You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Jul 5, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






We were facing each other, lying there in bed, with his hardon between my legs. I gripped it with my thighs and started to hump it, cause it felt good, and he just let me, watching my face working myself up on his prick so that I was getting so horney. My hardon was rubbing against his tummy. I was getting so hot.

He pushed me onto my back and lifted my legs and then, you know what? He knelt forward and licked me! He licked my hole and fuck that was like a new experience! He just ate me and licked and licked it, holding his own dick and wanking it with one hand and pushing my legs up with the other so he was moving me around and rocking me over his face. I was getting wetter and wetter, and I was like, Yeah what the fuck is this?

Then he looked up at me with a sly grin and put his prick on my hole, cause it was so wet, and added a bit of lube to his prick and entered me, really slowly, really really slowly pushing it into me so I, I was groaning and he was watching my face, like controlling the feelings I had with his dick, like a lever in my belly.

Just as I was panting and thought I was going to cum he pulled out and I had to hold my breath until he thought it was ok to enter me again. He nodded like he was agreeing to something and then started humping me a bit more forcefully, until I was panting again.

"Don't you cum," he said, "I'm not ready."

"I won't cum," I said, though I wanted to cum so badly. I had to really control my feelings and really really relax so he could enter me once more and fuck me properly without me spurting everywhere.

"If you cum before I'm ready," he said, gently, "I'm just going to carry on yeah? Til I AM ready yeah?"

"Y-yeah-h," I whimpered.

He pushed in and held it there, breathing really slowly, right up inside me, pulsing, then again, but as he started to withdraw, the sliding sensation stimulating me so much I felt myself starting to squirt. I couldn't stop it.

"I, I I'm sorry I ..."

He smiled, "No matter. Yeah that's right. Spurt for me baby." Then as I was cuming he started to fuck me harder, sweating drops that fell on me, driving it in hard, and totally consumed in getting his satisfaction.

"Yeah. That's right ... ooooooohyeah I can feel it baby ... When you cum ... Feel it tighten."

My dick was leaking the final drops of my sperm on my chest when he fell forward, spreading my legs almost flat, slamming it painfully up, ripping the hole open and then jabbing it quickly, each time pushing it as far up as he could force it. He face was next to mine and sweat and my cum was squelching between our two bodies. I could feel it.

He was hurting me, constantly fucking for ages until he decided he had me round the wrong way and quickly tossed me over into my face so I was flat on the bed and he was screwing deep up me from behind. He moaned urgently as it drilled me - that hurt more than anything. He was no longer asked me how I was feeling. He just carried on, like it was a marathon that was never ending. I couldn't complain, but the pain was so sore it was like a fire burning in my arsehole, like I was being cut repeatedly by a tiny knife each time his fat prick drove in and stretched it apart. I tried to keep it tight, but he didn't seem to care. He just carried on. I expected him to say, "You ok?" when he realised he was hurting me, but he didn't. He just kept at it, like he was digging for something for a burial.

When he started to climax it was hardly different. I was just taking it and hardly noticed this change of pace cause he hardly speeded up and it was hurting even already; the sweat on my back was cold when he arched his back to give it his most (he grabbed my wrists and held them tight) and the sweat evaporated a bit.

I thought, "Is he ever going to stop?" til he finally, he did, grunting like a pig, emptying himself into my gut. And I could feel it. All his Japs.

"I said I'd fuck you til I was ready, yeah?" he said, like it was a punishment to fuck me.

I mean, you know you're sub, don't you? You know you're sub. When he was lying on top of me like that and his cock was just softening slowly within me and his cum was flowing through my body like a river, and I was just there for him to be a man into it; you know you're sub don't you? When you want him to stay inside and you're trying to think of ways to make him pleased so he wants to fuck you again real mad; you know you're sub. I was just breathing through the pillow and letting his weight crush me. I was just keeping still while I think he might have fallen asleep with his cum still seeping into me. I didn't want him to pull out. I wanted his seed to enter my bloodstream. I wanted him to bite my neck. I wanted him to tear my raw hole open and make me bleed.

"You're such a sub," he said, finally, heaving himself off and looking at his cock for shit. "Do you know that?"

"Is that ... good?" I said.

"Yeah. Depends. Means you're a good fuck I guess. And means you're good to be with cause you just get used and you like it. I guess."

I felt kind of humiliated by what he said, but I felt like it was true and I thought, 'Yeah, I am like that.' "Yeah, I am," I said.

He crawled off and went to wash.

*** When he came back he was obviously getting ready, you know, to leave. Like it was time now. And I started to feel sad.

He was holding his shorts.

"Aren't they a bit grungy?" I said - cause they looked it!

"They'll be fine." He started to step into them. "Look I've been thinking," he said, pulling on them, which made them bulged out as his junk squeezed in. "We don't want the others to know. And you've got all these marks. And there's enough to think about. Look I need some time. So what I'm saying is you need to lay low. Just keep quiet yeah? Cause if they finds out they'll be no end to it you know."

"Why not just come out?" I said.

Man those shorts looked cool, accentuating the size of his legs and his packet, even though they were roomy.

"What, like tell everyone? Fuck off. I don't need the hassle."

"No but they accept me and if they accept you then who cares? And if they don't then who cares as well, cause we've got you know ... We've got each other."

"You're fucking stupid you know." He was adjusting the shorts so they fitted in, pulling them up and pulling them down, tugging the leg and patting the bulge. "You don't know anything about me and you're saying do this etc. Are you mad?"

"But I thought?"

"You said they was friends."

"Yeah but what if they are and they say fuck off? It's not our fault if they can't accept us. It's not our fault if they just think we're not their friends."

He sat on the bed to pull on his trainers and I watched his shorts pull to cover his arse - though the elasticated waistband pulled down to reveal his arse crack a bit.

"And what about you? You and Jake's cock, you and Luke's cock, you and Dean's cock?" he continued.

"Well like I'd have you ... instead! I'm not interested in what I want. I want what you want."

"I'm not getting married to you, wanker." He continued to tie his laces.

I laughed, embarrassed, cause I realised I had already kinda assumed we was married - I mean, without thinking about it. I thought he wanted that when he talked about using me and having me about so we could fuck.

"I thought you liked it," I said.

"Liked what?"

"Well you know fucking and me making you breakfast. Isn't that like marriage?"

He laughed, "Yeah spose it is, spose it is. But we ain't married. Get that idea outa your fag head."

That made me sad.

"What's wrong?" he said, "Already planned the ceremony?"

I didn't answer.

"Fuck that." By now he was fully dressed - he had pulled his top on - and I was still naked, sitting on my own little skid mark on the sheet.

"Gotta go. Look don't go out or answer the phone until I see you next."


"I don't want you letting 'em see those love bites."

"Oh. Right. So why can't I answer the phone?"

"Cause it'll only be some call from Jake or whoever wanting a blow job and what'll you say?"


"Exactly. Wrong answer. So don't answer. Just until it fades a bit."

"How long?"

"Fucksake I don't know do I?"

"Well how long was it last time you bit someone's neck?" I asked accusingly.

"Not long."

"How long?"

"Day or so."

I swore gently to myself. "Po I wish you didn't do that."

"Do what?"

"Bite me! Leave marks! Now I can't go out ... for days?? I'm trapped? What about stuff?"

"What stuff?"

"Food and stuff?"

He grinned. He was so happy. "Look I'll sort something out. Don't sulk. What is it? What's wrong now?" He leaned his knees on the edge of the bed and kind of adjusted the shorts and grinned. "I like that you are unhappy," he said.


"Hey, hey, hey! Chill. I just like that you are here and like waiting for me to go out and come back and just waiting for me to come over and fuck you! And I'll bring some bread or a pizza for you..come on man, what's the problem? It turns me on. You here like you can't go out. Like you're trapped. Don't you get it? What don't you get? Don't you like that I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to when I can come back and let you get to my cock again yeah? What's wrong with that? I like it. Don't you like it? What's wrong?"

I was obviously sad, or something. "Nothing. It's just ..."

"Come on Jason. Tell me. You can tell me anything you know that."

"It's just that before you and me I didn't have anybody."

"Hey I'm still you're friend," he said. He clambered onto the bed in his trainers and kissed me - a possessive kind of kiss where he held my face and snogged me like he was eating an apple, then held my face and looked at me. "I like the way your smile dude lights up your face." "You do?" "Yeah. It's lovely." I smiled. "See?"

"Goodfuck," he said. "Feel better. Not sore. Keep it clean and don't play with it. I want you horney, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Yeah?" He made that thumb-and-finger, phone sign with his ear and grinned like it was all better. "Yeah. I'll call."

He slid off the sheets onto the floor and then just stood there, looking at me, obviously thinking about something.

Then he like punched one hand into the other and flexed his arms, stretching them above his head so that his chest expanded, stretching his top,, like massive, and he separated his legs so that he was balanced on the outer edge of his trainers. He was thinking and I didn't know what. It was really strange.

"I'll call yeah? Right then." And he left me squatting there. And he left.



Next: Chapter 25

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