By sharper

Published on Aug 24, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Luke was impatient. "Look I need to cum; just let me rub it between your legs yeah? That's all. Just so as I can cum. I won't be able to walk like this!" I knew what he meant cause I was practically the same. So I kind of said yes. I mean, I sort of said yes.

"From behind." He grabbed me and tried to turn me round, so I turned round to let him rub it behind me and he was rubbing it up and down the seam of my shorts and my arsecrack. He had one hand round my neck, kissing my neck and my ears, and his other hand was near my hardon, holding me against his body, so that to keep the pressure on his dick.

But then he pulled my shorts down. "Hey!mmmn ..." He put his hand over my mouth. He spat on his other hand and put it into my arse. "Don't worry! I'm not going to go in. I just want to feel it really rubbing against your arse, you know, like that." I could feel it. "nnThat's mymmnnarseho!" I mumbled.

"I know. I can feel it." I could feel his nobhead rubbing against my hole and between my legs and hitting my balls, all wet, and up the back of my arse and then it was really just pressing against my hole and I had to really clench to stop it going in.

"Wow you're so tight," he said."Virgin arse. Virgin arse. Yeah god I'm gonna, oh baby don't you want me to go in? You want it don't you, hey, you are hot aren't you?" I thought, 'Yeah, I really do. I do now.' So I said, "mmY'ok."

"Yeah?" And it was in, cause despite it had a big head it was ... I mean I was literally excited and I really wanted to have it I have to admit and his spit made it super slippery so there was no stopping it.

"Fuck you're tight," he said. But then he said, "Keep it tight yeah don't loosen it I want to feel your virgin puss all tight!" So I tightened it, but I somehow lost my hardon and I thought, 'I'm not gonna cum!'

But he was. He started fucking it really fast and hard, right up, and I knew he was. He was grunting the way he does when he cums and I could feel that he was filling me with his sperm. He was sort of spitting on my neck and licking it at the same time and he prick was driving so hard up me it was like a knife cutting into my anus. "Fuck cunt Jason. You're sooooo tight. You are one tight fuck baby." And I thought, 'Am I?' So I was quite pleased with that. So I didn't cum cause I wasn't hard; anyway I didn't want to anyway. So I'm glad I didn't cum.

"You not going to get hard?" he said, still pushing his cum into my arse. "No I ... It's nothing." "Awwwhy not? What is it?" "I just don't think I want to." "You don't like getting fucked." "It's not that." "You'll get used to it. Lots of subs it hurts the first time." "Does it?" "I think so. It seems like you need to be broken in, yeah? But the more you get roasted the more you'll like it. You'll probably be begging for it all the time. Once you get used to it." He seemed to accept this explanation of his.

He finished nuzzling my neck, pulled his cock out and slipped it back into his pants and sort of jumped, to make it settle in its place. "We better get on," he said, grabbing my hand.

There wasn't anybody else until we got out of the passage and then we was in the proper light again and I could see Mill Street, at last! Empty. We took my turning and then it was only about ten minutes from home.

As we walked we talked about lots of different things. He insisted he held my hand, and held it tight. He said, "Will you be my boyfriend then? Go on! It'll be good. I'll fuck you every day and I'll protect you from everything else and I'll ..." "You'll what?"

"Love you. I think I already do." "You think?"

"I mean, yeah, I do. I do love you. And I want you to be my boyfriend. Don't you want me to fuck you? Wouldn't you like that? I'll fuck you every day. We could move in together. It'd be great. You and me." "What about Brenda and Rose?"

"Them too. We could all live in one place. It'd be cheaper." It was so sweet the way he talked. He put his arm around my waist and held my other hand, and I put my arm around his waist and held his other hand. It was really nice.

"Was that your first time?" I asked him eventually.

"With a bloke?" "Or ..."

"With Brenda ...? I already told you! She's not into it!" "Or another girl!"

"... Oh." He paused. "...Well not really." "Oh ... So, not with anybody?" I felt disappointed. "So you're a virgin too!"

"I've thought about it a lot!" He laughed. I laughed too. "I bet you have," I said.

"And, but you know what? It was ten million billion times better than I'd imagined it!"

And I suddenly wanted to kiss him, cause he was so sweet ... and he was the nicest anyone had ever been. I mean, I know all he wanted, cause all he wanted was to fuck me but there again, you know ... THAT'S a start.

And I mean, cause you'll always find reasons to hate yourself but I thought for that moment that he really loved me. I mean, I know he didn't, cause I'm a fag, but I mean that for a moment, cause for a moment there I thought he did love me. Or at least I thought he thought he did. And in many ways I wish I did take him up on his offer, cause it might have worked, cause he was sweet and he was caring and he would have been a good match cause we were sort of alike - even if he did have a small cock; I mean, not small just smaller than I would have liked, yeah? I mean, smaller than Po, or Jake. I mean, just smaller than I was used to, ok? ... now that I'd been broken.

--- Luke held my hand and cuddled me and held me tight all the way back to my place. As we approached the building he asked if he could come up and hang out and like you know, possibly fuck me some more. God, he wanted to sleep together and everything. He stood at the bottom of my building with me, smooching and getting hard, for about ages before I said I needed to catch up with my messages.

I mean that was true cause I'd left my phone on charge.

Luke was all, Babes-this and Babes-that. I was hot to fuck but I was also, you know, wearing thin? I was tired I mean, obviously. I mean, I didn't think it was a good idea, but obviously I said yes anyway, you know, stay the night and anything; cause ...

It's difficult when you're sub to make decisions that don't agree with whatever is being said by the guy who wants to, isn't it?

I mean, he was in my shorts all the way up in the lift and he wanted me to blow him before we even got to my floor, and I would have except the lift was faster than we expected. He got his cock out and I was holding it in my hand like a door handle, but then the lift opened and we'd arrived.

He laughed as though we'd been caught, but there wasn't anybody in the corridor. And he followed me to my door with his prick still out and my shorts down and he was pushing it between my legs - so we kind of walked like we was a single thing-animal, you know, with four legs - so even when I was opening my door with my key he was already nearly fucking me already. He pushed me into my flat banging the door on the wall and pulled my shorts past my knees and was all, "Where's the bed then?" But I felt pretty grungy, I was sweaty, and dirty, and leftover cum on my face and whatnot. And you know. And he smelt of something I'm not sure what. I mean, what was on his dick? So I said why not let's shower? And he liked that idea; so we did.



Next: Chapter 42

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