You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Jul 6, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






I know it's stupid but I felt happy and sad at the same time. I felt happy cause it was so fucking amazing, that Po had fucked me so many times and I was like really full from him and his cum and I could still literally taste him all inside my throat and inside my sromach. And the way he kissed me like I was his. And sad cause now he was gone and I just didn't know where I was. What happens next?

What could happen next? I mean, who could I turn to? Who could I ask? Did he love me? What was I feeling? Was this in love? Or was it when guys have fun and they don't really care about anybody?

All that day I stayed in like Po said. I was just waiting but I didn't know what I was waiting for. I got up to look at my neck and it was pretty well-marked from where Po had bitten it during fucking me. I felt pretty pissed off that he had done that - effectively entrapment cause now I couldn't leave the house cause if any of the gang seen me they'd ask all questions I couldn't answer could I?

But also I felt bored and horney cause I kept thinking about Po and his body and being fucked - and him being so turned on he bit these purple marks into my neck! and making him breakfast for him to eat, and watching him eat it (he liked my breakfast). But I couldn't cum in case he walked back in that door right now and wanted me to service him which I knew as well as he did was better if I didn't cum before.

Nevertheless I spent a large part of the day playing with my dick and holding my balls to see if they was hot and trying to stop them hurting - where he's bruised them thumping into them while he fucked me so hard - and stroking my arsehole with my finger to see if it healed up nicely like I wanted so he could fuck it. I mean he'd fuck it anyway if he wanted but I just wanted to be as tight and responsive as I possibly could for him. It was like a responsibility. Mainly I was just waiting for him hoping he'd return soon. I thought maybe I should make something for him to eat after. Like Pizza. Which reminded me of my neck.

About 12.15 he phoned, so I answered and he said Had I wanked? and, Was I wearing any clothes? And I said no, and no I wasn't. And he said he was coming round later, you know, after his stuff. I wondered what he would tell the gang and he said, "What's to tell? Nothing happened." But when I said, wouldn't they wonder why I hadn't turned up, especially cause they wanted their regular cocks sucked? Po answered to stop worrying about everything. He said they'd probably want to phone. So he would phone and all I had to say was that something had come up but that I was fine.

I seemed to keep on getting in these situations where I wasn't telling the truth, or where I was involved in other people's lies. Which was strange and kind of annoying.

"When are you coming round?" "I'll phone you when. You so eager. You want my dick." "Yeah." "You want my dick." "Yeah." "You really want it." "Yeah." "I knew you would. Do you like it?" "Yeah." "Do you like my big prick?" "Yeah." "Do you want my big prick?" "Yeah." "It's big isn't it?" "Yeah." "Tell me you want it." "I want it." "So you want me to give it to you?" "Yeah." "You naked?" I was about to hung up but he carried on. "Yeah." I grinned. "Yeah? I knew you was. You don't wank though!" "No I won't," I said, though I was actually wanking myself when I said that cause he'd made me hard already and I was touching my balls and my nipples - caressing myself all the places he might touch me - cause I felt so horney.

"Don't let it go cause I want you to be hot."

"Yes I know," though him saying that made me super close to knocking one out there and then!

"Don't cum. Put it on video." "Do what?" "Switch to video!"

Fuck I didn't know if I should. Like what if he screenshot me? "I don't know ..."

"Let me see!" He switched on video and I could see him on his gear in the street just walking down and talking to me like it was nothing. "Go on! Do as I tell you!" I mean it was so horney showing him my face even. I put it on and he smiled at me. I mean his face sort of lighted up and it was like he could be there with me and do it from there. His eyes were sort of inspecting me like checking for something. "You hard baby?" he said.


"Show it to me then."

I wasn't sure.

"Show me! I wanna see how hard you are."

So I kind of pointed the phone down so it showed him. I could see his face, and his eyes nearly popped out. I don't think he thought I'd do it.

"Fuck you're harder than I am an' I can hardly walk straight!"

I could imagine and that made me even more hard. "Show me," I said, wondering if I could get him to.

He pulled the waistband of his pants and put the camera so I could see it, and there it was, back lit by the sun coming through his clothes. Fucking huge.

"Like that?" he said.


"Show me your arse," he said.

So I kind of put the phone where it showed him my bottom, which was difficult.

"Oh yeah that's hot. That's good man. Show me the bud," he said.

"The what?"

"Point it at your flower bud, you know, your arsehole, your pucker. I want to see it."

"I don't know if I can, Po."

"You can Jason! It's not that difficult. Forget where it is?"

"No. Just ..."

But I managed to sort of squat on the bed and put the camera between my legs and sort of found it.

"... oh yes there it is!" He laughed. "Looks ok. And you cock. But don't cum."

"No. But I'm thinking about you."

"Yeah? Thinking a lot?"

"Yeah. So what should I do?"

"Watch telly or summat. I don't know. Just don't play with it. You'll regret it if I find you already peaked."

"Yeah. Ok. Will do. I'll put some pants on."

"No don't. I like that you are just naked and waiting for me to come back and fuck you stupid. And you can't go out yeah? You can't go out. Just wait there for me. I like that. Just wait there and when I get there I'm gonna fuck you like you want yeah? Do as you're told!"


"Just wait yeah?"

"Ok," I said, innocently, but god that was so hot and now I'd have to just stand about waiting for him.

"Do you want me to hurt you? Just do as your told yeah? Ok? Don't go out!"

"Yeah, ok I won't." I was thinking about being hurt.

"Ok fine. Bye." He went.

"Come soon," I said. Too late. My cock was really standing up and I thought, Now what do I do?

Then I remembered he'd still got my collar and he'd have to replace it or they'd want to know where it was, but then I thought, might as well just say he removed it cause it was too blatant. But I mean I was too blatant already. But anyway, that was the truth, so, that was the truth!

Because Po told me not to put my underpants on I didn't put my underpants on, but it made me so fucking horney to be naked cause he told me to, than just naked cause I was - more than just to run around with nothing on would have been normally. I mean, normally I would just have put on some clothes and gone out, so this was like a kind of captivity I couldn't quite get how to deal with it. And in the mirror I saw myself as this like pet left locked in and unable to do anything. The marks on my neck looked a bit like a little purple collar and I thought, yeah, cause it was like I was trapped, and waiting. It just made me more horney to see my body in the mirror, and I mean I wasn't all muscle like them but I was not bad. My body was softer but, and I stroked it like Po was stroking me, my pecs and my neck, my arms, my junk (not too much) and my legs, and my nipples were like sharp pins and I thought how they stood out if I put on a tight shirt that was covering them but revealing. Perhaps a football shirt if it made me look attractive to guys, I thought, if they were looking for someone like me who would do what they wanted me to do, if they could see my body and could feel it if they wanted to. I wanted to wear tight clothes for that reason, cause it made guys think of how they could, you know, come on to me, if they wanted. Or at least I thought it did. Fuck.

I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling but that just made it worse cause I was thinking. Then I watched daytime telly. There was a film on starring Yul Brynner, how he was a outlaw in a black shirt and black jeans with two belts and a black cowboy hat which when he took it off his bald head was like nothing on earth - or oh yes it was! It was like Baldy, that bloke who tried to have it off with me in the street. But he wasn't as clean cut as Yul Brynner! ... Anyway. Yul Brynner was a good fuck I bet, him and his mates. But at the end of the film he says, 'We lost. We always lose.' And I thought, yeah, cause men are heroes and heroes die. Only the weak and pathetic farmers, in the film, make it and go on to have families and live happy lives. But I'd stick with the heroes I think, like I could see our gang like that, (even though there was only six of us, even if you included me - I could be Chico. Or perhaps not ...) doing something brave when it came down to it and it really mattered. Like when they stopped Baldy from attacking me and agreed I needed protection. But I wasn't a farmer. I was like them and I thought about Po's words about being less gay and how I could toughen up so I'd, I'd still be like their cocksucker but I'd be buff and a real man and they'd respect me in a fight. They'd even like it that I was as fit as them and still sucked their cocks like a professional gunslinging cocksucker. I'd wear a black shirt. I wouldn't need their protection cause I was as tough and they'd just treat me like one of their mates ... who also sucked their cocks. Something like that. The magnificent five plus me. Six.

I had an underwear pamphlet so I leafed through that, looking at the bulges. And I thought, "I mustn't cum."



Next: Chapter 26

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