By sharper

Published on Aug 22, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






"Is that what you want is it?" Luke said once he was sure Brenda and Rose had totally gone, "You want it rough?" I didn't reply. I didn't know what I wanted. "Is that it?" he said.

Eventually I nodded. "Yes it is," I said. "That is it."

Luke was still holding me really tight. His prick was quite hard and I could feel it through his clothes.

He had his arms round my shoulders and then his arms round my head and he was tapping my face like to wake me up. Even though I wasn't asleep. He was tapping my face like that and then it got a bit harder. And then it got a bit harder. "Yeah? Jason? Is that what you want?" And harder.

--- When Luke had stopped hitting me he was stroking my head where it hurt most. My neck hurt too where I'd been trying to absorb the force of his fist. His eyes and mine got this close as he turned me back to face him and he looked at me like he was my teacher who had just taught me this important lesson and backed it up with physical discipline.

"Do you see, Jason? Do you understand?" I didn't, but I tried to look like I did. "See? You're cute; you got quite a good body, but you're throwing yourself around like you are a ugly desperate fag what doesn't value or nothing! You get used, Jason! You're getting used! Is that what you want?"

"I thought it was ..." I said. "I thought you said ..."

"Who said?" "You! and Dean, and the rest! I mean you lot you all said I like being used and you liked using me and it was fine! I mean it was fine wasn't it? Wasn't it fine? Wasn't it?" - I'm not sure why I was shouting - "Why isn't it? What's changed? What's different?" I'm not sure why I was crying now and I'm also not sure why Luke put his arms around me either. It was odd, but I liked it. I liked his strong arms around me and if it was only cause he hit me he was being nice to me now, well then I think it was worth it. "Ok," he said, "ease up there."

Then he kissed me. It was really nice. "Do you like being kissed?" he said. "Yes," I said. "Do you like kissing?"

Luke was awkward. "I ..." "Do you like kissing Brenda?" I said.

He smiled. "Not really." Then he corrected himself, "I mean, we don't really kiss. I mean, we used to kiss, but not really cause we didn't really ..." He kissed me again and cuddled me with his hardon rubbing against me and his hands sometimes holding me and sometimes just like smoothing themselves over my body like I was ... an unmade bed, or something. "I mean, not like this," he said. "Oh?" I said, starting to get confused again.

"I mean not like this is, I mean. I mean, not like this is, cause, you know ..." I didn't know. "Know what?" I said.

"You know," he said. "I mean, obviously cause she's with Rose." "With Rose?"

"She's gay, Jason you prick, didn't you know that?" I was a bit shocked to hear it. You probably thought it was obvious but I didn't get it at all. "She's ... a lezzie?" I said.

"Yeah what did you think?" "I, I didn't think she was a lesbian. Cause I don't even know her but I saw her and you and you looked like you was boyfriend-girlfriend I thought. I honestly thought."

"Are you that stupid?" "It's not just me Luke."

He grinned and kissed me again, like he just liked tasting my lips with his lips. It was so gay! "Well, that was the idea in the first place," he smiled, "I mean, that was the idea. So ... yeah." "Yeah what? What idea?" "Are you really so stupid? Do you really not see it?"

He put his hands on my shorts and started kneeding my backside like it was a couple of soft loaves. "Do you like that?" "Like what?" "Me touching your bottom like that, moron! Fuck you are so thick sometimes!"

"Come here." "I am here." "I like it when you play with my balls," he said. I grinned. "I know you like it. Everyone likes it! Everyone with balls, isn't it?" "Smart Alec. Do you like my balls?" "Yeah." "Do you like my cock?" "Yeah."

He smiled and took my hand and put it onto his clothes, onto penis. "Feels good," he said. "Does it?" "Yes," I said.

Then he was still holding me but he was playing with his belt. "Here. Get me out." I helped him. His prick came out after a bit cause it was stuck at a funny angle and it was hard as a branch but sticky with precum so I got it on my hands. I could just about see it; the head was round and purple. I touched it and he was throbbing.

I massaged it for a bit. It was such a nice size cause it was about like mine and larger a bit but it was sort of familiar and fitted my hand in a way I liked. As I wanked it, we kissed and he got more and more passionate.

"Yeah?" he said. "You like it? You wanna gob it don't you? Go on then. Gob it. Go on! Gob it then!" I fell to my knees and started sucking him. I mean it wasn't Monster but it was, like I mean I wanted it. It was hard as flint and he was jabbing it at me like a knife. Something had happened, because he was really fucking my face now like he never had before. Like something had changed and he was different. He was less inhibited. He just went for it. He was fucking my head but like he was enjoying it for what it was - not because it was like fucking a girl's cunt but because it was me, and I was worshiping it and enjoying it and he could see that I was his cock sucking cock servant and we were both, you know, so excited.

When I glanced up I saw him staring down at me affectionately, but also like hard and serious; the streetlight on his face, and with this kind of passion ... it was new, and he kind of kept his hands near my head all the time, and let me lick his nob and suck him and do my thing and every now and then just guide me a bit or give me an instruction but basically let me do it. Like we were lovers. I licked his balls; he liked that and wanked himself while I did it. Then he fed his dick to me again and I knew he was going to spurt but he wanted it to go all over my face so he pulled it out and let it go just as it was releasing and effectively covered me with his cum. I couldn't believe it.

And he grunted quite loudly so I even began to wonder if any of the people in the houses backed into the passageway could hear us. Or perhaps they were used to people making out there.

When he was done I stood up and he put his arms around me. "That was nice," he said. "See you can do it without being forced to. Or anything having to be done. You can just enjoy it and I can just enjoy it. It can be nice. Not like us having to fuck you over or behave like cunts. You can just give a good blow job and enjoy having a bloke's prick in your gob yeah?"

"Yes," I said.

We stayed like that for a little while. I was waiting for him to say something, or tell me to do something, or something. But he just held me like that and I could feel his heart beating real fast and then gradually slow and slow until it got normal more or less.



Next: Chapter 40

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