Yellow Fever

By Michael Prymula

Published on Jul 26, 2022



Disclaimer: The characters in this story are the property of Matt Groening and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and I do not make any money off of it.

summary: Milhouse tells Bart about his new fetish and Bart cannot help but want to try it out for himself.

Category gay/celebrity

Bart Simpson was a mischievous 10-year old boy who tended to get in trouble quite a bit, pulling pranks on others was one of his hobbies, but little did he know he was about to discover another hobby, one that was particularly naughty.-Omorashi. His dorky friend Milhouse of all people had introduced him to it, he'd told Bart about the time he'd almost peed his pants while out with his dad, Comic Book Guy forced him to buy some crappy comic to use his bathroom and then when his dad came in CBG took full advantage of it and said their transaction was complete, denying him his relief for a little longer until he was able to use the bathroom at Herman's gun shop, he was this close to drenching himself with his yellow liquid as his pee sprayed out of his penis like a busted fire hydrant as soon as he yanked down his pants and underwear, the relief was pure bliss, he'd never felt so good in his entire life, afterwards he stroked himself and had his most intense orgasm of his life. Since that day he'd taken to wetting himself for fun, making sure to cover it up by doing it right before it was time for his mom to do laundry or by getting muddy or wet from playing in the backyard and it always made his orgasms extra-powerful. He said that Bart should totally try it.

Bart thought it was weird like many of Milhouse's hobbies and dismissed the idea, but all throughout the day his best friend's voice echoed in his head egging him on to just try it. Before Bart knew it he'd absent-mindedly had three chocolate milks for lunch, a large bottle of water for gym class, a Science Water, a Buzz Cola and an energy drink. Bart tended to put off relieving himself til the last minute and that was really coming back to bite him in the ass today. He was absolutely bursting for the toilet by the end of the day and asked Miss Krabappel if he could go, she said no(no doubt in retaliation for the time earlier in the week where he'd pranked her by putting diuretics in her drink, resulting in her peeing herself in front of the entire class)and so he was forced to hold it in all throughout last period, and of course because the universe was a cruel mistress today's lesson was all about water, he swore Miss K was deliberately tormenting him with all of the talk of water and liquids and the showing of a movie of Niagara Falls, oh it was like Chinese Water Torture for his poor bladder, he'd never been this desperate in his whole life. Finally the bell rang and Bart was about to race to the restroom like the Road Runner until Edna reminded him he still had one day of detention left for his latest prank on her and locked the classroom door after everyone else had left so Bart could not escape. Normally students had to be allowed at least one restroom break during detention, but Edna had tenure so she didn't have to worry about getting fired, besides she was enjoying seeing the yellow devil squirm desperately in his desk struggling to hold back the ocean of pee surging to get out.

Bart was twisted into a pretzel by now with his legs crossed super-tight and his hands squeezing his crotch like his life depended on it, time seemed to tick away very slowly, as if it was the reverse of his Lil Bastard Clock Tampering Kit. Edna delighted in further taunting Bart by guzzling down lemonade and offering some to Bart, to which he shook his head no. He heard Milhouse's voice inside his head telling him how good it would feel to just let go and pee himself right then and there, but Bart shooed those thoughts out of his head, he was a big boy and big boys don't pee their pants. Finally after what seemed like an eternity detention was over and Bart got up hands in his crotch and waddled out to the restroom as fast as his legs could carry him in his condition, but to his absolute horror he saw Boys Washroom was closed for cleaning, he overheard Groundskeeper Willie moaning about all the puke and bodily functions left for him to clean up, Bart knew there was no chance of him lasting until Willie was done and the Girls Washroom was out of the question as it had a long line of girls, none of whom would let him cut in front of them. Bart could already feel his control starting to slip, he stared frantically looking for a place to pee, the other restrooms for bad girls and boys were all the way on the opposite end, much too far for him, he saw the janitors closet nearby, with Willie busy cleaning this was his only chance for relief. He hobbled along inside the closet and shut the door, he could already feel his pee starting to leak out into his undies, Bart quickly yanked down his shorts and tighty whities and unleashed a torrential downpour of urine into an already filled mop bucket, he groaned with relief as the loud splashing of his glorious yellow fire-hose of a stream splattered into the bucket, it went on for several minutes until the bucket was almost overflowing, finally Bart's stream tapered off and he breathed a loud sigh of relief, it felt so good to finally be empty after holding it in for so long. He then thought back to what Milhouse had said and figured he might as well go for broke, so he used some nearby lotion in the closet to get his hands and penis all lubed up and soon before he knew it was shooting bucket loads of cum into the already full bucket. He nearly fainted with pure pleasure, for once his best friend had been right about something. He was definitely going to have to do this again, only next time he was going to take it one step further and actually wet himself on purpose.

It was a boring lazy Sunday afternoon, normally Bart would've been in church right now, but he faked an illness by making himself throw up so Marge would let him stay home alone. Once he heard the family car leave the driveway he knew it was time to put his plan in motion. He went into his dresser and pulled out his old soccer shorts(from the episode "Brother from Another Planet")since he never played soccer anymore anyways, it wouldn't matter if he soaked these shorts, besides he loved the way the nylon felt against his bare skin. He opted to go sans underwear today as he wanted the full force of his piss stream to be drenching his shorts. He started out with a large glass of OJ, a big bowl of cereal, a thermos of coffee and some watermelon slices. Within no time Bart's bladder was absolutely bursting, he tried everything to distract him while guzzling down several cans of Buzz Cola, from watching the Itchy and Scratchy Movie and the rare episode Burning Down the Mouse online(it was cute that Homer seriously thought he could keep Bart from ever seeing that movie until he was an adult, but he decided to keep it to himself to spare the big guy's feelings) to playing Bonestorm(Milhouse having gotten sick of it had finally just given it to Bart for his birthday)but the dam was threatening to burst at any second. Finally after downing several glasses of water Bart gingerly walked up to the stairs and into the bathroom and hobbled his way into the tub and not a moment too soon as his piss exploded out of him like Old Faithful, absolutely flooding his shorts with hot piss, while this was happening he was stroking his shaft marveling at the river of pee flowing out of him, he felt the pleasure growing more and more until he finally he felt an explosion of pure bliss the likes of which he'd never felt before as he had his most explosive orgasm ever, he felt electricity fry his brain and jolt all through his spine as he stiffed up and gave an inhuman sounding groan of pleasure, finally after several minutes his stream faded and he collapsed into the massive puddle of piss in the tub(he'd put the plug in earlier to measure how much he could hold) in pure ecstasy, moaning at how good it felt. He didn't want to get up but he knew his family would be back soon so after measuring his pee he drained the tub, tossed his shorts into the washing machine with the latest load of laundry and put on his school gym shorts, which were polyester and also felt quite good against his skin. He then heard the phone ring in the kitchen and answered it, it was Marge telling him they were going to be out a while longer as Homer had caused a commotion at a diner and had gotten arrested and they had to go bail him out. Bart was overjoyed as now he had the chance to wet himself again as he was feeling his bladder fill up like a balloon again and was looking forward to another intense orgasm.

Bart decided to call Milhouse, not caring if he was in church or not, fortunately Milhouse had managed to get out of it by faking rabies. Bart told Milhouse all about how he'd wet himself and good his orgasm was, Milhouse got all smug about it of course but then Bart decided to make things interesting by asking him to come over and challenged him to a holding contest, with the loser having to do whatever the winner said. Milhouse was intrigued, truth is he'd always wanted to ask Bart to do this himself but never had the courage, he wasn't in love with Bart or anything but the idea of a holding contest excited him. He readily agreed and rushed over also wearing his school gym shorts, they both guzzled down glass after glass of ice-cold lemonade and iced tea and soon their bladders were bloated and distending their bellies. Neither one could drink another drop and then they both retreated into the basement, the floor drain would get rid of the evidence and Bart could then do the laundry to clean up his clothes which would make Marge proud and remove the evidence. Bart and Milhouse both stood face to face, starring each other down like the lawman and a bandit in an old western, neither one was willing to budge an inch, finally after some time neither one could hold back and both boys unleashed a tsunami of piss that soaked their shorts from top to bottom, both of them subconsciously stroked themselves while both of their streams went on and on, with both finally trickling off at around the same time. With the tie both of them had to do what the other wanted, at the same time both boys said "masturbate in front of me" to their surprise. Bart didn't have a crush on Milhouse or anything like that but for some reason he liked the idea of jerking off in front of him, so both boys stroked their dicks through their shorts, loving the feel of the wet polyester against their cocks, finally both of them groaned loudly as their whole world went white as they shot huge wads of cum into their shorts, they both collapsed in pure bliss only to be shaken out of it by the family car arriving back, Milhouse hurriedly snuck out the basement window and ran off through others backyard, jumping into his pool when he got home to cover up the evidence, he was looking forward to doing this with Bart again. Bart meanwhile quickly put his sodden shorts into the load of laundry and slid his underwear back on and started the process of trying to start the load, Marge was so happy that Bart was trying to do chores without being asked that she showed him how to do it, fortunately she didn't notice his soaked pairs of shorts. He was definitely looking forward to having more holding contests in the future for sure.

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