You Call This an Abduction?

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 13, 2018




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Jim-Bob Jackson was driving home in his pickup truck after a hard day's work followed by an hour's worth of hard drinking at Maybelle's, best damned bar in this part of Alabama. His gun rack rattled on the packed-dirt road and the recent rains made the pickup bounce and shake about. He didn't notice, he was used to it as a recurring temporary condition of his world. It wouldn't last, the county would send out a grader (a huge extended-rack tractor with a large sharp blade slung under it) which would cut the tops off the ridges in the road and push them down into the ruts, and thus level out the road. Every so often, crews of men would come out and use other machines to pull the dirt washed into the gulleys on either side out and push it back up onto the road. The dirt road suited him, too, it meant he had few neighbors and fewer visitors, a man could live his life as he chose out here and nobody would come out to bother him.

A beer in one hand, the steering wheel in the other, he bounced on his way home. Another mile and he could rest his weary bones. Another day of work tomorrow, then he'd have a weekend, before having to go back for another weary week. "God damned hardass boss!" He grumbled to nobody in particular. "Fuck him and fuck his goddamned pansy ass!" He was certain his boss was a fag, he was thirty and unmarried and not dating and never to be seen in the bars. That was enough, the man must be a queer! The man's recent divorce and two young children didn't count in Jim-Bob's book because while he'd heard about them, he'd never seen them, so they didn't exist! A lying faggot, the worst kind! "Damned pussy!" he growled again.

As if the words were a light switch, he was flooded with light all around, from above. His pickup engine sputtered and died at the same time. He snarled and ground the starter over and over until the starter began to slow down, overheating. Well, if they wanted to fly a Goddamned Forest Service helicopter right over him, he'd just get out and look at his engine while they gave him the light to see by.

Stepping out onto the road, he looked up and saw that it wasn't a helicopter. "Some God damned 'sperimental shit!" he marveled. Large, round, unmoving, silent, rings of lights all over it's large, flat bottom, the only part of it he could see from down here.

Then the shaft of light grabbed him and he felt himself being lifted upwards. The ship turned out to be bigger than he'd thought and he groaned as he realized what was going on. "Holy shit! I'm being fucking abducted by fucking aliens!"

He must have passed out at that point, because he suddenly opened his eyes and was no longer suspended in mid-air, but was lying down on a large, bare table. The light overhead was the only light in the room, and he couldn't see anything but bare floor far as the light showed him. He summed up his feelings with one explosive word. "Crap!"

Motion in the darkness, something approaching him.

"All right, get over here and get it over with!" Jim-Bob griped. "I still got to get to work tomorrow!" He wasn't in love with his job, but it was also payday and he loved his paycheck!

The alien that approached him wasn't the usual gray skinny thing with big black eyes he expected. It was larger, mostly man-shaped, and if you were to ignore the bronze-colored skin (not brown...bronze) and rearranged the eyes so they were higher on the face and a little closer together and a little smaller, put a nose on the center and make the mouth more a line than the circle it was, it would have made a pretty handsome looking man. And it was as nude as Jim-Bob, and totally hairless. Didn't even have any hair around what was a nice-sized flaccid dong which didn't have any skin on it either, just a tube-shaped thing with a flare near the tip and a horizontal rather than vertical slit.

Jim-Bob turned to one side and rose up onto his elbow and propped one leg with the knee uppermost. A perfect sexual pose that displayed his dong and showed the copious hair that festooned his body. "So you the one going to do the probe?"

The alien brought up one arm, in the hand was a long, wiener-shaped thing, only bigger around and longer.

"Is that your probe?" Jim-Bob asked. "Shit, that's a nasty one. You're going to blot out my memory of the probe afterwards, won't you? 'Cause I sure won't want to remember it!"

The alien showed him the probe and asked him a question.

"I know, you're going to shove that up my ass!" Jim-Bob was getting impatient. Hell, it was nearly his bedtime, if the alien took too long, he'd be dead on his feet and not able to party as long as he ought to on payday! "I read the National Enquirer you know, I know all about your anal probes."

The alien asked him another question, from the sound of it.

"Hell, I can't understand you none!" Jim-Bob grumbled. "Now hurry up and get this damned probe over with, I got to get home and get some fucking sleep!"

The alien extended the probe toward Jim-Bob, but nowhere near his ass, it was closest to his lower rib-cage. The thing was vibrating and the alien apparently had no idea how to use the damned thing!

"Ah, fuck, what's wrong with you?" Jim-Bob snapped. The alien jerked back slightly at his vehemence. "Can't you do it already! Why are you taking so fucking long? I said I had to get home! What kind of abduction is this?"

The alien cautiously approached him with the probe again, still holding it the wrong way and it was vibrating harder now.

Jim-Bob growled in frustration and boldly snatched the probe out of the alien's hand. "I'll show you how to fucking do it already! Damned stupid alien! Can't even do an anal probe right!"

He stuck the vibrating pseudo-dong at his butt and with a bit of wriggling about, found his anus and began to push the thing in. "Ah, shit, that hurts!" he grunted, but the thought of his paycheck and partying after work was still strong.

The alien was jabbering away now and Jim-Bob realized there were two of them now! He looked to his other side and there was another version of the bronzed-stud no-nosed alien. But this one had something the other one didn't, an erection!

"Yeah, you're getting into this, aren't you?" Jim-Bob smirked. He wasn't going to remember any of this, not unless he got hypnotherapy years later, so he was willing to do things he wouldn't have dreamed of any time else. He gave the probe in his ass another shove.

The alien with the erection reached down and grabbed the probe and helped shove it the rest of the way into Jim-Bob's ass. Jim-Bob gasped as the probe now got deep enough to vibrate against his prostate, he threw back his head and crooned! "Ohhhh, oh, shit, yeahhhh, fuck yeah, anal probe, yeahhhhhh!"

The alien's hard cock was right beside him, Jim-Bob reached up and grabbed hold of the prick. It felt soft despite its appearance of being skinless, the skin was simply all over the cock instead of just being separate from the glans, and Jim-Bob could and did work it back and forth on the dong, there was just enough slack to let him slide the skin back and forth about an inch, plenty to stimulate the bronze-skinned alien.

The other alien grabbed at the probe, gibbering, and Jim-Bob moaned as the probe was removed from his ass. "Awww, fuck, I feel so goddamned empty now!" He mourned. "You call this an abduction? Can't even probe me right, you dumb fucking aliens!"

The alien he was jerking seemed to understand and with a reassuring jibbering sound, he moved around and got between Jim-Bob's legs, pulled Jim-Bob down so that his ass hung over the edge of the table.

Jim-Bob crooned as the hard dong slid into his ass! "Aw, hell, yeah, probe me, you big orange bastard, probe me!" "Orange" wasn't the right word, though the alien's skin was closer to being orangish than golden or brown, though far in tone from any of these colors.

"Come on, harder, probe me harder!" He grunted. The alien seemed to understand him even if he couldn't talk, or perhaps it was coincidence, Jim-Bob didn't care, for the alien began to hump at him harder and faster! "Oh, yeah, like that, like that, harder, harder!" he grunted.

The other alien was slowly coming back, without the vibrating probe. Its cock was slowly rising up.

"Yeah, get over here with that, you ugly fucker, and I'll suck it for you!" Jim-Bob panted. "I'm so fucking horny now, I don't care, get over here and I'll work you over like you never had it before!"

The alien crawled up on the table and Jim-Bob was able to get the prick into his mouth, but was surprised when the second alien leaned over and began to suck on him as well.

The alien fucking his ass began to come, it sounded out with a weird hooting sound, and then the hot flow of jizz into Jim-Bob's ass was unmistakable. "Hoo, hoo-hoo! Hoo-hoo-hoohoohoohooh!"

"Oh, oh, God, it burns, it burns!" Jim-Bob groaned to himself in mumbled tones around the cock in his mouth, though the stinging feel was no worse than when his mother had squirted Bactine on a fresh cut. Agonizing but not destructive.

It put him off the cock in his mouth, though, he pulled off of it and began to pump it instead.

The alien sucking him noticed and instead of breaking off and doing the same, squirmed around and to Jim-Bob's surprise, stuffed Jim-Bob's sturdy Earthling dick up its own ass.

There was a wriggling sort of feeling inside the ass, as if a hundred tiny tongues were licking at him, and Jim-Bob groaned and his orgasm rose up almost immediately.

"I'm coming, ah-huh, uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-HUH-UHHHH!" Jim-Bob groaned and squirted his jizz up into the alien's tickling-tongue-laden ass.

The alien jerked as it felt the spunk flying into him and retaliated by spraying Jim-Bob right in the face with his own ejaculate. Jim-Bob noted with bemusement that the spunk was a light blue in color. A familiar blue tone, in fact. Copper? Then a wad splattered right across his eyes and the stinging sensation returned, this time in his eyes, hurting and blinding him.

And when he managed to see again, he was back on the ground, inside his pickup in fact, and fully clothed. "Ah, hell, that was a fucked up mess!" he grunted. He tried his pickup starter, this time the engine revved right up. "Those crazy aliens. They must have flunked out of Anal Probe Tech University! What kind of an anal probe was that?" Then he burst out laughing. They forgot to brainwash him afterward, too! They really screwed up, because he could tell anyone he wanted to about this!

Turned out nobody wanted to listen to his story at first. His friends laughed at him and even the National Enquirer didn't pay him any mind, because the aliens he'd been visited by weren't the gray kind.

But they did when his beer belly bloated and grew and the day he damned near tore his ass wide apart squirting out a bouncing baby boy. Golden in tone, with only a tiny bump of a nose and no hair except a scattering of it on his scalp. Jim-Bob cursed the aliens and summed it up for the Enquirer as, "The fucking bastards could at least have worn a condom when they probed me if this was how it was going to turn out!"

But Jim-Bob kept the child and his son is growing up into something really special. At only age two, he's half the size of his father already, and fluent in seven languages and reading at a college-age level. Not that he has much time to read, because Jim-Bob is busy teaching him how to hunt, fish, swear, love pickups and country western music, and be a true credit to the South like his old man.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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