Yesterdays Child

By Sun Child

Published on Feb 19, 2023


Howdy to a new part of the series. I hope you are all enjoying the series as much as I am enjoying writing it.

DISCALIMER: If you are underaged or offended by m/m concepts please leave now, I'm not gettin my ass fried for you doing something illegal when I have told you to leave. All characters are part of my mind and bear no reflection on real people that may or may not exist. All songs belong to respective artists, all poems and some songs are mine. If you want to use them if you just ask and give me a reason I will more than likely agree, all you have to do is be polite and ask.

Stories I recommend:

Jamie's Romance - (boy-bands) Justin from Nsync and a guy called Jamie. Brilliantly written and well crafted story. I love it.

Garden of Song - (boy bands) One of the stories I am writing. Savage Garden story mainly revolving around Daniel Jones and a guy called Dan.

JC Dreams - (boy-bands) This is one of my many series at the moment. It is another Nsync story that involves JC and Tony (a non-celeb).

Nsync with my Premonitions - (boy-bands) JC again and it is a great story.

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) yet another way cool story which I am totally loving.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) a spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' which has ensnared me in the way it is written.

Feedback (I love it) can be sent to -= =- Please, when you do send in feedback, put the title in the subject, let's me know which story you are talking about. I can also be reached on ICQ# 104300787.

Well, I suppose you want me to start the story now huh. Okay, well here we go, thanks for taking the time to read this. SC.

Here we go:

Yesterday's Child 06 by Sun Child

Lying there on my bed I heard my father get up again. He started walking down the hall, thudding into the wall heavily. I flew off my bed and raced to the door to lock it. I got there to slow, my father flew into my room.

"Anna, lock your door!" I screamed out to her. While I was calling out to her, my father drew his fist back and then hit me in the gut, doubling me over. He then bought a fist down on my back sending me to the floor. While I was down there he threw his foot in a few times then started towards Anna's room. I only hope she heard me call to her. He started to try the door, only to find it locked and I breathed a sigh of relief while he started banging on the door to get into her room, yelling abuse at her. I stood up and walked up behind him. Tapping him on the shoulder I drew my fist back and as he turned hit him. I hated doing it, he was my father, but I had to... there was no chance in hell I was letting him near Anna. I picked him up and threw him out of my room locking the door after him. Knocking lightly on Anna's door I called to her.

"Puss it's me, let me in." Carefully she opened the door and when she saw it was only me opened the door quickly then saw my face. She raced back to her room and grabbed some tissues and applied them to my nose. I guess when I hit the floor I whacked my nose or something. Grabbing Anna, I reached over and grabbed my phone, wallet and keys. Opening the door I saw my father still lying on the floor when I put him. We jumped over him and ran down to my car. I unlocked my side and Anna jumped over to her side and I climbed in after her.

"Well Kitty, looks like we are motelling it tonight." I told her and threw the car in reverse. Anna sat back.

"Jess, we have to leave, we can't go back... he's just going to hurt us more... well you anyways, you always stop him from hurting me, but there's no one to stop him hurting you. It's not fair Jesse." I nodded a little.

"Don't worry about me. I can look after myself." I told her. Anna nodded, not believing me but not about to argue.

"Anna, can you go into my glove box and get me a smoke and pass it here please." I asked her. She gave me a dirty look but got it anyways as I pushed in the car lighter then wound down the window. The lighter popped out and I pulled it out and lit my smoke. Driving, my phone began to ring. Picking it up I spoke.

"Hello?... Hi Nick... um, Anna and I are just out on a drive... I don't know, we'll probably stay in a motel or something... It's a long story that I can't really explain at the moment... yeah I know, one day I will... nothing major I assure you... alright... are you sure?... okay we'll be there soon." With that I hung up. Anna looked over at me.

"We're staying at Nick's tonight aren't we." She guessed. I just nodded. Anna shrugged and relaxed. She sat back and watched the other traffic go by. As we pulled up outside Nick's place I watched her mouth drop and laughed quietly. Climbing out of the car, I locked the door and grabbed her hand and led her up to the door. Knocking lightly, Nick came and opened the door for us. He wrapped his arms around me but let go when I winced slighlty. He led us both inside and down to the kitchen where he instructed me to take off my shirt. Slipping it up over my head, I heard both him and Anna gasp. I guessed my body was starting to bruise from my father kicking me. Nick went and wet a cloth lightly and rubbed it over my bruises then he lifted the cloth to my face and wiped away some of the blood from my nose. Deciding to take care of Anna, Nick turned to her.

"Anna, we could be here a while, let's go and get you to bed huh." Anna just nodded, her eyes not leaving me. Nick held out his hand which she took and followed him to the spare room where she would be staying. Nick soon returned down to where I was. This time he had a small bottle of something. He held out his hand which I took and he led me up the stairs to his room. He motioned for me to lie down on the bed. I lay down on my stomach and he climbed up on the bed the started to straddle my mid-section then poured a little of what was in the bottle over my back. I gasped at the cold yet warm sensation. I know that is a contradiction but that's what it felt like. Anyways, he started to rub it in, I guess it was a massage oil or something but it made me feel so peaceful. While he was massaging my back I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I sat up confused as to where I was. Then I looked down and there was Nick, lying next to me asleep, the sunlight gently coming in through the window. I looked over at his angelic face while he slept. Reaching up with my hand I gently stroked his soft brown hair. Leaning over I kissed him lightly on the lips, causing him to stir in his sleep. When he fully woke up he smiled.

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"Yeah I guess I did. That massage did the trick." I smiled at him.

"So you want to tell me where your bruises came from?" Nick asked. I shook my head softly, my hair falling down over my eyes.

"Not yet Nick. We both have our stories to share later on, but not now. I need to get Anna home so she can get ready for school." I told him climbing off the bed. Nick climbed to his knees.

"Jesse, don't you dare walk out that door if you or Anna aren't going to be safe."

"Anna'll be fine, don't worry." I told Nick. Nick then stood and walked over to me.

"It's not just Anna I'm worried about. It's you. You would have gotten in the way of whatever was going to hurt Anna, that's why you have your bruises." Nick guessed.

"Nick, don't try to find what isn't there." I snapped at him. Nick took a step back, hurt creasing his face. I instantly regretted what I had just said. Stepping towards him I put my arms out.

"I'm sorry Nick. I didn't mean that to come out the way it did." Nick nodded.

"I know, I'm just worried about you. I don't want to see you come here covered in bruises." I nodded my head.

"I'm big enough that I can look after myself." I told Nick only to have him look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened caught me off guard." I told him. I didn't know if I was trying to assure him or myself of that though. Nick nodded and I leant in and kissed him on the forehead.

"We'll be fine. I promise." Next thing we heard was Anna knocking on the door.

"Jesse, we gotta get our stuff for school."

"Okay Kitty-cat, I'll be there in a sec." With that I turned to Nick.

"I'll see you at school okay sweetie." I kissed him again and turned and opened the door. I grabbed Anna and led her down the stairs.

"Thanks for letting us crash here." Anna called as we walked out the front door. From upstairs we heard something like 'no problem'.

Once we were down in the car Anna looked over at me.

"What are we going to do about Dad?"

"I don't know. I'll think of that when we see him next. Knowing him he won't remember it. He will have woken up outside my room not knowing how he got there or what happened last night. You know what he's like." Anna nodded in agreeance and reached into the box sitting at her feet, lit a smoke and passed it to me. I looked at her and then back at the road.

"You know me too well and what I will want. I'd be lost without you."

"Not really." She told me. "Just not smoking in the car."

Pulling into the driveway, I was surprised to see that my father's car was already gone for work. I looked at the time and still didn't comprehend why, it wasn't even eight yet. Walking inside we both bolted up to our rooms to change. Anna then preceeded to head to the bathroom and I headed for the other bathroom. Stripping off then stepping under the shower was a massage on the bruising which still showed, though not as badly. Stepping out of the shower, I quickly towelled off then changed. Once I was dressed I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs calling out to Anna to get her ass into gear. Next thing I know she was at my side and we left the house and headed off to school.

Pulling up, Anna climbed out of the car, Anna waved to me and walked away. Sitting on the bonnet I pulled out my morning nicotine fix and lit it. Looking around, I didn't see Nick's car anywhere. Taking another drag on my smoke I let the feeling wash over me. I must have totally tranced because I didn't even see or feel Nick pull up then sit on my car bonnet next to me.

"Hello ... earth to Jesse." Was the first thing I heard to let me know he was even around. I jumped a mile in the air then looked at him.

"I didn't even realise you were here yet, I guess I started day-dreaming."

"So you don't even take notice of your boyfriend. Okay, should I be offended now?"

"Only if you want to be." I told him and leant over and kissed him lightly. Nick then pulled out his own smokes and lit one. We sat there smoking, silence between us, not that it was like uncomfortable or anything, it was just there. When we finished them, we got off my car bonnet and walked onto school grounds and headed to class.

The day dragged by at like slower than snail speed. I was so bored, it didn't help that Nick would sit beside me every class we had together. We would sit up the back and talk to each other and discuss totally weird subjects, half of which I can not even remember. There was talk of what his Caleb would call me should we stay together. I kinda got a little scared at that one and brushed it off as fast as I could. The day couldn't end fast enough as far as I was concerned. After final bell, I headed out to my car. Anna was there waiting with a group of her friend and so was Nick, talking to them all. When I got there, Anna looked at me.

"Jess, would you drop us off at the mall for a while please?" She looked at me with those baby blues of hers and I melted.

"You're a bitch. You knew I would say yes as soon as you put those eyes on." I looked at Nick.

"I'll give you a call once I've dropped this lot off." Nick nodded and I motioned for all the little horrors to get in the car. Anna jumped in the front while the other three squashed into the back. Shaking my head I got in the drivers side and started the car. Anna pulled a CD from her bag and put it on.

"Of course you can put one of your CDs on Anna." I told her sarcastically. The rest of the way I was blasted by The Superjesus.

Wasting all that I desired

Would bring me down again

And I could keep it all inside

It's just about becoming.

Now I'm under the sun won't anyone see that I'm alive

Through the days that will ride

With me all through the night

I'll be braving the winters

The best that I know

'Cause nothings the same

When you wait for something

I was alone 'till I thought it was

Better that way

Static draining in my eyes

It's all that I could see

And time would never sympathise

It's just enough to save me

Now I'm hoping to stay

Seconds away from all that i can be

Everytime I run from you

And run from me

I'll be braving the winters

The best that I know

'Cause nothings the same

When you wait for something

I was alone 'till I thought it was

Better that way

Now I'm under the sun

Won't anyone see that I'm alive

Every time I fall asleep

And still survive

I'll be braving the winters

The best that I know

'Cause nothings the same

When you wait for something

I was alone 'till I thought it was

Better that way

Nothing follows me down again

Nothing follows me down again

The next few songs followed with the same gusto that the band played at. I must admitt though, for Anna music, I didn't mind the SuperJesus. Pulling up at the mall Anna went to take the CD out.

"Leave it there. I want to listen to it a bit more." I advised her. Shrugging her shoulders, Anna climbed out of the car and wandered off with her friends. Pulling out my cell I gave Nick a call asking where he wanted to meet. We ended up deciding to meet at his place. With that I started the car and the CD started up again and I drove off.

Pulling into his drive way I turned off the car and climbed out. Locking the car I went to the front door and knocked. A middle-aged lady opened the door.

"Uh hi. I was looking for Nick." I told her. She smiled.

"You must be Jesse. I'm his mother, call me Aleesha please." I smiled back.

"Nick's in his room if you want to go up." She told me.

"Thanks... Aleesha. I'll go on up." Heading up the stairs I walked to his room, where the door was closed and knocked lightly. Nick opened the door slightly, his hair a mess and looking slightly disheveled.

"Jess, hey babe. Come in, I was just playing with Caleb." Opening the door the rest of the way he let me in then closed the door again.

"How are you?" He asked wrapping his arms around my neck, kissing me lightly.

"Not too bad. I got to listen to The SuperJesus all the way to and from the mall though." Nick arched an eyebrow.

"Doesn't sound like your kind of music."

"Anna's. She threw it in and left it there." Nick shrugged.

"Each to their own." I nodded and gave him a quick kiss back.

We sat in his room talking, playing with Caleb until he dropped off. As soon as Caleb nodded off on Nick's bed we moved to the couch where Nick sat down and I lay down, my head in his lap.

"You're gorgeous you know." Nick told me.

"Thanks." I replied. "You know you aren't half bad either."

"I think I can handle being half good then." He smiled in return. I leant up and kissed him and he kissed back. After sitting there kissing for a few moments, we let go and just sat (or in my case lay) there, happy to be in each other's presence. The mood was broken when my cell went off. I picked it up.

"Hello?... Speaking... yeah he is why?... When?... ummm, I'll go pick up my sister and we'll be there soon... okay thanks for that... no I'm fine... thanks, bye." With that I hung up the phone and looked at Nick.

"That was the police. My father's just commited suicide."

--- There we go... kill me later for taking so long to get this out. It's just that the story was no longer being fun to write, it was a chore. All my stories were, but I'm starting to enjoy it again. Have I lost my touch or is it still a good read? Let me know.

  1. Down Again - the SuperJesus (Australian alternative band that totally kick ass).

Thanks for reading. Keep safe. SC.

Next: Chapter 7

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