Yearbook Photo Started It

By D One

Published on Mar 17, 2011



His father laughed. His sister commented "nice butt bro". His mother looked at the photo and asked "Were they really ... you know ... naked?"

Dana was glad his father laughed and yet he blushed at his sister and mother's reaction.

The yearbook photo of the team was standard, the group standing and a second line kneeling in front. Everyone wore their team shirts emblazoned with each boy's number and last name. Each one in the front row held a basketball in front of them.

There was a second photograph and that's the one that his family reacted too.

The back row of players were all smiling, though one or two were looking down and had varied facial expressions. Their bare legs were seen as was the shorts they had pushed down along with their jockstraps.

The front line too had pushed their shorts and jocks down and was kneeling showing their bare buttocks. Their team shirts were still worn and showed the last name of each player.

"Just a joke Mom" Dana said

"Sure bro, we believe you" his sister said elbowing him.

Dana looked at each butt and reacted "best butt there" he said making his Dad laugh again.

"Be careful, someone will get the wrong idea son" the man said and opened his newspaper to escape further comment.

Dana took the year book as he walked back to his bedroom. His sister walked nearby.

"So how was it?"


"Anderson, was he huge?"

"Dunno we kept our eyes closed" Dana said

"Sure you did"

The day of the photograph, the team had gathered dressed in their newest uniforms, even putting on their jockstraps like they're gonna play.

"Why?" someone asked

"Pushes you up and out man, sexy, girls will go wild over your package" another player responded.

The team members were gathering their glands and making sure they jutted out in their shorts using their jockstraps as supports.

"Shit that team is hung" The photographer said to his assistant "or wearing bananas.

The team inhaled, jammed their hands under their exaggerated biceps and smiled as each flash indicated a photo was taken.

"OK boys, two more, pose however you want"

The guys chatted and laughed and urged others to do what they did.

Shorts came down and the front line turned.

In front of each kneeling front liner were the cocks and balls of their standing teammates. Most of the kneeling guys began to giggle. One or two threatened with snapping teeth.

"Miller you're not supposed to really suck him" someone said and everyone laughed.

"OK that's it" the photographer yelled.

Dana decided to do one more thing sticking his tongue out and lapping the cock and balls that dangled in front of his face.

Phil Anderson jumped. "Fuck man" he said pulling his shorts and jock up to cover his nudity. He looked around to see if anyone saw him and Dana.

Looking down where Dana had been kneeling, he saw the teammate laughing as he too got redressed.

In the locker room, Dana glanced over towards Anderson. The guy didn't look back. In the short time his long, lean body was totally naked, Dana savored the sight. He reminded himself his tongue had actually licked the boys cock and balls.

Dressed, Dana left the gym with his friends. School would end in a couple of months and a summer was ahead he didn't expect.

He stared at the yearbook page as he jacked in his bedroom. Anderson was indeed hung. He wondered if the guy thought he was serious or just horsing around.

"Dana" His sister called through the closed door. Dana quickly pulled his shorts up.


"Can I see that yearbook?" she smiled as she entered.

"Want to uh find someone" she said taking the book.

"Yea I bet you do" he smiled

"Well now that you're done, it's my turn" She said

He had seen her rub herself and she had seen him masturbate in the past. They kidded each other about it but didn't know what went on in their heads.

"Text" he said and grabbed his buzzing phone as she left to satisfy herself with the images of bare buttocks as inspiration.

"Meet me" it said.

Dana looked at the originator name.

PHIL it said.

"What's up?" Dana responded. He had never gotten a text from Anderson before.

"Me" the response came quickly.

It might be a joke, Dana thought.

"yea yea" he texted


Phil worked at the city park, handing out nets, bats, balls. Dana had seen him there in past summers. But he didn't know the summer program had started yet. School wasn't out yet, though summer was two weeks ahead.

"OK, when?" he typed.

"NOW" the answer came back quickly again.

Pulling on his school phys ed shirt, Dana biked to the park several blocks away. In past summers he had taken that route many times, spending endless hours there, hanging out, playing softball or basketball or laying on the grass absorbing the summer rays.

This summer Dana planned to find a job. One year of school was left and he'd have to think seriously about college years ahead, then life would follow.

"Hey" Dana knocked on the closed door to the shed. As he suspected the drop down window was still closed and a sign saying the park program opened in two weeks covered it.

Phil opened the door. He was shirtless and wore shorts.

"Come in quick" he said closing the door.

Dana saw a pile of books on the table. On top was their yearbook, opened to the basketball team photo pages.

"I uh come here to study, get away from the noise at home" Phil said smiling. "Big family"

"Yea?" Dana said "what's up?"

"I uh you know what happened when we did that" He pointed to the yearbook.

"Yea funny huh?" Dana said

"Folks are giving me crap about it, are yours?"

"Dad laughed, sister gave me shit, Mom seemed concerned"

"My Dad thought we were fags" Phil said "are you?"


"Well, don't take me wrong but at the end when you, you know, licked, I thought maybe...."

"Are you asking me if I suck cock?" Dana heard himself say the words he was surprised to hear.

"Sometimes you know the park, older guys flirt and stuff." Phil sat on a stack of boxes. His legs spread, Dana could see the guy didn't wear a jock or underwear under his shorts.

"So someone has sucked you off?" Dana was boldly asking things he didn't believe, and then added "it happened to me a couple of times" Phil looked surprised. "You too?"

"Yea the john. I was very young. But a guy, nice guy offered me twenty bucks. Shit man back then that was allot of money, wanted to see me jack, then sucked me" Dana said.

He felt his cock expand remembering the scene and the times afterwards he returned to the place, he told himself for the money. But he knew it was for more then that.

"Shit" Phil said "don't tell anyone else, they'll think, well you know"

"Hell no, not sure why I told you" Dana said taking his shirt off "it's fucking hot in here"

"Yea, it is" Phil stood and pulled his shorts off. He was not only totally naked now but his long cock was arching forward as it stiffened.

Dana "you sure we're uh ok?" he looked around the dark one room shed.

"Here" Phil slipped the bolt on the door "we're ok" He moved to where Dana was and reached to each hip.

"Standup" he whispered

Dana stood as his shorts were slid down his legs. His own erection bounced out. "Me first" he said and knelt.

In his mind they were taking the yearbook photo again. The teammates were watching as he took Phil Anderson's cock in his mouth, his fingers ticked the boy's ballsac as he sucked.

"Shit" Phil said

Dana reached up the bare torso sliding finger across the smooth belly the center line of hair and finding the boys nipples.

"God keep doing that" Phil begged.

Dana wasn't sure if he meant the tongue on his cock inside his mouth or his fingers pulling each tip of Phil's nipples.

His mind was still placing them at the photo shoot. Teammates were naked and jacking their cocks watching Dana publically sucking Anderson. Soon he'd be showered with their cum and they would all know who to go to when they got so horny, they'd ignore name calling and seek relief.

The cum gushed all over Dana. He wiped his eyes and looked up at Anderson who held his still spurting dick. It landed on his outstretched tongue, cheek and chest.

"God you were loaded" Dana said. He closed his mouth and tasted it. Not too different from his own he had tasted over the years.

"Now me" Phil said pushing Dana back on the floor. He lowered his face and gobbled the hardness Dana offered.

It was different being sucked. For reasons he didn't know, Dana hadn't fantasized about a warm mouth on his cock. Cocks in his mouth and butt had filled most of his mastabatory moments.

Now the lips that squeezed his cock were sending shivers of new sensations through his body. He touched his own tits, fingered his butt as Phil licked and sucked him like he'd been sucking cock for years.

Dana wanted to hold back to learn more sensations, expand his mental images and enjoy this totally new experience. But his body didn't obey exploding too soon. Dana arched his back so tight his muscles hurt.

He could feel the flow of hot fluid from his gland through his tubes and through his cock into the air.

Opening his eyes, Dana was surprised to see Phil's mouth still on his cock. He saw the boys apple moving as he swallowed each stream of cum that splashed in his mouth.

"We were both loaded" Phil said wiping his face with his discarded shirt. He used it to wipe Dana's pubic hair too.

"What are you doing this summer?"

Dana had found his summer job handing out sports equipment to kids from all over town.

When the shed closed its drop down window and the door was locked. Phil and Dana striped for a much needed release jism their youthful bodies manufactured.

"Shit I never knew this was so....." Dana said as he lay across the boxes and Phil slid his sword into the sheath it had enjoyed many times before. "Me neither" Phil said as he panted till his body collapsed.

"You still horny?" Phil asked one night. "Always" Dana said his cock spent but still hard.

"Let's go make some summer cash" Phil smiled. Dana, knew it wasn't for the money alone. They had crossed the field towards the men's room before after work. It was early, the night was hot and shadows waited.

And word spread among a different group. Their night time park visits offered what they never told their wives, bosses or others they wanted.

At the end of the summer Phil and Dana had pockets of money and a better realization of who they were and what they wanted and got from each other.

"Nice butt bro" His sister said one day after barging into his bedroom and discovered Dana lying on top of an equally naked Phil Anderson.

"So is he hung?" She repeated her question that she had asked the previous spring looking at the yearbook.

So much had changed that summer. By the end of the summer, he had learned the joys of sex in many ways, methods and places.

And he was thankful for the yearbook photo. He could only hope that others had seen his bare butt and the school year ahead would reveal who liked it as much as Phil did.

Dana smiled.

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