Yesterdays Child

By Sun Child

Published on Sep 19, 2000


Welcome-- another new series from me. I'm going to try a different style this time -- high school. I will need you to bear in mind though that the way Australian high school works is different to American and other high schools. Please bear with me, I'll do my best. Okay time for my fav (yeah right) part.

WARNING: If you are under 18 (or whatever the legal age is) please move away from this story and site. Should you be offended by m/m concepts (why are you even this far into the story?) please leave. All elements are between consenting males. Still offended by m/m ... well I warned you and told you to leave ... you're your own worst enemy if you read on.

Should any poetry or songs be used the belong to respective artists. Poems used, are generally mine ... just ask if you want to use it, I will more than likely say cool use it ... but asking doesn't hurt now does it.

Like I said, I'm Australian... forgive spelling or slang that I may use.

Stories to check out:

JC Dreams - (boy-bands) okay so I do the shameless self promotion thing Nsync if you can't guess

Garden of Songs - (boy-bands) again shameless self promotion. Savage Garden.

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Wicked Jonathan Brandis story, can't help but love it

Chris and Nigel - (high school) one of the first stories I ever read on this site. Brilliantly written.

Steam May Rise - (high school) Australian story ... well written as well.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) follows on from 'Bleeding Hearts' (high school) and it is fantastically written. I love it.

Okay, liking or not liking my story (once you've read it of course), let me know:

Lastly, Derwan, I love you, can you love me?

Here we go then:

Yesterday's Child by Sun Child

Walking into the school grounds, I looked around. None of my usual group were in the normal area. Sighing lightly I walked over and sat down. I pulled out my drama journal and started work on my performance proposal which was due later that day. I got engrossed in it and didn't notice Caleb until he touched my shoulder. Jumping about a mile I spun and saw him.

"Jesus Christ Caleb. You scared the shit outta me there." I told him, breathing hard from the fright.

"Oops, my bad then." Caleb grinned at me. "What are you doing that you didn't hear me walking up."

"Drama assignment." I moaned. "I should have done it over the weekend but silly me... I'm just too lazy and now Mr Marshall is gonna have my ass for it." Caleb laughed and patted me on the head.

"Aaaw poor baby." I turned and poked my tongue at him. He was about to say something when he looked over my shoulder and kinda flicked his head.

"That new kid's here." I turned and looked at him.

"So, why should I worry about it?" I asked.

"Rumour has it that he's gay. Think it's true?" I looked back at Caleb.

"Rumour also has it that you are fucking him. Is it true?" Caleb looked at me.

"Of course not ... how does that relate?"

"Are all rumours true?"

"No." Caleb replied confused.

"Well there you go." I told him dryly. "You just answered your own question. Anyways, even if he is, it's none of our business." Caleb looked at me in surprise.

"Oh come on Jesse, you really need to take a chill pill." Caleb told me.

"Caleb, I'm not going to play the game of attack people over rumours which may or may not be true. It might be your style but it's not mine." I told him condescendingly.

"Whatever ... I'd hide that assignment because Marshall's coming this way." Caleb advised. I flipped my book shut and looked up. Mr Marshall looked at us sitting talking.

"Jesse, how's that assignment coming along?" He asked.

"Okay I guess Mr Marshall. I still got some stuff to do though. The blocking is really pis... uh ... annoying me." I mumbled.

"Don't worry Jesse, it pisses most people off." He laughed. "If you want to see me about it before class, I have second period free if you want." I nodded, second I had study hall.

"Well, I might see you second then. I'll be in my office." Mr Marshall told me. I thanked him and dropped my head onto the table infront of me.

"You gonna get Marshall to do your assignment for you?" Asked Caleb. I shook my head.

"Nah, I know what I gotta say, it's just saying it." I told Caleb.

"What play are you doing anyways?" He asked.

"The Importance of Being Ernest." I told Caleb. "You should read it." Caleb shrugged.

"Maybe one day." He told me. He looked like he was going to say more when Rocky and Jason turned up. The conversation dissolved into empty meaning gossip of who had gotten with who and who had seen the game on the weekend. Typical pathetic conversation one would expect from this lot. I shrugged and went back to my assignment, occasionaly saying something until the bell rang.

First lesson started and I was sitting there bored as. The seats were filled apart from the one next to me. I didn't really care. It meant I could spread books out like I was busy and work on my assignment which is exactly what I did. I had just started to work on the assignment when I heard someone clearing their throat beside me. I looked up and saw the new guy standing there.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering if anyone was sitting here?" He asked. He had a deep warm voice. I looked down at the table with my stuff spread across it. Grabbing my books I piled them infront of me.

"Sure go for it. I'm Jesse." I offered putting my hand out to shake his. He looked at me then took my hand and shook it.

"Nick." Was all he offered. I smiled and then went back to my work. Half way through the lesson, English I think, I noticed him look over at what I was doing.

"Now that's a new way of describing Shakespear. Block it for stage." He grinned.

"Yeah well. I'm doing my drama. I gotta get this performance proposal done or I'm toast." I told him.

"What play?" Nick asked suddenly intrigued.

"Importance of Being Ernest." I told him simply.

"Oscar Wilde. Fantastic play there, I love it." Nick commented.

"Confusing play, I'm learning to hate it." I told Nick honestly. He nodded.

"It can be confusing. Have you had it explained properly?" Nick asked.

"Marshall half explained it in class. I'm still not totally sure of what is happening in it though." I admitted. Nick grinned,

"Would you like me to help you with it?" He asked.

"Sure, if you wouldn't mind." I said hopefully. Nick smiled and looked at what I had done.

"You've got it all fairly much. You've just got to explain the characters a bit clearer." Nick remarked. He then went on to explain characters and other stuff like that. I sat there absorbing what he was telling me. He knew his stuff.

There was about ten minutes until the end of class when Nick finished explaining and started to pack up his books. Ms Hart looked back at him.

"Nick, is there any reason you're packing up ten minutes early."

"Yes ma'am. I got a appointment at the doctors." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a folded up note. "I can show you this if ya need." Ms Hart shook her head.

"That's okay Nick. Just review and write a summary of Act 1." Nick nodded and walked out the door.

Waiting for the bell, I gathered my stuff and went to my locker to throw half of it in. After dumping books, I headed towards Mr Marshall's office. As I walked past the toilets, I heard some yelling behind them. I walked around and there was several guys in a circle and someone down on the ground. I ran up.

"Get out of it you lot." Being 6'3", with a body born of three hours a day at the gym, people take notice of me. When they saw me they all more or less cleared out apart from one who stood still. When I got closer, I noticed it was Caleb. When I got to the guy on the ground, I couldn't recognise his face for blood. He was more or less unconcious. I scooped whoever it was up in my arms and headed for the toilets to clean him up. Over my shoulder I called out to Caleb.

"Pick that stuff up off the ground and take it to the toilets so I can clean this mess up." Caleb was shocked that I had even spoken to him, and not wanting to anger me, he did exactly as I said. Sitting him down in the joining changing rooms, I sat the guy down on the benches, grabbed a towel from my bag, went to a sink and wet it. Starting at his forehead, I wiped my towel over his face, cleaning away the blood. When I had finished I washed the towel again and held it over the cut at his temple then looked at who I had just cleaned up. To my shock, it was Nick.

Slowly Nick opened his eyes and kinda jumped back expecting to get hit again. When no blow came he settled. Looking to his right he saw me sitting watching him. Then he looked to his left and saw Caleb sitting there sulkily. Looking at me he spoke.

"I'm guessing I needing to thank you for getting me cleaned up and out of there." I just nodded quietly. Nick then turned.

"I guess I also need to thank you. Thank you for kicking my head in." Nick tried to stand but fell down almost straight away. I moved to grab him but he managed to stay upright.

"I'll be fine." He told me quietly. I nodded, walked up to Caleb, grabbed him by his shirt's collar and dragged him to another part of the change room.

"What do he mean he had to thank you for kicking his head in?" I demanded rounding on him.

"I dunno Jess. I got there only moment before you."

"Yeah right Cal. You were there getting your boot in. I know you too well." I accused.

"Yeah, I was there, yeah I did hit him. What do you care or are you gay as well?" Caleb spat at me.

"For fucks sake." I cried. "Are you still going about that stupid bloody rumour?"

"How do you know it's a rumour Jesse?"

"How do you know it's not?" I countered.

"Because I do. I came by him and he was on a cell phone talking to someone asking if some guy was hot. Now wouldn't that mean he's gay?" Caleb asked. I shook my head.

"It could do, but it's none of your business. Why don't you grow up?" I threw at him furiously.

"Just because you're gay and you like him." Caleb told me bitchily. I clenched my fist then drove it hard into his gut. As Caleb sank to the floor.

"Get a grip Caleb. You are truly pathetic. Stop living with your head up your ass and get a clue. Even if I was gay, it would be none of your business." I threw at him. With that I rounded on my heel and walked away.

Arriving back where I had left Nick I found him sitting there quietly, head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause a fight with you and your friend." He told me. I shook my head.

"Don't stress it Nick man, it's all cool. It's nothing he didn't have coming." Nick just nodded.

"He's right though you know." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? How?" I asked. Nick drew a breath then spoke softly.

"I am gay." I shrugged.

"Okay, I'm meant to care when?" I asked. Nick looked up at me.

"Are you?"

"Don't know ... never thought about it." I answered. Nick hugged me lightly.

"I'm sorry you became involved in all this." I shook my head.

"It's all cool. Didn't you have a doctor's appointment to go to?" I asked.

"Hell no. I just wanted to get out of there. The note was just an old parking ticket I have to pay today." I nodded.

"So why did ya ditch early?"

"I needed a smoke break." Nick admitted with a shrug. I laughed and nodded and reached into my bag.

"I'll join ya then." Pulling out my own smokes, and yes I do know that they are bad for me and that smokes and gym don't mix ... well I still smoke anyways. Smiling we headed to the car park where we could smoke in peace.

Sitting on the bonnet of Nick's car I looked at him.

"How do you know if you're gay?" I asked.

"Same way you know if you're straight. You just know... you've just got to be willing to admitt it to yourself once you realise." He told me. I nodded my head. I was about to ask something else when his cell phone rang.

"Hey Bec... Is he hot still? ... Okay ... yeah, I'll be home early then... okay then, bye." With that Nick hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"That was about part of how I found out I was gay." He commented cryptically.

"Oh? What would that entail?" I asked curiously.

"I have a baby son." Nick admitted.

"Oooh." I said feeling a little stupid. "What's his name?"

"Would you believe me if I said Caleb?" He asked grinning.

"Oh God, don't let him near Caleb from here." I told him. Nick grinned.

"I don't intend to. Caleb Jared Wust." Nick muttered to himself looking off into the distance.

"Cool name man." I told him. Nick reached into his bag and pulled out his wallet showing me a photo of his son.

"He's gorgeous." I told Nick looking carefully at the photo.

"That he is. Guess he didn't get the looks from his old man." Nick laughed. I looked at Nick closely. He had a chisled face, sparkling blue eyes, the most gorgeous blonde hair, full lips, and his nose had a slight bump in it.

"I don't think his father's too bad." I commented smiling.

"I didn't think you knew if you were gay or not." Nick said looking at me.

"I don't. I'm just saying, you're certainly not ugly, you're quite cute if you ask me." I said grinning. I turned and drew on my smoke then exhaled deeply. Nick moved around infront of me. Looking at me he then closed his eyes and leaned forwards and kissed me. I pulled back slightly then relaxed and kissed back. When the kiss broke I opened my eyes which I didn't even realise I had closed.

"Well that was, well, wow." I breathed. Nick grinned.

"Did that help any?" He asked.

"I don't know... why don't we practise more and then I'll tell you." I told him grinning back and leaned in to kiss him again. Nick smiled and leaned in to kiss me as well.

--- Well that's it for the first part of 'Yesterday's Child' ... so what do ya think? Is it good or should I just forget it? Your feedback will be appreciated so send your emails to Thanks SC.

Next: Chapter 2

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