Yoi Cocktown

Published on Feb 21, 2009


Yoi Cocktown 2

YOI Cock Town

By David Heulfryn

www.screeve.org and http://screeve-extra.blogspot.com

Episode Two: A Cock Town Welcome

The drive to YOI Cockton was uncomfortable. Nathan was alone in the back of a prison wagon and handcuffed to his seat. As the wagon turned and rolled, he struggled to keep on his seat and would feel the metal of his cuffs digging into him if he slid too far.

     All the windows in the wagon were blacked out so he could not see where he was going and was surprised how soon he heard the rattle of a chain-link gate open. He had arrived.

     The wait in the back of the hot and airless wagon was making him angry. Why the hell were they making him wait, he thought and could hear the muffled sound of people talking outside. When the door finally opened he raised his voice. "About fucking time. I'm not a fucking battery hen."

     "That's what you think." The officer smiled at him. "Never heard of prison overcrowding?"

     "Oh just fuck off and get me out of here."

     "You're not making any friends you know."

     "D'ya think I really want to be mates with a fucking screw. Don't make me laugh."

     "Us 'screws', as you call us, can make your life as bearable as we want. Just wait and see."

     Nathan was led by two guards to the induction room, one was the guard who collected him from the court buildings and the other had appeared with the induction paperwork as they came into the courtyard.

     "Do you mind if I induct this one by myself? You go and grab a coffee and have a break."

     Nathan watched as he was left alone with the Officer Hanley.

     Hanley took off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. Placing the plastic bag of belongings he had been given by the dock officers, he looked Nathan up and down. "Well I suppose we should get started."

     Nathan stood still as Hanley removed the handcuffs. Feeling the air against his clammy skin he rubbed his wrists to get the feeling back he had lost during the journey.

     "Right, empty your pockets and put your belongings on this table."

     "You've got all my stuff in that bag you tosser."

     "I don't know what you may have picked up on the way, now turn you pockets out."

     Nathan delved into his jeans' pockets and turned them inside out, the white lining flapping.

     "Ok. Sign here."

     Nathan signed the docket that was put with the plastic bag containing his watch, wallet and money.

     "Now the fun starts. Take off your clothes and put them on the table." Hanley smiled.

     "I bet you love this part don't you? All you lot are queers."

     Hanley watched as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and began fumbling with his jeans. Pulling his jeans down to his knees, he kicked off his trainers. Placing his trainers and jeans on the table, he stood and watched Hanley who was busy checking his clothes for any items which may be concealed and writing down the articles on another docket. Placing his clothes into a large plastic bag, he noticed Nathan was still wearing his underwear.

     "Come on all of them." He said and looked directly at the crotch of Nathan's boxer shorts.

     Pulling his grey socks off first, Nathan scowled at Hanley and then took off his boxers. Determined not to let Hanley get the better of him, he stood, naked, with his hands resting on his hips.

     Hanley put his dirty underwear in the bag and sat back in his chair. Nathan was a good looking boy, he thought, but an arrogant one.

     It was the first time he'd been locked up, but knew what to expect from his older mates who would come in and out of prison and tell him all about it.

     Nathan was a little shorter than most sixteen year old boys but built very sturdy. He could certainly handle himself in a fight; many a time he would come home with a black eye and a busted nose, but the other guy was always worse off. Standing naked in front of Hanley, his dick dangling, he thought about his girlfriend and the fuck he gave her this morning. He wondered when he would next get to fuck her, if ever. With him in jail she could easily find someone else.

     "Ok." Hanley got to his feet. "Any distinguishing marks, tattoos etcetera?"


     "Right, into the shower. Through there." He pointed to a door.

     As Nathan showered, Hanley watched him and kept giving him directions. 'Use the shampoo' and 'lather up your whole body with the gel' and 'I've not seen you wash your thighs'. This was bloody stupid, Nathan thought but Hanley carried on with his directions.

     "Don't forget your arse. Right inside your crack as well."

     Nathan stuck his hand between his cheeks and rubbed.

     "And your dick and balls."

     Nathan complied.

     After rinsing himself and turning off the water, Hanley threw Nathan a towel and watched as he dried himself.

     "Now you're good and clean, we can do the next bit. Come here and put your feet on that line."

     Next to the shower was an open cubicle with a line painted parallel and about four feet from the wall.

     "Now, keep your feet where they are and lean forward, resting your hands on the wall."

     "What the fuck for? What you doing?"

     Hanley twanged the latex on the glove he had just put on. "I've got to make sure you're not smuggling anything in. This is the last place to look."

     "Fuck off. You're not shoving anything up my arse."

     "I can always get three more officers in here to help me. And if you start causing trouble, I've got my stick and I swear I will beat you to a pulp." He got his stick from his belt and touched the top of Nathan neck with it, tracing down his backbone.

      Nathan leant forward, spreading his legs wider in anticipation. "Do it then you queer, but be fucking quick."

      Hanley lubricated his fingers and without warning shoved two up Nathan's arse. He jumped and almost yelped as he felt the fingers root around inside him. Hanley took his fingers out and applied more lubricant. This time three fingers went right up Nathan's arse.

      "That fucking hurts. Surely you can see there's nowt up there."

      "Stay fucking quiet and still." Hanley snapped.

     Hanley took his fingers out and removed the glove. "Stay there!" He demanded.

     Nathan tried to twist his head to see Hanley but couldn't. The effort strained his neck so he relaxed and just hung his head, listening.

     He heard something unzip and then sensed Hanley approach him. Hanley now stood close behind him. Nathan heard him shuffle his feet and then felt Hanley's dick push between his buttocks. He tried to clamp his arse shut and twisted his body round to face him. "Don't you fucking dare." He shouted.

     But Hanley was quick with his stick and belted Nathan in his stomach. Doubling over, Nathan clutched his stomach only to feel the stick strike his upper arm.

     "Fucking hell!" He cried out and lunged at Hanley who merely sidestepped him and hit the back of his neck with his stick.

     Nathan dropped to the floor, groaning and dazed. Hanley straddled him, hooked his stick under Nathan's chin and pulled him to his feet before throwing him against the wall.

     "Now bend over you fucking cunt or I'll break you into pieces." Hanley spat into his ear and struck the base of his spine.

     Nathan felt his body ache and just wanted him to stop, he resigned himself to what was going to happen but vowed to get even with Hanley later. Nathan pushed his arse out and closed his eyes tight.

     Hanley grabbed Nathan's hips and pulled his arse further out causing Nathan to steady himself again against the wall with his arms. Reaching round, Hanley grabbed Nathan's balls and squeezed tight. "Don't fucking move or I'll rip your fucking balls off." He pushed forward and his still hard dick slipped inside Nathan's well lubricated hole.

     Nathan hung his head and stared at the floor as Hanley pummelled his arse, he wanted so much to stop him, to turn round and punch the bastard in the face but every time he moved his balls were squeezed. It was not a gentle squeeze either, each time he gripped harder and the pain caused his eyes to water. He wasn't crying, Nathan was too much the man to cry, it was just the discomfort and the force in which Hanley rammed his dick inside him that made his eyes water. He so desperately wanted to wipe the water away so that Hanley didn't think he'd broken him.

     Gritting his teeth in hatred, Nathan took the dick without complaint. Any resistance was met with excruciating pain from his balls; he didn't want that, so he took the dick, his mind conjuring ever elaborate plans of exact his revenge against Hanley.

     As the resistance faded, so did Hanley's grip on Nathan's balls. His dick, which started limp and draped over Hanley's hand, was now inflating. It was getting hard and bounced against his stomach. Nathan's downcast eyes saw his hard dick and he became confused. He was not enjoying this and Hanley's dick felt massive, stretching his arse out of shape. He only hoped there wouldn't be too much damage.

     Nathan felt Hanley breathing heavily near his ear and his humping became even harder. Each stroke, Nathan would feel the metal teeth of Hanley's fly graze against his cheeks. Hanley panted and after one final push groaned and came inside Nathan. He kept his dick inside as it pumped more cum. As the flow ebbed, he pulled out slowly and pushed back in, teasing more out cum.

     As Hanley let his dick fall out of Nathan's hole, he released his balls. The release caused Nathan to snap into action and turned to face Hanley. His motion was quick, but Hanley was quicker, as they faced each other, Hanley's stick punched Nathan in the chest.

     "Don't fucking think about it." He looked at the hatred in Nathan's eyes. "Besides," he looked down at Nathan's hard cock, "it looks like you enjoyed it." Hanley reached out and held Nathan's cock, sliding his fingers up and down the shaft, wanking him slowly. "I bet you want to stick this up me now don't you. I just know you'd love rape my arse hard, tear me open. You're thinking about fucking a man, aren't you? Shoving your dick in him."

     "You're fucking sick." Nathan slapped Hanley's hand off his cock. "Get your fucking hand off me."

     Hanley brought his stick up to Nathan's throat, the pressure against his windpipe made him choke. "You had better fucking watch your step, or I'll fuck you every night in your sleep."

     Hanley released Nathan's hard cock and tucked his own limp member back into his trousers. "Now clean up your arse again." He pushed Nathan back into the showers.

     As Nathan showered again, Hanley fished out the regulation bottle-green sweatshirt and sweat pants from a cupboard and waited for him to emerge from the showers clean and dry.

     "I suppose you'd better have some clothes if you're going to meet the other guests. I guess you're a large so put these on." Hanley threw the clothes at him.

     "Any chance of my boxers back."

     "Now you're convicted you're not allowed to wear your own clothes, everything must be prison issue."

     Nathan sighed. "So where are my prison issue underwear?"

     "Sorry, we aint got none. Everyone just lets things hang around here." Hanley smiled and watched as Nathan climbed into his new uniform and slipped his feet into the size seven pumps Hanley tossed at him.

     "Don't you look pretty." Hanley teased. "Now, follow me."

     Nathan was led from the induction room and through several locked doors. He could now hear the sounds of the others, milling around and talking. The last gate was opened and he was now with the others. He was ignored as Hanley walked him to his cell.

     The cell was small and cramped. It had two beds in, one against each side wall and a sink separating them. Beneath the sink was a bucket with a lid on.

     Nathan's cell mate sat on his bed, crossed legged and reading a magazine. He did not look up as they entered.

     "You sleep there." Hanley pointed at the empty bed. "You've missed dinner so you'll have to wait until breakfast for food." He smiled at Nathan as he tried to sit on the bed.

     Nathan arse felt sore and he stood up again.

     "That feeling should remind you not to mess with me or the other guards."

     Hanley turned to leave the cell. "Oh, and one more thing. Welcome to Cock Town."

Next Episode : Inmate Initiation

**Thank you for reading

Comments are welcomed and gratefully received. Please email me at david@screeve.org**

Thank you to everyone who has already emailed me after reading one of my stories. I reply to everyone who takes the time to write to me, however, what with spam these days, sometimes your emails, or mine, get relegated to the junk box.

There are other stories on my website http://www.screeve.org, some of which have not been posted here and why not visit my blog at http://screeve-extra.blogspot.com where you can read the start of a new series - This Life of Brian.

Next: Chapter 3

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