By sharper

Published on Jul 14, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






I mean all different boys have all different cocks, and all different sizes of cocks. Like Po had this humungeous cock and Jake has this which is also bigger than mine, and Luke's which is about the same size when it's erect I think, as mine I mean, and Dean's and John's about in between. So they're all different and all amazing aren't they? I mean I knew I was gay but it wasn't until now that I felt really this new kind of lust, or hunger, to be inside a guys pants, every guy in the planet, cause I knew I could be anything he wanted me to be. And I wanted to be everything they wanted it to be as well.

"You gonna wash your arse off?" Jake said.

Jake was washing up over the bathroom sink and my bottom was hurting all over again. I mean I think I was supposed to be getting over it when Po was fucking me when I was all alone in the flat waiting for him, cause he wanted it tight and he didn't want it all sore and me hurting and saying 'No! Not again!' did he? But here I was all split again and sore as fuck, all Jake's cum dribbling out ... I did need a shower! and followed him in to take all my clothes off where he was at the sink splashing the shit off.

He looked up at me through the smears of the misty mirror all steamed up and hiding my reflection there. He grinned, "You alright babes? Pregnant yet?" So was he still in this trannie-boy mode?

"Morning after pill," I joked, slipping my shirt off and then my bottoms and my pants so he took a face at my junk which was still, you know, red and hot. That made him look away, down at his own junk what he really admired I think, but he went on, washing his junk and fondling soap on his penis, "Hey I want you pregnant," earnestly, "Girls are only happy when they got a bun in the oven!"

"Yeah," I said, inside the shower, "well anyway. I might not actually be able to get pregnant, y'know? Cause I'm a ... a guy?"

"I'm not giving up yet. We haven't really tried," he smiled.

And I thought, is he really serious or what is he thinking actually?

Anyway, I was naked and I was clearly this guy so I adjusted the shower to steamy heat and started spraying the jet on my anus just cleaning it and massaging it ... only I hadn't cum and I was, I mean I came and went but basically I wasn't finished yet ... I was thinking about Po and the gang and how, quite possibly you know I had a long night ahead of me; so I was taking it easy and just tenderly putting the jet up my arse. Just tenderly.

He looked at me. The mirror and the shower glass were all condensation so he couldn't see me properly (or my love bites) so that probably helped him cause it wasn't clear and he could still think perhaps my figure was a girl. If that's what he really wanted.

"Was that the first time you ever been fucked?" he said.

"Er yeah I guess it was ..." I lied.

"You sore?"

"Yeah I am a bit." I lied; I was in agony!

"Cause I was rough? Sorry babes. Did I hurt your little pussy?" He stood at the sink holding his balls and looking at the opaque shower glass in the opaque mirror. "I didn't mean to hurt your little pussy. But it was so tight. It was so-ooo tight! It was so tight I could feel it all the way. I'm so glad I fucked you. But you needed that too didn't you? You needed to be didn't you? Are you glad I fucked you?"

"Yeah," I said. "Yeah?" "Yeah," I said. "It was good wasn't it?" "Yeah." "Wasn't it?" "Yeah I said. Yeah it was good."

I mean, it WAS good!

"What's wrong baby? Don't you want me to fuck you? Don't you -"

"Yes I do!" I said eagerly.

"- want my babies? Don't you want me inside of you? All my cum in your ovaries?"

"Jake I haven't got any ovaries! And -" but I stopped myself, cause it was turning me on to think of me having his babies and being his girlfriend and being his wife. And felt like spraying my arse I really was washing his man-cum and silky cunt juice from my girl-hole.

"Yeah? Even if I fuck you so hard you have to have them?"

But I just carried on washing. It was a stupid conversation.

He left the room. I started towelling. I could tell he didn't want to see me naked. He didn't like looking at me. It was fine as long as he could close his eyes and think he could imagine I was a girl all shapely; but if challenged, by seeing me there and my guy's body, my flat chest and my external sexual organs hanging out like a prolapse! He didn't like that. He couldn't cope. Oh well. I could be his girl if he wanted it. If he wanted me to.

I was careful to wrap a towel round my waist - a bit like a skirt, I suppose - and put another one round my neck, to pretend it was like my hair was still wet (well, it was a bit) and bunched it up over my neck bites which he still hadn't even seen - he was so off on not seeing I was this boy he had been fucking - before I returned from the bathroom. He was sitting on the bed, already dressed like he was in a hurry, and he had his jacket on already and even tied his laces up - or pushed his feet past them to be quicker.

He didn't look at me, like he was getting bad vibes, and he stood up and looked at the floor and said, "You coming down the park later?"

I honestly didn't know what I would be doing.

"You got to see the others. They want it. You don't need to tell them I fucked your pussy."


"Yeah," he smirked, "obviously."

I could tell he was worried this would get out and he'd look like a poof.

You know what? I could feel his sperm inside me! I could feel it squirm and circulate and how some of it kept leaking out into the crack between my legs and ran down, it felt like. But when I checked, by just puttingy hand there, on my cunt, I knew it was just a feeling. Strange. Strange how I imagined it all running down my legs while I stood there and I wondered who else would fuck me before the day was out ... cause it seemed like anything was possible, suddenly.

"How about if you like dressed up in girls' clothes. Would you like that?" he asked as though it was an afterthought.

"I thought you wanted me to be more like you guys. I thought you said, man up!"

"Yeah that was for your sake but for mine, how would you feel like dressing up in like a bra and panties and a little skirt say? Geownyou hair long? More like a girl? Do it for me?"

"I don't have a bra and panties."

"I could get you some. From a shop."

"Yeah but this," I indicated my cock, "wouldn't just cease to exist!"

"Yeah but ... You'd be more like a girl I mean, for me. Wouldn't you like that?"

I honestly wasn't clear if I would or I wouldn't.

"I'm going to bring you a bra and panties, maybe a skirt," he added

"I just feel like, you know, I'm a guy aren't I? I mean, if it turns you on ..."

"Yeah, but I'm a guy! Aren't I? Don't you like being a girl? Being feminine? Being soft?" (He hadn't fucked me soft, I thought; he fucked me like a bitch!) "You are a girl aren't ya? You liked it, didn't ya? Being fucked like a girl?"

"I liked getting fucked!" I said. "Did YOU like it?"

"Like what?" he said.

"Fucking me?"

"Yeah," he said, simply. So I wasn't sure if he did. So anyway, he went for the door like a run and he left and I was all there again, alone like a prostitute in her room awaiting her next 'guest'.

I stared at the ceiling again for some time, feeling uncomfortable in my arsehole, but comfortable as well. I felt so well and truly fucked, good and fucked, thoroughly fucked up - like the centrepiece of an orgy fucked - and so ruined I thought, I never never never, never need to be anything but this, this, fucked and fucked and fucked ... And I guess I slept, cause there was this ticking of a clock, and a fly at the window, and the sound of the fridge, and nothing else, except this pulse ... where I had been fucked.



Next: Chapter 29

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