You Call It Madness

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Jul 18, 2022


You Call It Madness - Chapter 1

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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You Call It Madness

Chapter I

"Here's your water, Ally," Will said angelically, holding out a bottle of Voss.

Now sitting down in her chair, Allison smiled as she accepted the chilled bottle, "Thanks, Will."

Gwen the production coordinator shouted, "That's a fifteen for set redecoration and makeup!"

Will handed a copy of the script to Allison and said firmly, "Run lines."

Allison threw her head back and groaned, and then said, "But I'm so tired! Just lemme rest my eyes for- fourteen and a half minutes."

"Nope," Will shook his head. "C'mon, Ally. You won't win any Academy or Critic's Choice awards if you don't dedicate as much time as you can to your art."

Still leaning back on the chair with her head hanging back, Allison groused, "Will! Please!"

"When you're walking up the stairs to accept the Emmy you can thank me for pushing you so hard," Will replied, waving the bound stack of papers. "In fact, include me in your speech."

"Okay, fine," Ally said, not totally unhappy. "So it's 1943 London. Scene opens with me and my husband Harold standing in line to see a clerk at the Child & Company's bank. Three men wearing a bandanas over his faces walk into the bank brandishing pistols. I scream, which makes the robber- hang on. I should practice my scream, right?"

"Yeah," Will nodded, "go for it."

Allison shifted in her seat as she cleared her throat. After a few moments of silence, Allison's eyes flew open and she let out a high-pitched scream of terror.

"More terror," Will coached. "Your husband was just shot inside a bank!"

Smiling, Allison responded, "Okay. Okay."

Will watched as Allison inhaled two deep breaths. She then let out a horror-stricken scream, filled to the brim with emotion.

Will smacked his hands together with a grin and said, "That's it! That's the scream!"

"Allison!" Chris the director said cheerily from- somewhere in the studio. "That's the stuff, baby!"

Giddy but trying to suppress it, Allison said to Will, "Okay, so my husband was just shot and I screamed, falling onto my ass in terror. As the bastards commit the robbery, I'm crying as I crawl over to my dying Harold and lay his head on my lap. Will."

Will, reading the lines of Harold Zacharias Dobler, said in a well enough British accent, "C- Claire. My- my love."

"Harold," Allison read her lines, forcing her voice to become thick with sorrow. "Harold, be- be still. Be still. The p-police will be here momentarily."

Will, becoming emotional just thinking about seeing the scene when the film is completed, read, "N-name our child after m-me. H-Harriet if it is- is a girl."

Allison, teary from Will's raw emotion, carried on, "Harold! Please! You- you cannot leave me. Harold!"

Will looked up from the book, already seeing the actress staring at him. Her green eyes were wet and spilling tears.

"And..." Will said with a smile, "scene."

"Set's ready!" Gwen's voice called. "Actors to set!"

Neither Will nor Allison were aware that Todd, the executive producer, had watched the entire reading since Allison's practice scream. The actress and the PA had not noticed because Todd was being very discreet.

Will watched as Allison struggled to walk onto the bank scene wearing a blue pencil dress. He also noticed Todd Manon approach him, wearing a small smile.

"That was quite the performance," Todd told Will. "Real tears, too. What are you doing being a Production Assistant?"

"I'm more like Allison's personal assistant," Will replied, offering the middle-aged man his own bright smile.

"Ahh, yes," Todd laughed softly. "You were written into Allison's contract. William J. Ember."

"Roll cameras," the director Lawrence Fishman's voice said through the earpiece on Will's head.

"That's me," Will nodded. "Been friends with Allison for four years. We met at the Oak Bay High School."

"Camera one rolling."

"Ah," Todd nodded slowly. "You in college?"

"Camera two rolling."

"Yes, sir," Will answered. "University of Victoria. I take the courses online to accommodate Allison's career. I love being her assistant when she's filming projects."

"Go for sound."

"With Arms Outstretched," the second camera assistant's voice said in the earpiece, "scene two-eighty-six, take three."

"Action!" the director shouted.

"Y'ever think about not being her assistant?" the suit asked.

"Umm- no. Allison is a good friend. I love her."

"I didn't mean it like that, young man. I meant, what do you think about acting as a career?"

"Uhh..." Will was confused. "What?"

"I just found out twenty minutes ago that the actor who was supposed to play the waiter during the restaurant scene has broken his leg doing- I dunno, some stupid shit. I want you to take that roll."

"Me?" Will asked in utter shock. "I- I'm not an actor."

"Not yet. Listen to me, Will. You have talent. A lot. There are experienced actors out there who can't cry for shit. You cried real fucking tears during a simple reading. I wanna start you out small. The waiter character has a handful of lines. Your Brit accent isn't half bad. Filming the scene is six days away, so that gives you time to practice."

"What makes you think that I'll agree?" Will asked deadpan.

"Perfect," Todd responded happily. "Saves me from contacting unknowns and rushing the fucker into the scene. I'll have a contract drawn up."

Will just watched the suit walk away.

"Yeah, hey, Chris," Amanda the makeup artist said in her cell phone. "The waiter was supposed to be a brunette. Am I dying the actor's blonde hair? - Mm, gotcha. He's also much too tan for a Londoner, so am I applying bright makeup or will post production take care of it? - Right. Right. Thanks."

Will glanced at the woman and asked, "M'I having my hair dyed?"

Amanda smiled at the young man and answered, "No, sweetie. Chris said the waiter's hair doesn't matter. I do, however, have to apply bright makeup to exposed skin. It'd be a damn shame to cover up these moles on your face, though. They make you so much cuter. Mm, okay. I'll mark artificial moles."

The door to the makeup trailer opened, so Will turned and saw Allison walking in.

"Will!" Allison screeched as she rushed to her friend's side. "Ohmygod! It's your first day as an actor!"

"Yeah," Will replied uneasily. "And most likely my last, too."

"No," Allison said as she patted Will's forearm from her own makeup chair. "Just impress Todd and Chris and you'll slowly get bigger and bigger roles. I'm sure."

Ten minutes later Will looked himself in the mirror, nearly laughing at his reflection. He was pale beyond pale, his traced-over moles standing out like fireflies in the night air. His medium length, bright blonde hair was oiled and combed flat in a side part. The look was completed by a loose white dress shirt and brown slacks that were a little baggy and a small white apron tied around his waist.

Will giggled and said, "I look like a Hutterite or something!"

Allison moved her eyes to look at her friend because the hairdresser was fixing her long brown hair intricately.

Allison laughed and retorted, "What a good Mormon boy you are! I better confiscate your condoms, Elder Ember."

Just then the trailer door opened and Kristen the production coordinator told the actors, "On set in ten minutes, guys."

"You ready to officially step- oh- onto your new path?"

Will scoffed and replied, "You're being a sentimental sap."

"In ten years, when you get your Hollywood Star, I'll tweet that I shared your very first scene."

"Let's just get on set, Ally Cal."

Leading the blonde to the studio, Allison groused, "Dear lord, I hate my middle name. Seriously, who names their kid Calysta?"

"Your stoner parents, I guess."

Allison, smiling, punched Will's shoulder hard.

Kyle, the prop master, handed Will a black tray that held two glasses of red grape juice (wine).

Allison, from thirty feet away, sitting in the restaurant scene, shouted, "You got this, Will! Just like we rehearsed!"

"Quiet on set!"

"Roll cameras."

"Camera one rolling."

"Camera two rolling.

"Go for sound."

"With Arms Outstretched, scene ninety-eight, take one."


Will stood frozen. Allison and Gregg played their parts perfectly, saying their lines with excellent diction and emotion. But Will had stopped. Even his breath had halted.


Chris walked over to Will, who looked scared and apologetic. Chris just offered the young man a warm, gentle smile.

"I'm- I'm sorry, Chris," Will said sincerely. "I--"

"It's okay, Will," the director placed his hand to Will's shoulder. "This is your first time in front of the camera. Let me tell you a secret. Gregg fared the same. I'm not surprised that you froze. Just breathe."

And with that, Chris walked back over to his chair.

"With Arms Outstretched, scene ninety-eight, take two."


Will immediately moved throughout the restaurant, a kind smile plastered on his face.


Will, anxious, wondered what he did wrong this time.

But Chris' voice said, "I can see Gregg's microphone through camera two. Fix it, people! Come on! We're wasting daylight here!"

After the crew rectified the issue, the second camera assistant held the clapper (or slate) out and said, "With Arms Outstretched, scene ninety-eight, take three."


Will strode through the restaurant, expertly balancing the tray in one hand.

"Here is your wine, sir," Will said to Gregg's character, a perfect British accent lilting his voice. "Madam."

"Oh," Allison said, surprised. "Harold, I can't. My apologies, but might I have a glass of sparkling cider?"

Will nodded at the woman, wearing a gentle smile, and responded, "Of course, madam. Of course. Here are your menus. If I may, I would suggest the roast chicken. It is flavoured exquisitely with basil and risotto and a hint of lime. I shall return momentarily with your cider, madam."

When Will disappeared around the corner into the back of the set, he exhaled loudly. He then listened to the rest of the scene.

Gregg asked, "Sweetheart? Why can't you drink wine?"

After a moment of silence, silence in which Allison was supposed to smile excitedly, Allison answered, "Because- because you're going to be a father, Harold."

Will heard the confusion in Gregg's voice as he acted, "I'm going to be- you're pregnant!?"

"Cut! Great, guys! That was fantastic! Let's go again from the top! Allison, more uncertainty in your voice! You're not sure how your husband will take the news of his impending fatherhood! Okay, reset!"

Will walked back to his marker and was handed back the glasses of grape juice and the menus. Crew members quickly reset the scene as the makeup crew quickly touched up the main actors.

Roll cameras!"

"Camera one rolling."

"Camera two rolling."

"Sound is not good. I'm getting feedback from Allison's microphone. Just a minute."

After the sound manager changed the device, the second camera assistant said, "With Arms Outstretched, scene ninety-eight, take four."


Will walked around the restaurant, the tray in one hand, this time pressing his forearm across his lower back.

"Here is your wine, sir," Will said to Gregg's character, a perfect British accent lilting his voice. "Madam."

"Oh," Allison said, surprised. "Gre- sorry. Sorry. Forgot my line for a second."

Gregg, Allison, and Will laughed softly as Will grabbed Allison's glass to reset.

"It's fine!" Chris shouted. "Just collect yourselves. Carry from 'Oh'!"

"Oh. Harold, I can't. My apologies, but might I have a glass of sparkling cider?"

Will nodded at the woman, wearing a gentle smile, and responded, "Of course, madam. Of course. Here are your menus. If I may, I would suggest the roast chicken. It is flavoured exquisitely with basil and risotto and a hint of lime. I shall return momentarily with your cider, madam."

When Will disappeared around the corner into the back of the set, he exhaled loudly. He then listened to the rest of the scene.

Gregg asked, "Sweetheart? Why can't you drink wine?"

After a moment of silence, silence in which Allison was supposed to smile excitedly, Allison answered, "Because- because you're going to be a father, Harold."

Will heard the confusion in Gregg's voice as he acted, "I'm going to be- you're pregnant!?"

Will was only needed on set for another ten minutes. After returning the costume to the appropriate department, Will returned to set just to watch.

Upon returning to the studio, the actors and crew were on a different set. This set was a church, and Gregg was in white makeup and lying in a casket. The funeral scene. Allison was standing at the open casket crying.

"Hi," a male voice said quietly, approaching Will. "You were brilliant in the restaurant scene."

Will smiled at the young brunette man beside him and said equally as quietly, "Thanks. I'm Will Ember."

The brunette accepted Will's hand and replied, "Nick Manon."

"Manon?" Will asked. "As in--"

"Todd Manon is my dad," the brunette clarified with a shy smile.

Seeing Nick's wardrobe of a red polo shirt under a thin grey cardigan, Will asked, "You don't dress like a stuffy suit, so I'm guessing you're not?"

"No," Nick responded. "I'm a cover album artist at Interscope Records."

"Sorry, Nicky," Todd apologized as he passed. "I'll be ready to go in a minute. Just gotta get these papers to Chris to sign."

"So Nicky is a cover album artist," Will said in amusement at the nickname.

Nick laughed softly as said back, "Hey, only my dad and potential boyfriends can call me that."

Will laughed quietly as well and replied, "So you like kissing guys and touching their dingdongs?"

"Oh I like doing more than just 'touching their dingdongs' as you so gracefully put it," Nick smiled. "Why don't you come by the Number 5 Maddox hotel tonight and allow me to show you."

"Can't tonight, sorry," Will said wistfully. "Allison is making me go out tonight to celebrate my first job as an actor."

"First?" Nick asked, his brows scrunching together. "Not even as an extra? You must be one hell of an actor. My flight back to the states is not til Sunday, so I'd really like to- umm- kiss you and touch your dingdong before then."

Will laughed quietly again and stated, "I'm too old to be saying that. There's gotta be a better way for a twenty-year-old to say for doing- stuff... and things."

"You're twenty?" Nick asked, still amused.

"Yes," Will answered. "Well, I will be in two months. I'm nineteen and a half."

Nick laughed hard, yet quiet, and told the blonde, "You're so cute. And funny. Well how about my dick can be the 'stuff' and my balls can be the 'things' that you do?"

"How about I come by tonight?" Will asked. "Then we can have a pants-off-dance-off. I won't be drinking much because Allison and I have work at eight A.M. and Allison depends on me. I'm asking now so you don't concern yourself with drunken consent. I'm staying at the Number 5, too."

Allison raised her shot of tequila and cheered, "To Will! And his first day as an actor!"

All twelve others raised their own glasses and cheered before taking the liquor in a single gulp.

"Ooh!" Natasha Zeyn said with the slight scrunching of her face from the burn of the alcohol. "So, Will, how did you enjoy your first acting job?"

"It was... mm," Will thought for a moment, "so much fun! I mean I fucking froze at first! I was so embarrassed! But Chris made me feel better, and nobody made a big deal about it."

Jason Holmes clapped Will's back and told him, "Hey, don't sweat it, man. Happens to the best of us. On my first job I froze during the first two takes. And then I shit my pants thinking the director was gonna fire me."

"You think you'll take other acting jobs after this?" Marianne Telman asked before sipping her beer.

Will shrugged in response as he sipped his own ale.

"Oh come on!" Allison shrieked with a smile. "Don't tell me if Todd called you tomorrow to play- I dunno, a victim on Supernatural, you wouldn't accept!"

"Okay! Okay!" Will laughed. "I guess it would be awesome if I was offered another role."

Fefe Anderson grabbed Will's hand and shouted, "I love this song! Let's go dance!"

Will, the actors and the crew stayed at The Princess Louise pub for over two and a half hours before Allison said she was done for the night because of she left then she would be able to sleep at least seven hours. Will jumped into the town car with Allison back to the hotel.

Will knocked on hotel room 405, praying that 11:17 P.M. was not too late for Nick.

But Will needn't have fretted, for within seconds, Nick answered the door. All sexy wearing a black wife beater and grey sweatpants. And a big pair of glasses that only made him that much cuter.

"Hey," Nick greeted with a welcoming smile. "Come in. How are you?"

"I'm good," Will answered as he stepped into the hotel room. "A little tired. Only just slightly buzzed. And a little a lot excited to having your wand in my Chamber of Secrets."

Nick laughed softly as he leaned in, his hands cupping Will's face. Because there was barely an inch difference in their height, neither man had to angle their body to maintain passionate smooches. When their lips separated for a single second, Will reached up and removed Nick's eyeglasses. After setting the specs on the desk, Will reattached their lips.

Will, keeping his lips glued to Nick's, gently pushed him further into the room. Nick unceremoniously slid Will's unbuttoned blue and white checkered shirt and peeled the grey tank off, the lightly tanned and smooth skin of his defined chest on full display.

Will pulled Nick's wife beater over his head after Nick had unfastened his jeans. They each pushed their own pants down and stepped out of them, and Will crawled onto the plush bed, laying on his back.

Nick hungrily gazed at Will's already hard seven inches as crawled onto the bed between Will's legs. He grabbed the shaft of Will's throbbing cock and peeled the foreskin off the helmet head. He touched the tip of his tongue to the underside of Will's dick and licked teasingly, torturously slow. Nick moved his eyes to look up at Will as his swirled his tongue over the exposed head. He smirked, loving the sight and sound of Will's happy, pleasured sigh.

Will's dick ached badly. It ached for the teasing to stop and to become engulfed in the warm, wet, velvety mouth. He was about to beg for further pleasure, but Nick wrapped his pretty lips over the pink cock head and suckled gently. Nick bobbed his head minutely, his sinful lips passing over only Will's cock head, his cheeks hollowed out. Nick then reached his other hand to Will's nut sac and massaged the big balls as he slowly eased more of the rigid prick into his mouth.

Will, whose fingers were long since holding locks of brown hair, pulled Nick's mouth off his cock. He was close to cumming, Nick was an expert at felatio. Nick attached their lips, allowing his hands to freely explore the warm, taut skin of Will's muscular body.

Will said between kisses, "Fuck me."

Nick smiled as he gave Will another small peck on the lips. He then leaned sideways and grabbed a condom and bottle of lube from the nightstand. Will sat up and wrapped his arms around the back of Nick's neck as their lips met once more. While making out, Nick slid the condom onto his seven inch cock. Nick pushed Will roughly down onto his back and pushed Will's legs back. He lathered a generous amount of lube to his gloved prick and smeared some onto Will's pretty and inviting entrance.

Will used his foot to push Nick to the side, hard! When landed on his side, he laughed with Will softly as the blonde climbed on Nick.

When Will grabbed Nick's stiff member, the brunette asked, "You- you don't want me to prep you first?"

Will didn't respond verbally. He leaned his ass back against the rigid cock, pushing out to grant the begging phallus easy entrance. Will groaned in mostly pain when the helmet head squeezed through his tight pucker, and Nick groaned in pure ecstasy. Will didn't pause, leaning back all the way until Nick was balls deep inside him.

After Will began gently rocking his hips, Nick sat up. He wrapped his arms around Will's middle and attached his lips to Will's long, beautiful neck.

Will found this a little weird, making slow love while Nick laid lingering affectionate kisses to his neck and jaw and shoulders. A good weird. It was nice. And sweet. He mewled and moaned as Nick suckled sweetly, making a couple of hickeys.

Will continued to ride Nick slowly, and he pulled Nick's face out of his neck. He bent his neck and planted his lips on Nick's neck, placing sweet kisses. He then made his own hickeys on the brunette, smiling at hearing Nick's soft moans.

After about four or five minutes of letting Will ride him, Nick rolled the both of them over. Now on his back, Will wrapped his legs around Nick's lower back. Nick leaned down, pressing their chests together and giving the blonde a passionate kiss as he resumed the gentle, slow fuck.

The silver moonlight shone through the balcony, illuminating the two perfectly. It was just bright enough that Will could clearly distinguish the stunning shade of green that Nick's eyes were as they gazed deeply at each other.

"I'm cumming," Will whispered urgently.

And he did. Without even touching himself. Six spurts of watery cum painted his and Nick's bodies as Nick slowly fucked him.

Nick pressed his forehead to Will's and huskily whispered, "I- I'm gonna cum."

"In my mouth," Will whispered back.

Nick growled, his mind going into sexual overdrive. He pulled out of Will and ripped the condom off his cock. He set his knees by Will's underarms, straddling the blonde's chest. He stroked his thick shaft when Will suckled on his dick head.

Will pushed his arms up and tweaked both of Nick's red-brown nipples. Within seconds he was rewarded with a huge spurt of warm, thick cum shooting hard inside his mouth. A moment later, a second big volley ejaculated. And a third. Will swallowed, and sucked a little harder. Three more big volleys of cum erupted in his mouth and he swallowed more.

Nick convulsed and whispered, "Ohhh shit."

Will continued to nurse on the flared, oversensitive cock. Nick's body wracked, pain and pleasure shooting throughout his body from his prick.

"Fuck," Nick whispered, abruptly pulling his cock from the blonde's lips.

Nick laid down beside Will. Right beside Will. Flush against him, actually. He laid his right leg over Will's and held the blonde close by the hip.

Will turned his head slightly, pressing their cheeks together as he said, "Your cum tastes so fucking good."

Breathless, Nick replied, "You're a cum whore. That's so hot."

"Mm. Time's it?"

Nick looked over Will's shoulder at the hotel's alarm clock and answered, "Eleven-forty-three. Stay the night?"

"I have to wake at six-forty-five and shower because I pick up Allison at seven-fifteen."

"I can set an alarm for you," Nick offered. "S'up to you, though. If you're not--"

"--You're really affectionate for a hookup," Will observed with a smile. "Totally did not expect this. So how'd you become a cover album artist?"

"I've always been interested in art and drawing. The day before my twelfth birthday, my brother Curt gave me my birthday present early. We spent the day LA County Museum of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and The Getty. I studied art at the Royal College of Art."

"Here in London?" Will asked, impressed. "How did you get to be hired at Interscope? How do you like your job?"

"Well, Universal Music head-hunted me. The main cover album artist for Interscope died. I was hired after the fall semester of my senior year, so I didn't come back here for the winter semester. I love my job. I seriously love my job. I schedule photo shoots, oversee them sometimes, tweak in PhotoShop, or even create digital art. Best part is I get to listen to music before anyone else to get a visual for what the cover art should be."

"You sound passionate about your career," Will observed with a soft smile. "What are you doing here in London?"

"My friend from RCA is getting married on Sunday," Nick answered as he turned his body and laid his head on Will's chest. "Just flew in last night."

Will gently scraped his nails on Nick's scalp and responded, "Sounds nice."

"How'd an American such as yourself score a gig as a PA in London when literally every single other PA is British?"

"One, I'm Canadian. Two, I'm not exactly a production assistant. I'm more like Allison Kellard's personal assistant. But only when she's filming. When she was on that two year hiatus she was going to high school in her hometown. Our hometown, Victoria, British Columbia. I was the first person at Oak Bay High to treat her like a normal person, meaning I didn't act starstruck around her. We became best friends. When we graduated she signed on to star in Catherine Hardwick's 'A Tired Mind' and one of her conditions was that I work as her assistant. She's not a slavedriver. I'll get her a water, and read lines with her, and massage her feet because I like helping. But if she sounds demanding, I just tell her that she has two hands and two feet."

"What do you do when Allison isn't filming?"

"I'm studying Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria online. When Allison isn't filming I work in Victoria as a construction worker."

"Construction?" Nick asked, sliding his hand over Will's ripped muscles. "Explains this sexy-as-fuck bod. How do you like working as Allison's assistant?"

"It's cool. I get to see the films before anyone, I get to meet all these actors and directors, I see their ugly sides when they come out, and I've even become friends with some. And the pay is awesome!"

"Yeah?" Nick asked, nuzzling his cheek against Will's pectoral. "How much do you make? If you don't mind my asking."

"Between that and construction, I make about eighty-eight grand a year. How much do you make at Interscope?"

"Ninety-eight grand. That's pretty good for a cover album artist. Beth Alders at Capitol Records, which is another child company of Universal Music, makes a hundred twenty-two grand. You ready for sleep? I'm fuckin' bushed. Can you be the big spoon?"

Nick turned around, making sure to keep Will's warm, muscular forearm under his neck. Will scooted til his chest and stomach were pressed flush against Nick's back.

"How old are you anyway?" Will asked before kissing Nick's shoulder. "I mean you know that I'm almost twenty."

"I'm twenty-five. Now shh. You have to pick up Allison in, like, seven hours."

After Will had shut the alarm clock off, Nick turned in his arms and they sleepily snuggled for a bit. Will moved his head slightly and touched the tip of his nose to Nick's.

Will smiled and asked the brunette, "You're not much into hookups, are you?"

Nick laughed softly and answered, "Not really. It's been almost a decade since I've had meaningless sex."

"So why last night?"

"Was just horny. And you're one of the hottest guys I've seen. What about you? You into hookups or relationships or...?"

Will shrugged one shoulder and replied, "I've only been in one relationship and that ended messily over a year ago. So I open Grindr and Hornet and Scruff a couple days a week. And you're pretty sexy yourself, Nicky. Beard stubble as you kiss me, driving my fingers through the small patch of chest hair, and feeling your muscles in my hands."

"Mm, thanks," Nick mumbled. "If you call me that, I reserve the right to call you 'Billy'! Now go shower and leave me to sleep. Come back tonight?"

Will kissed the tip of the brunette's nose and replied, "Making this a two-night-stand?"

Nick groaned, though he was smiling, and answered, "Yes! I wanna touch your dingdong again before I fly back to the states."

After brushing his teeth with his finger and showering, Will woke a sleeping Nick by turning him into his back and initiating a heated, passionate kiss.

"We get back around nine o'clock tonight," Will told Nick. "I'll come by after showering and we can waka-waka."

An hour later Will was walking to the costume department carrying two plates of fruit and cheese. He was a little embarrassed still because when he knocked on Allison's hotel room door she quickly pointed out that he was still wearing last night's clothes.

"There you are!" Todd Manon's voice called.

Will turned around and smiled at the suit.

"I have another job for you," Todd told the blonde. "If you want. You're interested in acting, right? If you are, you're gonna need an agent, because you've got talent."

"I-" Will's heart leaped. "Umm... Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening."

"Calm down, kid," Todd said, unimpressed. "It's a small guest spot on Grey's Anatomy. The guy whose part you'd be taking was arrested for drug trafficking."

"O-oh," Will replied, still disbelieving but nervous now as well. "Wha-what's the part?"

...But I call it love

Next: Chapter 2

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