You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Jun 20, 2023


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 54 - Luke's ring

But Po didn't cum; he pulled out - "On your face!" - spun Luke over and fucked him again like that like a corpse for another about ages non-stop while Luke just moaned - sometimes Po dropping it down on him from above like a god and sometimes just hugging Luke's neck and fucking him, hard but slowly; eventually he was using Luke like a hole in the bed and slapping Luke's face if Luke said anything like to protest or beg or anything. When he did cum ... and by then ... Luke was completely fucked. Shredded. Like, a wreck. And lay still as though dead as Po prised himself out and stood up, looking for a towel.

I quickly crept back to my cage.

Immediately Po was finished Luke was pissed off, "Why the fuck didn't you cum when I said?"

Po was apologetic, "Aww babes you wanted me to cum inside you. You wanted me to give you all my sperm. So I did. But it took longer. You got a lot to learn; I wasn't ready yet. The second time it takes longer to cum."

"But you told ME to cum!"

"Yeah I know I did. I wanted you to cause I wanted to feel it, you know, go tight and also, it's like: fucking guys after they shoot feels good; it feels so'oo good in there when it's all wet and it's all relaxed and and receptive and you know it's just yours, yeah? You know how it is! I'm not into worrying about every little thing. You'd had yours! Why're you complaining? You'd had it twice as good. You never had it before and now you're complaining. What the fuck! So that's my cum running down your fucking legs so shut the fuck up! You had my full load you cunt you should be begging for another one. What if I never fuck you again? You want that?"


"I could fuck you again in ten minutes. You want that?"


"You want that?"


"You want that?"


"Suck it. Suck it all off. Suck it all off you cunt!"

I heard struggling then I heard Luke sucking and I knew he was sucking Po's cock, sucking up his own shit-juice. "That's right. Oh man. Clean ... Now my balls yeah ..."

I could just picture it.

"Yeah lick my arse ..."

So Luke was rimming him again.

"Right, now yours."

And I reckon Po was up Luke's cummy hole it sounded like cause Luke was moaning and Po was like mumbling like, "Give it to me ... Come on, let my tongue in." And there was this pause and Luke was moaning and Po wasn't saying anything. And then Luke was kind of crying like a little boy and then begging Po not to stop doing what he was doing. So I know don't I?

*** They spent about several hours or more in bed, being all lovely and chatty and saying things like Po never normally did - 69ing I bet - and Po fucked him several times before the day was out; Po called out for drinks or snacks and I provided them, lifting a tray carefully to transport the cups and plates, then leaving quickly so they could resume their fun and games - but when I saw Luke he was all rosey like he was being properly looked after, really well serviced, and I was jealous, obviously, cause I wanted Po to come and give me some attention. It was mad, this, waiting for him to say something to me or anything. Even when he called me for snacks I jumped up like relieved to be spoken to at all!

I was panting for some attention and so sad ...

The sun fell below the hill opposite before he came back into the main room with Luke and they sat at the table expecting dinner. Luke, dressed in just his small underpants, looked quite happy. He was well fucked as well as well rested and well done like he'd never been done before in his life and so happy. He was fine. He looked like he was in love with Po. He put his hand on the table and Po laid his hand on Luke's hand, like he was saying, 'Are you ok sweetie?' and Luke just smiled and nodded like he was blissfully happy. I bet he was! Po even brushed Luke's hair away from his eyes at one point and they was like newly-weds at the breakfast table. It was difficult to watch cause it was like private, two guys holding hands and all lovey-dovey with me standing there like a waiter.

When Luke got up, Po looked all worried, "What's wrong babes, you going somewhere?"

Luke laughed and wiggled his bottom before going into the toilet. "I'm just going to the loo!"

Po smiled, "Oh right. You have your poo then honey," and he just glanced at me looking at him and he was gruff, "Position!" So I put my hands on my head and stood straight, wondering if he knew what it was doing to me. It hurt so much even though I love my owner so much and I know he wouldn't do anything he didn't want to do even if it hurt me, cause he knows what to do and I don't.

When Luke came back, with the sound of the toilet flushing in the background, Po was all like, "Sit down honey. You alright? Any problems?"

"No why should there be?"

"Well considering I've broke your ring I'd've thought you might, you know ..."

Luke bent down to give Po a little kiss and Po stroked his bottom, gently poking his underpants where they stretched loosely over his arse crack.

"Thanks for your concern," said Luke, standing astride one of Po's knees so that his leg was near enough to Po's bulge to press it, gently, and pushing his own bulge against Po's chest, and letting Po stroke his bottom and his thighs and the lower part of his back where it curved in ... and they kissed.

"Doesn't it hurt a bit? Usually ..."

Luke giggled, "Don't worry dada -" ('dada'?) "I can cope. It stings a bit."

"Only a bit?"

"Oh I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

"No I just thought, you know, it might, usually I hurt guys I fuck if it's the first time they had to take something that big and I thought you might ... have ripped."

"No. Cause I was relaxed wasn't I? And you didn't force it ... well you did a bit but mainly ..."

"I eased it in."

"Exactly. And licking me first helped because it ..."

"It got you hot didn't it?"


"You didn't know you liked it so much did you?"

(This was all stuff I'd already heard them saying earlier when they was in bed. It was all a bit repetitive. Not that it matters ...)

"Well ..."

"Well what?"

"No I didn't. I didn't know anything did I?"

Luke sat down again and Po put his hand on Luke's hand again, stroking it like it was a pet of some sort and started talking to him like he was a student or something, "No you didn't. You thought you was a top. But sometimes ... it takes a little while to experience and now you realise what you are you can actually live the dream mate. You can just relax, enjoy yourself getting cock yeah? and live the dream mate."

Luke nodded, with a spoon of food halfway into his mouth, "Yes Sir," as soon as he could. He called Po Sir when he felt like it it seemed. And when they was in the bedroom things were even more casual. "I just wanted a good fucking!" he laughed.

"You'll sleep with me tonight then," said Po, "and tomorrow we'll get your things."


"I can use your place for money."

Luke looked confused.

Po's hand squeezed Luke's, "Oh honey, now what's the matter?"

"Nothing. No. It's just, it's just I didn't realise ... I was moving in. It's a bit fast."

"Is it too fast? We don't have to. I just thought ... you just said you wanted good fucking wanted to be, real good, and I can't stay at your place can I?"

"No I suppose ... not."

"So what's the problem? Don't you like it? You like being fucked don't you?"

"No I do! You know I do."

"And I love fucking you! I love your arse! I love it! I love your right hole. And you love sucking me off don't you?"

"Yes Sir!"

"See? And I'm going to change you."

"Change me?"

"Improve you for it, I mean; get you trained and ready."


"Yeah, like always ready to be fucked, yeah? Like fucked hars. Like whenever, I mean. Don't you want that?"

Luke smiled, like he didn't have an opinion. "Yeah, I su-ppose ..."

"Well, don't you?"

"Oh yes but what does that mean? I mean, yeah, if ... Is that what you mean? I didn't understand. It's complicated. It's ..." He laughed. He was getting confused.

"... Complicated? It isn't complicated," said Po; "you just need to learn."

"Learn? Learn what?"

"Your place." Po said it simply and didn't elaborate. Luke didn't ask any more questions; he finished eating and I cleared the plates and stuff; and while I was cleaning, him and Po went back into the bedroom and pretty soon I could hear Luke and Po making out again and Po was talking to him like he was saying to lick his shaft or lick his sack or take it deep or hold it or to breathe or whatever. And Luke was doing what ever Po said.



Next: Chapter 108

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