Yet Another Story

By sage

Published on Aug 24, 1999


Howdy everyone. My name is sage. I hope you have liked my stories. I plan on starting a new series and some other stories soon. Until then I hope you like this last part to my short series "Yet Another Story." I welcome all feedback that is sent to However, all hate mail will be deleted and added to the ignore list. I would be glad to accept any requests, who knows maybe you will see your fantasy come to life in one of my stories. Just as a general warning this story contains a plot involving male/male sex. If you find that offensive then please don't even bother reading the story.

YET ANOTHER STORY: Part 5 - "Hard at Work"

I can't believe how fast time seems to go by when you are enjoying life. It is even harder to believe my three-week vacation from work was now over. I really dreaded going back to work. In case some of you have forgotten, I'm Lee. You know the one who is 23, 5'11" and weighed around 185. I have brown hair and awesome blue eyes. Yep, I can see you remember me as we speak. I think it is time you heard the last part of my series. I think I will call this last part of the story, "Hard at Work"

When I woke up on Monday, it seemed like any other day. I really hated the thought of going back to work and wanted to lie in bed all day long. I knew I had to go back after being off for three weeks. I figured my work load would be piled up on my desk a mile high. However, I knew that since most of my work was hot items, it should really have already been taken care of before my return. I could only hope it was done or I would have a really bad day.

As I got out of bed and headed for the shower, I noticed my morning friend was with me. I stepped into the shower and figured what the heck, why not relieve some tension before going to work. With that thought in mind I grabbed the soap and started to lather up my body. I let my hands roam freely until they found my hard throbbing cock. I slowly began to tease the head of it with my fingers as I leaned back against the shower wall and started remembering how good it was to be with Ron and Alex during my vacation.

The thoughts of how each of them grinded into my tight, young and sweet ass started to drive me crazy as I started to stroke the shaft of my cock harder and faster. I could feel I would not last long if I kept this pace up with my dick. I then let my hand drop down to my nut sac to massage both balls, then each one, before returning to my shaft. I couldn't hold back no longer and shoot two large white creamy loads of cum all over the shower wall. When the last moan of pleasure escaped my lips, I stepped back under the hot water and stood there to regain my breath.

After cleaning up the shower, I decided it was time to get to work. I had not a clue what I wanted to wear. All I knew was that I wanted to be free and relaxed today, so I grabbed a black denim button down shirt and black jeans. I figured I would go commando today and let myself pop up whenever because I knew I would start thinking about these past few weeks and get really uncomfortable. With that in mind I grabbed my keys and headed to work, which is this really cool federal agency that does their best to protect the environment.

I finally reached work around 8:10. When I turned the lights on in my office, I was really surprised to see all my work had been done for me. I was so happy I was not behind for a change. Until, then it hit me they had to hire someone else to get that amount of work done so quickly. I thought maybe they fired me while I was gone and never got around to telling me, but maybe they hired someone to work part time. I really didn't like that idea because we can get some really bad temps.

I didn't have to wait long for the answers to my questions to arrive. My good friend JC and office neighbor walked in to see how my trip went. He is a very good looking guy. He is 26, 5'9" and weighs about 175. He has gorgeous blonde hair with green eyes. I would really love to get in his boxers. I really trust JC because I have known him for a good ten years of my life and we have been through some really hard times together. I figured I would tell him about my many adventures to see how he reacted to the details. I knew he was pretty much straight, but everyone has their moments.

JC proceeded to flop down on the couch in my office. I am lucky because I deal with the public so much that instead of hard chairs they thought the couch would be more comfortable to the people coming in to see me. I could tell JC liked it and was still half asleep this morning. We did our usual greetings and then I began to tell him about my vacation. I did not leave out any details. I could see how much he liked the story because he was sporting a hardon in his pants. I am sure some of you might have jumped onto that couch and helped your friend out with his ummm problem. I can't say that I didn't think about it, but I knew that five or ten minutes of pleasure would not be worth losing a friend or making him uncomfortable around me.

After my stories, I asked JC how all my work seemed to be so caught up. He laughed and asked if he really thought they would let my stuff sit for three weeks. I informed him I thought they would because I know they have done stuff like that in the past. He said I was right, but this time they got me a great temp. He got this wicked grin on his face and told me, he was sure I would just love this temp. I really did not know why he thought I would like this one so much. When I asked him, he laughed. He then left my office to go take care of his little problem, which from my observation was not to darn little. I would say he was at least eight inches long.

He really had my mind going with his comment. I didn't know why I would like this temp. I am sure I will find out because they usually stay for a few days after the person returns to let us know how things went and the items they took care of while the person was gone. I started to watch the time in hopes to solve this new mystery. I think it was about fifteen minutes later JC popped his head back into my office to ask if the temp had arrived. I informed him no and he gave me a wink as he left and told me they should be here soon.

I finally gave up and commenced to do some items I needed to get finished. I think it was about that time I heard a knock at my door. I think it was at that moment I began to really believe in angels. The person at my door was a really cute guy. He was 21 years old, 6'0' and weighed about 198. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. It looked like he worked out because he had a really nice swimmers build. I could even tell he loved the beach by his glowing tan. I just wonder if he would let me see his tan lines. Finally, my mind returned the to this hunk.

He came into my office and greeted me. I was surprised to learn he was my temp. I could hit JC for not telling me sooner about this guy. His name was Nick. I thanked him for doing such a great job with keeping all my work completed. I asked him if he liked the job and would he be interested in covering me, then I caught myself, and said my position again sometime. He laughed and told me he loved it and would love to do it again sometime if I would ever give him the chance. If he only knew the type of chances I would give him.

The next few days seemed to go by quickly. I really enjoyed working with Nick. He was a really nice guy with a sense of humor. He also had a very awesome personality. I think he is the type of guy I could spend forever with, if only he was gay. I am thankful I at least had the chance to meet him and I think we will be great friends. I don't usually hit it off with people so quickly, but he was different and not just because of his looks.

I think it on Wednesday that I learned my secretary was going to quit. I was really bummed, but I lucked out because Nick decided he would do the job until it was filled, which he later obtained that position. I was really delighted he was gonna stay at the agency for a while longer. We were a great team and got a lot of work accomplished. He would always joke around and make it a better place to work. I know I looked forward to going to work each day to learn more about him, but he was really conservative and didn't give out much information about himself.

It was a few months later when Nick decided to ask me when I was going to take my next vacation. I told him it would be a long time before I could build enough time up so I could take a vacation. He started to get curious and ask me about my last vacation. I wasn't so sure I wanted to tell him the details and lose him as a friend. So, I told him I went to see a friend in Texas and then a friend from Canada came to visit me. I figured it was best to keep it on the light side. He grew even more curious for some reason and wanted to know what happened during the trip and surprise visit and if I enjoyed myself. I let him know it went well and I had fun.

The next day I brought pictures into the office of Ron and Alex to give Nick a better idea of whom it was I told him about. He liked the pictures. He said I must have really had a great time. He really seemed to like Alex. He kneeled next to me and had this wicked smile on his face. He gave me Alex's picture back and out of the blue asked me if I fucked him. I think my mouth must have hit the floor because I was speechless for about two minutes. He had really caught me off guard. I didn't know how to respond. I thought maybe this was some kind of trick to get me to come out to him or did he see me checking him out and figure it out. I was lucky and about that time JC walked in. Nick told me we would finish this conversation later.

When I told JC what had happened he laughed. I reached over and hit him on the arm and told him to shut up. He told not to worry about it. He said Nick must have caught me checking him out and that was his way of getting the scoop on me. I wasn't so sure and knew something must be up. Nick was a blunt and funny guy, but he was never this blunt or nosey. After JC left my office, Nick rushed back in. He kept giving me these evil grins and even proceeded to drop something in front of me and bent over to pick it up. I think he was starting to tease me now.

Everything seemed to be going bad today. I was really happy it was time to go home. Unfortunately, Nick decided he wanted to talk some more and came to relax on my couch. He continued to inquire about my trip. I asked him why he wanted to know and why did he ask such a bold question. He laughed and told me he had seen me looking at his ass one day and wondered if I was gay or bisexual. I asked him if it really mattered. He said no, but it would be nice to know what he could expect from me. He wanted to know if I was gonna check him out every day or would there be a time when I made a move on him or something.

I thought about it for a couple of minutes and told him that I was gay, but I would never hit on him because I thought of him as a friend. I told him I thought he was a stud and really sexy. However, I would not hit on him because I would not want to lose the friendship. I then apologized and told him I would do my best not to check him out either. He said he really admired me for telling him the truth and being so honest for him. He said for that he wanted to show me something.

I couldn't believe my eyes. He stood up in front of my desk and began to strip. I asked him what he was doing. He said he wanted to show me what I had been admiring so much and since we were friends it was cool. He didn't feel so threaten my me and if it made me happy it was even better. I continued to watch as he peeled all of his clothing off and tossed it to the floor, until standing in front of me was a true thing of beauty and art. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Finally, he finished undressing and he returned to the couch. He said he liked being nude. He then asked me to tell him about my trip and he wanted all the details. I figured it was the least I could do after he took his clothes off for me. I gave him detail, upon detail of all the things I did on my vacation. I could tell he liked the stories too because he had a hard throbbing 7.5 inches of manhood at attention, which I so badly wanted to wrap my lips around.

Nick began to stroke his hard cock as I finished my story. He looked at me and asked if he could tell me something. I laughed and said after all that has been said I don't see why he couldn't tell me something now. He told me that Ron and Alex were very lucky to be with such an awesome guy like me. He said he thought I was smart, funny, sweet, caring, trusting and the list seemed to go on forever. I was really shocked. However, his next comment seemed to shock me the most. He let me know that he was kinda jealous because he wished he could have been my first.

I do believe at that moment I was totally floored. I think everything began to fly around in my head. I told him I really didn't know what to say. He then told me he saw the picture of me on my desk when he first came to work and thought I was cute so he started talking to JC about me. He tried to get as much information out of JC as possible, but he wouldn't give him too much. He then informed me that once he meet me he had an instant crush and talked to JC about it often. I think I could have killed JC at that moment.

I asked him why he didn't say anything before. He told me because he liked me a lot and didn't want to take the chance of losing me or the friendship if I was not gay. I then told him about all the feelings I had for him and how they grew over these last several months. I actually felt like crying because of all this happening. I went over to him and cuddle next to him on the couch. As we laid next to each other, we released our true feelings. I even asked him if he did anything with JC and he said no.

We left work that night to finally spend some time together. I think it was about 10 P.M. when we finished eating dinner and got home. We headed straight for my bedroom. I slowly took off all of his clothes and he returned the favor. Then we got on the bed and I began to kiss him slow and deep, letting my tongue explore his mouth. Our lips released as I nibbled on his chin and licked my way down to his chest. I teased his hard nipples with my lips and tongue, then I made my way down his firm smooth body. I kissed and licked my way down to his navel then to his pubes. I could smell how sweet he was at that very moment.

I looked up into his eyes and returned my attention to his hard swelling member. I used my tongue to encircle the head of his cock as I began to suck on it slowly. I then licked the underside of his head and shaft. Once I had him all nice and wet I engulf his whole cock into my mouth. He let out soft moans as I started to suck him slow and hard. I reached up and used one of my hands to pinch his nipples, while the other hand massaged his nut sac. I could feel him begin to push up into my mouth to greet my lips and mouth, until finally he couldn't take it anymore and exploded his hot juices against my throat.

I worked my way back up his body and looked into his eyes. We kissed and he began to go down on me. I couldn't stand his wonderful tongue on my cock or his sucking for too long and shot my load in his mouth. We cuddled and kissed after our oral pleasuring. I looked into his eyes, and hoped I could stay with him forever. He must have read my mind and gave me a hot wet kiss and told me he loved me.

I broke the kiss off to travel my way down his body. I teased his cock again with my tongue and keep him hard for almost an hour. I would not let him cum yet. I moved back up his body and licked his neck until I could nibble on his ear. I then whispered to him, "I want to feel your big hard cock deep inside of me Nick. Cum on babe, please show me what it feels like to be with a real man."

Nick then flipped me over so I was laying on my back. He pushed my legs forward and fingered my tight ass until he found my special spot. He leaned forward and kissed me as I felt the head of his cock near my hole. He began to tease me and knock at my back door. Until, I finally reached down and help slide him into me. We both moaned as he grinded slow then harder and harder into my tight wet ass. I yelled as his thrust got even more intense and hit my prostate. I told him to give it to me harder...I wanted him, I needed him...I loved him. I screamed his name and moaned and groaned. After a good hour he shot his load and fell onto my chest as our lips met.

We cuddled and kissed the rest of the night and eventually feel asleep in each other arms. I think that was the best weekend I ever had in my life. I really dreaded going back to work because Nick seemed to bring out the beast in me and luckily he had enough energy and loved to tame it. We finally got arrived at work around eight o'clock. JC had already figured out what had happened when Nick and I came in together with such smiles on our faces.

I teased Nick all day long. I wanted to make sure he was hot and ready when I needed him. He told me payback was hell, but I laughed at him. Finally at the end of the day, he came into my office and slammed the door shut. He told me he had something for me. I laughed and told him I wondered what that was he had for me. He said he wanted to show me and before I knew it, he threw everything on my desk on the floor and had my pants around my knees. He then plunged his hard cock deep into my ass. I moaned in pleasure as each of his hard thrust made us one. I loved him and continued to tease him a lot at work as he did me. You could say we were hard at work and enjoyed it. I truly do love him and plan to be with him forever. Well, I don't know about you, but I think this is finally an end to YET ANOTHER STORY.


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