By sharper

Published on Jul 18, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Next thing is I wake cause the phone: Po, to say he couldn't make it after all cause he got something with his brother - I don't know what, and why he did call? Was it to say how I was? So that he wasn't coming over after all! Gee thanks for making me wait all fucking day for that! - Well, quite honestly I was a quite relieved cause I was still fucked from his and Jake's fucking my hole to pulp and so on and so I was quite relieved to have a bit more time for you know, to recuperate it a bit ...

"Yeah so I won't be coming over after all yeah? Cause my brother. I've got this thing with my brother, yeah? How do you feel about that?" "Well disappointed. Obviously. Cause I was looking forward to it."

"Were you? Yeah I bet you were as well!" "Weren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah I was. I can't stop thinking about you. I want it." "Is it a religious thing?" I said.

"What?" "Is it a religious thing, this thing?"

"What thing?" "With your brother. Is it religious?"

"No. Why should it be religious?" "I just thought. I just wondered, that's all."

"Well it's kinda religious. It's a family thing. You wouldn't get it." "Oh. Ok. Well I'll see you when I see you yeah?"

"Yeah," he said. "I'll phone," he said. "Ok," I said. "I'll phone," I said, just sort of repeating what he said.

"No don't phone!" He suddenly sounded panicked. "I'll phone for fucks sake. Look you cunt NEVER fucking phone me yeah? Never. I'll always phone you when I'm ready yeah? I'll phone you yeah? So don't phone. Never. Ok?"

"Ok ok; ok. I wont phone. But when will you phone me?"

"Just wait!" "Yeah, but for how long?"

"Can't you just fucking wait? Can't you just fucking do as I say? Just do as I say, yeah? Just fucking wait. Yeah? I AM coming round right? Just as soon as I can get away. Cause, yeah? I'm gonna fuck you yeah? Cause I wanna fuck you; I wanna fuck you so hard yeah? So you just gotta wait til I come round there right? Just don't play with yourself. Just keep it hot, yeah? Cause I'm gonna coming round and I'm gonna fuck you hard, yeah? I'm gonna fuck you so hard, I'm gonna fuck you into the next life!" "Ok," I said.

"In. To. The. Next. Life." "Ok."

"Ok babes." And he hung up.

Po fucking me into the next life was an image it took some deep breathing to get through. Po's huge cock, and he had already fucked me so many times in one night I thought he would ruin my hole for anyone else cause it would stretch it or, I don't know, break it premanently, before anyone with a smaller cock could experience my virgin tight, I thought - even wondering if he would keep fucking me if he made it too loose and I wondered if he had ruined how many other guys with it by fucking them when they were still sore and couldn't stay tight for him.

So it did bother me.

And then there was Jake. But Jake didn't seem to know I was not a virgin when he fucked - and that was when I had been completely used by Po so much I could hardly sit down without bleeding. I don't think Jake noticed anything. Jake was like this oblivion who was, like, into his own fantasy I guess. He was so into his fantasy - that I was this girl - and so determined to get off that he didn't even notice the ring of love bites 'passionate-Po' had left as a kind of 'I own this' branding on my neck, forcing me to stay in and look for a high collared shirt! Fuck this!

So I felt pretty ruined quite honestly, but I was still horney - so had to not touch my dick or think about being undressed or think about what Jake had done to me or what Po had done to me or what had happened in the past few weeks being the suck-slave to all my friends or what I'd like to be in the future - a cock slave to any guy who wanted - and most of all not think about my hole, wet and smarting and how I was effectively broken into by guys who didn't care about anything except getting off.

I was lying there on my bed, and though I was like, that excited I was, I was also frankly out for the count. I kept falling asleep - asleep with my hardon poking out - and I was having a dream where my arse became this giant hole that people paid money to see, and I was always being bothered by people taking selfies with my arsehole and it was on telly cause it was like when someone gets a piece of toast and it looks like Jesus so every religious nut queues up to take a look and pray. So I was being sought out by all sorts, young and old, men and women, and Jake and Po stood about taking the money and when this woman threw her baby into the hole it was like their job - Jake and Po - to fish it out (it was like a volcano) and when it came out it was crying and crying and Jake and Po took it in turns to try to calm the baby, like it was their baby, like they was the father ... The other gang were just amazed because they didn't know I had such a massive cavernous arsehole. And Jake and Po were like these two amazing fathers who really took care of my baby, and told me not to worry cause they were looking after it well and being good fathers to it ... And that they loved it. Dreams huh?

Like, where did that come from?

I was woke up by a buzz from my phone messages and there was this long line of Dean texts wanting to know what I was playing at.

It was about half-eight and there was a half light in the window, with the sky an orange and blue with the clouds sort of breaking it up like feathers reflecting the sunset a bit like ... To be quite honest I didn't even feel much like leaving my room if I could, cause even though it was dark-ish I still didn't even quite dare risking all the difficult questions about my love bites. I mean, I didn't want to get Po into any trouble - on top of whatever trouble he had with his family.

But then I went out anyway!

Like an addict. I thought, fuck it, who cares? If they find out they find out. Why is it even my fucking problem? If Po can't cope, or Jake can't cope, why should I have to be the one who stays in like a concubine waiting for Omar-fucking-Sharif to come back on his camel? Why should I even care what everyone knows? They were the real men! They were supposed to be able to cope in a man's world! They were supposed to be protecting me from blokes like the Tanks who might tear me limb from limb - like in Brokeback Mountain! - Jesus wept! - So why was I protecting them?

I found that shirt with a big collar that made me look like Elvis Presley (not!) with it turned up - my black satin shirt with short sleeves. I thought, if it fooled Jake ...

And I had a pair of shorts I thought looked good with it that were kind of sporty like Po said I should wear in future - black Adidas with a white three-stripe and white binding on the leg opening. I looked in the mirror and I thought, 'Yeah, quite sexy!'

And I combed my hair to look nice. I thought, 'I'm not dressing like a girl for Jake but I might as well look attractive.' I pulled my shorts up into my crotch and just touched my fringe so my hair went across my eyes. Then I checked the collar one last time in the mirror. I looked ... Yeah! I blew myself a kiss, Marilyn Monroe style, and flexed my arms and chest, just to balance my posture, flexed my pecs. I looked good though, I thought. I liked my look. Not slutty - but not, not like I didn't want to get fucked up either!

I laced on my Airs and soon I was trotting down the road and wiggling my arse and thinking I was alright. I was going to the park, or a spot near the park cause it shut at dusk, and I expected Dean to be there. And probably Luke. And John. And maybe Jake. And Po possibly. I don't know if anybody would though. And I was excited to see what they'd want, cause they obviously wanted everything, you know?



Next: Chapter 30

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