Yesterdays Letter

By moc.loa@namreganamehT

Published on Nov 14, 2004


I do not know any of the members of 98 degrees nor do i know their sexual preference. But we can all hope. lol This story is not real. Dont read this if you are not supposed to.

Yesterdays Letter - Part 1

`you're my sunshine after the rain, you're the cure against my fear and my pain. Cause I'm losing my mind when you're not around. Its all because of you.' What a lovely way to be screamed outta bed. The radio turned all the way up is the only way to be scared to death to be woken up. Why not sing song with it huh? So I'm singing with the radio (my boys of course) trying to get ready for work at 6am in the morning.

Let me tell you about my job. I love it. I am a child care worker. I work for the school district here in town. I do one of the before and after school care programs. I also sub for different ones which is good since there are 7 elementary school. Change of scenery ya know.

I'm running late Danna better be there on time today. As I screech up to the building I notice her car is not there. Shit! I'm gonna get a phone call back to the Y (that's who sponsors the program) As I run into the building I see some of the kids sitting there with Danna. "Nice to see you walked the 7 miles to school D" I just have to be sarcastic with her. There's no other way to deal with her, but id never trade her off for a different assistant she's awesome.

"Well Tippy had to borrow the car AGAIN!" Now let me tell you about Tippy. That's D's friend Tippy for obvious reasons I wont get into. As I sit there doing the attendance for the day I realize the kids are using my cd player (which they are grounded from) but who can complain when they play such good music right?!

I walk up to Marlee and put my hands out signaling ill dance with her. Now don't get me wrong I never dance unless its with a child. No one expects you to dance with a child without having fun and it is. I love my kids at school. We start dancing and I start singing with the cd in the player.

"Baby to me your everything Its just the love and joy that you bring No on could take the place I've given you" I know I was cheesing but who couldn't when your dancing and singing to some of your favorite music. Not to m mention the teachers think I'm so cool for dancing to boy band music with the kids. They just don't realize that I like it.

"Mr. Bryan you know this music?" Rolling my eyes at them "Duh I know this music" I swear I keep in shape from dancing around like an idiot with them all morning. After our two hours are up Danna and I went to breakfast.

"So you wanna tell me how you know that music"

"Danna how do you think I know that music?" Rolling my eyes again for the second time today I realize this is Brown Bag day. "Hey I'm running late its Brown Bag day I have to get going. Lord knows Teen Reach cant figure anything out on their own"

"Ok will you be on time this afternoon?"

I feel bad cause I am late a lot because our boss tends to give me things to do at the last minute and then I cant get to school on time. "As far as I know I will be, but that don't mean anything you know that"

"Ya I know. Well have fun thinking about them boys you want in your bedroom. I know that's why you know their music" Shit eating grins are Danna trademark and let me tell you it looked like she had just won some big award.

"Of course" The look of shock on D's face was priceless I had never admitted to her before that I liked guys. "See y a"

On the way to work I turn it to my favorite station to hear whets on. Not that I'll listen to it. Driving through my city is like pulling teeth from a horse. You don't have time to listen or think with the yelling at stupid drivers. I'm driving by the church that borders our building and I almost hit the curb I actually was listening to the radio.

Call now and be the 11th caller and you can get front row seats and backstage passes to see 98 degrees' Boy you better believe I had that number memorized. Your talking to the city's luckiest bastard. I have won so many things fromt hat station its not even right. So I click on my cell phone and hit the speed dial (so maybe I didn't have it memorized but close enough) and guess what! I didn't win. Sorry you are caller 10 please stay on the line' So here I am pouting all the way down the drive to work listening to the elevator m usic and I see my boss sitting on the back step to work smoking. Damm it's a bad day already and its only 9.

`Caller 10 are you still there'

"Yes I'm here. Why am I still on the phone?"

"Well a lot of times people hang up or are disconnected and we need to have a winner. We always have caller 10 be the winner if 11 cant be. And you're the technical winner today!" I started wooping and hollering right in front of my boss, who was so confused why I was acting like this. She's never even seen me get crazy at all.

"So I'm going to the concert then?" Duh Ryan they wouldn't lie to you. "this is so cool" I took down the information and all that I had to go pick up the tickets from the station. Meanwhile my boss is just smiling her ass off at me. When I finally get off the phone we sit down to smoke again (I don't smoke but I talk with her while she is. that's her best brainstorming time)

"So when are you taking off for the concert you just won again!?" Now its clicking in my head that we have a lot of meetings this week and I have no idea what day the concert is actually on.

"Well I'm not sure I forgot to ask when it was like an idiot" She's laughing at me "Ill just have to take the rest of the week off to make sure I have time to go" That shut her up.

"Ryan you cant do that to me we have all the state meetings and committee meetings this week."

"Oh I forgot must be the blond again" I tend to blame the blond on things a lot. Now don't get me wrong I'm not dumb and I sure don't act blond, but I do use it as an excuse even though people don't buy it at all.

"Well find out when it is and you c an have it off soy our can go. I've never seen you that excited before so this must be a big deal for you."

"In the words of the talented Ty, DUH!" We just start laughing. No one else in the world could understand the tow of us. Me and 25 year old whiter than white man and a 40 year old black woman could get along so well. Its like we have our own language no one else can understand when we are talking so they tend to ignore us and let us do our own thing. Which is good cause you know too many idiots in the room and we'd have to shoot someone.

"Well hey guess what Ry"

"What Ty?"

"Your fulltime job has been approved so you can take Paid Time Off days so you can get paid to watch your concert."

"That is awesomely awesome Ty" We get up and go in the back door to our office. it's the only one that is not in the front of the building so people never know if we are there or not which is good. We like our breaks ya know.

After my long boring day of meetings and grueling camp scheduling I drive home to relax. Only to find out that everyone I know is camped out on my lawn. Why are they here? Its not my birthday and I don't think we had plans oh well. There goes my relaxing time.

I jump outta my car and get plowed over by Amy. "Hey so you're taking me with you to the concert right?" So that's why all the girls are on my lawn.

"Um how did ya'll know I was going?" Really I had only told Ty about it there was no way she told anyone she doesn't even know my friends.

"Well after y ou won the tickets they played y ou on the radio wooping and going crazy and they were saying how y ou were the luckiest winner in the city" Of course Anne would know she's the Radio Queen. "They announced your name and that this is the 7th concert you've won and the 21st time you've won something calling in." Wow I have won that much stuff?! I never paid attention I guess to how much I had won in the past.

"Well I have no clue who I am taking with me so don't ask just yet" We opted to go out to dinner and not cook. Since I finally got my own place everyone camps out at my place. Families in this town suck so we stick together. It was my turn to cook dinner so I suggested we eat out. I didn't wanna cook tonight. I was too tired for it. Plus I had to work the front desk at the Y tonight.

It was a nice dinner and it seemed I am so right when I say everyone in town knows me as the Y-Guy. I got congrats from everyone I met about the concert. Isn't that nice?! I cant go anywhere without someone knowing me so I have to be on good behavior all the time. But that's just a side effect of having a job I would never give up for anything. I love my job too much. Speaking of I need to quit daydreaming about my life and get to work before I am late again.

As I pulled up to work I saw that we were not busy in the least. Tonight was gonna drag on forever obviously. I clocked in and took my spot on the chair in front of the counter. Hallie and I talking all night long about useless stuff like her boy toy and my lack of a commitment (did I mention work didn't know about me), the subject finally rolled around to setting me up with someone, which I completely refuse to do ever. I heard someone come in the door and take a seat at the side of the lobby probably waiting for his friend to show up whoever that would be. We continued our chat about blind dates and my concert for the next 5 minutes till Hallie had to leave.

Mystery man that had been sitting there quietly (so quiet I forgot he was there listening to us. I hope we weren't being stupid) stood up and asked if he could talk to whoever was in charge. I politely pointed out it was 8pm and all the senior staff was gone so technically I was in charge.

"Well that is fine I j ust need to ask a huge favor from your Y here" Why did this guy look so damm familiar to me?

"Well it depends on what you want if ill do it" Damm the sparkle in his eye could melt me from here to next year.

With a smile creeping on his face he told me his story. " Well since you know we have a concert here on Friday and we are here all week." I am so stupid I know who this is now, but I'm not going to let on. "Since I have been sitting there I know you're a nice guy and you'll try to help us out." Us...he's alone or crazy. "The other guys are on the bus outside waiting for me to find out if anything is gonna happen here. What we are trying to do is find a place to keep working out at but without all the attention we get during the busy hours." He got a shy look on his face when he said this like it was bad to hide from his fans for a little privacy.

"Are you trying to ask me to let ya'll work out while we are closed?" I couldn't believe it. Drew wanted me to let him and the guys stay after hours to work out. This could be really good for our reputation and maybe pick up a few more membership units.

"Well sorta something like that." He said stuttering. "I know you were the one who won the backstage pass so I cant offer you one of them for your troubles, but we could work something out." So he knew who I was huh? Ill have to use that to my advantage.

"Well let me make a call in the back and see what I can do." He looked almost like a child smiling up at me. I went to the back but I didn't call anyone I knew what I was gonna do. "Ok I called my Membership Director and she said to find out who you where and she'd call you on Thursday when she comes back in."

"But" His face fell either from the shock of me not knowing his name or that they wouldn't be able to use the facility till Thursday. He actually looked like he was gonna cry for a second. I had to do something I wasn't trying to be mean.

"Tell ya what Drew, ill come in here at 900 when we close and ill let ya'll in to work out, but you cant get hurt or anything I don't want to use my cpr training." His face lit up like a million watt light bulb.

"I thought you didn't know who I was"

"Duh Drew I know who you are you kidding me?"

"Well I was really hoping the guy who won the backstage pass knew who we were or it was gonna be a boring time after the concert here." he was laughing finally getting the picture I was pulling his leg the whole time. "So you're really gonna let us in here after you close and you wont get in trouble?"

"No I wont get in trouble. My director would do the same thing. After ya'll leave it'll be good publicity for us when people find out that ya'll worked out here." I was hoping he caught on that I wasn't going to let anyone know they were here till after they left.

"Thanks for not telling anyone about us being here." He really did look like he was happy about that.

"Well I have some paperwork to do still and we don't close for half an hour so why don't you go tell the rest of them and come back about 9ish ok? Ill be waiting for you by the back door ok?"

"Sure thing Ryan" he obviously looked at my nametag I never told h I'm my name so that meant he could read and sing too. What a guy hahaha. The strange things that go on in my head I tell ya.

After we closed I found the guy waiting for me in the back of the Y and I let them in to use the place. We went down stairs to the cardio room. They all do the same work out with the exception of Drew he said he never had to do much cardio to keep in shape he was blessed with a high metabolism. "No you were blessed with hyperactivity" Nick said. Either way while they did their cardio Drew and I talked quite a bit. After they did their free weight part of their program they decided to leave and get something to eat.

"Hey Ryan" Drew was talking to me but he seemed shy again for some reason.

"Ya Drew"

"Um. Ah .. Do you want to get something to eat with me?" Should I or not. Its late almost 11 and I have to get up in 6 hours. What the hell its not everyday a boy band member asks you to dinner.

"Sure thing, but you have to do something for me"

"What?" he asked almost too quickly and Nick spun around looking at me.

"You really need to take a shower man. Your kinda smelly" I started laughing so he'd get the hint I was playing around.

"Well ok. Ill go take a shower and then ill meet you upstairs and we can go." Oh so its just going to be me and Drew for dinner how nice.

After he went into the locker room I was suddenly surrounded by the other three guys. "Now listen to me you little shit" Dang I was being yelled at by Nick the supposed nice one Drew claimed. "You better not do anything stupid or ill have to kick your ass" the other guys agreed with him.

I obviously said something but I think so much I don't really know what I say sometimes. All I remember is Nick saying "You little fucker" and pulling back his fist just when I heard Drew Yelling "Nick!"

Does Ryan get hit? Does Drew and Ryan get their dinner? Do I really know anything about writing? Who knows.

Give me feedback. Good or bad. I have never written a story, but I got some good encouragement from Drew if you read this Drew let me know what you think. If ya'll have any tid bits about the guys I could use in this story that'd be great too. I don't know much about 98 degrees so whatever ya'll wanna tell me is good. Feel free to instant message me on aol.



Next: Chapter 2

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