Yet Another Story

By sage

Published on Jun 21, 1999


Howdy everyone. My name is sage. I have never written a story before and hope you enjoy my way of seeing things. I hope to maybe write five or six parts to this story and call the short series "Yet Another Story." I do not know if that will happen and will leave it up you my readers. I welcome all feedback, but all hate mail will be deleted and added to the ignore list. I would be glad to accept any requests, who knows maybe you will see your fantasy come to life in one of my stories. Just as a general warning this story contains a plot involving male/male sex. If you find that offensive then please don't even bother reading the story

YET ANOTHER STORY: Part 1 - "The First Cumming"

Don't you just hate it when you're bored and have nothing or no one to do. I guess I could tell you an interesting story. Oh man, where shall I start though and which story should I tell you. I think I have got it. You are really going to like this story. I will call it "The First Cumming."

It all began about two years ago when one of my real life friends introduced me to one of her online friends. His name was Lee. He seemed like a very nice guy. I thought he was really cool and liked to have fun. He acted real normal and sent me lots of online links to cam sites and xxx stuff. After looking at all the links I discovered he was straighter than a board. I was kinda disappointed, but continued to be friends with him. Sadly over the next six months or so he vanished from the web. I could not understand why or what had happened to him. I figured his ISP finally ticked him off so bad he gave up the web for good.

I was just about to lose hope of ever talking to him again when I received a beep on my ICQ. It was him wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. I was really surprised to see him again. I instantly sent a reply back to him and asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing good, but had changed a lot since the last time I had talked to him. As you can imagine my curiosity was peaked. I asked him what the changes were he made to himself. He didn't know it, but I had made some changes also.

We began sending messages back and forth. He wanted to know how open minded I was since the last time we had spoken. It is my understanding that he thought I was straight. I guess the last time we spoke I had been kinda straight, but I went from there to being bisexual and now gay. I was getting even more curious now with his question. Until, I finally dragged it out of him. He told me that he was bisexual. He was worried I would freak out and not like him because of this fact. I told him it didn't matter and explained how I had changed.

I am sure you can imagine how things went from there. You are thinking we jumped on a plane and met somewhere, then began screwing all over the place. I can't believe how dirty minded some of you are out there. Actually, I found out he had just came to terms with this new fact about his life not to long ago. He had never been with a man. He was very scared and decided if he was gonna try something like that he wanted it to be with someone he knew. Needless to say I volunteered real quick at this opportunity.

The days began to pass and we continued to joke around with our messages. He was very dirty minded and made all my responses seem sexual in some way. He even knew it drove me crazy when he said the words "interesting" because I have come to hate that remark. He now uses it all of the time to get me hot and bothered. We started trading secrets and fantasies. I learned that one of his fantasies was to be forced, but not raped. He wanted to know it was going to happen and play act like a game. I kinda like the idea myself.

He wanted to visit me, but didn't want anything to happen since he was still unsure about the things happening in his life. He needed to grow and accept this some more before doing something stupid. However, I could tell by his jokes and nasty comments he was very aware as to what he wanted. I now know he was just teasing me to see what I would say to his comment.

I had a plan. I was going to make his fantasy come true and bring him to terms with his awaking. If he only knew what I had in store for him, which would be soon. In fact, he called that day to tell me he would be in on the weekend. I couldn't wait to see him. I had to behave until then.

I drove to the airport early Saturday to pick him up. It seemed the flight was delayed. I began to wonder how he would react to me. I am 6'1" and weigh around 175 pounds. I have dark hair and eyes, which I am sure he will love. I started laughing and began hoping I could make it out of the airport before I brought him to terms with his awaking. Finally, I heard over the intercom his flight was pulling into the airport. I rushed over to the gate to greet him

It seemed like I had been there waiting for him forever. All the people began coming out of the gate, but I did not see him. Then it happened. I saw someone that could be him. Damn, if that is him we might not make it home. I was right and it was him. He was gorgeous. He was 5'11" and weighed around 185. He was pretty muscular. He had brown hair and awesome blue eyes.

We grabbed his bags and took them to my car. It wasn't long before we started talking about sex. He was giving me that come hither look. It felt like he was teasing me with his eyes. I was really turned on and new my plan would work now. I had to get him home quickly.

I pulled into the driveway about forty minutes later. We grabbed his bags and went inside. I showed him to the spare bedroom. I told him he looked like he needed to take a warm shower and warm up before we went out and partied all night long. He seemed to like the idea and headed to the shower. I glanced in the mirror and could see him slowly undress. I then began to undress as well. I figured I would give him a couple of minutes then join him.

I heard the shower come on and saw the bathroom start to fill with steam from the hot water. I slowly got up and walked to the curtain. I stepped into the shower behind him. I grabbed the soap. He was totally in shock. I took hold of his shoulders and pushed him forward. He tried to say something, but I just said "sshhh" to him. He became quiet and was curious as to what I had in store for him.

I began nibbling on his ear and he let out a soft moan. I twirled the soap in my hands and then began rubbing his lovely package. He started to moan even louder as I began to stroke him. I removed my hand from his beautiful member and began rubbing his ass. He started to get tense as I pushed him forward against the shower wall. I was gonna pop his cherry and he knew it. I could hear him starting to breathe harder. I slide my hand in between his crack and drove my finger deep inside of him. He began to whimper like a puppy wanting me to stop, but still giving me that come hither look at the same time. I slide a second finger in and he started to moan a little more.

I continued this little rhythm with him for a while. I would then stop and go with my hand to teasing him a little making him want my surprise for him even more. I took one hand and pushed him completely forward and used the other hand to try and guide my shaft inside of him. It seem he was too tight. I soon got my head inside of him and plowed forward sending the rest inside too. He let out a loud scream and grunted as I let him get used to the feel of things. I then began to thrust in and out of him. I could not believe how sweet he was. I reached for the soap and began to lather and stroke him again. He started grinded back and forth to meet my thrusting and hand motions. He moan loudly and started to tighten his muscles on my shaft. I could not help but moan and groan with him. I couldn't take much more of his ass. I heard him asked for it to be harder and I picked up my pace. I couldn't take anymore and drove deep into him as I released my warm cum inside of his bowels. He blew his load at the pressure of my release. I kissed him on the neck and stepped out of the shower. I toweled off and went to rest on the bed. I wondered what he would be up for next. After all, this was our first cumming together and I didn't want to rush it.


Next: Chapter 2: Bound for Pleasure

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