By sharper

Published on Aug 23, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






We were standing in the dark passage-way and I had his cum what had dripped down, what I hadn't licked up, sticking my Elvis shirt collar to my neck. He put his arms round me and hugged me like I was his girlfriend and I could feel his pulse and his dick.

"Do you think it should be hard?" Luke sighed. "What," I said, "your cock?"

"Naww. I mean this, living like this. Should it be hard to do this? Should it be so hard?" "I ... don't know ... Is it?" "Course it fucking is. Having to pretend all the time." "You don't have to pretend." "Everyone has to pretend," he said. "Everyone has to pretend." "I ... I don't get it," I said. "Why does everyone have to pretend? Why can't we just be ourselves?"

"It's easy for you. You don't matter. But I do and I have to protect that."

His breathing was finally calmed at last. "I like holding you."

We kissed.

It was cool, I mean the evening temperature, now, and the events of everything had left me pretty thinned out. "You gonna come out then?" I asked. "No! Fuck!" "But ... what if Brenda and Rose ... She sounded like she was to ready to drop you in it." "Yeah. She won't. We're proper friends. She won't grass on me, or you, or anything. She's like solid. Gold solid."

He kissed my ear and my cheek. "I really like being with you. I really like holding you. I really like touching you." He stroked the back of his index finger gently across my face until he came to the edge of my chin from where he continued to draw a line to my ear lobe, which he tickled like he was holding a feather to it. "Yeah?" I said, laughing. "I like it too."

He put his hand behind my head. "You got rosey red lips like a girl you know ..." "I have?" "... but also I really like it when we're treating you like a piece of shit as well, funny isn't it?" "Yeah."

"It turns me on. When we're ... using you, calling you this'n'that, gobbing on you, pissing on you - that was my idea!" he said proudly, tickling my neck like I was his pet. "Yeah I know."

"Yeah and bitch-slapping you, you know, treating you harsh as well. I mean, I don't know why it is I like it. But ... but you like it too don't you?" "Yes," I said, honestly, "yes."

"You do though don't you though?" "Yes," I said.

"Do you? Yeah. Cause you know what? You're really servile. Cause, like I know you're intelligent. More intelligent than the rest of us." "Put together!" I joked.

"Yeah but you know what, you should get a job as a toilet cleaner cause I bet you'd like that!" I thought about it. "Yeah perhaps I would like that," I replied with a laugh. "No, seriously should," he said. "Cause you'd love all that shit and clearing it up and men coming and pissing all over the floor and you know what else! ... Fuck you make my balls ache."

You know how it is when your hole's begging for it?

"You're hard too," he said. "Don't ..." I said, "Don't touch it." "I want to." "I don't want you to. I don't want to ... cum." "Why not?" "Cause I don't," I said, thinking of Po and Jake.

"Don't you want to cum then?" "Course I do, but I don't want to."

"You really are thick," he said, "and stupid. Cumming's the best! Have you ever been fucked?" "No," I said.

"Like up the arse?" "I know what you mean!"

My hole still felt raw from when Po and Jake had been screwing it earlier. I mean, it was hours but it still hurt. I mean, in a nice way, but even so ...

"Do you want me to fuck you?" "No," I said. "I'd really like to fuck you," he said. "I've always wanted to."

"I don't think I'm ready yet," I lied, thinking he, you know, would not even be big enough. I mean, he was big enough ... but he wasn't that big!

"I don't mean right now! I don't mean here!"

We were still in the passageway, still in the night dark.

"No I know you don't but I just don't think I'm, you know, ready. It's a big thing. Isn't it?"

"Well ... yeah ... But guys do it all the time!" "It's a big step, I meant."

"I know. But I really want to," he said. "Yeah," I said. "I know, yeah, but don't pressurise me. You wouldn't pressurise a girl!"

"I don't know. Wouldn't I?" "You never fucked Brenda?"

He laughed. "No way! She's gay! I already said for fucksake!" "Yeah!" - I mean, I didn't know until he told me, but now I did! - "So ... She's ... But you still might'a ... I mean ... People do fuck don't they?"

"I told you Jason, it was just pretend. Fuck you're so thick. I mean she is my best friend, but we agreed ... And we discussed it and decided it wasn't going to happen but we wanted to stay friends and she said we could cover for each other. Cause we realised ..." "So you was lying!"

"Everybody's lying," he said. "I'm not!" I lied. "You? No perhaps not. But all the rest. It's all lies. You gotta lie to protect yourself. That's just the way it is." "Not for me," I said, dishonestly. "No, not for you perhaps. I dunno. But ... you're the only one like you!" "Cause I'm at the bottom of the heap!"

"Yeah. You just play yourself. Cause your honest. You're as honest as the day is long!" "Not about the love bites," I said, "I wasn't honest."

"Yeah well I can see why you did that. You panicked and then you got yourself caught. It doesn't matter. They humiliated you ... I mean ... we all did." "Yeah ... But I deserved it."

"No one deserves it. Do you deserve it? You get it all the time." "I'm different," I said.

"You can say that again," he smiled, stroking my ear. "I'm different," I said again. "Yeah ... ... won't you let me fuck you? It won't hurt, I promise." I was pretty sure it wouldn't. "It's not that," I said, "it's just that ... I'm not ready. I just don't think I'm ready. That's all."

"Come back to my place." "I've got to get back to mine."

"Let me walk you then." He snogged me some more, and this time he groped my hole so hard I thought he was going to tear my shorts. He was harder than ever and kissed really forcefully. I was so excited. I really wanted him, to let him, but I resisted cause ... I just didn't want to be disappointed.

That makes me a slut, doesn't it?



Next: Chapter 41

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