
By Cumm Slutt

Published on Apr 21, 2017


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.

I was just walking through the park, minding my own business, enjoying the soft, summer breeze, the fresh smells in the air, when I heard a noise. Repetitive. Thumping. It was coming behind a big tree. I rounded the trunk when I came upon an older man with his shorts open, jerking off leaning against it. Must be I'd made a noise because his eyes shot open, his hand stopped and he let out a huge gasp - caught!

"Oh shit...." he groaned, trying to yank up his shorts.

"I do that a lot myself..." I muttered softly. "Can't cum?"

"" he groaned.

I reached out and softly cupped his cock and balls... "Can I help?" and he immediately started getting harder. His cock lengthened in my hand, my fingers wrapping around it and I started to pull on it for him. "Like that?"

"OHHhhhh fuckkk..." and he grinned inanely. I stepped up close and went in for a kiss... he immediately accepted and we made out with hot, probing tongues. I ended the kiss and sank quickly to my knees.. I stared at his gaping pee hole for several seconds while he shuddered, then lovingly took his hard, quivering cock in my mouth and slowly started to suck him voraciously! Quickly he began to fuck my mouth, shoving his cock in and out like my mouth was a cunt, grabbed my head and then started cumming, load after load. I held it in my mouth and grinned, opening it, showing him his huge cum load.

"OHHHHHhhhhhh fuckkkkkk kiss me baby darling!" and wrapped his arms around me, immediately sharing his cum with him, us passing it back and forth, then both of us swallowing it! Soooo fucking hot!

I stuck my hand out - "Good to meet you, I'm Bobby... Bobbin' Bobby..." and grinned, then mimicked the bobbing action I'd just performed on his hard cock. "I'm 19 and in-the-closet bi except for some close friends.... your name is....?" and waited for him to speak.

"Hi Bobbin' Bobby, I'm Nick.... and you came along right in the 'Nick' of time..." he laughed. "I'm 42, married with 2 kids. My wife is a total prude and we don't have sex but only a couple times a month, and she won't suck me or do anal or anything like that.... and I've been in the closet all my life, secretly bi, too.... when I was your age we had a buddy fun time too... oh fuck that was so good!" he groaned.

"YES!!!" Bobby groaned too. "I loved it! So do you suck too?"

"Oh fuck yes, any chance I can get, that is. You need a ride home or anything like that?" Nick offered.

"No, I've got my scooter.... here's my number tho..." and Bobby scribbled it on a piece of paper.

"Here's mine, too... a business card.... when are you free?" Nick asked, hopefully.

"Usually afternoons, I take morning classes so I have time in the afternoons when my parents are working...."

"Time for what?" Nick grinned.

"Walking in the park to find lonely guys jerking off and helping them... hehehehehe!" Bobby laughed. "Call me when you know you'll be free.. we can arrange something!"

Nick already had an idea that they could go up to his camp......


Daniel J. Honson looked in the mirror - he'd finally arrived! He was 29, well-groomed, dignified, smooth.... a charm and totally innocent air about him! His wife of 8 years passed by their room and stepped in to admire him....

"OUuuu honey, you look so suave, dear!" and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey... more?" he begged.

"Nooooo...." she demured, pushing his grabbing hands away but not before he was able to squeeze her large titties. "Stop it!" she half-kidded.

He turned so she couldn't see his boner growing in his business pants. He knew he'd have to have that taken care of.... later.... and left the house for the office. He had a smaill firm, him and two employees; one was new, the other a bookkeeper who also answered the phone. Both were males. He and the bookkeeper were 'on the same page', as Daniel put it... after hours they would get it on, from a quickie blowjob to full-out dressing sex.

Fred, the bookkeeper, was always bi, but deep in the closet. He was raised by his uncle who liked to 'do things', and Fred liked everything they did, and often! He found he was on his knees as much as possible sucking his uncle's pantied cock and getting him to cum and cum and cum and loved swallowing his cum, too! Sadly, he passed away from kidney failure, when Fred was in his young 20's. He kept the house, married and had kids and his wife knew nothing of his dalliances into the closet world. He was 10 years older than Dan but far less educated; they met at a closeted gay party and got to have fun together.

The 'new guy' started today.... Jimmy. A little younger than Dan, 25, they met at a lawyer's conference and quickly got together. Jim was 3 years out of law school and a totally bright young man, very, very sharp! And a passionate panty cocksucker, too!

Daniel introduced Jim to Fred, Dan had alredy told Fred of their conference experience. Fred hugged Jimmy passionately, inferring the shared knowledge and Jimmy just beamed! But, it was all work-time; play time will cum after the firm closed. Jim was single, but Fred and Daniel warned their wives they would be late, taking the new employee out for some drinks for an hour or so after work. But, Danny had already planned some activity after the firm locked their doors and pulled the shades... and had bought them all new outfits, too!


Nick made weekend plans to go to camp with his new 'friend', letting his wife think he was just going up to do a camp check, making sure nobody had broken in, no animals had gotten through his traps, etc. He called Bobby and pre-arranged to pick him up at the park ad that it was ok he could stay overnight, too; no objections from his parents.

"Oh no,they'd be glad to get rid of me, lol!" Bobby laughed, so off they went. It was only a 30 minute drive, but took a 4-wheel drive to get that far back in the woods. Once on Nick's property, however, Nick had Bobby break out a couple beers to celebrate the rest of the drive into camp! Handing Nick a beer also involved some titillating crotch-fondling too and some moaning and groaning....

"Oh wow, nice digs!" Bobby smiled, getting excited as he stepped out of the truck.

"Thanks, spent a lot of weekends working on this, wife doesn't like the woods... which is just fine with me! Here, carry in a box..." and got him to help.

"Um... do you have... clothing?" Bobby asked, giggling.

"Oh fuck yesss. wanna change?" Nick smiled, pulling off his shirt. Bobby helped undoing his shorts, exposing panties and a big hardon! The both stripped and put on bras, panties, garterbelt, stockinngs, high heels, both giggling like 13 year-olds discovering hot, gurlyboi playtime for the first time!

"Ouuuu darling!" Nick groaned, holding out his arms. They locked in a hot, passionate french kiss, sliding stocking'd legs up and down each other. They broke apart, gasping, tongues waggling, feeling and fondling each other.

"Ouuuu baby, am I hot enough for you?" Bobby asked, tracing Nick's cock in his panties.

"OOoooohhhh yes, sweetheart!" Nick groaned, obscenely thrusting out his crotch for Bobby to play with! "OHHHH FUCKKKK you do that so nice!" Nick groaned in hot, quivering pleasure. "Do you like to say 'FUCK', honey?"

"Ohhhhh fucking yes, that's all I think about now, sucking and fucking, sucking and fucking, baby!" Bobby moaned. He dropped to his knees, taking Nick's bursting cock down his throat. Nick blatantly stood in the middle of the kitchen face-fucking him.... oh how he wished he could do that at home too while his wife watched! But, she was a frigid prude.... Bobby stopped, then drew him by his throbbing cock into the first bedroom he could find, got on all fours and slid his panties to one side... "Fuck meeee... oh please, fill my boy pussy-ass with our hard fucking cock, honey!", his feet twitching in his pink stockings, the garter belt straining while Nick got on all fours on the bed, lubing up Bobby's asshole with K-Y, then worked his stiff cock up his puckering asshole!

"OHHHh FUCCKKK!" Nick groaned, "I'm all the fucking way up your hot boi-pussy!"

"YESSS! FUCK ME HARD, DARLING!" and turned back facing him so they could make out passionately while he banged his hot ass!

"OHhhhhh fuckkkk...." Nick moaned, filling up his asshole with his hot cum. "Ohhh yessss... lemme lick it out of you..." and got his face between the young man's cheeks, licking, sucking and getting every bit of cum, even what dripped out! "Now kiss me sweetheart!" Nick panted, and they made out with open, cummy tongues, sharing and swallowing!

"I love eating ass too..." Bobby moaned, his nimble fingers prodding Nick's cheeks apart, then slowly worked his way down him, tonguing his rosebud deeply. Bobby started squirming hotly while licking his hole, then Nick brought him up to him and dlamped his lips on Bobby's engorged cock, sucking him furiously!

Bobby groaned, "Oh NICK! NICKY HONEY! Gonna... gonna CUM!" and filled Nick's mouth with shot after shot of hot cum, draining him, then they made out once more to share it!

They rested, then Nick got up groggily and went to the freezer and pulled out two thick steaks, putting them on the infrared grill to thaw, then cook, while Bobby prepared potatoes and vegetables.

"Ouuuu, this is just gonna be a great weekend!" Nick exclaimed.... walkiing out on the front porch, wanting to take a piss. Bobby hurried up after him, got down on the stoop and signaled Nick to piss in his mouth instead of on the ground.... "Ohhhh fuck yeah!" and let a strong stream he aimed into his hot mouth, Bobby grinning, letting it spray in his mouth and all over his face, then licked the tip of his deflated cock clean, then they passionately made out and shared it!


"Well, Jimmy, let us welcum you to our little firm... and are you... a little... firm?" Daniel giggled, blatantly reaching out to Jimmy's groin, giving it a ittle squeeze. He pulled Jimmy in to a long, passionate kiss, open-tongued, as Daniel removed Jimmy's clothes while Fred watched on, one hand on his cock and the other hand pulling and tugging at his own cothing. Neither Daniel nor Freddie could get their wives to french-kiss them like Daniel french-kissed Jimmy! And Jimmy loved it, too!

"Oouuuu time to gurly party?" Jimmy gasped as they broke from the passionate kiss.

"Ouuuuu yesss baby!" Fred said, his cock hard and throbbing while Danny got their outfits.

"One for you, Jimmy, one for you, Freddy, and one for me - Danny!" Daniel announced. "At work, we are James, Frederick and Daniel. After work while getting gurly, we are Jimmy, Freddy and Danny, ok, gurly's!" Danny tee-hee'd.

"Ohhhh fuck yesss!" Freddy and Jimmy chorused while helping each other into their bras, panties, garter belts, stockings, high heels, wigs, and putting on each others' makeup; rouge, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipstick... oh baby, especially lipstick! Hot passion pink or slut red lipstick!

Danny got behind Jimmy and lightly traced Jimmy's cock in his panties while pressing his own flaming hardon against his supple panty ass. Freddy dropped to his knees kissing Jimmy's panty hardon and playing with his balls.

"Ouuuuu darling, do you like this?" Freddy cooed.

"Ohhh fuck yesss!" Jimmy groaned, swaying his hips side-to-side.

Danny tongued Jimmy's ears out, undulating on Jimmy's ass, teasing him.

Freddie rubbed his throbbing cock on Jimmy's high heels, almost fucking them.

"Oouuu darling honeys, you're both making me feel so fucking welcum..." as they all intensified their wriggling and grinding.

Freddy moaned, "Ohhhhhh honey, I wanna suck your hard fucking gurly cock, baby!" and inched down his panties until his cock was exposed, then slowly took it in his mouth, sucking him with slut red lipstick on, exaggerating his sucking with long, moaning groans.

Danny whipered in Jimmy's ear, "Wanna fuck your hot fucking asshole, baby gurl...", pulling Jimmy's hips out, Freddy moving in closer, and worked his cock inside Jimmy's aching asshole.

"OUUUUU FUCCCKKK!!" Jimmy gasped, sweat dripping off him, feeling his cock and his ass engorged in pleasure!

"Cum any time, sweetie!" Freddy gasped, sucking him harder and faster.

"Gonna cum in your hot fucking asshole, darling!" Danny moaned.

"OHHH FUCKKK...OH SHITTT...OHHHDAMNNNN!" and Danny's hard cock hit Jimmy's prostate who filled Freddy's mouth with hot cum, Freddy shooting his load after load onto Jimmy's high heels and Danny pumping his cum deep in Jimmy'a asshole!

Danny grabbed Jimmy's cock and slapped it back and forth in Freddy's mouth, giving him the last remnants, then they slowly laid down, reversing, Jimmy taking Freddy's cock between his lips as Freddy licked Danny's cock and balls, while Danny sucked and licked Jimmy's, all cleaning each other up. Then, Danny and Freddy sucked Danny's cum out of Jimmy's quivering asshole! Finally, they all made out heavily with each other, sharing each other's cum, and Jimmy stepped out of his heels and Freddy ate his cum he'd deposited on them too!

OOHHHH FUCKKK it was so good! They carefully stripped off their outfits, then climbed in the shower in the back of the offices and took turns sucking and eating each other and all cumming again, while washing off all their makeup completely, plus pissing all over each other before the final lathering. They all got out, kissed, then dressed and left the office, Danny hiding their outfits 'until next time'... and they all giggled, locking the door....


Next: Chapter 3

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