well done. You're a good bitch aren't you hey? Yes you are. I think you could take one more. Could you take one more?" "Oh please don't please Po please don't not any more I'm ..."

"Just one more is all I'm asking. Don't you want that? Don't you want to be my bitch? Don't you want to obey?" I took a deep breath. "I suppose so,"I said.

"Yeah? Sure?" He held my neck. "Yes, I I think s-FUK! FUURKK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK NO PO PLEA-HSETOP!" He struck me again. And I was really crying and my legs sort of went and I was fallen on the floor. Po grabbed me and cuddled me; he held me tight and kissed me and rubbed me where I was sore and the pain was just like a knife had cut across my skin. "Whyyy?"

"There, there, I won't do it any more. You sore? You're fucking red," he suppressed a laugh and rubbed my backside like he was putting a fire out.

I could tell he was really hard.

"Fuck you're a good sub," he said. "And you like being used don't you?" "Yes," I said, sort of crying.

"Say it, say, I like being used." "I like being used," I said.

"Say it again. I like to hear you say it." "I like being used," I said.

"That's a good man. Now get up and put my strap away somewhere safe. I think we're going to use it a lot in future." So I took the belt and rolled it up. It seemed to be still hot from having beaten me. And I put it in my drawer where I knew I would be able to find it and then returned.

"Where did you put it?" "I put it in the drawer."

"Ok. Don't forget it." "I won't."

"Did you like that?" "Yeah," I said.

"I know you did," he said and smiled and kissed me and pressed his hand on where I was still sore. "Don't forget it."

He sank back onto the chair - like King Po - and looked about him and smiled. I was just standing there, like his soldier, waiting for him to tell me to do something.



Next: Chapter 53

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