By sharper

Published on Jul 7, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Then Jake phoned, went to voicemail and left a long thing about what Po said, that I was safe and sound, so then what was I doing? But when I didn't answer he started to text. I could take my time but I basically I just said I had stuff to do. It was exciting he wanted me to give him his blow job. Normally I met him and blew him nearly every day usually so now he'd have to do something else. He wasn't pleased actually and sent a text where he said if he was coming round if I didn't pick up. So then I just picked up when he phoned and he was just questioning me and questioning me why couldn't I suck his dick.

I wanted to, quite honestly. I said so. I liked sucking Jake's dick and going to soft part of his legs, the white skin where the bush stopped inside his thigh and I'd lick, tasting the sweetness of his sweat where it was juiciest. But I liked sucking Luke's dick as well. And I liked sucking Dean's dick too. I liked sucking all my friend's dicks. They were my friends and I sucked their dicks cause I wanted to see them inside their pants and cause they let me, or wanted me to and thought it was cool; if I wasn't grounded by Po I'd be out there on the park giving them all what they wanted. And I started to worry what they'd say if I wasn't doing it. I really did. Then I thought, when it gets dark I'll be able to go out probably and they won't notice my neck.

So I decided to ask Po when he was going to be coming round. He still had my collar; why not use that to cover up the marks, duh? And then I thought, Yeah but it isn't gonna cover it And then I thought, but Po can take me home like before, afterwards, and he can fuck me all night long like he has done. It'll be fine!

I started playing with my body cause I was all naked, stroking my body and just touching my erection but not too much, just to think of them in the park late at night lowering their pants to flop out and how great it would be, kneeling in front opening my mouth, Dean gobbing on me and Luke pissing; I knew it would be great and I was really looking forward to it, so it didn't matter so much I was bored and horney cause later all that would be sorted out and I was so looking forward to it.

But meanwhile Jake was talking about something had to be done. So I said what I wanted, to meet him and suck him off, but I was super busy and I'd see him in the park around nine, but he didn't like that. He didn't want to wait til it was dark! He said he had waited long enough and he wanted me to come out now; but I told him I wanted it and I was super hornet to suck him off, I really was, and how I'd good and he'd really cum but ... I was really busy with something. So he said to get round as soon as I can. And I thought, Yeah, when it was dark I would. And I was so fucking horney. My cock was like standing up and leaking and I thought I'm not going to be able to stand this much more.

And I thought, if Po is going to keep me in like this, like this waiting and not going out, then this isn't going to work. Cause I don't think I can stand it.

*** So then the doorbell, the downstairs at the main door, went off and I knew it was him - Jake - immediately and, truth is I knew immediately whatever Po said, I was so fucking horney myself and I'd missed Jake - obviously! Cause I was his go-to cocksucker and he was my go-to cock, obviously. So I let him in and I expected him any second.

Minutes passed, it seemed.

Then I thought, he isn't going to want to see me erect and my naked man-body so I better put on something. So I put on these like pants which were small and tight to hold my cock in and some loose bottoms to cover that up, and a shirt with a bit of a collar I turned up to cover my neck - my black satin short-sleeve. I pulled it on quickly and checked the mirror just in time to think, 'Hey I look like Elxis Presley!' and the love bites were under cover - cause then next thing there's this rap at the door like a loud bang like a horse has walked into it, and I look through the hole and course it's Jake standing there looking all horney in jeans with holes in and a tee and a thin green nylon bomber jacket, and all hot and bothered about to thump again so I opened without thinking and he practically smashed the door in my face once the latch was off.

Like Yul Brynner would have done!

He was really angry. He came in like he was a bull in a ring and pushed me up against the wall, saying stuff like, I can't remember exactly but, stuff like how I was this low life and I'd made him angry and how he needed to cum at once and how he needed me right then and he couldn't wait.

I said he should be more careful cause he almost smashed my face with the door and he said he would smash my face - with his cock! Yeah? "You ready?" he said cause, I suppose, like I was in these clothes now and he couldn't see I was as randy as sod with my prick up and he didn't know about my neck.

"Do you want me to fuck you? I don't care," he said with his hands on my waist and kissing me all hard in my face. His hands went inside my top and I guess my waist is quite slim and girly cause he held it like that, caressing the small of my back, ignoring the hairs, and patting my bottom through my pants.

And like I thought, there's no way he can't feel I'm hard as fuck cause he's right on it, so he must be aware. And I thought, He don't care I'm a boy! cause all through, there's no mistaking. But he was groping away on me, holding my waist and touching my back, stroking my hair and ears and shoulders while he was sticking his tongue in my mouth and it was like I was his girlfriend and I was holding on to him tight and thinking, Is he going to finally fuck me?

He had his hands round my arse and dug his hands inside those pants, pushing them down,stroking his fingertips like right along my crack and down like where 'it' would be if it was a girl (I think), and making these just groping moaning noises too, and thrusting his pelvis into mine when I was up against the wallpaper and almost off the ground. He hardly opened his eyes to look at me and mumbled through his lips kissing me, "You need this now bitch."

Like so manly like Yul Brynner would make love to some girl.

So I managed to open his jeans, which is what he wanted, and gradually eased them down over his buttocks, which were solid and all tense and hard, whilst he was thrusting and rubbing it up against me and drooling down my ears. But then he put his fingers in my mouth and watched me suck them approvingly and then put his wet hand up my bum and wet the crack, looking in my face to read me. Nodding. "Yeah. You like that." He put his hand back in my mouth, with it smelling of my own cunt. "Lick that."

So I did. So his prick was out now. So he pushed me to my knees, his hands on my shoulders, and I went down so I was just on my knees in front of him and he was standing there and I was looking at it, which was fucking hard coming out of his massive bush all purple and pink like the dragon out of the black forest! I kissed it and it kind of jumped.

"Suck it for fucks sake!"

So I put it in my mouth. Man yeah it was good. And I sucked it, man, yeah! I thought, "Yeah man, this is what I want. This is all I want!"

And he proceeded to fuck it, jamming my head against the wall. He seemed to like that, the sound of my head mindlessly hitting the wall. Mindlessly really. "Ok ... Ok ... Ok ..." he said, like he was quickly climaxing, jabbing my head.

And I thought, "When he comes ... I'm gonna choke! I am going to choke on Jake's cum and I'm going to die!" Which even that turned me on.

And I forgot about my neck.



Next: Chapter 27

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