You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Sep 8, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






"I don't know what you mean," I said.

"Yes you do." And you know what, it's a strange thing, even though I didn't get what he was getting at one bit, I was too frightened, or ashamed, or not wanting to be disobedient or annoy him, or excited, I just said, "Yeah. I know what you mean."

"Yeah. Cause men, like you -" I liked that he put it that way "- men like you can't never mature if they don't admit what they are like. Subs need to know what it is to be sub and not have any hangups about being inferior to the guys they serve yeah?" I nodded.

"Yeah, so you gotta do the work. Yeah? Cause like I talked to my brother and he said, yeah, it's ok but only if -" "So you did talk to your brother. He said it's ok?"

I couldn't believe it!

Po sat up suddenly and absolutely slapped my head with a firm thwack that was like Dean did but not the same, cause he said, "See that's what I'm saying. Don't fucking interrupt me! I can't accept that. That's not the way you should be showing me some respect. You need to shut the fuck up and show me some fucking respect yeah?"

And he was just slapping my head repeatedly while he was saying all this, until I was literally on the ground, asking him to stop.

"Fucking. Respect. Bitch. Yeah?"

Then, cause I was kneeling practically on his trainers and he started kicking me - from where he was sitting at first but then, as he just kept into it, but harder and he stood up, and I mean he was still kicking me, like I was his football and he was doing one of his tricks where he keeps the ball mobile while he sits, and stands, and sits, and does handstands, and all that shit. You've probably seen the video.

"Yeah? Bitch?" I mean it was full on. And he'd never done anything like that to me. Like ever.

"Yeah? Cause that's the fucking point right?! I've got to be the one who you respect yeah? Be my bitch, yeah? That's what my brother said. My brother's right, I can't be like that letting you treat me any way. Interrupting me when you want to speak. Fucks sake Jay. Fucks sake." "Please stop ..." I begged. I think I was hyperventilating. But I'm not sure I was.

"You fucking beg? Don't fucking beg! No I won't stop. Not til you learn, yeah? My brother warned me, he said if I was to do this, whatever this is, I couldn't be the bitch, yeah? That if I was tops then I was ok and I would be accepted, his brother, but if I don't keep you in your place ... you got to keep to your place and OBEY me yeah?"

He stopped kicking me.

I crouched at his feet and I kept very still, hiding my face.

"Cause, it will not work, if I'm the bitch, yeah? I cannot be the bitch. That is not on, for one of his brothers to be the bitch. I MUST be in charge. Yeah? Not the bitch like you. I can have a fag, he says, but not BE one, see? Cause a fag is a bitch. So you have got to ... make me proud, yeah? Make me proud, how? By obeying me, and serving me at all times, and," he rested his trainer in my back and ground it into my skin and then kicked me again but gently, "doing as I say. That way we will be fine. We'll be ok and everything. So it's like I will own you and you will do as I say and that's the way from now on yeah? No backchat. No whining. None of that. Just obey. Yeah? Do you think you can learn that?"

I nodded my head without lifting it. I was literally kissing the floor in front of him. I was all curled up at his feet. "Yeas Po, I can Po," I said, meaning, like to be his bitch? Who wouldn't? "I'll be your bitch! Of course I will! Obey you! I promise!"

"In everything!" "Yes," I said. "Everything."

"No questions!" "No. No questions. I'll obey. "

"Is that a promise, hey, Jason?" "Yes it is. It's a promise."

I uncurled a bit and kissed his feet.

"You look good like that, all afraid," he said and sat back down. But I WAS afraid. I just didn't understand what was going on.

"Hey. Look. I don't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself!" He laughed sarcastically, "Look it's a joke! ... You might not get it. Get used to it."

He seemed satisfied he had made his point and relaxed back into the armchair, spreading his legs like he usually did and using his shoe to tap me sort of affectionately.

His legs made this great valley ... with this incredible ... monument at the the top!

He started to play with himself, looking at his cock while he stroked it, super gently, and touched the tip, and picked up a line of precum like a line of spit; it seemed to respond to him touching it, like it was trained. It stood up when he rubbed it and then relaxed a bit when he stopped; it oozed more when he squeezed it and then just sank and dripped when he let go. All the time he looked at it and looked at me to see that my attention was all on that. He tickled his ball sack and fondled it - that made his dick harder - and then just pulled the foreskin down so that his cock seemed to be pulling on a piece of clothes, the tight collar just curling off the head before rolling back up to cover the neck. All dark black-red. He stroked it just to show me how soft it was, and then pushed it down and let go just to show me how stiff and unyielding. He let it wave and then just cupped it and fondled it so that it seemed to purr and crave more.

"You like that?" I nodded, transfixed.

"Can't hear you. You like my cock? "Yes. Yes I do. Like it." I swallowed. "I do like it."

"Yeah?" He wanked it and then let go and shut his eyes and rolled his head back and groaned. "Oh boy that's hot." He touched his balls again and smiled. "I'm getting close. You want it?" "Yes I want it yes"

"Lick my balls."

Oh god.

His legs were far apart and his cock was standing up. He beckoned me and I crawled up between his thighs. I licked between his legs, the ball sack, the soft seam that ran across it like a ridge of silk - as I licked and sucked, his testicles loosened up and slid about like two slippery eggs. The hair that tickled my face. The tall tower of his dick ...

He stopped me from taking it all in. "Not yet. Look you can get up here and give me a hug. You deserve it. You let me hurt you and you don't fight back. That's what I want. Here."

I put my hands on his thighs and looked at him. He was smiling and gave me his hands to help me. I knew I wanted him to hold me. I shuffled up his body and he said, "Sit astride me. Yeah?" So I sat astride his lap - his thick dick and mine were between us, rubbing urgently - and I leaned forward so that his arms took me and wrapped me and hugged me so tightly I was pressed against his neck with my face breathing into his skin. He was stroking and tapping my skin with his fingertips.

"I'd just like to cum in you and cum and cum and cum until you're drowning inside with my cum yeah? What do you think? Are you going to be good for me?" "Yes," I said quietly.

"Promise." "I promise."

"Will you do as I say always and immediately without any stupid questions?" "Yes Po of course I will."

I. I couldn't imagine anything I wanted more.

"That's good. See I know how you think. And if I tell you to do some ... thing?" "I'll do it."

"Will you?" "Yes I'll do it."

"And you won't want an explanation or ask me to like let you off?" "No I won't. I promise."

"What ever it is?" "Whatever."

"And even if it's like, so humiliating and private but it's in public and everyone can see?" "Even ...?"

"Say it Jason." "Even if it is in public and everyone can see."

"If I humiliate you you won't mind?" "No I won't," I said.

"You like to be humiliated," he said as though it was a fresh thought. "That's good; that really pleased me. All I need is a guy who pleases me, who obeys me and gets off on being my bitch, who wants to do that. And I don't mind if you do wrongs cause then I'll punish you. And I like that."

He was breathing heavily and so was I. We both kept completely still, except for his fingers stroking my skin, cause we didn't want to cum. And I could feel his pulse throbbing through his whole body, and mine.

"I like you," he said. We stayed ilke that for some time, neither of us cumming.

--- "What's the time?" Po looked for the wall clock. "Fu-uk!" "What is it?" "It's late! Jobal said he'd be coming." "Jobal's coming here?!" "Yeah. I'm expecting him to get round here and take a look at you and see what he thinks. You know Jobal don't you?" "Yeah, he's your brother!" I said burying my face in his ear.

"You know him? You met him?" "No. I know of him," I said. "I've never met him. But I know you have a brother and ... You went to see him and ..."

"Shhhh, shh, shush, yeah, well like I said, he said it was ok IF you was my bitch. And you are my bitch aren't you?" "Yeah." "Yeah. Cause I asked him, yeah? So I need to show him, to see what he says. Cause if it's ok then you can be my bitch, we'll be ok and it'll be ok. So I needed to ask him, yeah? Can't keep it a secret cause, well, you know we can't keep it a secret yeah? Not forever. So he's going to get round here and he'll take a look and say if it's ok or not." "What if it's not all right?"

"Look, it'll be fine. Just do as he tells you and let him see that you are a fag bitch and that I'm in charge of you; and, I mean it shouldn't be a problem ... someone like you ..." "Someone like me?"

"Yeah with your skin and your blue eyes, no one can criticise me for that. And in any case, Jobal will vouch for me if he's happy yeah? So make sure he is happy. It won't be difficult. Just be yourself. You're already my cocksucking fag bitch, so all difficult bit has been done!"

He smiled.

"You're quite a prize," he smiled. "But you gotta do the work."



Next: Chapter 48

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