By sharper

Published on Jun 14, 2023


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART 50 - the promise

I never used to like swimming much but I do now like swimming. I never used to go to the gym ever but I do now. And I never used to suck cock but that's all changed. So I'm a different person now aren't I? A different dog I mean, woof! And my body's different; it's harder and more muscles so I can like flex my body and feel, like my pecs or whatever fill and empty and my abs are this like mattress of square pillows sort of. It's really cool. I like it and I know Po likes it. He likes everything. He's happy.

I told Po about Luke. "I saw Luke Sir. He wanted to own me," I said, impulsively. I don't know why I told him that.

"Is this not enough for you, pups?" he said. (He called me pups now, like my doggie name.) He was silent for a moment. He wasn't happy but he wasn't unhappy. He knew Luke didn't pay but he was ok with that. He even thought it was funny that Luke thought he could own anybody.

"Luke's a cunt," he said, "but he's basically a woman. I mean, he's so gay. Is this not enough for you, pups?" said Po. "Don't I choke you with this cock every night? Don't I put you right with a slap when you get out of line? Haven't I guided you to a better way of life?"

"Yes Sir I'm Sorry Sir!" I started to whimper. I knew he was right. Po was the best! He was like ... the best ever!

He put his hand on my head and patted me, staring at me like he was imagining all sorts of things he could do.

"I want you to know how much I love you," said Po, "so I am going to do something very special to you." I was on the floor, kneeling, and so excited, whimpering and panting to know what it was! Po was sitting on his chair with his legs spread apart so his junk was hanging down inside loose underpants making a box shape where it folded - when he stood I could see his huge stuff swinging between his legs like fruit and it made my mouth water so much it was like, 'When can I suck it? When can I touch it? When can I put it in my mouth? When can I lick it? When can I sniff it? When can I smell it? When can I taste it?' But he was always ready, always wanting to fuck me and use me. I had no idea I could be this happy. I even gave a little 'woof', I was so excited! Po smiled. He could see how excited I was. "Yeah I'm going to do this thing to you just to show you how much I love you and how much I appreciate you being my dog, yeah?" What was it he was going to do to me? I couldn't guess! "Do you like that?" he smiled. "Yes Sir! Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!"

He grinned and then he pulled his pants elastic down so his junk fell out, his big fat prick and his balls in their bag. I stared at that, my mouth watering, whilst he held the elastic down so I could look at it. "Yeah?" "Yes Sir!"

"You're a good dog, well trained, obedient, and I want to reward you. You've done really well. You've been through a lot and it has been very demanding. You've had to work very hard haven't you? Learning is hard work and being a good cocksucker and a good fuck and letting everyone use you like you're told to do so I can make money - it's all hard work and I appreciate that. But you have done well, you have responded well to everything haven't you," he said putting his fingers in my mouth so I could lick them. It was nice. "See? You like that? Good dog." I sucked his fingers and he wiped my spit into my head. Then he leaned forward and I opened my mouth and he spat into it and smiled, "Breaking you has been just about the most satisfying thing I've ever done in my life. Do you know that? And seeing you abjectly serving me and being used and paid for by other men just because I tell you to do it is more than hot. It's fucking on fire!"

He held his pants down with one hand and with the other continued playing with my mouth and my head.

I was looking at his cock which he was holding now, but like he wasn't thinking about it; he was just holding it and playing with himself, rolling up and down the foreskin because he could, kneading the solid rubbery head with his thumb and forefinger while he continued talking and stroking my head and playing with my face.

"What do you think of my cock? Do think it's beautiful?"

"Yes. Sir."

"You know Luke and the others, those prats we used to hang out with?"

"Yes Sir. The gang Sir."

Po smirked, "The gang? The gang? Gang of wankers. That's all they are. Dean? What a wanker. Hetero-fuckin-normative fucks. Luke ... Yeah well I'm gonna own him and then you'll have a brother. How do you like that?"

"Yes Sir!" I said, not really able to understand what he was talking about.

"You'll have to share that cage obviously so it'll be a bit cramped, but you'll have a brother puppy to be with and he'll help you."

"Yes Sir!"

"But it won't be for a while. I need to work it out. He isn't ready yet but he will. I'm going to break him. He doesn't know it yet, but he will, but not til it's too late. I'm going to fuck with him like I fucked with you and I'm going to fuck him right up yeah? I've fucked you up and I'm going to fuck him up as well. I've got it worked out. And when I've got both of you I'll be raking it in and," he laughed, "you'll have a doggie brother won't you?!"

I don't know what it is about Po, but everything he said seemed like a good idea, no matter what it was.

"Do you like that?"

I sort of yelped, I was so happy, "Yes Sir! A puppy brother, Sir!"

"Now get ready cause we goin' out! I've just phoned everyone. We're going to meet up."

I didn't understand. "Everyone Sir?"

"Yeah, the gang. You know; everyone! John and Jake and Dean and Luke ... I'm going to show them what we are and how good it is. I'm sick of them badmouthing what I've done to you like it's some sort of abuse. We're happy like this, you and me and everything what there is yeah?"

"Yes Sir," I said.

"You're happy aren't you?"

"Yes Sir," I said.

He put my collar on, and I had to wear these skimpy shorts and a tight vest under a kind of leather harness and these DM boots that went halfway up my shin. It was quite cold and then he made me kneel and pissed on my head so it ran down and so my shirt was wet and clung like see through to my skin. He said he wanted me to look like a slut cause I was one, so these shorts and my shirt all stank of him and I was wet and cold as it evaporated, but as it dries it stuck to my skin so it was like I was naked.

He was pleased. "You ok?"

"Yes Sir."

He liked that and we went out.

He was wearing this bulky hoody and striped tracks and Airs so he looked completely different so not like we were together like a couple but like he was bringing me like a owner, and we were like that in the street with me walking a bit behind him and looking at his feet or the pavement but not up. And if I looked around at all he told me not to and to stop. So I did as I was told.

He looked cute all dressed up like that and happy. He looked so cute when he was happy. And you could tell he was hung from the way he walked. And I know people could tell he owned me cause I was like that, like a dog always looking at him and aware of what he wanted and walking just a bit behind him like I should.

*** When we met up this everyone agreed this place we'd go to drink; everyone ignored me like I wasn't there and all except Jake that is who asked me how I was. I mean he said, "Hi. Y'Ok?" That was it, but looked away even before I could say, "Yes Sir," so I suppose he didn't really want a conversation. The others sort of just didn't even act like they knew I existed except that if they wanted something, like if they wanted me to do anything they just said it, like to the air, and I knew they wanted it and I just did it. It was like they had an agreement or something just to treat me like this. Which was ok obviously cause that's all I was to them.

Once I was accidentally in front of Dean and he sort of tripped up and immediately lost it, shouting at me like suddenly I had crossed a line between existing and not existing. It was weird. But I liked having a place like that so I knew where I was.

Luke acted strange, like he knew he fancied me but didn't want to say anything to upset the way things were. He started cosying up to Po for some reason, like joking and laughing at nothing, even held his arm round Po's neck like they was real pals. Po just smiled when Luke joked and like he was all a bit to grown up to fuck around now. So I think it was odd the way everyone was acting - like something had changed, or was changing but no one knew what or why. Like they was waiting for something to sort itself out. (I know they arranged something cause Luke came round the next day, to the flat. But whatever he thought about that, Po had his own idea, so Luke didn't know what he was letting himself in for. And when he found out, it was too late to do anything.)

If anyone one wanted a drink I had to get it but I used Po's card obviously cause I no longer had my own money. And Po paid for everyone, he was so rich. They didn't mind. They thought he was just paying for everything cause he had all the money, but they didn't realise he was using them as well, cause it just went to show how he was in charge of them and if they wanted anything they had to ask him for it. They did't realise, but he was the one who controlled everything. They thought they was his friends but he was the one in charge and making all the decisions. They only for what they wanted if he wanted them to have it. It was cool because he was my owner and I respected him and I was proud of him now he was in charge. I realised he was in charge of everything but I was the only one who was special because I did everything he wanted and he was my owner and he protected me and and I was his fuck, and he fucked me - but not like he fucked them ...



Next: Chapter 104

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