By sharper

Published on Sep 9, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






I still couldn't believe Po had talked to his brother. Jobal was older and knew people all over - but I do suppose that meant he knew what could be done and what couldn't be done. Perhaps that was it. He had been abroad and studied and even met with some people over there. He was probably the most respected out of the lot. So I WAS surprised, cause he would cut Po's balls off as soon as have a queer brother; or so I thought...

"Jobal said he'd be here by now. He'll be here any minute." Po slapped my backside smartly. "Go put some clothes on."

I got up, found some shorts and a vest and came back wearing them. "What about you?"

Po was still in only his trainers. On the chair in only his trainers. He was so fucking hot! And cause the time we had to cum had passed without happening and now it was gone, so he had to do something with his prick, just like I did, and not look, you know, sex-faced! It was funny.

Then there was a sound from the main door. "Get that," said Po. "Is it him? Already?"

"Look I said buzz the fucking door dumb bitch, do as I tell you. Yes it's him! Who else?" "I thought it might be Jake ..." I said, only slowly starting to move.

Po exploded! "Do you WANT me to kill you? Do you? Haven't I explained? Haven't I said? Just shut the fucking up and do - FROM. THIS. MOMENT. ON! - do exactly as I say and do not question anything I say. Don't answer back. Follow instructions exactly. To the letter. What are you waiting for? He'll know something is wrong! NOW!!!"

I ran to the door and pressed the intercom and opened the door without even asking who it was.

I ran back. All Po had to wear was his short top and his blue shorts that he'd worn to swim and had a bit of space for his junk but not much! Po had picked them up and kinda handled them like radioactive waste. They were cummy and manky. "Here," I said, "I got something else."

"Quick! Not your pansy shit!" "No! Honest! You'll look good! Promise!"

I ran and found a pair of trackies and another top. I'd never wear them cause they were too loose. I ran back.

"Here, throw them to me!" I did

He caught them and then was about to put them on. Then he stopped and grabbed his shorts and pulled them on over his cock and then picked up the tracks again and put them on over it; you couldn't really make out what was bulge and what was fabric! Then he put on his tee and then my top over that so it was open but covered him.just about. He shook his arms like he was limbering up for a gun fight, pointed at the door - "Wait over there!" - and fell back into the chair we had just been having sex in.

I slid to the door and waited for Jobal to arrive.

I mean I wanted it to go well. Obviously I wanted it to go well. Ever since the hickey incident I knew we couldn't keep just going like that and not get into difficulty one way or another. So I was quite eager for Jobal to arrive and sort things out.

"And do what he says as well," added Po. "And show some respect."

Then we both waited.

In complete silence.

Eventually, I heard footsteps. There was a light tap on the door. I glanced at Po. He looked back at me and smiled, sort of seriously. "I want you," he said, very quietly. "Don't let me down. "Ok. "Open it."

I reached up and twisted the latch, then I stood up and pulled on the door and stepped back so that Jobal could get in. It was a bit cramped.

I hardly dared look.

Jobal walked in without a word and looked around the flat like it was Po renting it! "Nice place." "It has a view," said Po proudly, standing up and pointing to the balcony door. "Yeah? Nice."

Jobal had entered the flat like a refugee from justice, covering his mouth and nose with a thin scarf like a desert soldier, baseball cap pulled down to mask his face. Long white t-shirt and lo-cut black jeans. I could tell he was quite muscular. He had the kind of muscles that filled his clothes.

He went out on the balcony with Po, where they stood talking, his back to the view and occasionally looking in my direction.

I waited.

Eventually they came back in.

"I mean, it depends what you want, and if they can do the work," said Jobal, finishing the conversation.

"Yeah I like it," he said looking about. "What about your pad? Rent it out?" "Yeah, it's another income source isn't it?" Po said, resting his backside on the back of a chair like he owned it. Like he owned everything. "Yeah. Could be. If you use it. You could use the pad for trade yeah and then it's all cash, yeah?" "I've got some ideas." "I could help. Let me know about those introductions." "Yeah."

Finally Jobal turned to me. "This it yeah?" I straightened up. "What's this?" He pointed at my neck - the infamous hickies. "This your work?" Po nodded with a grin. "Got a bit over-excited," he said. "No harm in that. But it might affect ... you know. So ..." "Yeah," said Po. "Won't happen again."

Jobal addressed me directly, "You my brother's bitch, yeah? Are you my brother's bitch?" I nodded and looked at his feet, and then at his chin. "He's shy." "Answer him then," said Po.

Jobal smiled and watched my reactions, examining me without touching me. I nodded, and said yes, looking at his feet again.

"He's shy," said Jobal. "Speak up," said Po.

"Are you a bitch yeah?" "Yes, I am," I said quietly.

"Stand up straight. Speak up. I can't hear you." "Yes," I said quietly.

"Still can't hear you. Look don't be afraid. Own it. Say, are you my brother's bitch?" "Yes I am your brother's bitch," I said.

"Look at me and say it." I looked at his eyes which seemed to see into me, like men did when they looked. "Yes I am your brother's bitch," I said with determination.

"Ok. Ok. Glad we got that out of the way. Now we know where we stand. Because Po here has asked me if it is all right. If it is possible for him to have a guy as his bitch, instead of a female like normal. And I said yes, that is perfectly possible except for one thing."

And Jobal started speaking to me, like he was explaining something difficult and all the time kind of staring at me like he was trying to check me out or something. Checking my reactions I suppose.

"Yeah my brother here, Po, he told me what he needs. He admitted it. It took altogether some time but eventually he admitted it. Didn't you bro'?" "Yeah," said Po, "I admitted the situation." "So I said, look, all you you have to do a tell me what you want. All you have to do is tell me and I'll give it to you, yeah? So he did, and I'm saying yes, you can have it. There are certain conditions naturally but yeah you can have it. I said, are you sure? And he said yes. So I said ok then. It's for the best. See, my brother, I'll always give you what you want. You just have to ask for it."

Po smiled and his eyes sort of shone like he was relieved and proud and happy and confident all at the same time.

Jobal continued explaining like I was from another planet, "You've got to understand that for us, when a man isn't a man that's very serious - and you are inferior so that's different, but for Po it would be very serious. But you understand that. So you understand everything what I've just said?" "Yes Jobal," I said.

"Yeah. Course you do. And Po has explained it to you in any case, hasn't he?" "Yes Jobal," I said.

(I wasn't sure if he had explained everything, but I said so anyway.)

"Ok. That's great. Now. Next: let's take a look at you." He flicked his fingers, just the tips, to indicate that he wanted me undressed. I knew what he wanted. I looked at Po, who nodded and said, "Take your clothes off. Jobal wants to see what you look like."

"Everything. Don't be shy," said Jobal.

So I undressed completely and put my clothes neatly on top of my shoes.

"He's a bit hairy ..." Jobal said as I bent over to arrange my things. "Yeah well he isn't a girl, is he?" Po replied.

"I thought you said he was cute." "He is cute," Po said.

"He's hairier than you," Jobal added with a laugh. "No he isn't."

Jobal walked round me slowly, inspecting every inch.

"Yes he is! He's way hairier and I thought you said he was younger." "No I didn't."

Jobal looked at my eyes, pulled back the lids and sort of held up a finger for me to follow like an eye test. "Thought you did. No matter. Clear eyes. Good. Good colour. Very good colour. Popular colour."

He grabbed my nose and twisted it, but I tried not to protest. He laughed. "DON'T! sneeze," he said - cause I was about to, but didn't. I couldn't help it: I laughed and sort of was happy. He was pleased.

"Good. Teeth." I opened my mouth and let him raise my lips to look at my teeth.

"Tongue? Yeah. Good posture?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me so that one hand held the front of my neck and holding the nape of my neck then brushing his hand down the curve of my back, like some kind of slope, to come to rest to just touch my bottom. I straightened up automatically as his hand slid down and made me stick my bottom out. My dick bounced up; I glanced at him in embarrassment.

"No, don't worry. That's very good. That just the response you are looking for. Very good. See when they're like that they're going to be very eager, very cooperative and easy to manipulate, control, and you can do what you want, yeah?"

"Yeah, I found it already," said Po approvingly. "He's very fag."



Next: Chapter 49

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