YoGA MaT' o1

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Jul 1, 2024


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature. If a character from this story happens to have the same first name, use it to your advantage and put yourself in his place. The author is not responsible for leakage.

% Countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain 'adult material', intended for an adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex & related stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

% Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops? % Give till it hurts...and if that's not enough, get with some s&m!

'YoGA MaT' 26 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Next morning, Patrick woke first. His right arm had gone numb, Jerry lying on it.

Slipping it out, "oh. Hi. Did I wake you?"

Patrick replies, "no. I think it was me who woke you!"

Turning from his back facing Patrick, Jerry says, "I haven't had a nice time like last nice since," he thinks, "come to think of it, never have I ever!"

"Yeah," Patrick smiles, "me too. I mean, had a good time," they kiss.

Then, noticing how quiet the cabin seems to be, "I better go see what grandpa is up to."

He was a bear of a man and Patrick loved the view from the bed, but being he had somewhere to be, sits on the side of the bed.

"No, you stay."

"I really should be getting myself together."

"Sure," Jerry says.

Going to the bathroom, Patrick comes back, finding Jerry sitting where he just ejected himself, "what's wrong?"

Jerry had the sniffles, "grandpa. He's gone."

Patrick, having slipped on his briefs, acts on the alert, "are you sure?"

Rushing to the other room, taking Jerry's grandpa's pulse, he finds the same truth.

"So sorry, Jerry."

He didn't really expect it, Jerry leaning on him for support, "thanks. I'm so glad you're here. I dreaded this, one morning, getting up and finding grandpa having passed away."

It wasn't at all like last night, sex being the vehicle to draw two men together.

With a warm feeling, Patrick was sensing something else than the heat of wanting to kiss with an emotional high that would drive him to touch in a steamy manner. He felt 'wanted', 'needed', "I'm glad I could be here with you too, Jerry."

"I've tried to prepare myself for when this day would come."

"I know from experience, Jerry. Much as we think about it, someone we love, passing, it always comes as a shock."

Patrick really felt for the man, who, hours before, was a total stranger.

"Well, I'm so glad you decided to stay last night."

"I am too."

"I thought of this day coming, but find myself at a loss of what to do."

Patrick says, with a little smile, "fear not. This is something I face on an occasional basis. First thing we do is notify the sheriff."

Jerry probably would have been a mess by himself, but with Patrick there, everything seemed to run smoothly. Little did he know, grandpa had everything worked out, funeral arrangements, etc. Now, all he had to think about is how to thank Patrick for being the faciliator, the one who got the ball rolling. All his life, Jerry thought of himself as 'man in charge', but now was rethinking things, as he gazes at the new man of importance in his life. Sitting, exhaling, it was a weight off his shoulders, having someone to take charge of him, instead of being the sole man in his universe.


When Hart and Dev arrived at the campground they thought for sure they were going to bunk with Tom, after having been turned away because of not enough cabins. However, due to a lot of moxie on Wolf's part, they wound up in a 'dorm' of sorts, a main cabin, housing the employees of Garrett's modeling agency.

With morning on the horizon, they wake to find themselves joined by two other guys they don't remember meeting last night.

Hart looks to Dev for answers. As it happens, there's no clue to how two other naked men wound up, their feet up to the couple's armpits.

Dev says, "should we tickle them awake?"

With a little chuckle, Hart says, "yeah. Let's do it!"

Different from other structures at the campground, this rather large log cabin was divided into several rooms, numbering just shy of a dozen. Originally built as a dorm for Garrett's models, there was one bed per room, but not your ordinary twin, each sporting a queen-size place to sleep.

Slowly the two lulled those owning the two pair of feet awake, until they were brought into full laughter.

Dev almost got kicked 'where it hurts', Hart saying light-heartedly, "the nerve of him!"

Picking up a pillow, Hart throws it at the blond's aggressive foot.

"Hey," he sits up.

A lot of beer was downed last night, which had the blond saying, "who are you?"

Then he fell backwards, like passing out, but snoring instead.

It gave Dev the giggles, followed by Hart doing the same.

Then the two turn to each other and gaze at their naked bods.

"When did this happen?"

Hart didn't recall when, early evening or later on, that the two had stripped down and gotten into bed.

Dev, a little more frisky when it came to nudity, "I don't know, but you know what?"

"What?" Hart says.

Jumping on Hart, chest to chest, Dev says, "doesn't matter. You agree?"

Hart did. Seems that somewhere in the night they had felt the need to shed their clothing, get naked and bring their bods together.

Lying on Hart's chest, he questions Dev, "do you remember anything from last night?"

"Yeah. We each had a beer."

Hart says, "but I don't drink, alcohol."

"Me neither. Prolly why we went at each other like a couple of animals in heat!"

"My nips are so sore. How do you explain that?"

"Um," Dev thinks on it, then in a snarky manner, "they taste good?"

Smiling, in a sheepish way, Hart says, "I think you taste good!"

"I could tell," Dev says.

"I didn't go too savage on your dick, did I?"

"A little, but you know what?"

"What?" Hart says.

"I wanted to fuck you, but didn't."

At that moment of thinking it, Hart squeezes his ass cheeks together, "oh. Why, did you want to?"

"Hm," Dev thinks on it. "I was hard enough, but then we, you know?"

Hart says, "I never did that before."

"What? Suck a guy?"

"Yeah, never have I ever sucked a guy while he was sucking me."

"Same," Dev says. "I kind of liked it. You tasted good. How did you like the way I tasted?"

Hart shrugs both shoulders, "good."

The too at the foot of the bed moan. The blond turns over and hugs the dark-haired guy.

"When did those two come in?"

Hart says, "after we drank each other."

Dev laughs.


"Drank each other."

Haft laughs, "yeah, that does sound a little funny."

What they don't realize, is talking about it has gotten them horny all over again!

"I'd like to try it again sometime. Maybe tonight?"

"It could happen," Hart retorts, "but why wait?"

"You're right," Hart says and growing a set of big, big balls, takes his foot and slams it against the bottom of the blond's foot.

Garnering a reaction, the blond blinks wide awake, "hey, what the fuck, man?"

It wakes sleepy-eyed sex partner, "what time is it?"

Dev joins forces with Hart's forced approach, "time for you two to go find another room."

They learn the blond guy's name is 'Sam', dark-haired 'Adam' saying, "c'mon, let's go and leave these two to their privacy."

'Sam' didn't move, claiming, since he had slept here last night. This bed was just as much his domain as theirs and he wasn't budging.

Adam offers Sam a hand, "c'mon, let's just go and give these two their privacy."

Whether it was on purpose, accidental, reaction to throwing a tissy-fit, Adam is struck on the cheek by the back of Sam's hand.

"Fuck this shit," Adam gets angered, grabbing Sam by the arm and dragging him out of bed.

Hart and Dev are then spectators to Adam's brutality, grabbing Sam by both ankles and dragging him out of the room!

Coming back, Adam says, "okay, you two can have your privacy now."

However, Sam wasn't ready to give up and give in, rushing back in the room and jumping on Adam's back!

Being choked, Adam felt warranted to lift his arm and force it back, stabbing Sam in the stomach with his elbow.


Both Hart and Dev jump out of bed and stand at Adam's side, looking down at Sam.

Sam, who struggles to get up, refuses Adam's help, "you're all going to pay for this!"

Up and out of the room, Sam leaves, slamming the door shut behind him, leaving the other three standing there.

Dev says, "he sounded a little angry."

Adam says, as he turns and eyes the two up and down, "Sam's a little boy who has never had any respect for anyone and therefore doesn't take responsibility for his actions. He thinks the world is only there for him and when things get on the offensive, everyone else is wrong, leaving himself to be the only one in the right."

"That sounds deep," Hart says.

Dev says, "you a psychologist?"

Adam acts guilty, "I'm supposed to be in charge of the models. My job is to keep them out of trouble. Now it looks like I'm the troublemaker."

Hart speaks up, "hey, it was Sam who hit you, remember?"

"Sam's dad has a lot of loot. When it comes to Garrett, who was forced to take on Sam as a model, in exchange for keeping his dream alive, this is only going to be seen one way, if you catch my drift?"

"No offense," Dev tries lightening up the situation, "but you don't look like the model type."

Rubbing his hairy stomach, Adam says, "yeah, I've been meaning to get to a gym and working out."

Taking the opportunity, Dev rubs Adam's stomach, "I'm kind of into bears, you know?"

"Really?" Hart says, "and when were you going to tell me this?"

"Hey," Adam says, a hand over his cock and holding his balls, "I better get out of here before I cost you both your jobs."

Hart says, "oh, we're not models."


"Yeah," Dev says, "Hart works at a yoga studio and I just landed a job at a gym."

Adam smiles, "you two certainly fooled me."

Hart says, "I guess that makes us even."

"I don't follow."

Dev has an idea of where Hart is heading with this, "we were just as surprised, with you waking up at the foot of our bed."

"Oh. That. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have followed Sam's lead."

Shrugging both shoulders, Hart says, "well, what's done is done."

"That's right," Dev agrees.

"Well, thanks guys."

Just then Sam barges in, "just heard from Garrett, you're fired, asshole!"

Right before closing the door, Sam bursts out in laughter.

"Great," Adam says, "and I just put a down payment on a new car."

Dev says, "you're kidding? Even after we are both witnesses to Sam's violence against you?"

Adam says, "like I've told you. Sam's got more clout than I do at the moment."

"What would Tom do?" Hart laughs.

Dev says, "what?"

"Nothing," Hart says.

"No wait. You might be onto something, Hart."

"What? What'd I say?"

Adam asks, "Tom who?"

Dev says, "do you really like working for Garrett?"

"It has it's downsides, but the money's good."

Hart figures, "but if what you say is true and junior gets his way, you might have your cash flow cut off."

Adam has a reality check, exhales and sits on the side of the bed, "damn, what if you're right?"

Dev comes and sits on Adam's left side, Hart on the right, "I wonder if Tom could help you out?"

Hart agrees, "yeah, he's a real humanitarian, has helped out a lot of guys to find their way."

"As I understand it, he finds jobs for guys who are kicked out by their families for being gay and sets them up for meaningful lives."

Adam was feeling comfort in the tone of their voices, but also Dev's hand on his left thigh, Hart's hand on his right, "so, maybe he has a job for me?"

Feeling much comfort from their vision, Adam couldn't help but react in a reciprocative manner, placing hands on both Hart and Dev's thigh and start rubbing.

Dev looks up at Hart, Hart doing the same, both with the same thought on their minds. Without even speakiing, they place a hand on Adam's shoulder and push him backwards against the mattress.

"Wait. Hold it, hold it. What are you doing?"

They were about to do 'something', when the door busts open and there, standing like the Rock of Gibraltor, is Trey, "hey, you didn't hear, Adam, you're out?"

With a feeling of disdain, Adam says, sitting up, "I heard."

Unknown fact to anyone but themselves, Trey and Adam never did get along.

"So, what are you waiting for? Get your things and get out and that's an order from Garrett."

Wolf, who was steps behind Trey, ducks under his armpit and enters the room, "what's going on here?"

Adam says, "our boss gave me the ax on account of Sam running like the tiny little slug he is, to his daddy. Word travels fast as you know, when it comes to the brat having his way?"

Born of Arabic and Egyptian lineage, with some Viking blood mixed in, Trey stands as a huge fortress of muscle, almost topping out at seven feet tall. Wide shoulder, shirtless, his broad, fuzzy poundcakes hightlight the muscular frame. Under the frame of the muscle of fibrous chest tissue lies a contoured abdo, which holds up all the physical power and strength, including bulging biceps and big hands. When Trey wants to drive a point home, all he has to do is pound one hand with his mighty fist, which is enough to scare the shit out of anyone who goes up against him.

Wolf didn't have a rich daddy to back him up, but enough moxie to tame even the roughest, toughest man, "Trey?"

"Yes?" he softens his tone of voice.

The trio on the bed were amazed when Wolf retorts, "yes, what, Trey?"

Trey showed the look on his face, the one which seems like they are embarrassed to reply, but after rolling his eyes, "yes, sir?"

"Adam's staying."

"But, Garrett said."

Wolf stood there almost in Trey's face and acting like he is eight feet tall, "who do listen to Trey, me or Garrett?"

Anyone could tell, the gears in Trey's mind turning, thinking it over, "you, sir."

"Okay, you can leave now."

Trey knew he was being caught in the middle, Garrett signing his paycheck, but loving what Wolf could give him. It came quite by accident and a surprise, Wolf popping in on Trey, in his quarters, on relaxation time, sitting in front of a laptop, watching nearly naked men, one holding a guy and a third working his gut over.

About Trey closing the computer in half, a fraction of a second too late, Wolf smiled, saying, 'too late, Trey. Into s&m are you?'

Trey turned around in his swivel chair, exposing his hefty balls and 9.5c stiff shaft, all glistening with pre-cum and without an excuse for his actions, 'um, yeah, I might be.'

Whereas Trey's stature could dictate being a dominant, it was Wolf who rose above, and not allowing the bigger man to get control of the situation, 'what can I help you with?'

Trey was more into Wolf, thinking of what he could do for him, and in thinking before saying, a bead of goo seeped out, extending to the floor.

Taking advantage of a situation, Wolf dares to say, when Trey uses a couple of fingers to control the flow, 'perfect. Now eat it.'


He could be a lovable kind of guy, but when Wolf was in the play, 'too late. You didn't react fast enough, which means you're due for some punishment.'

'What the?'

Wolf had balls, guts and all that daring stuff that made up the attitude his mind could project. When words didn't make an impression, slapping Trey's fat cock did, giving it a hefty swipe of his hand.

'Oh shit, Wolf!'

Wolf hadn't been hit on the head, pounded ten feet into the ground, which then gave him inclination to further provoke. Sensing something here, he says, 'and another thing, Trey, I don't appreciate you swearing at me.'

Suddenly, this big hulk of man says, 'I'm sorry for swearing at you, Wolf.'

'Okay, I can be civilized about it,' Wolf plays the circumstances by ear, 'I might forgo punishment if you get down on you knees, fish my cock out of my shorts and give it a lick.'

Little did Wolf know, Trey's libido was running on all time high, which again made a sinewy strand of goo excrete from the tip of his shaft.

It made Wolf smile, a true telltale sign that the security man was loving the attention, 'you've got to learn to respond when I give you an order, Trey.'

At that point, Trey sunk to his knees.

'Too late again, Trey. Of no fault but your own, I'm going to have to punish you.'

Another rush consumed Trey's whole being, thinking of this young master controlling him.

'That's okay. You can stay on your knees. This will only take a couple of minutes,' Trey says, walking over to a chair, where Trey's slacks hung over the back. Taking the belt by the buckle, he pulls it through the loops. He catches Trey turning to look, 'eyes forward, boy.'

It didn't feel awkward at all to Wolf, calling a man with perhaps fifteen years of age on him, degrading him in that way.

As he stands behind Trey, he says, 'did you say something?'

Trey thought the correct answer, 'no.'

Then the belt comes down, from left shoulder, over his back, 'akk-k-k!'

'Another wrong answer, Trey. When are you going to learn to respect me and address me in the proper way?'

'Sorry. I meant, no, sir.'

'That's more like it.' Still testing his subject, Wolf says, 'now get up. Go over there and grab the top railing of the bunkbed.'

Trey does exactly as Wolf says, still not sharing what a wonderful experience this is, looking forward to the endorphin rush of that first lash, 'yes sir.'

Wolf is thinking how cool this is, to boss around a good-looking hunk such as this, 'hands wider apart and kick your feet out to the sides.'

'Yes, sir,' Trey responds, reaching his hands as far apart as possible, flaunting those dark-haired armpits.

In ecstasy, Wolf watches as Trey stretches his legs apart, seeing his big balls hanging down and from behind, that big, engouged shaft swinging back and forth.

'You know, Trey, I think I'd like to see what you can really take.'

It wasn't a question, but regardless, Trey had already programmed himself to sink into a lowly place, 'yes, sir.'

Wolf smiles, the sandy blond frat man thinking what fun this is going to be.

Trey wasn't the only one with a boner!

'Are you ready for your punishment, Trey?'

'Yes, sir.'

Like Uncle Bill had taught him, if the other guy is complying with every demand, he wants it. bad, 'okay, then I'm going to give you the punishment you deserve. Any questions?'

'No, sir.'

It was in the bag then, far as Wolf was concerned and he didn't hold back, bringing Trey's stiff leather belt over his back, working it up and down. He even dealt him out a few extra lashes, seeing several strands of goo dribble down between Trey's legs.

That was their first time together and even though they've known each other for less than two days, they have found something more than friendship.

Back in reality, Trey slowly backs out the door, not wanting to share the welts on his back.

The door closes, leaving Wolf inside with Dev, Hart and Adam.

Adam says, "whew, I owe ya one, Wolf."

Inside his head, Wolf's brain started to react to Adam's comment, much like when Trey surrendered to him, "I'm sure I can find a way."

"Yeah," the muscle cub says, "whenever you're up for it."

On Adam's mind was maybe on his knees, sucking up to Wolf, with a little ass work to round out the favor.

Dev says, "yeah, thanks for that, Wolf."

However, Wolf wasn't into skinny guys, more the big type, bearish in appearance, "not a problem."

Hart says, "yeah, the cabin is really nice. Spacious, for just three guys."

"Which, I thought we would be bunking with models?" Dev questions.

Adam kept silent, admiring the leather harness Wolf had, surrounding both shoulders and crisscrossing over his chest.

"Anything else I can do for you?"

Hart and Dev couldn't think of anything, but Adam says, "really, we appreciate everyhing you're doing for us. If there's anything I can do for you, I'm happy to give?"

Wolf knew when a man was begging, "actually, there's a need for someone to help gather wood for the bonfire tonight, if you're up for doing something like that?"

"Sure," Adam replies. "Just name when and where."

"Right now would be good."

"Sure," Adam says, grabbing his pants and shirt.

Stepping into his pants, Adam is in a rush to get started.

Dev says, "so, there is a bon fire tonight?"

Hart pats his buddy on the shoulder, "it's one word, bonfire."

"Oh. I thought it went like," Dev spells it out with his hand in the air, "Bon Jovi?"

But then, Wolf's phone starts playing an unknown tune, "I gotta take this." Right after connection is made, "Gotta go. See you later."

"That's strange," Adam says.

"What is?"

"I thought for sure Wolf and I were making a connection."

Hart says, "oh really, 'cause I don't see it that way at all."

"You didn't?"

Dev sits there, softly massaging one nip, taking in the conversation.

"Nope," Hart continues, "unless you have something Trey doesn't?"

"Um," Adam looks down upon his retreating dick, "definitely not at the moment."

Hart, who hasn't felt reluctant to get all touchy, feelly with Adam, says, "I wouldn't have a problem changing that situation at all."

"Now I'm totally confused," Adam, both arms in his shirt, but not pulled up over his head just yet, he sits.

Dev, who hadn't a clue where this was going, says, "yeah, why don't you tell us, Hart?"

"I can't believe either of you didn't see it, that Trey and Wolf, they're in love!"

"No way," Dev says.

"In love?"

Hart then sits and once more Adam is between them, "or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about?"

Having reclined, Adam bounces right back up into sitting position, and using Dev and Hart's thighs as balancing boards, springs up to his feet, "who's ready to go collect firewood?"

Right after, Adam loops his tee shirt over his head, patting it down over his slighly rounded tummy, "who's ready?"

The two sitting on the bed, Hart saying, "it depends on how you're meaning that, Adam?"

Hart vocalizes, but Dev reaches out and touches Adam between the legs.

"I can't believe you just did that, Dev?"

"What?" he smiles, Dev again patting Adam's chunk between his legs, "this?"

Adam's bulge set the other two into hyperdrive, Hart laying back and jutting hips upwards, shows how this is all getting him stirred up.

"Oh. Wow," Dev says, looking down at Hart, up at Adam.

"You guys," Adam says, seeing not only Hart's reaction. "You really know how to make a guy suffer!"

All three were hard, but what to do about it? : )

Adam says, "I've done two before, if you're up for it?"

"Two what?" Dev says.

"Really, it's not tough at all to get two cocks in my mouth at once. You gotta know how to pivot your hips."

So much for the bonfire, the cabin heating up all on its own, with three guys naked and positioning themselves on the bed.

"Feels kind of good," Dev says, with Adam's hands touching his and Hart's hard shaft, making them come together as one.

"Lay back guys," Adam works them like a pro, "the best is yet to come!"

It did start out with Adam licking the tips of the other two's shafts, but in the middle of it all, Dev got thirsty for his own treat and with turning his bod to achieve getting his mouth on Adam, rips his shaft out between the cocksucker's lips.

Didn't phase Adam at all, Hart big enough to take the place of two! He forced himself, taking Hart all the way down, choking as he took the tip beyond the back of his throat.

Hart does a sit up and with concern, "are you okay, Adam?'

Patting his chest, like it would help, Adam says, "okay, okay, I'm okay. Just went down the wrong way."

At which point things went back to the way they were, Hart saying, "it felt good without you trying to swallow me, Adam."

Right before his lips caress Hart's shaft, "thanks for caring."

Sweetly, Hart says, "I liked it when you didn't get too agressive, if that helps?"

"Thanks for your understanding."

Then, as if this was the first time and not a continuation, Adam began to woo Hart on, with lots of licks up the side, softly tongue massaging.

Dev, who had been buried underneath, had come up for air, extricating Adam's shaft from his orifice. He didn't voice opinion, but was too, glad of the recovery and got right back on Adam. He was glad another position was chosen, whereas instead of smothered by mossy hair, Adam chose to go at it with his legs jack-knifed. Cool, since Dev now could not only use lips, but a hand to help keep the hard shaft hard!

Then Dev gets the raw end of the stick, when Hart announces, "I'm pretty damn well near, Adam."

Dev was on Adam, Adam keeping Hart hard, so it was only right and fitting, the guy doing all the work should reap the benefits.

"How do you want me?" Adam asks.


Dev, knowing he was losing out, says, "uh, do I get something out of this?"

Hart felt bad for his friend, "if you want, sit on Adam's chest and plug his other end."

Well, it certainly wasn't Adam's ass, being Hart was feeding the tip of his cock in, which gave Dev inclination to sit as instructed and with his shaft balancing on a pair of lips, "okay, open up Adam."

However, when Hart shoved his fat shaft in, all Adam could do is go with the feeling, throwing his head back.

Driven by forces beyond his control, Dev, who was stroking his shaft to keep hard, hauls off and slaps Adam up, aside the head. Right after, Dev condemns himself, "oh, Adam, I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean that!"

Rightfully he didn't and was heartily sorry, but Adam had other ideas, "hell yeah, Dev. Do what you gotta do, to get what you want?"

In all honesty, Dev didn't know what Adam meant, so just kind of sat back, until his hand accidentally touched something. Rather than ease his cock into Adam's mouth, he shifts his ass backwards. Farther and farther, until the hand he couldn't see, raises Adam's hard cock up and without being able to see what he was visibly doing, feels the tip at his ass.

It kind of put a damper on Hart's actions, making it more difficult to shove his shaft in, pull it out and repeat over and over, "what the hell, Dev?"

Dev whimpered, about to make the connection, ready to sink his ass downwards, but then here came the blunt slap to his back, hurling him forward.

All's well that ends well, Adam saw 'it' coming, opens wide and takes Dev right on in!

Dev was more a sucker than a fucker, but when the endorphins kick in, all is good. He couldn't believe how hard of a workout he was giving Adam's vocal cords a going over, not to mention how much of a talent those two lips are.

The heat of the moment accelerate, all three voicing their opinions of how their threeway mansex goes. About ready to come himself, Hart didn't leave Adam on the outs, grabbing his shaft and jerking him furiously.

It was like, 1-2-3, Hart seeping out, who, Adam himself, begin oozing out a fast jet of cum, slowing, but dribbling down Hart's hand. A split second later, it was like Dev was like his voice was on the mic, saying how good and great it was to jerk off, the goo landing all over Adam's face.

"Oh man, Dev," Adam says between catching his breath, "I think you got it in my eye!"

"Quick! We gotta flush it with water."

Jumping off Adam, off the bed, Dev makes a mad dash to the bathroom, coming back with a soaked wash cloth. He felt good that Adam seemed to heal himself, but out of sorts, since he and Adam were laying together, like lovers.


He stood there feeling like the guy who's left out.

Then, the door clicked, and opened.

There stood Wolf, "hey, any of you find a cell phone that doesn't belong to any of ya's?"

From where he stood, Dev could see it half under the bed, "no, but," he bends over, "would it be this one?"

While Dev bent over, which had Wolf admiring his ass, he also took notice of Adam, lying in the pocket of Hart's pit and made his own conclusion, "feeling left out?"

"How did you guess?"

Wolf stares, "I dunno. Intuition I guess. I just know things."

"Then you must be pretty smart."

"Hey, I'm on my way to meet some of the models. Wanna come?"

"Sure would like to, but I gotta get my pants, shirt and shoes on."

Not the appearance of Wolf, he was only shirtless, so in saying, "forget that stuff," he thumbs the exercise pants he has on, driving it below his knees.

Standing erect, he sees Dev, like he's ready to drool over his brief-less bod, "hey, you wouldn't mind helping me out of these, would you?"

"Not a bit," Dev jumps to it, falling to his knees and taking the hem of Wolf's pants with him. "Hey, mind if I, you know?"

"Not at all," Wolf says, "only, not here."

Taking Dev by the hand, he pulls him up onto his feet and drags him out of the room.

"What about your pants?"

Eyeing up the pants Dev just stripped, "keep'em, if you want to. From here on in, none of us are going to have the need for threads!"

Dev tosses the pants and felt free as the wind as he was led by Wolf across the landscape. Little did he know, it wasn't for any sexual purpose, headed towards a pile of wood, needing to chopped up!


"Well, here we are," Tom says, lying on his back, arms to his sides.

Bill, having just completed a round of sexual activity, looks at the ceiling, then slowly tilts his head sideways, "how did come to be, we never made a permanent connection?"

Knowing the two old friends could, on a whim, desire more than one man at a time, Tom responds, "greed? Hunger?"

Bill laughs, "yeah, you got it, buddy!"

A frivolous moment turns sweet, the two turning towards each other, kissing.

The door busts open, "all hands on deck!"

Their fuzzy bods plastered together, separate, Bill blurting out, "manners, Wolf? Like, don't you know how to knock?"

'Real older guys', like Tom and Bill, didn't give Wolf's balls a zing. It was just business, and when he was sure he didn't have the clout to command, Wolf shoved it off on, "Uncle Garrett is setting up the games and requires your help."

That was it, the frat-boy taking his exit, closing the door.

Bill says, "you know, Tommy," shaking a finger towards the door, "that boy needs a good whoopin'!"

Getting sweet, Tom says, "well, instead of Wolf, might you think taking it out on me?"

Smirking, shaking his head, Bill says, "you were, always a glutton for punishment, Tommy."

"So," Tom turns over onto his belly, "for old times sake?"

There is probably no mark on the Richter Scale which could measure the amount of shaking Tom and Bill's bed shook! : )


All gathering in the mess hall, a big wooden structure made of logs, hammered together, everyone sat at long tables. At one side was a podium, of which Garrett stood.

However, he didn't stand there long, with interruption by none other than himself, "this year our gathering will take on a different approach, as I am called away for business in London, I will be leaving my nephew, Wolf, in charge."

There were some applause of approval, others, unapproving, sat there and made like they were clapping, hands barely touching each other.

"Pretty great, you think?"

Bill says, "I'd much rather have my dick in your ass, than his."

"You mean, Wolf's dick in your ass, or mine?"

"Don't get fresh," Bill says, "you know only your dick goes there."

And Tom repeats what they have said since childhood, "and let no other man put asunder?"

"You got that right," Bill slaps Tom's thigh.

Really, neither of the friends really knew what that meant, but equivalent to 'don't go there'. It worked for them. And, to this day, it's only been Tom who has given Bill 'the shaft!'

All required to attend the mass meeting in the large wooden structure, were instructed to report, without the means by which they received the invitation, with simple accordances in an attachment.

Requirements were shot and to the point, no cell phones. A twist on the 'no shirt, no service', which restaurants and other public places instilled the rule, the opened attachment read, 'No shirt, no shoes'.

Being every man reported 'shirtless', it was really tough for every guy to keep their attention on what Wolf was saying, reading off a tablet, a finger swiping by page after page.

Upon entering the huge outdoor structure, supported by timbers and a modest roof overhead, Bill says, "hm, Tommy, looks like we've got our sightseeing cut out for us!"

Tom's attention was drawn in many directions, and with question, "not all these guys are from the pride center, are they, Billy?"

"No, but some are from our area, which makes it nice."

Other than the morning sun, already casting heat down upon the gathering, causing barebacks and bare chests to glisten in the sun, Tom did have a question which tore his eyes away from viewing male flesh from west to east, down yonder south, "which would mean?"

"Hands on recruitment?"

Before Tom could process this, he hears from behind, of where he and Bill were waiting to enter, a fracas of sorts.

"It's a free country. At least, last time I checked, so it's my call, if I choose to keep my shirt on!"

A sweet voice to Tom's ears, both in tone, but also keen on getting himself involved when someone else was in trouble, turns directly around, "uh, pardon me," scoots between two shirtless guys.

On a mission, Tom did record the 'swipe' between bare chests.

"Excuse me, have we got a problem here?"

When Tom spoke, the facilitator who was treating this young guy more like an interrogator, turns, eyes Tom from head to waist and back, "and who the hell are you?"

Luckily, Bill had followed and recognizing the facilitator, "hey Alex, he's with me."

From a grumpy look to a smile, Alex says, "hey, Bill, long time, no see."

The two hug, then Alex turns back and like Tom had just popped the question, "no problem for me," staring Tom in the eyes, "but if you don't get this guy to lose the shirt, it's going to be on you!"

Then Alex coaxes Bill to walk off in a different direction.

Tom turns to Bill, who shrugs his shoulders. He turns back to the lad in question.

A ginger lad, in khaki shorts, matching shirt, Breton print, says, "what did he mean when he said it was on you?"

"Of that I'm not sure," Tom says.

"Look, I don't want to get you into any trouble."

"Okay," Tom says, "then, you'll remove your shirt?"

"It's not all that easy."

They were like an island in the stream of men walking around them.

"Not everything is," Tom says, putting a hand on the lad's forearm.

He looks down, at the feeling of touching.

"Sorry," Tom says, removing his hand.

"It's okay."

Tom then says, "no, it's not okay. Trust me, I've been in situations when men have had their hands all over me, or at least tried."

Since he had a smug smile on his face, the disgruntled dude changed attitude, projecting a slight upturn of his lips, "and what did you do to keep them from doing it?"

Shrugging one shoulder, Tom says, "made myself off limits, by telling them I didn't appreciate them feeling me up."

For the lad, he thought about it, "I know you weren't trying to take advantage of me."

"Oh?" Tom says, knowing he wasn't, but astonished at the lad's immediate trust.

"Yeah, like I've found life does to us."

"Oh? How does that go?"

"I might be wrong, but for me, every situation, whether good or bad, the outcome has always taught me something."

Tom assumed him to be early twenties, but because the conversation wasn't gearing itself to reveal identities, "what's your name?"

He was very courteous, reaching out a hand, "Everett."

Taking Everett's offered handshake, "Tom McCormick."


"Scottish, though I'm comprised of a few other add-ins," Tom forces a little laugh out.

It causes Everett to once again lighten up, "I suppose we all do. The last name's Barrett, Irish, I guess, but of my family, I don't really know what else is mixed in."

It's then, the two locking eyes, are shaken awake to reality, Wolf on the mic.

Tom reacts, "so, what can I do to get you to remove your shirt?"

Everett smirks, says, "it's a little more complicated than expressing my rights."

Tom says, "well, I'm not sure what trouble we are going to be in, but we could be up for washing dishes for the weekend?"

By this time Everett has softened his attitude, much so, "can I tell you the real reason I feel reluctant to take my shirt off?"

"Whatever the reason, you trust me and in doing so, if it means getting dishpan hands, so be it!"

Right now Everett was not trusting of many people, having been through the human ringer, coming out on the other side bitter, not trusting. However, right now, it was Tom's empathy which causes him to loosen the buttons of his shirt.

If in another situation, Tom might have taken this as a sexual move, one of anticipation, licking his lips, getting read to reach out and taste.

"Well, here goes nothing."

But nothing happened, Everett standing there, hands ready to peel the shirt from his shoulders, with a strong reluctance to do so, he pauses.

Not thinking in a sexual way, Tom says, "let me know if you need some help, Everett, and I'm not meaning that in a..."

"I know," Everett cuts Tom off, turning his back to Tom.

Running through Tom's head, he had options. Either to stand there and wait for instruction, or to follow his gut instinct, which was to peel the shirt from the waiting shoulders.

Then it came, "go ahead," and something Everett hadn't done in a long time, "I trust you."

Tom had seen Everett's frontal assault, beautiful ginger-brown hair coursing over his chest, stomach, an embedded, thicker amount trailing down, cutting abs in half, with barely hidden nips, thicker at the waist.

Pulling the shirt back, over Everett's shoulders, that beauty is torn down, "oh my God, Everett!"

Everett pulls the shirt right out of Tom's hands and dresses his shoulders, "now you can see why I want to keep my shirt on."

"But," Tom is once again cut off.

Pulling his shirt over his mossy front, Everett says, "I don't know why I even bothered coming to this."

There were a lot of unanswered questions here, Tom saying, "I'm not here to judge you, Everett. Whatever, however it came to be, that you have welts on your back, I'd really like to find out why?"

Everett stood there, facing Tom, both arms crossing his bod, holding his shirt close to his skin.

Tom could tell he was analysing the situation, "if you want, we can skip all this and find a place to talk?"

Then to break the ice, Bill's voice intervened, "hey, I spoke with Alex. You're not in any real kind of trouble, except you might be turning potatoes into French fries this afternoon?"

Tom saw question on Everett's face, "this is my friend, Billy."

Bill steps in with an extended hand, "Bill LeJeune. I head up the gay pride center a coupla towns over."

"I'm Everett," but to also question, "you two partners?"

Bill laughs, "are you kidding? Living under the same roof? We'd be fighting like cats and dogs!"

Tom smiles, knowing it wouldn't be that way, but always accepted they wouldn't be good living together, making better at friendship, "yeah and what a fight it would be. Of course," Tom exhales on fingertips, showing a sense of pride, "I'd always be the victor!"

And like they always gave the benefit of the doubt to the other, Bill says, "let no man put asunder," he laughs.

Tom says, "forget Billy. He's always talkin' gibberish."

Nervously, Everett says, "I would like to do some of that talking, if it's okay, Tom?"

Bill was a little jealus, but also nervous-like, being he got Tom and Everett off the hook, but making promises to Alex, which would entail after hours entertainment, "okay, you two go. Shoo!"

"But the meeting?" Tom says.

Bill says, "it's all been taken care of. You two go off and take care of your own business."

Tom says, "what about the French fries?"

"Trust me," Bill says, "it's going to be such a pleasure sitting on a sack of potatoes and watching Alex cut them into fries!"

"You little devil!"

Everett watches, back and forth, the two sharing and caring, the way he pictured friends should be. It made him think otherwise, of boys who called themselves friends, only to turn it all into betrayal, which in itself turned his family and a whole community against him, which ended behind his hometown church, where the pastor tried to defend him, only to have them both ostracized from the town.

So deep into thought, Everett hadn't realized Bill had left.

"Earth to Everett?" Tom waves a hand in front of his face.

"Sorry. Just thinking of something."

"Must've been something deep?"

From his horrible past life, to the soft way Tom spoke to him, "it made him feel warm, comfortable, "is there some place where we can talk?"

"My place or yours?" Tom smiles.

"Um," Everett acts bewildered, "I really don't have a place."

There were many unanswered questions, which standing out there in full sun, was not going to make it any easier getting to the facts, "okay, but just waning you," Tom coaxes Everett in his direction, "Billy's not exactly the perfect homemaker. In other words, he's a real slob when it comes to hanging up clothes."

While Tom rambled on about his close friend and imperfect household skills, Everett follows along.


Meanwhile, Patrick hung around, feeling bad for Jerry's loss. Of course, he was self-analysing himself, wondering why it is he cared so much. Partly, it made him smile, thinking of vanity, being the attraction hold Jerry had on him. In his line of work, as a police officer, he's come across a myriad of people, their quirks, ways of thinking, or not thinking and other things which make up a person's personality. Guys he 'let off the hook', often awarded him the title of shrink, being Patrick could analyze a situation and know exactly the way things got to the boiling point and how to cool a man's jet.

Everyone has to deal with death and Patrick has done so ten times or more, over. There's some isolated incidents when a person's grief has been heartfelt. One of these situations, where he's felt overwhelmed, happens to be right now, sitting there with Jerry, trying to sort out feelings.

He's about to pry, "so, you want to talk about it, Jerry?"

Getting up off the sofa, where their asses have sunk in, Jerry says, "not really. What I could use right now is some bare-assed sex, if I'm not shocking you too much?"

Patrick was shocked, thinking of other ways to handle grief, but with Jerry's extended hand, he reaches up, "I was getting a little too relaxed in that old couch."

Hoisting Patrick up to his feet, Jerry took no effort in putting on the brakes, their bods on a collision course. They stare for seconds, Jerry lighting the fire with a kiss.

Patrick reciprocates.

Cutting off the affection, Jerry says, "I know this may seem cruel, but as I've said, grandpa was getting on in his years and for a long time I've been preparing for this day."

Not the first time the subject has come up, Patrick says, "I know you have."

Another take, Jerry says, "and I've decided to move on with my life."

Cemented in Patrick's brain, "I hope that included me?"

It sounded like a marriage proposal, Jerry saying, "shall we move to the bedroom to see how compatible we are?"

Last night they lay in front of the fireplace, kissing and getting acquainted. Now it was time to find out the answers to other questions.


Wolf steps down from the podium, saying to Garrett, "how did I do?"

"Well, I think they got the point, that is, if they knew what you were talking about?"

"Do you think my speech was too formal?"

The fashionista half-smiles, "next time you prepare something, run it by Trey. He has some good communication skills."

"Yeah, right. I'll do that."

Interrupting their conversation, a guy steps into their space, "hey, I got here kind of late. You know who I see to find a place to bunk?"

A young guy, dark-haired, shaggy cut, which did not conform to the neatness of a barbershop cut, short-cropped beard, hiking clothing, a backpack taken up by average shoulder girth, Wolf had surveyed the guy and thinking he might be worth 'saving grace', "only place left is my quarters."

He waited to see how it 'floats'.

His Uncle Garrett gets a call, "look, can you handle this, Wolf?"

The guy says, in a mocking way, "Wolf?"

Thinking with undertones, Wolf says, "yeah, I can handle it, uncle. No worries."

It was apparent, the dude's eyes all over Wolf.

Taking command, Wolf says, "what's your name, recruit?"

He was thinking, finally saying, "Geoff D'Marino. Uh, what am I bring recruited for?"

Actually, Geoff knew he was under observation. Tom had called Mat and explained the whole evening, complete with the romp in the sheets with Bill, which did cause Mat to wrap a hand around his shaft and after several strokes, lose control.

Other information supplied by Tom, about camp-life, struck up an idea in Mat, a place where his disappointment in Geoff might cause him to iron out his discontent and turn the boyish attitude around, creating a more meaningful and serious attitude in his youthful ways. Perhaps the restautant deal, which in reality he thought was a good venture, might yet be salvaged.

"Yeah, this guy who owns a yoga studio, who I'm supposed to get some financial backing, well, he caught me with one of his employees, making out and..."

Wolf cuts in, for the sheer want of personal facts, "you fucked him?"

"Um, we didn't get around to doing any anal. Just kissed some and jerked each other a little," Geoff puts it bluntly.

Deja vu, it's then Wolf gets a call, from Uncle Garrett, explaining the whole scenario regarding Mat about to hand over a wad of bills to Geoff, only to have the rug pulled out from under what could still be a done deal.

Not only filling his brain with words, Wolf's dick starts twitching, when he hears words like, 'straighten him out', 'discipline', all those that make up what Wolf can be about, given the proper facts.

"No problem, uncle. I can handle this."

After Wolf signs off on cell, Geoff says, "what was that about?"

No better way than to introduce an idea, Wolf says, "you."

"Me? What about me?"

The confidant top he thinks of himself, Wolf announces, "looks like, for the weekend I'm assigned to be your 'handler'."

Clothed in hiking gear, backpack on his back, Geoff has been sweating it out, and not as a result of the morning sun beating down upon him, but having to look about 'naked Wolf', "and what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

The defiance, it gave Wolf's balls a kick, "I'll fill you in as we go along."

For now he was playing it cool, but once Wolf gets Geoff back to his quarters, the one he kicked his own uncle out of, just so he could have privacy, "you can start by stripping off all your clothing."

Geoff, who could adamant as hell, especially when it came to his blogging efforts, getting a point a cross, laughs out loud, "if you think I'm going to take orders from you, you've got another thing coming, Wolfy ole boy!"

In an authoritive manner, Wolf walks right up to Geoff, grabs the button area of his hiking shirt and tears it open, buttons popping off.

What a surprise, Geoff stunned by such audacity, "what the fuck?"

Sticking a flat hand inside Geoff's shirt, Wolf feels up all that Italian fur, "mm, yummy!"

Geoff bit his lip. He knows he should be 'push back' mode, but that exploring hand was getting to him, right to the core, "uh, just what do you mean by, 'handler'? Because if this is any indication?"

Slowly, Geoff began to let the backback slip from his shoulders, right into the chair behind him.

"Good, you're learning."

When the backpack fell from his shoulders, it tugged at the shirt still encasing Geoff's lower abs.

Wolf knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it, from feeling up Geoff's hairy bod, to slipping his digits in, under the belt.

"Oh shit!" Geoff exclaims.

Grabbing Wolf by the wrist, Geoff wanted opposites in the same way, attract, or as he was erotically feeling, the hand massaging his shaft, to increase in sensitivity.

Wolf made Geoff whimper though, pulling his hand out of his pants.

"Shit, Wolf, you had me almost ready to shoot my load."

Playing what was slowly turning a game into reality, "oh, but, that would be you wanting to come. No, if you want to come, that will be my decision."

"What tha fuck, what's that supposed to mean?"

Wolf had it in the bag, so he thinks, "well, whenever you decide to get out of your clothes, we can talk about it some more."

He purposely left out the word, 'servitude'.

The twenty year old blogger, would-be chef, stood there, shirt wide open, down to where the last button kept it intact, wondering what this was about and where it all was going.

He wasn't going to find out, unless he did something further their conversation, "okay, so I strip out of my clothes. Then what?"

Wolf smiles, "I told you. When you have your clothes off, we'll talk."

Geoff was torn between feelings. Years ago, starting about age fifteen, his older brother went off to college, but on the return visits home, college seemed to have changed him. It was a known fact, though not named, Geoff likes men. His brother, Giorgio, straight, knowing this, found a refuge in Geoff, whenever his girlfriend was made at him. Giorgio found no shame in making his brother bare ass and ride his hard shaft. His brother was his first, but not last blowjob. It was after Giorgio had graduated college, got married and didn't return home often, Geoff felt freedom. Only, he couldn't fool himself, loving the taste of cock, more than forcing it up some guy's ass. Though, he didn't totally rule that out either!

Shocking Geoff back to reality, Wolf folds arms along pecs, "so, what's it going to be, Geoff?"

Immediately he was loving Wolf's image, much as he revered the roleplaying he had with Giorgio. And as he thought with his own brother, Geoff thought of this as something temporary, that when it's over, it's done and gone, that he can bounce back into the 'top' position. With no recourse, or as with Giorgio, with an older brother who had a heavy fist, he loosened the last button of his shirt, holding the shirt from peeling off his shoulders.

When the shirt drops behind him, Wolf gasps, "beautiful chest, Geoff."

Geoff admired himself as well. Fully covering his chest, partially sheer as it courses over his nips, the pec spots are visible, giving way to more of filled in center of the chest. Not a total musclehead, Geoff keeps himself trim.

"Now," Wolf furthers his authority on chance, "off with the pants."

Always, in case he were to happen upon a gay experience, Geoff never wore briefs, which in unzipping he knew he had to be careful.

Wolf says, "what's that about?"

"Um," Geoff says, stripping his pants down the legs, "no briefs. Don't want to get my dick caught in the teeth of the zipper."

"Even better," Wolf smiles.

"What is?"

"No briefs?"

"Oh, right," Wolf could see excitement in Geoff, but also tension.

"Before that, you should remove the hiking boots?"

"Right," Geoff has unlatched the button of his pants, but deviates to sitting and pulling off both boots.

Getting up, Geoff allows his pants to slide down and on one foot, takes them off. Then the other foot.

Close to Geoff, real close, closing up the gap between them, Wolf runs hands over his shoulders, pecs, tweaks both nips, "nice feel."

He knows he has Geoff, when the twenty year old drops his head down the back, making a guttural, "oh-h-h-h-h-h-h!"

"You like that, don't you, boy?"

Geoff didn't care much about the roleplaying, much as Wolf's fingers and thumbs working over both nips.

"I like what you're doing it to me."

Wolf breaks contact, "oh? How does that go?"

Like, it was the first time Wolf had made contact in this way, his first time? : )

After a pleasureable sigh, Geoff says, almost like begging, "no, I didn't mean it, like you had to stop?"

Wolf's tuteledge under Uncle Bill gave him great insight on how too much or too little a man could take before shooting his load and the telltale signs, as Geoff was experiencing now, cock growing in proportions till it was sticking straight out, with a little bend downwards, due to the length, no doubt.

Wolf knew he had Geoff, figuratively by the balls, but the actual size of the twenty year old's orbs, coupled with how easy it was to make his shaft swell, he knew, "looks like I've got you by the balls, eh?"

It didn't help Geoff one bit to lie, not with Wolf's fingers tantalizing, rolling his balls around in hand, much like dice at a Las Vegas gaming table.

Smiling, staring Geoff point blank in the eyes, he loses contact, "hey, eyes up here, Geoff."

Why not, since Geoff could feel what was going on, why at all did he have to view the process, which was making him beyond hard, "okay. Got it."

Applying some psychology, Wolf says, "you've got what?"

Not for any amount of money, would Geoff give up, for a minute, a second, what Wolf was doing to mess with his senses, "uh, like, pay attention?"

For Wolf, it went beyond that, which has him dropping his massaging hand, "not what I was looking for, boy."

The feeling having dropped the bottom out of his whole world, when the ball massasge stops, like a total loss, Geoff sighs, "oh man, why are you torturing me?"

Wolf smiles, "because you like it?"

Sure Geoff was liking it. Maybe even 'like' was too mild a word, for something that was making his senses shoot through the roof?

And since stopping the 'torture', seeing Geoff take up the slack, he swats the hand away.

"What the fuck, Wolf?"

For the fact Geoff hadn't bolted for the door yet, or struck his torturer down with gut punch, Wolf decides to up the flame, "you don't speak to me that way!"

Geoff, even though this chunky guy, with little gym training, almost caves to his side, when Wolf's hand strikes him aside the head, "huh?"

Wolf 'reads' Geoff like textbook psych, watching him recover.

"What the hell was that for?"

Having all the answers, Wolf says, "if you can't take the heat, then don't play the game."

"Game? What game?"

"The one you and I are playing right now. I mean," Wolf paces himself, "surely you don't think what we have doing is for real? I mean, you never heard of roleplaying?"

So busy with his cooking blog, Geoff hasn't left much time for anything else, other than proving recipes, "maybe I've heard of it. Is that what this is?"

Wolf casually takes a booming leap into the bed, placing hands behind his head, separating legs just wide enough for the visual lure, "that's entirely up to you Geoff, but pardon me, if I was reading you the wrong way and have mistaken the messages you were sending me."

Another thing for Geoff to think about, 'messages', "and in what way do you think I was sending you messages?"

"Oh, come on Geoff. You're not a stupid guy. After all, I'm sure it takes a lot of know how to set up a cooking blog and keep it going on a day to day basis, not to mention the physical labor and cost."

That struck a nerve and whether Wolf was using it for his own advantage, Geoff says as he walks towards the bed, "you've seen my blog?"

"I have."

Another step, "and what do you think?"

Geoff's blog was one thing, but what Wolf was feeling right now, "are you talking about the way you prepare morning sausage, or how you can't wait to get your lips on mine?"

From the moment he walked through the cabin door, Geoff has been taken down a long path, which has now brought him to the foot of Wolf's bed, and lying there, hands behind head, he feels a want, "um, you're not going to like, haul off and punch my lights out, if I touch you?"

"No Geoff. I'm kind of tired of roleplaying right now. Let's just get some sweet quality time in."

Geoff tred lightly, walking knees on the bed mattress, working his way till he straddles Wolf's legs, corralling them in. Hands balanced things out, so he didn't come crashing down, meeting chest to chest, though the desire was there to do so.

"So, what now?"

Wolf says, "don't tell me you've never made love to a man, Geoff?"

Geoff picked up on it, not being called, 'boy', but his real name, "um, believe it or not, I'm kind of a virgin all around?"

Wolf smiles.

Geoff says, "what?"

"Would you believe that once, I was the same, until a kind guy showed me the way, of how beautiful sex with a man can be?"

Having a feeling of who that is, "your Uncle Bill?"

"No," Wolf says, cracking a quirky little smile, "but the son of a good friend of his, who happened to be my age."

"You don't look much older than me. Like how old were you?"

Placing a hand on Geoff's hairy forearm, Wolf says tenderly, "your age. So you see, Geoff, I can relate to how virgin works and the surprise of finding out how two men together can make each other feel," he takes both of Geoff's hands in his, "are you ready to explore your sexuality?"

Not waiting for Geoff to respond, Wolf slowly lowers his young pursuit down onto his chest, connecting both, slowly working their bods together all the way down to the crotch.

"Oh-h--h-h-shit," Geoff remarks in a favorable manner, to the feel of his cock and balls mingling with another mans.

"And Geoff?"

Geoff is startled out of his ecstasy for a short second, "what?"

"Let's really get to know each other. No holding back?"

Really, Geoff hadn't a clue to what that meant. Was he to be treated with the same roughness as when he was made to strip?

Regarless, he was already into it, relinguishing all control, "okay."

"And Geoff, if I get too agressive, feel free to tell me and I'll stop."

More wound up and ready to go, Geoff wasn't about to put the breaks on yet, "okay. You do the same."

Geoff didn't really mean his last words. After all, he never had been in bed with a man before, which at twenty years old, having refrained from sleeping with a guy, showed him how much work he had been putting into his blog, trying to develop a career for himself.

Then, suddenly, without warning, Wolf overpowers him, flipping him over.

"Hey, what the fuck, Wolf?"

"No worries, Geoff. Do you want me to stop?"

Stop? There was nothing happening, except Geoff lying there on his back, with Wolf straddling one leg with both his, his junk lying on a thigh.

"Um. No."

Being on his guard, Geoff proved himself not having to be as Wolf slides legs down, laying on top of him, kissing him on the lips.

Geoff kissed back, but was still cautious, on his guard.

Sensing this, Wolf says, "relax, Geoff. I'm not going to hurt you. Unless," he chuckles, "you want me to!"

Geoff set to thinking on before, feeling his balls getting rolled around, then the slap on the face and, he did nothing except feel up the spot with his hand and carry on as if nothing happened.

For now, all he could render is, "okay."

From kissing lips, Wolf sticks out his tongue, following the thin line of beard down Geoff's chin, licking it like a paint brush and then attacks the chest of hair.

"Mm, I love this."

Geoff then follows the top of Wolf's head as he licks his hairy chest.

"Oh-h-h-h," Geoff sighs when Wolf moves in a westerly direction, licking over his nip.

"You like that, Geoff?"

"So far," Geoff was still cautious.

To Uncle Bill's 'guinea pigs', Wolf had done much, much more to a guy's nip, working it with tongue, teeth, pulling, but right now he was feeling more gentle and kind, "you like that, Geoff?"

Geoff says, "not half bad."

It made Wolf giggle, Geoff's serious truthfulness, "shall I get a little more aggressive?"

"I don't know," Geoff says, "like, what does that even mean?"

Wolf tries a little teething!

"Yikes!" Geoff calls out, picking Wolf's head up off his chest.

Wolf looks at him.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean that. Just a reaction," of Geoff holding Wolf head, like he was admiring a trophy.

"I know. You wanted to kiss me, right?"

It hadn't entered Geoff's mind, but he went with it, "right."

Then, Wolf went for the gold, "anything else you want me to do for you, before I let you do what you want to me?"

Sounded like an offbeat request, but so far nothing had been playing like a symphony of sweet music, "um, not sure what you mean." However, going with Wolf's logic, "is there anything you haven't done with me, that you want to do?"

Any other guy, it would have been like a carefully planned trap, to get the victim exactly where he wanted him, Wolf making the guy crave for attention which could them both over the top.

"Oh, there's plenty I want to do to you, Geoff. I just want to give you equal opportunity."

"Hm," Geoff thought on it, as he lay there with hands behind his head, flaunting his dark-haired pits. "If it's okay, I'd like to change places and... well it's kind of been a fantasy of mine, to have a guy stretch out and lick him all over, if you would be up for that?"

Feeling a trust, like he's not felt with another guy, plus going on the advice of Uncle Bill, that not every guy is into s&m and that a relationship does not have to be built on that premise, that true love can prevail, "sure, I'd be up for that kind of treatment, Geoff. Would you want to cuff me to the bed?"

That made Geoff sit up, poking elbows into the pillow, "cuff you to the bed?"

"I guess we all have our fantasies, huh Geoff?"

Wolf didn't hesitate, pushing himself off the bed, returning with a leather sack.

"What's that," like he didn't know what it could contain.

"My stash. Stuff I like to use on other guys, only this is a special one."


Returning to kneeling on the bed, Wolf smiles, dumping the contents out onto Geoff's hairy stomach.

Again, Geoff does a half situp, propping elbows for support, "holy cow, what's all this?"

Collecting four leather cuffs and four hooks, Wolf puts it to him, "ready to cuff me to the bed, so I can't escape your sweet torturing?"

Geoff picks from his abs, a chain, two clips attached, "what is this for?"

"They go on the nips."

"What for?"

Wolf smiles, "you've never had your nip pinched?"

"Only what you did right now," Geoff says.

"And did you feel anything?"

"I sure did. Hurt like hell!"

It wasn't the response Wolf was looking for, so elaborates, "well, depending on the situation and the mood a guy is in, the intensity of the pain has the ability to drive a man to shooting his load!"

"Okay, I admit, I did feel it a little, when you bit down on my nip."

Wolf finishes his sentence, "but you were either too ashamed or felt weird that it felt good and the possibility that you craved more?"

Geoff does feel ashamed it takes Wolf to shame him, "uh, yeah. You're like, right on it."

Holding two of the cuffs up, Wolf says, "well, you ready to do me?"

Geoff did have this fantasy, but his mind was leading him in a different direction, "would it be okay if you did me first? I mean, whatever it is you do to guys?"

This is not the way Wolf had planned it, but he had seen a guy's lust before in his eyes, wanting and needing, but making sure, "I dunno Geoff."

Jumping the gun, Geoff is insistant, "if you can put a hold on your fantasy, I'd really like to be one cuffed?"

Wolf affixes the cuffs around Geoff's wrists, "we'll forgo with the ankle bracelets for now."

"No," Geoff says, like he's the one running the show, "I want the full treatment."

He realizes, surrendering to Wolf is giving up all rights, that his bod is going to experience things he's never felt before, like the pain of teeth on a nip, but he senses such a strong attraction, that things will not spin out of control.

"Maybe this is a good thing."

"How so?" Geoff questions.

As he fastens the leather around Geoff's wrist, "Uncle Bill used to say, a good top starts out as a bottom. He was right. I felt every the pleasure of pain has taught me how much or how little to give to a guy."

"Your Uncle Bill tortured you?"

"No. He couldn't bring himself to do me, but had a friend administer it. But Uncle Bill was there in the room to stop it, if it got too intense."

"Um, like, should I have a friend?"

Wolf thought the question credible, but the smile on Geoff's face made him think, not all that serious, if you're with another guy and tied down, where you can't get loose, you better hope you've brought a friend with you. However, I like to use these little hooks."

Then conversation and actions stop, Wolf saying, "oops."

"What?" Geoff looks above his head.

"No place to affix the hooks."


"Yeah, a little safeguard for the first time I work a guy, the ring on the cuffs slip over a hook, which at any time can be lifted off. I have a guy practice doing that before we get started. Helps take the edge off, that is until I build the edge up again. But," Wolf kneels there, "there's no place to put the hook!"

It was the first time Geoff was conscious of Wolf laughing heartily, which made him no only feel the humor, but dispel the seriousness of the moment.

"No problem," Geoff feels comfortble enough, placing hands behind his head, "why don't you cuff them behind my head?"

"Or," Wolf goes with, "no cuffs at all and we can take things from there?"

After all that discussion, which in itself was not a waste, but means to bring the two together, Geoff did keep his cuffed wrists behind his head, but with the ability to stretch them out when something Wolf did to him, like pinch nips, he stretched them out overhead, the awesome feeling of the pain, coupled with the pleasure of Wolf grinding his meat into his balls and shaft.

"Ready for the ultimate?"

Ultimate? Geoff was ready to shoot his load, "you mean, other than right now?"

Sitting back, Geoff wan't conscious of anything, except his cock, which had been hand-jerked, tongue-licked and sucked, was now being paired up with Wolf's tall shaft and in slow motion, worked until they both were screaming in pleasure, both erupting their goo all over each other.

Wolf does a pushup and their bods clash, kissing until taken over by grogginess.

Next morning, when Wolf asks Geoff how did he like it?

"My nips are like, so, so sore!"

Wolf responds, "so, you did like it?"


Meanwhile, the meeting for other participants had come and gone. Broken into groups, Tom and Bill are partnered up with Tom's new friend, Avery. There's supposed to be a partner for Avery, but no one has been assigned.

Then, from out of nowhere, a new face appears, complete with a foxy bod, "hey, they sent me in this direction. Either of you know a Tom McCormick?"

From his vantage point, Tom was ready, able and willing to own up to his namesake, "I'm Tom. Who might you be, sexy?"

Tom's remark didn't phase the guy, other than a smirk and not into reprimanding, "avery Whitlaw. Your core representative," he extends a hand.

Bill says, "don't mind Tommy. He's always in a horny mood."

"No offense taken. And you are?"

"Bill Le Jeune. Very glad to meet you."

Turning a page of his clipboard, "and," he turns to Everett, wanting to reiterate what Tom has expressed, about being sexy, "I don't have another name on this page. They said something about a fill in?"

Everett says with a smile, "I guess I'm your fill in, then?"

Even though Everett is in his late twenties, Avery older, they greet each other on the same level, smiling.

"Me? I'm Everett Barrett. Middle initial M, for Martin, if you need it."

Writing, Avery says, "is that with one or two T's?"

"Two T's for first and last. One T for middle name."

Bill and Tom are right on it, rolling eyes and remarking to other in whispers, whatever they think is going on!

"Good to know, but first and last is good enough."

Bill is the one to break up the fascination, "so, what's on your agenda, Avery?"

"Trust me, this is all new to me, but I'm supposed to be taking you through the application selection process, as if you had applied to become a state trooper."

"State trooper?!" both Bill and Tom say at the same time.

Bill furthers, "what the fuck?"

"Yeah," Avery says, all cool, calm and collective, except for the slight feelng in his crotch, as a result of meeting Everett, "that's what it says here."

"Mind if I?" Bill reaches for the clipboard.

Avery didn't mind at all, being it gave him more time to converse with Everett.

"So, how did you happen to wind up here? Are you connected to one of the gay pride centers in attendance?"

"No," Everett acts sheepishly, like he's embarrassed, "actually, I just happened to be hitching east and came upon the campground. I don't think they even know I'm not part of their program."

Acting more the alpha, but with a gentle twist, Avery says, "well, you're enrolled now, far as I'm concerned."

Everett says, with skepticism, "um, you're not going to, tell them, like," he swallows', "I don't belong?"

A hand of assurance to Everett's shoulder, "of course not."

Standing there, a gruff guy shows, "okay, which of ya's is in charge?"

Since Bill was holding the clipboard, barks back like the drill sargeant he can conjure up, "that would be me. What's it to you?"

Being he was approached by just as much drill sargeant power as he could muster up himself, he tones it down, "Garth Booker."

Bill was thinking how much he'd like to 'drill' this sargeant of a man, but too keeps it mellow, "so, are you on our team, or?"

"Oh no," he was unhappy to report, "I'm more a facilitator, going around and checking up, to make sure everyone is following the program."

"Well," Bill says, "if you're not facilitating anything later on, maybe you, me and Tom here could get together for a drink. That is, is you're unattached?"

That's something that bothered Garth, coming to a gathering and spending a boring evening alone, "I'd love to. Thanks."

"I'd give you my cell, to put your number into, but as you know they confiscated them?"

One of the only ones in a shirt, Garth pulls from his pocket, "here, don't tell them where you got it."

Wanting to find out some info, with hidden comments, "no, I'll wait till later and torture it out of you!"

Hearing his name called, Garth turns back to Bill, and with putting a hand to the side of his mouth, as if to say something discreetly, "I definitely do not want to miss that opportunity!"

Tom, quiet all this time, following the conversation, says, "making new friends?"

"Of course. I always follow up on my gaydar."

"What, Billy? I'm not enough for you?"

Quick with his thoughts, Bill says, "really Tommy, you don't want to start out with my first torture tech, having you and Garth cemented together in a 6-9 embrace?"

"Okay, I retract the question."

"Yeah," Bill says, "I'll have it stricken from the record. Unless?"


"Might be grounds for punishment and to make you feel really bad about it, rope Garth into it?"

"Garth punished? Oh yeah, do it."

Bill didn't follow.

Tom says, "you know, when you have Garth and me in the 6-9, have us tied together?"

"Or," Bill smiles cunningly, "tied back to back?"

"That would work," Tom puts ideas into his friend's head, "with our balls tied together?"

"Geesh, Tommy, can't you leave anything up to my imagination?"

"Sorry, Billy. I guess I'm due for even more punishment, eh?"

"Let's just get through with this trooper malarkey and then we'll worry about your pleasure-pain threshholds?"

Both are surprised, turning to their other compadres, Everett and Avery in a full embrace.

Tom says, "well, that didn't take long."

However, Bill is the one to break them up, with a whistle, "hey guys, I don't think that's part of the program?!"

"No problem, Bill," Avery says, the older man taking the lead, "we can always pick up from where we left off, right Everett?"

Sometimes forward, other times shy, Everett says, "yeah. Sure."

Avery wasn't so snug with Everett's answer. As has happened a few times, being forty, a lot can happen in the course of the day, with a dude twelve years or so younger, which means he could be sleeping alone tonight!

Bill clears his throat, and reads, "applicants for today's tournament, must be of age 21 or older."

They all could pretty much guess, except where Everett is concerned, looking younger than his twenty-eight years, "trust me," he says, defending the looks he got from the others, "I'm over twenty-one."

Tom had a private thought, thinkingm with all that fuzz on the front of his bod, he wasn't no sixteen year old. Second thought, his mouth began to water, which had him reaching for his canteen.

"Second question," Bill reads, "US citizen?"

They all agree, 'yes'.

"Applicants must possess a current driver's license."

Heads nod yes, one answering, "yup. Got it."

"Applicants must have a good reputation and be of sound moral character."

Tom quips, "guess that leaves you out, Billy," he laughs his ass off.

In all serious, Bill says, "I'll figure that one in with your punishment!"

Everett, who was busy with pressing his lips and crotch against Avery, says, "I didn't know we could be punished?"

Bill says, "oh no. You don't have to worry about that. It's a personal thing between me, Tom and Garth."

"Yeah," Tom reassures, "you don't get punished unless you want to."

Everett looks to his friend, "you know what they're talking about, Ave?"

"Somewhat. I've had a little experience," but Avery didn't elaborate.

Having gotten the minimum qualifications out of the way, as they walk, Bill reads of the disqualifications, "applicant cannot be convicted of a crime, DWi, currently on probation, pled guilty to any moving violations, dishonorably discharged from any branch of the military, violated any civil rights."

Tom interrupts, "uh, Billy, you sure this isn't trooper training for real?"

"You're right," Bill flips the page over.

Entering a clearing, other teams are there with group leaders.

"Mm," Tom voices opinion, all that flesh glistening in the sun.

Marcus, the bitchy head of this whole convocation, calls out on the mic, "about time your group showed up, Bill!"

He didn't labor on it, as Bill says so only his group could hear, "fuck you, Marcus!"

Tom says, "uh, did you ever have the chance, Billy?"

"No, but this might just be the year that changes," Bill gives his crotch a couple of hand jerks.

Marcus starts in, "this morning we will begin our day with a warmup of 10 pushups, 10 situps and a one-and-a-half mile run, to commence immediately."

That's all that was said, Tom saying, "right. We're going to work our asses off, and Marcus gets to sit on his ass and drink water?"

"Typical," Bill says. "But we better get with it. You've already seen how Marcus can ridicule a guy in front of everyone. Trust me, you don't want to be next!"

They got to it, Bill and his other 3 team members.

"Slouching there a little on the pushups, Tommy?"

"Not really, but okay, a little. Guess I need to lay off Dunkin' Donuts for a week."

Not concerned about Tom's fuzzy tummy touching dirt, he wondered how much it was affecting his dick, each time Tom lurched downwards.

What did break the routine, was Everett, remarking, "oh my God!"

"What?" the other three question, stopping in the up position of their pushup.

Everett's face was a bright red, saying, "oops, I think I've popped a boner!"

With two pushups left, they finish out, rolling over onto their backs. Everett was sure his crotch had relaxed enough, willing himself to retract, but he does a quick situp, realizing his shorts are tenting!

"Don't worry," Avery says, "it can happen to anyone."

"Yeah, I guess," Everett says.

However, what they don't know, Everett was thinking about later, when he and Avery are in the sack, doing another kind of pushup!

Situps were a cinch, Tom saying as he taps his own stomach, "guess I'm a little out of shape."

"Just a little, Tommy?"

Then, turning to the other two, Bill exclaims, "oh shit, where'd they go?"

Bill and Tom take off up the designated trail.

They think they've passed them somewhere along the trail, when Hart and Dev come running by, getting ahead of them.

"Catch us if you can!"

Tom stops, breathing heavily, "I can't go on. Guess I'll never make a state trooper."

Placing a hand Tom's sweaty shoulder, Bill says, "remember, Tommy, this isn't for real, but remember this too, I'll never leave you behind."

He gives Tom a sweet peck on the cheek, of which a voice calls out, "hey, what do I have to do to get some of that!"

It was scraggily-haired, bearded Garth, of which Bill collects himself, "where's your partner?"

"I didn't have one until they gave me Frankie."

"Frankie?" Bill says. "Well, where is he?"

Coming up the trail was a 'muscle-cub', casually reading the trooper applicant selection pamphlet, chomping on an apple in his other hand.

With an accent, he says, "all this is very interesting," he stuffs it in a pocket, attacking his apple, "but very boring."

For certain, Tom and Bill didn't find Frankie at all boring, especially by the look of his crotch.

He spoke with a British accent, but from the looks of him, he looked Indian. A very good looking man, he had bulbous pecs with large nips, covered in a fine mesh of hair, a stripe down his somewhat curved belly, and an indistinguishable navel, due to it shut closed by a little overweightedness!

Bill was about to say something, Garth taking it upon himself, "if we're ever going to get back to base camp, Frankie, you're going to have to get hustling."

Tom wasn't at all partial to foreigners, licking his lips when it came to eyeing up those tasty-looking pecs.

"Sure. I can do that," Frankie says, breaking into a light jog.

Whereas Bill kept his gait, keeping up with Garth, Tom lagged a little behind, jogging evenly with Frankie.

"Where you from, Frankie?"

"Montclair. I live with my dad, but to avoid being with my step-mom all summer, I talked him into letting me come to camp. Only, I didn't know it was going to be like this."

Tom says, "agreed. I mean, we're only here for the weekend."

"Oh, you are so lucky," Frankie says, slowing his pace. "You are sponsored by an organization?"

"The town gay pride center," Tom says.

"Gay pride? Nice. I'm gay too."

"Oh," Tom says, "I thought this event was for gay pride centers throughout the state. My bad."

"No," Frankie says, with the inside dope, "not all men here are straight," he laughs, "but what does that matter!"

Tom was feeling winded, his pace dragging on much slower, but this was important conversation, "you know of some, here at the camp?"

"Of course. I slept with two of them last night."

That stopped Tom in his tracks.

Frankie ran two steps ahead, stops and doubles back, saying, "why, you want to double up with me tonight?"

"You're meeting with two straight men tonight and they're all for making out with guys?"

"Sure. I convince them gay men give much better blowjobs than their wives."

"And after last night?"

"They are convinced. Now, tonight, one of them shows an interest in taking it up the ass. What I would need, is a bottom, if you're interested?"

"But what about Garth?"

With a wave of a hand, Frankie says, "Garth is a very good looking man, good kisser too, but he's not my type," he runs a hand up Tom's belly, "now you, for instance, I might just cancel out on those hot married men!"

Tom was looking forward to the way he and Bill could play, and at the risk of losing Frankie's interest, "you don't happen to get into anything kinky?"

Way ahead of Tom, Frankie shouts out, "I love S&M! You like getting tied up?"

That got Tom's balls boiling, "love it. That is, if you're good at it?"

"I do whatever you want to do. Then, if you like what I want to do, I'll do it, too."

They took to walking, not jogging, talking all about stuff connected with their mutual interest. When they get to the trailhead, there's Bill, Garth, Everett and Avery, sitting on big boulders.

"Well, Tommy, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Tom especially, but the others as well were shocked, Frankie saying, "oh, you think this is all Tom's fault? No, no, no, the fault is all on me. I am not used to running and Tom was good enough to lag behind."

Garth says, so only Bill can hear, "he's a good liar, eh?"

Fortunately for Tom, Bill was more on his side, than Garth, "doesn't really matter, long as everyone made it to the first checkpoint."

Tom wasn't about to let Frankie take all the heat, "it was part my fault as well."

Bill says, "I know, but can we shake it up a little, here on in?"

They were all glad, the half mile left was all downhill, arriving with normal heartbeats.


% Copyright 2024 T. Chase McPhee Developing segments of ''YoGA MaT' may not be amended, distributed, sold, used, quoted, paraphrased, chopped, sliced, diced, nor made part of any collection, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the author. Drones are prohibited from overhead viewing. _ Check here that you are not a robot.

Next: Chapter 27

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