Yet Another Story

By sage

Published on Jul 4, 1999


Howdy everyone. My name is sage. I have never written a story before and hope you enjoy my way of seeing things. I hope to maybe write five or six parts to this story and call the short series "Yet Another Story." I do not know if that will happen and will leave it up you my readers. I welcome all feedback, but all hate mail will be deleted and added to the ignore list. I would be glad to accept any requests, who knows maybe you will see your fantasy come to life in one of my stories. Just as a general warning this story contains a plot involving male/male sex. If you find that offensive then please don't even bother reading the story

YET ANOTHER STORY: Part 3 - "Hay Ride"

I don't know about ya'll, but that flight from Texas to Florida can be very tiring. I bet you thought when I got home all my fun would come to a stop. Well, we will just say your dead wrong. In fact, I remember a little story you might like to hear about what happened when I got home that night. I think I will call this story "Hay Ride."

I left Tyler, Texas airport late that afternoon and didn't arrive to Tampa, Florida until around 8:00 p.m. I was really glad when the plane finally landed. It seemed as though the flight would never end and all I wanted to do was get home and crawl into my bed. I felt like I could sleep for hours. I couldn't even imagine the dreams I would be having after the delightful trip to Texas.

I rushed off to the luggage ramps and snatched up my suitcases. I called for a taxi and waited as patiently as I could for it at the exit. It finally got there after 30 freaking minutes. I jumped in the cab and beginning thinking about my email. I knew all of my accounts were probably busting out of the boxes.

Needless to say, the driver finally got me to my house and I turned on my pc as I started to unpack. I was right. I had 42 email messages sent to me while I was away. I didn't even think anyone would really miss me. OH NO!! There was a message from Alex letting me know he would be in town to visit me on the 30th and will be staying for a week.

Oh my god, Alex is coming here on the 30th. I suddenly began to think about what I was going to do when he got here. I decided to look at the calendar to see what day was the 30th. Awww shit, he will be here tomorrow. I better get something planned or we will be stuck out here on this damn farm for the whole week. I grabbed the phone to start making plans, when I sudden hung it up. Hmm....maybe it is best I don't make any plans. I think after Texas, I should find out just how good those Canadians can be. I also think it is time he found out was southern lovin' is all about....hehehe. Now all I have to do is come up with a plan and you know me. I always get my

I guess I should tell you a little about Alex. He is 6'1" and has a killer body. He works out all the time to keep his bod is such great shape. He has blue eyes and blond hair. I can honestly tell you he is the type of person you seize and place on a peddle stool. He is a god and should be worshiped. I know it sounds too good to be true, but trust me it is the honest truth. Alex is really shy, but loves to get wild and have fun and you better believe I plan on helping him have some.

As I was sitting there picturing him in my mind the phone rang. It was him calling to let me know that he would be at the Tampa Airport at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. I jotted down his information and laid it on the television. I walked over to the frig and made something to eat. It looks like I will have to do some shopping. I gave up on reading all of the emails and jumped into bed and began dreaming about what tomorrow will hold.

I couldn't believe it. I had slept until 2:00 p.m. I ran around the house to get things in order before his highness arrived. I hopped into my car and headed for the airport. I arrived there around 5:45 p.m. I went to the terminal he was suppose to arrive at around 6:00 p.m. I now know what Ron must have been feeling like when he was waiting for my flight to arrive in Texas. Finally, his plane arrived and everyone came out of the gate. I instantly noticed him as he was the best looking person on the flight. I greeted him with a hug and we went to pick up his bags.

During the walk to my car, Alex informed me he was here to relax and visit some of the sites. If he only knew the sites I was planning on showing him. On the way back home he informed he me was hungry and hadn't had anything to eat since that morning. I told him we would have to get something while we were out and headed for a local pizza shop.

The waitress showed us to our table and asked what kind of pizza we wanted. He gave off his order and she looked at me for my choice. I asked if we could get special toppings. I then whispered to her I would really like to have him as one of the toppings. She laughed and informed me if he could be one of the toppings she wanted a bite too. We both began laughing and Alex looked at us as though we had lost our minds. We ate our pizza and arrived home about 8ish. I showed him the guest room and told him I would wake him up early to show him everything I had to do on the farm. I was hoping he would soon become one of the chores I had to get done.

We woke up late and I rushed to wake him, but he was already gone. I got a little worried when I couldn't find him in the house. I soon discovered him in the barn shoveling the hay. He informed me that his family owned a horse farm and he knew how to do the chores and didn't mind helping me. I thanked him for the assistance and went about doing my own chores. I returned to the barn about a hour later and saw him there with no shirt or shoes. He was wearing only his tight jeans. The sunlight sparkled off of him from the sweat running down his back. It was almost to much for me to take. I wanted to become his sex slave at that moment.

The time seemed to pass as I stood there and admired him. I knew he was shy and I didn't want to take any chances to blow my shot at being with him. I decided to take my chances. I picked up a small stick and walked up behind him. I gently poked him in the back and teasingly told him to freeze. He laughed and asked what I was going to if he didn't stand still for me. In my best southern drawl, I told him "ya listen here sonny, I am gonna give da orders and ya betta obey."

I walked closer to him and licked some of the sweat from his neck. He let out a small moan and I soon started kissing his neck. I dropped the stick and began rubbing my hand over his firm chest. I moved my hand down to his package and began to massage him threw his jeans. He began to groan a little from my lovely handy work. I slide my hand into his jean and started to fondle him. I popped the button and unzipped his jeans, letting them drop to the ground. I had freed his hard cock from its prison. I nibbled on his ear as I jacked him off. He began to thrust against my hand. It wasn't long before his sweet nectar flowed forth. With his loud moan from the release, I pushed him onto the hay. I looked him up and down as he stared into my eyes. I blew him a kiss and walked back to the house. You probably think I am as crazy as he thought I was at that moment, but I had a plan. I wanted to get him so hot and bothered that he was frustrated. I wanted it to be later that I let him vent all the stored up frustration onto me.

I could hear the phone ringing as I walked to the house. I dashed inside to find it was Ron calling me from Texas to see if I had made it back okay. I grabbed the phone and told him it took him long enough. Hell, I could have been dead by now or something. I let him know that my god had arrived in Tampa. I let him know of my plan and he told me I was evil. I asked him if he was jealous and he laughed. I confessed to him that he had nothing to worry about for the moment. He was my first and I would never forget it. However, after seeing Alex in person, I doubt he would be the best I ever got. As you can imagine he got pissed and I told him if he didn't fucking behave he would have to be punished again. He liked the idea and we set a date for out next adventure. I hung up the phone and turned around to discover Alex was standing behind me.

We stood looking at each other for a moment and then he kissed me and went to take a shower. We pretty much talked, surfed the web for those interesting sites, chatted online and watched some television. I was planning on keeping him there for the whole week. I wanted to make him as frustrated as possible. I knew not letting him out on the town would drive him crazy, but as soon as he gave me what I wanted I would show him the ways of the country.

For the next two mornings I continued my process of jacking him off and blowing him a kiss as he laid on the hay. Everything seemed to be going okay, until the third day when he decide enough was enough. I gently poked the stick in his back, but to my surprise he spun around knocking it from my hand. He grabbed me but the head and drove his tongue deep into my mouth. I kissed him back and clenched onto his ass. He pushed me up against the stall and whirled me around. He kissed me on neck and began to slowly grind up against my jeans. I could feel his hard erection in his jeans rub against my ass. He began to grind hard and thrust a little. I started to moan as he knew I wanted him to take me at that moment. He stepped away and as I turned he blew me a kiss.

I couldn't believe it. Did he really think I would let him get away with that little stunt. I grabbed him by the shoulders and knocked him onto the hay. I then fell down beside him. I began kissing and groaping him. I knew he wanted it as much as I did. I wanted him bad and I knew he wanted to break in my tight ass. I slide my hand done and massaged his throbbing member. I got on my knee and removed his pants. I leaned down and to kiss him and whispered into his ear, "what don't you think you can handle me big boy." He laughed and with one quick motion, flipped me onto my stomach and yanked down my jeans. He spread my cheeks and lunged inside of me. I let out a small scream and grunted. He whispered to me "what can't you take it...this it the country and things are quite wild and untamed." I could care less as he began to thrust deep inside of me. I moaned and groaned like there was no tomorrow. I will tell you that a canuck sure can fuck. I hoped it would never stop as his momentum quicken and he started grinding and thrusting into me harder and harder. I felt one deep plow forward and felt his warm cum release into my bowels. He dropped onto me and kissed my cheek. I was now an angel in heaven with my god.

After that hay ride, we soon explored the many places and opportunities available in the open country. I never knew someone could be fucked so much. However, the fun had to stop. He had to return home leaving me all alone. I was very sad to see my savage beast go. I will always remember my wild and untamed experiences with him in the country. Then again, I will also remember that wild and savage last moment we shared in the woods before he left, but that my friend is another story.


Next: Chapter 4: Running Wild

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