Yesterdays Child

By Sun Child

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Howdy to a new part of the series. I hope you are all enjoying the series as much as I am enjoying writing it.

DISCLAIMER: If you are underaged or offended by m/m concepts please leave now, I'm not gettin my ass fried for you doing something illegal when I have told you to leave. All characters are part of my mind and bear no reflection on real people that may or may not exist. All songs belong to respective artists, all poems and some songs are mine. If you want to use them if you just ask and give me a reason I will more than likely agree, all you have to do is be polite and ask.

Stories I recommend:

Jamie's Romance - (boy-bands) Justin from Nsync and a guy called Jamie. Brilliantly written and well crafted story. I love it.

Garden of Song - (boy bands) One of the stories I am writing. Savage Garden story mainly revolving around Daniel Jones and a guy called Dan.

JC Dreams - (boy-bands) This is one of my many series at the moment. It is another Nsync story that involves JC and Tony (a non-celeb).

Nsync with my Premonitions - (boy-bands) JC again and it is a great story.

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) yet another way cool story which I am totally loving.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) a spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' which has ensnared me in the way it is written.

Feedback (I love it) can be sent to -= =-

Please, when you do send in feedback, put the title in the subject, let's me know which story you are talking about.

Well, I suppose you want me to start the story now huh. Okay, well here we go, thanks for taking the time to read this. SC.

Here we go:

Yesterday's Child 05 by Sun Child

After Anna had quizzed Nick for a while, I dropped her off at home and drove Nick back to his place. Sitting there in the car outside his place, I looked into his crystal blue eyes. There were so clear, it was almost haunting. As we watched each other, he reached over and brushed a few strands of hair out of my eyes. Something happened and we both leant together and our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss. As the kiss ended I leant back and looked at him. It was as though he was surrounded by a golden auora. I smiled then turned my attention to the road and started to drive him home. As I drove I reached out my hand to his and held it tight. With his free hand he flipped thorugh the CDs I had in the car. Pulling out one he slipped it into the player and flipped to a track that I loved.

Spend all you time waiting for that second chance

For a break that would make it okay

There'a always one reason to feel not good enough

And it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

Oh beautiful release

Memory seeps from my veins

Let me be empty and weightless and maybe

I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie

In the arms of an angel

May you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line

And everywhere you turn

There's vultures and theives at your back

And the storm keeps twisting

YTou keep on building the lie

That you make up for all that you lack

It don't make no difference

Escaping one last time

It's easier to believe in this sweet madness

Oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie

In the arms of an angel

May you find some comfort here

You're in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here

I glanced to the side and looked at Nick.

"You have good taste in music." I told him.

"So must you if you have the CD. Have you ever seen her in concert?"

"No but I have her live album. It should be in there somewhere." Nick the started to dig around in my CDs and soon emerged with my Sarah McLachlan 'Mirrorball' album. He took out the CD that was already in there and put in the new one and skipped to a track that melted my heart.

I have a smile stretched from ear to ear

To see you walking down the road

We meet at the lights

I stare for a while

The world around disappears

Just you and me on this island of hope

A breath between us could be miles

Let me surround you

My sea to your sure

Let me be the calm you seek

Oh and every time I'm close to you

There's too much I can't say and you just walke away

And I forgot to tell you I love you

And the night's too long and cold

Here without you

I grieve in my condition for I can find the strength

To say I need you so

Oh and every time I'm close to you

There's too much I can't say and you just walk away

And I forgot to tell you I love you

And the night's too long and cold here without you

I reached up and wiped away a tear. The song always affected me. Mainly because at my grandfather's funeral this was one of the songs they played. Then one of my friend's sister got married to the song so it carried sentimental meaning from here to eternity. Nick looked over and saw this.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." He sadly.

"No, you didn't upset me. It's just that this song has a lot of meaning to me and I was just remembering some of it." I admitted. Nick nodded and held my hand (yes we were still holding hands) and gave it a squeeze. I looked over briefly and smiled. He then leant forwards and slipped the CD out of the player. Selecting another CD he slipped it in and skipped to a track. I looked at him.

"More sappy stuff?" He just nodded.

Rain feel down

You were there

I cried for you when I hurt my hand

Storm a-rushing in

Wind was howling

I called for you, you were there

Whenever dark to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

Beside the sea

Where the waves broke

I drew a heart for you in the sand

In fields where streams turn to rivers

I ran to you, you were there

Whenever dark to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

I ran to you, you were there

Whenever dark to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

To you I belong

To you I belong

I felt tears welling in my eyes again as I pulled into the school car lot.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"Don't you want to pick up your car?"

"Oh yeah, that would help. You gonna come back to my place?" Nick asked me. I just shook my head.

"I would love to but I can't. Sorry." Nick just nodded.

"That's cool. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning then huh." He told me and leaned over and kissed me, let his lips linger on mine, giving me a chance to kiss him back. A short time later we broke apart and he smiled and got out of the car. Walking over to his, I saw him unlock it and I reached over and grabbed my cigarettes. Lighting one, I noticed he had done the same and I just shook my head smiling then waved, turned the car around and drove off.

Walking into my house I could hear Anna come down out of the kitchen.

"Jesse, I'm hungry, can we have something to eat?"

"Sure Kitty. What do you want?"

"Something take out?"

"Hmmm... how about ... no!"

"Jess, please. Dad's been drinking again. I don't want to stay here with the way he's been lately." I groaned inwardly.

"Okay, well go get changed and we'll go out." Anna nodded and tan to her room. That's when I heard him.

"Jess? Is that you? Where are you you lazy shit?" Not making a sound I waited for Anna to reappear. When she did I put a finger to my lips and motioned her out the door. Soon we were on our way to get some food. As we drove I grabbed my cell phone.

"Nick?... hey! Anna and I are on our way out to eat, want to join us?" I asked. Listening to Nick on the other end I turned to Anna.

"Nick wants to know where you want to go eat?" Anna stuck out her hand and I handed her the phone.

"Hi Nick." Anna bubbled over the phone. "I don't know... McDonalds?... Okay Burger King then... Okay cool... half an hour... okay sure... yep bye." With that she hung up the phone and I looked at her.

"Don't I get to speak to him again?"

"Oh yeah oops. Sorry Jess." The next moment the phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello... hey... yeah she just realised... Okay, see you soon... yeah kisses to you too... okay bye Sweetie." I told him and hung up. Anna looked at me.

"Sweetie? I think I'm going to be sick." I stuck my tongue out at her and turned the corner.

Dinner with Nick and Anna went well. Soon Anna and I were heading home. I was quietly loathing it. Walking in the front door we found our father sitting there in the hallway waiting.

"Where have you two been?" He demanded.

"I took Anna out for dinner as a treat for doing well at swimmming." I told him. Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He demanded.

"I called out to you, you musn't have heard me." I told him.

"Yeah well, I got a call at work from Caleb today. He tells me that you're a little faggot." I groaned really loudly inside.

"Caleb's trying to get at me. We had a fight and he's trying to get his revenge." I tried to worm out of it.

"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"A faggot?"


"Don't lie to me boy."

"I'm not. I just have a gay friend."

"Well you better stop being his friend. I don't want his queerness getting near you."

"Dad, he's just a friend come on."

"I said no and I mean it."

"Stop being such a biggot old man." I threw at him.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that." My father hissed at me.

"Why not? That's probably why mom left... she got sick of it all." I threw at him, then instantly regretted it. That was harsh and cruel, even if he did deserve it. My father turned away.

"Score to you Jess. Why don't you go do something else rather than hurt me." As I pushed my way around him I never saw his fist until it caught me on the temple.

"And that was a score to me you sorry little excuse for a man." I felt slightly woozy but turned to face my father and stood at my full height. I am taller than my father by at least 3 inches and one hell of a lot stronger than he is. When I turned I saw him cringe. Instead of hitting him I merely stared at him.

"Why don't you go sober up old man?" I spat. With that I turned on heel and walked away.

As I walked up the stairs I saw Anna up the top looking down at me.

"Why don't you just deck and be over with it?" She asked me.

"Because if I did, I would be no better than him. Don't worry, when I get enough money together, I'm getting us away from here. I promise." With that I scooped Anna up in my arms and carried her towards her room. I sat her down on the bed.

"Well kiddo, I'm goin' to bed. Remember to lock the door into the hall and unlock the door into my room okay." Anna just nodded, familiar with the routine. With that I kissed her on the head and walked out of the room and stood outside her door and listened for the lock. When I heard it click I turned and walked back down the stairs. I walked into the TV room and clicked off the television. I then scooped my father up off the couch and carried him to his room and lay him down on the bed. I then closed his door and walked down to my room. Exhausted, I sat down on the bed and slipped my shoes off. Lying back on my bed I stared at the ceiling and thought of my golden haired angel and wanted him to be right there with my then.

--- Well that's another chapter over. So what did you think? Is the story worth it? Let me know.

Songs used in the story are:

  1. Angel - Sarah McLachlan -- available on her albums 'Surfacing' and 'Mirrorball'

  2. I Love You - Sarah McLachlan -- again available on albuyms 'Surfacing' and 'Mirrorball'

  3. To You I Belong - BWitched -- available on the self-titled debut album 'BWitched'

If you haven't heard of the artist or song, my apologies but I recommend you check them out... they are way cool.

Well thanks for reading. Until next time, SC.

Next: Chapter 6

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