You and Me


Published on Jun 26, 2007


YOU AND ME Chapter 2

(Thanks for the comments, everyone. I honestly wasn't going to write the second part this soon but the e-mails kept pouring in, wanting for more. If you have any suggestions for storylines, please share them with me! Again, e-mails are greatly welcomed and appreciated. Story is copyrighted to the author 2007. Enjoy!)

I looked back up at him, and his eyes were still gazing elsewhere. "Hey, look at me." He wouldn't. "Look at me." I pulled him in closer to me, my hands grasped onto his arms now. He did, and the moment his eyes met mine, all of those feelings I had for him, all of those nights I spent crying over him, all of the times I heard the phone ring and wished it was him, all of the times I read and re-read the notes he would pass me in class, all of those perfect opportunities that I had to confess my love for him--all of those moments came rushing back to me. Our faces were an inch apart. This time, as he looked into my eyes, I knew his mind wasn't anywhere else but here.

I pulled him in closer.

"Time for bed," I said, and I let him go.

I know what you're thinking. It was the perfect moment to kiss him. We were both in the heat of the moment, and I had never felt so much passion for him. Believe me, I've imagined this scenario many atimes: I'd kiss him and we'd rip each other's clothes off and in the morning, we'd try to avoid the topic in front of James, my boyfriend. It'd all be very Grey's Anatomy, but I wasn't prepared for that kind of drama in my life. Besides, he was vulnerable, and I didn't want to scare him off by kissing him. So I refrained from doing so, and I retreated to my bedroom while he stayed in the living room. I walked away trying to hide my hard-on.

"What took you so long?" asked my half-asleep boyfriend, as I crawled into bed.

"I was just settling Ken in, making him feel better." I kissed his bare shoulder.

"What about making me feel better?" he said, as he turned away from me. I figured James didn't want to speak to me tonight, so I turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next morning, James had gone to work and I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon.

"Breakfast?" Ken asked, as he stacked pancakes onto a plate, barely dressed in a pair of plaid boxer shorts.

"Thanks," I said, taking the plate from him as our hands made contact. "Do you remember that day when we went on the school trip--"

"--And we stole those pancakes and waffles from the lobby--"

"--And we scattered them around the hallway and no one knew where they were coming from?"

We laughed at our juvenile acts.

"Remember when the seagull landed on you--"

"--spit at you-----your hot dog----on a turtle!"

"Oh yeah!"

We both had food in our mouths.

And I couldn't help but notice that we were finishing each other's sentences. James and I never do that. He's always invested in his work. He's a photographer, and he takes great photographs, especially of me, in the nude, but we can save that for another story. I had forgotten about the fact that Ken and I hadn't talked in five years. It felt like we were back in school, and he was turning around to poke at me. Anyway, Ken and I ate breakfast together and we reminisced about stories of our past and shared with each other what we had been up to. Apparently he didn't do very well in community college, and he was looking into joining the marines. I told him how strongly I opposed the war, and we had an argument over it. For some reason though, I liked arguing with him. It seemed right, as silly as that sounds.

The day went by quickly like a montage of scenes from some romantic comedy. We joked, we wrestled, we talked about each other's hopes and dreams, we watched movies and threw popcorn at each other. We had always been very playful with each other, but I never thought that he would ever have any interest in me. After all, he was straight. Or at least, he said he was straight. There were always moments when I had my doubts, but then the next day, he would hook up with some girl and be telling me about her later that night. I realized then that I shouldn't pursue someone who would never reciprocate the way I felt.

"Why did you and your girlfriend break up?" I asked him.

"I realized I wasn't interested in her anymore. It just got boring, you know? And I wasn't attracted to her at all, so I told her, and she kicked me out. We were about to move in together. I'm surprised she didn't kill me."

I figured I would take a chance and ask him. "Would you ever be interested in--"

"Hey honey, did you go into work today?" James was home.

Crap. Work. I didn't even call in sick. I was so invested in my conversation with Ken that I had completely forgotten about my day.

"Oh no, I stayed at home with Ken. I thought he might need a friend."

James seemed thrown aback by my comment. I'd never missed a day of work before, and here I was, still sitting in my underwear, biting at the same piece of toast from that morning. "I'm going to go to bed. I've had a long day. See you later." He left into our bedroom with kind of a hurt look on his face. I got up and looked at Ken, and he seemed to understand. I went after James.

His back was turned towards me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned around.

"Nothing, it's just that ... that's Ken. It's the same Ken you've wanted since you were 13 and sometimes, I just feel like, I can't compete. And I know it sounds silly and stupid but--"

"No, it's not stupid. But that was when I was 13. This is now, and I'm in love with you. I love you, James." I kissed him on the lips.

I was about to pull away when he kissed me again, this time with passion and fervor like I've never experienced before. I closed the door behind me, and I started unbuttoning his shirt without breaking our kiss. I threw his shirt to the side and he lifted me up by my thighs, my legs wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck. We continued kissing as he led me to the bed. I broke away from the kiss for a second to take off my shirt, and then I ran my hands through his messy black hair. He placed me onto the bed on my back, and he leaned in and kissed my neck, moving his very talented lips and tongue down towards my navel, which just happened to be my pleasure spot. I moaned loudly, aware that Ken was in the next room. I won't elaborate on the sex because this isn't that sort of story. If you want me to recount about my sex-capades then tell me in an e-mail. Anyway, we continued to remove each other's clothing and had the best sex of our lives that night. It was so tender and passionate and it felt as if it was our first time making love.

Primarily because I was picturing Ken's face as I made love to my boyfriend.

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