Yet Another Story

By sage

Published on Jun 29, 1999


Howdy everyone. My name is sage. I hope you have liked my stories so far as I plan on writing five or six parts to this story and call the short series "Yet Another Story." I do not know if that will happen and will leave it up you my readers. I welcome all feedback that is sent to However, all hate mail will be deleted and added to the ignore list. I would be glad to accept any requests, who knows maybe you will see your fantasy come to life in one of my stories. Just as a general warning this story contains a plot involving male/male sex. If you find that offensive then please don't even bother reading the story

YET ANOTHER STORY: Part 2 - "Bound For Pleasure"

You know I can't believe how some people tell their stories. I still can't believe Ron called it "The First Cumming." I guess he has a very dirty little mind. I think it is time you heard what happened when I got out of the shower. If you haven't figured it out, I'm Lee. You know the one who is 5'11" and weighed around 185. I have brown hair and awesome blue eyes. Yep, I can see you remember me as we speak. I like to call this part of the story, "Bound For Pleasure."

I could not believe how he used my fantasy against me. I told him I wanted to wait until I was ready to have sex. I bet that bastard had this all planned for me when I arrived at his house. He knew I would jump into that shower. He knew I would give in to such pleasure. I can still picture the ecstasy of the whole event. It felt so good to have him drive his cock deep into me. I guess now it is time for pay back. He hasn't seen nothing yet. I have a few tricks up my sleeves too.

I stepped out of the shower and toweled off. I grabbed the robe he had hanging in the bathroom and walked out to the bedroom. It figures he would be laying there is all his glory to remind me of what had just happened. I walked up to him and asked him if he understood what it meant when I said I wanted to wait to have sex. He just laughed and informed me he had to help me realize what I was missing. I laughed back and told him it was time for him to be punished.

I walked over to one of the bags I had brought with me and pulled out some handcuffs. I told him if I was going to have my rude awaking then I wanted to do everything to him. He didn't seem to like that idea too much, especially since I started to swing the handcuffs around. I told him to put his hands up against the bed post or I would put them there for him. He lucked out and did it for himself. I quickly cuffed each hand to the bed post on each side. I then used a tie to bond his feet to the bottom of the bed. He was now all mine and he was gonna be punished.

As you can imagine he wanted to know what I had in store for him. I could tell he didn't like this idea at all, but I wasn't in the mood for caring. I stood at the end of the bed and untied the robe letting it drop to the floor. I then bounced onto the bed and started to kiss him. I drove my tongue deep down his mouth. I continued to kiss him harder and deeper as if we were fucking with our tongues. I suddenly stopped and began to nibble on his ear and made my way down to his hard cock. I started to tease him with my tongue until he started to moan and groan deliriously. I then looked up at him with a huge smile and informed him I was sorry, but I had to make a run to the store.

I got off the bed and could not believe how red he was from this experience. You couldn't even believe some of the new sayings he came up with as he yelled at me. I don't even think such language and word usage was possible. I got dressed and told him to stay put because I would be back soon. I then took his keys off the kitchen table and drove to the local grocery store. It was time for a shopping spree...hehehe.

I got to the local store and was surprised to see it so full. I jumped out of the car and ran to go get my supplies. I snatched up some chopped nuts, whip cream, strawberry jelly, candles, ice, and chocolate syrup. I needed one more thing and my list, strawberries. I made my way over to the vegetables and fruits isle. However, when I got there I noticed something else I wanted to have placed on my list. He was gorgeous!

I tried my hardest, but couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was about 5'8" and weighed around 155 pounds. His had very dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He was definitely a piece of fruit I wanted to squeeze on to see it if was ripe. I walked over to him and asked if he needed any help. He informed me was doing fine all by himself and needed no help from anyone. I apologized and slapped him on the back. He yelled and asked me if I was trying to knock the air out of him. I just winked and advised that if I did, I would love to blow him back up.

I think we were pretty much at a stand still at that moment. I wasn't sure if he was going to laugh or knock the hell out of me. He looked me up and down then asked me if I was new around there. I informed him I was just visiting a friend for a couple of days. He asked me if I wanted him to show me where the restrooms where since I was new and may have to use them sometime. He said they could be hard to find and would enjoy showing me the way. I laughed and told him I am sure he would enjoy that very much.

It didn't take us long to find the restrooms. I did not take anytime and I had him in the very last stall available. I pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him. I ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed. I then began rubbing his package. I popped the button and yanked down the zipper. I was in heaven when I discovered he had nothing on underneath to keep me from my reward. I dropped to my knees and took hold of him. DAMN....I heard they grew them big in Texas, but this must be some kind of record or something. He laughed and told me not only was it big, but juicy too. I believe that I am going to have to find that out for myself.

I slide as much as him into my mouth as I could take of him. He let out a soft moan and pulled my head forward, shoving himself deeper into my warm and moist mouth. I thought I was going to choke as he began to fuck my mouth. I had no choice to put to swallow, causing my throat muscles to tighten giving him even more pleasure. He began to increase his momentum and I knew he would not last much longer. I felt him yank my head as far as it towards him as he exploded in my mouth with a loud groan.

I had no choice but to swallow his warm and sweet juice as I raised up off of my knees. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and welcomed me to Texas. He asked if there was anything I wanted done. I informed there was something he could to for me, but not today. I had to get going. I wrote down his phone number and name before we left the restroom. I told him I would give him a call before I left Texas.

I instantly made my way back to the strawberries and placed them in the cart with the other items. I ran to the checkout lane and then headed for the car. It didn't take me long before I found my way back to Ron's house. I couldn't imagine how the poor thing must be feeling. I predict I would just have to make it up to him for taking so long. I snatched the bag off of the seat and went into the house.

I walked into the bedroom to discover the bastard actually went to sleep. I could have been gone hours and he would not have known. I will have to fix this sleeping beauty for sure. I got the candles and some ice. I waited for the wax to develop as I climb onto the bed. I laid down beside him and left the first drop hit him. He screamed like a wild man. I told him not to wake up because this was a nightmare. I dropped a couple more spots of wax on his chest and then used the ice to take the heat out of the skin and freeze him. I told him it looked like he was having some hot and cold spells. Unfortunately, he didn't think it was all that damn funny.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get a wet rag. I washed all the wax and stuff from his chest. I told him I would have been home sooner, but I got hungry and had to have a snack. However, the site of him was starting to give me my appetite back. I took the lid off of the jar of strawberry jelly. I then turned it upside down and drove his dick into the jar. Once I had him all ready to jam I threw the jar to the floor and started to suck him clean. You can't imagine how sweet he was tasting. He was so delicious I began to suck on him harder making sure I didn't miss a drop. He could not stand it and howled like a bitch in heat. It didn't take long before he cam in my mouth.

I rolled off the bed and picked up the chocolate syrup and whip cream. I covered his entire chest with it. I leaped onto the bed with the strawberries and began to lick his chest. I nibbled on each of his nipples. I then took the strawberries into my mouth and lowered them to his chest to cover them with chocolate and whip cream. I made my way to his mouth and shared the delight with him. We continued this practice for some time, until I untied his feet.

I threw the bonds to the floor and raised his legs high into the air. I then plunged myself deep into his abyss. He grunted as I entered him for the first time. I began to impaled him as hard as I could to bring happiness to his face. We both moaned and groaned as I tried to last as long as I could for a beginner. Sadly my endurance was not as strong as his and I soon blew my load inside of him. I then reach up and uncuffed him from the bed post. He immediately flipped me onto my stomach and fucked me with his monster until we both passed out from the euphoria.

We maintained our constant screwing the entire time I was there with him. I didn't think know how I was ever going to return home without him. He thought it was pretty hilarious when I told him I thought he turned me into a slut. I didn't think it was too funny and drove my tongue into his mouth to keep him quiet. Well, I believe now you know how my first visit to Texas turned out. I was very sad when he did finally take me back to the airport. I did return back to Texas several months later to see him and well my grocery store man, but that my friend is a yet another story.


Next: Chapter 3: Hay Ride

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