You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Aug 31, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






My clothes came off easily cause they were already not much on, but his I had to do for him like he was drunk - cause when I said, "You'll need to undress as well!", he said, "Go on then!" and just stood there - like he expected it. So I helped him off with his top and then I knelt down, where he was holding his prick like it was so ready, and I was undoing his shoes and as I did so he told me to look up and he dropped a big gob in my mouth and told me to swallow it. He smiled when I did, like he had proved something. "I really like your fag brain," he said with a sort of cruel look.

I mean, isn't it crazy how guys seem to come preprogrammed with this necessity to use and be cruel for sex? It's a gift they get in their heads to automatically operate like that. I mean, do they even know they are doing it? And I mean, I suppose I'm lucky too cause I get it and I appreciate it, and they don't know anything about it. "Be quick!" he said.

I mean, I was being quick as I could be but his laces made a knot and then when I pulled them off and his socks and his pants, he was expecting to put his cock in my gob so I had to sort of ignore that to put the water on and lead him into the cubicle where the water was too cold and then too hot and then too cold again.

He swore, but once it had settled down he let me put some soap on him and he put some on me and obviously we was pretty soon fucking in the shower with water and soap in our eyes and everything was slippy. The soap made my whole body feel nice, so I almost cum on several occasions, but not quite. He realised that he could slap my backside in the wet and it made a cute sound, so he kept doing that. I mean, it hurt, but I was being fucked so ... that was part of it. "You want it," he whispered, striking me again. "Say it. Say you want it." "Yes I do. I want it Luke." "Yeah? Tell me you want more. Convince me." "I want more Luke. Please Luke." And he slapped my head, "Fucking convince me you cunt!" "I do Luke! I'm telling you I do! Please Luke!" And he hammered his prick in my hole making it really sore. "Tighten up you loose cunt!" I tried to. I was so hard. But the more I got to tighten it the closer I got to cum. But then I concentrated so much on tightening my hole for him that I forgot about my own cock and I went soft.

When he was nearly there - in fact I thought he had cum already but he hadn't - he said he hadn't finished with me and told me to get on the bed. So we managed to get out of the shower just, and then while we was still wet we went to the bed and he carried on dog-fucking me like non-stop.

Something had made him quiet. Now stead of saying all stuff about how good it was he just did it and apart from heavy breathing didn't express himself. Like he was thinking about it a lot. And when he cum he just collapsed and stayed like that breathing hard. I think it was quite difficult for him to cum. But when I moved and he still wasn't out, he told me not to move. So I stopped. He was lying on top of me and not moving. I mean, I was thinned out and I was just so thinned out that I just fell asleep like that.

--- When I woke up he had turned and slid off me and was lying half on top of me and half off. His arm was across my back and his leg was across the back of my legs. So I was still pinned but I hadn't moved anyway. I'd slept on my face and my arm was caught under me and went dead. The other arm was underneath his body. I was sort of trapped and for some reason I was scared.

It was a strange feeling. Nothing caused it. I suppose I felt trapped. He was snoring quietly and, I mean I couldn't see his face but he sounded happy. His arm across me felt like it was cuddling me even though it also might just have been like that anyway. His legs were holding me in a sort of scissor thing and trapped me but also it wasn't like he was doing it deliberately. I just lifted my head to turn it so that I could see him and when I did that - cause it was also getting a bit more light by now - his eyes were open and he was looking at me.

There was something in his eyes like he was still asleep or not awake fully. But I felt his grip on me and kind of knew he still didn't want me to move even just a little bit. So now I felt like I couldn't move even if it was to get more comfortable. He looked at me like I was in one of his dreams and he wasn't sure if I was real. "Not now," he said, "Go back to sleep; I'll fuck you in the morning babes, I promise." I hadn't been thinking about that but now I did and instantly my prick was hardening under me exactly where it was all folded up and I couldn't move to let it, like, stretch out. So I hurt and now I just had to lie there in this state of wanting it but having to wait and not be able even to give it space to move. And it actually hurt quite a lot.

It was getting more and more light.

And it took him for ages to wake up. I kept waking up and he was still asleep, still not moving and I still couldn't move.

When he turned his head a bit and his eyes opened he looked at me - cause our heads were really close together - and blinked and his eyelashes tickled mine and he kissed me and kind of shifted so his legs sort of pushed me over on to my back and then he was straddling me, holding my arms above my head so I was still trapped, and his arse was resting on my cock but not for that long cause them he said, "I burstin' to pee. ..." and I was going to say, like, There's the toilet, mate; but he slid up and his dick was in my face. "I want to give it to you as a drink." he said. "Why the funny look?" I mean, forget how he was the one really liked to piss on me and make me drink it, this was something else cause he was holding in some strong overnight urine. Obviously I was going to look funny.

"You gonna drink it?" He settled his knees a bit so that his prick was pointed at my lips. "Open your mouth." So I opened my mouth. He knelt up and, "Don't spill it cause it's your bed and you'll have to clean it. Wider." I opened my mouth wider. "Wider!" I opened my mouth as wide as I could. "Ha, you look just like a urinal!"

He adjusted his knees and held it so it was directed at the back of my throat and then let a little squirt come out and into my mouth where it made a little pool I could taste. "Is that your happy face?" Honestly it was foul! "Come on. You like this. Swallow it." So I did, keeping my mouth open at the same time so if he pissed it would have somewhere to go.

He dribbled a little bit more, and missed. It went on my face and down my neck. "Oops! Sorry. My bad." He grinned, and shot a bigger spurt right into my mouth. I had to swallow it quick like cause it was, "Good lad. But there's lots more." And I was, "nngh, nng, gh ..." It's funny how when someone is pissing into your mouth you really have to concentrate. It is like all you can think about is his piss and swallowing it. Once he started to let it flow I was swallowing and drinking like if I didn't totally concentrate I'd choke so I had to concentrate, and I was looking at his piss slit like nothing else existed as he let a gentle steady stream run into my mouth like a little fountain which I just managed to drink all of it. It was so ripe I felt sick. But I was also really pleased to be doing well. And it obviously, I mean he really liked it! "You're doing well ..." I filled and gulped. I mean, it didn't make me or him hard ... but we both really liked it! He was smiling. But when he got going he liked missing and onced he'd filled my mouth and it was running over cause I couldn't swallow it quick enough, he just spurted it everywhere, cause my mouth filled up, and he just let it go onto my face and then all over the bed. Like everywhere! He was mad!

"D'you like that yeah?" "ngYeaghh." I filled and gulped and he pissed all over me and all over the bed so I was lying in a warm wet pool of his ripe morning piss. "You like that?" "gnYeahm." "Do you?" He laughed and basically we both laughed, cause it was so funny and he missed and pissed all over me and all over the bed. It was so gross! And he was still kneeling, so which made the piss run into where his knees pressed, and he was straddling my face; he had stopped pissing, shook, and then gobbed and let it fall in my mouth, then he moved forward and dropped his balls down for me to suck, and gradually I was with his balls on my nose and then I was sniffing his arse, and then I was licking it. Which was something I think he really liked. It was the first time I'd ever eaten another guy's arsehole. True story. It tasted of sweat, but it was clean, but it still tasted of this sweet minty choc flavour guys have like there was some shit but not much. True story. He really liked it. He turned round and we 69ed except that basically he was just sat on my face. I was eating his hole and just about looking up at his long back and his white cheeks which he separated with his hands, rubbing his hole up and down on my mouth, "Use your tongue!" and really forcing my face into it. I never thought of eating a guy's arse before.



Next: Chapter 43

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