You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Jun 28, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






So we walked very fast to get to mine. Sometimes Po held my hand but mainly to pull me along I think and mainly he only held it if it was safe or if I was lagging - except that I was keeping up or even ahead cause I knew where I live, don't I? Better than anyone! We talked but mainly we didn't say anything, and got to my place in about fifteen minutes - without incident! He stood some distance from the door and watched me find my key and unlock it and push it. I turned and stood in the half open door and saw him looking me; it was like he was someone I had never met before, like the light from the hallway illuminated him, like a buddhist saint in some picture, like he was outlined in gold and his skin was glowing like with an interior light. "Aren't you going to ask me to come in?" he said impatiently. "Yeah course! You look ..." "What?" "Nothing." He looked up at the building way up above our heads and pointed, "Is that your bedroom?" "Yeah. I'm the top."

He looked at me as if to say, 'You're never top!' It was the top floor of a small block of flats.

"Can I come in then?" "Yeah course. I keep saying you can come in," I said. I held the door open. "You want me to?" "Yeah. Course." "What if ..." "What if what then?" I groaned. "What is it?" "Nothing. Is there a lift?" "Yeah. But I don't use it." "Why?" "Dunno. Ok let's use the lift." "Are you frightened to get in a lift with me?" "No." "Cause of what might happen?"

He laughed. He looked terrific, the way his skin filled his clothes and his clothes were filled up with his body like all hot inside. I just wanted to touch him. The lift pinged and opened. "What might happen?" I said. He stepped in, like he was entering an experimental prototype, and I followed, pressing the floor as the doors closed behind me. "We might get trapped," he said, putting his arms around me and kissing me like all smoochy. We snogged all the way to the fourth floor. I stroked his chest and rubbed his shirt over his nipples and up over his shoulders and his arms were hugging me really tight cause he was so erect he wanted to do it right there. The doors opened just in time. I unwound from his arms and led the way. And I kinda could feel him watching me, but also looking at the corridor. "It's a bit rough," I apologised. "No it's not." "Oh. Ok." When we got to my door I opened it. "Lead the way," he said - as though his permission giving had somehow enabled my subordination in some way. He followed me in, strolling across the main room like he had been there lots of times before, which he obviously hadn't. "Where's your bedroom?" I pointed. He went straight for it and I followed him. He walked across, past the bed and out the large windows doors to the balcony, like he was attracted three by some strange urge to fly! My bedroom had a balcony and because it was all on a hill there was this view of the town covering the valley and it was all alight with street-lamps at night, which flickered through the trees, the street trees and the trees in people's gardens; it looked quite beautiful, like a magical city of nature.

"You're lucky," he said, standing, leaning out and looking at the view. His muscular arse captured the light from my bedroom and his legs kind of crossed at the feet so one of his soles was showing up in white. It was like he was using the balcony to rub his cock against it, I thought.

I went out and stood next to him.

He was just looking for a moment, out at the view then glanced at me, put his arm out, and I walked into his embrace and felt his erection rub against my hand - I mean, it was always there. I smiled nervously and ran my fingers over it. "Is that what they call a horse dick?" I asked, stupidly. "What do you think?" I smiled. "How would you feel about me if I wasn't sub?" I said. "How would you feel if I didn't have a horse dick?"

I smiled. "Have you got any tattoos?" I said. "Yes." "Where? I haven't seen any." "So, where you can't see, apparently." "Yeah. So I looked and I didn't see any ..." "So why'd you ask?" "To check. Perhaps there's somewhere I haven't looked." "Apparently there is!" "So where is it?" "Cannot you guess?" "I've seen you in the shower." "I know you have." "I seen like everything. Even your cock. Even your balls. You bent over once and I saw your arsehole!" "You did?" "Yeearh." "What did you think of it?" "I thought it was pretty oh hold on a minute it's under your hair is it? Is it under your hair?" "What?" "Your tattoo, moron." "Oh right, yeah, good guess." "Is it?" "That'd be telling." "Then tell me! I want to know." "Perhaps we'll shave my head." "So you do!" "No. I do not have a tattoo. Sorry to disappoint." "That's ok," I said. "I was kidding. 'I seen you in the showw-err!' " He mimicked my voice. "Yeah," I said, "I get it," and I put my arms round his waist. "H-hey there," he said as though I was coming on too strong. He laughed and I think he had a quick look to see if anybody, if we could be seen. Then he gave me a quick kiss, tightened his arm around me and we looked at the view for a few more seconds and then he stood back and grabbed my hand and led me back into the bedroom.

We kissed again like properly once we was inside, letting our tongues intertwist, at last. His hands were on my bum. His dick was upright and strong and he was rubbing his up against mine though mine kept slipping away because it wasn't as big. And his breathing got slower. So did mine. And I could feel his heartbeat, or thought I could, or perhaps it was my heartbeat cause it seemed to go right through me. I opened my eyes and he opened his, centimeters away, and we laughed cause it was funny seeing each other's eyes like that, really really close, so our eyelashes almost touched when we blinked, which was funny.

"Ok? Yeah? Let's do this," he said, suddenly getting all professional. "I want to fuck you but ... I don't want to hurt you. But," he laughed, "you ... you got to be fucked. You know you gotta be fucked yeah? It'll hurt though. I'm just letting you know that yeah?" "I want that. Don't worry," I said. "I'll keep a knife by the bed so I can stab you if it gets too much yeah?" He didn't laugh. "Do you need to go to the toilet?" "No-oo. Why? And I couldn't wee through this," I indicated my erection. "I meant ... You might want to have a shit." "A ... Oh. Oh. Oh yeah, I get it. Well ..." "Just go and see. I don't want it to get, messed up." That seemed like an unnecessary precaution to me but I did as I was told and went and sat down for a bit just to see. Well. You get the picture. Anyway. So I came back, sound of the flush announcing me. I felt a bit vulnerable now, cause I realised, you know, he was serious. 'This is not a drill,' I thought, and then realised that it actually was going to be a drill, yeah? That's another joke!

"Ok?" he said. He was standing the opposite side of the room, still in his stuff.

I was funny cause we were on opposite sides of the bed when we started to undress. He was on one side of the bed and I was on the other. We was watching each other as we undressed, like a strip show where we were both the the hooker and both the audience. Po's stomach was perfectly flat, when it wasn't flexed, but not sharp in the way Jake's stomach was. Jake had every conceivable muscle etched out on his body like a surgical chart; Po's was more general, like one of those pictures in a butchers showing you an animal with all the cuts of meat. So. When he was undressed - I mean like totally naked and standing there holding his dick - he stood up straight, like cute as anything, and looked at me, his eyes had a strange expression like he was expecting me to do something. He indicated the bed with his free hand, lifting one knee which he rested on the bed, waiting for me to get on it, like swimmers about to jump in. But also, again, impatient. He smiled stupidly but now I for some reason, felt stupid. I knelt into the bed and got under the covers like a virgin, which I was, and a wife getting ready tomso my duty.

He was standing beside the bed, one leg on and one leg off, and his cock was standing up in his fist, which he held loosely so s not to get too excited. Then he pulled out the covers and rolled in next to me. So now he was in bed with me facing him. I felt even stupider!

"What's now then?" I said.

He pushed back the sheet, displaying his dick which was now huge ... like an interplanetary spacecraft, pointed at the tip and narrower at the base but thick in the middle and steel hard with a fat central vein along the back which had a slight kink in it like a river. I wanted to touch it but he brushed my hand when I went to. "No." "Oh?" "I don't want to blow off." "Blow off?" "Cum, idiot." "Oh. I thought ... I just wanted to touch it ..." "Yeah well I don't want to cum. Not like that. I don't want to cum in your hand or on your face, or in your face or anything cause I want to cum deep up where you shit, fucking you yeah?" He ticked my chin.

"Inside me? I just want to see what your cum tastes like." "Cute. But when I cum your gut'll be so deep my Japs are gonna be so far up you you're gonna taste them! Promise!" "Your Japs!" "Yeah. My Kamikazes!" He grinned and put his hand between my legs and opened my legs like you'd flip open a book cover. "Yeah. I want to do some damage with my men yeah?" He put his hand between my legs."Roll on your back babes."

I did as I was told. He pushed my feet up to my bum so that my junk was wide open and exposed and he could see up to my arsehole underneath, then put his hand there and touched it, like it was a flower, and felt the curly hair beneath my balls. It was amazing. No one had ever touched me in that place ever. I didn't even know I got it. The way he touched it, I wanted it like he had touched the latch to my secret door and opened up like a library full of books and I wanted him to read every page of every one ...

He wanked his dick a bit and panted a bit, and looked fucking serious! "Don't cum!" I said, breathing heavily.

He grinned. "I won't til I bred you." He lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders. "Then I'll cum and I'll cum and I'll fucking breed you like fucking ... yeah?" He spat on his hand and rubbed it with his spit and some precum and he spat again onto his fingers and started to locate my hole and pushed one in to lubricate it - first a single tip then he sort of massaged me and poked different fingers in alternately. All the while he was watching my face and fondling himself. I just lay there like a kipper, letting him do what he was doing and just thinking he was so maculine the way he knew what he was doing and just did it and it was like it was alright cause he was totally in control. Controlling everything. Controlling himself. Controlling my hole. Controlling me. And all I had to do was hold my legs up and keep them up.



Next: Chapter 18

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