Yaoguai the Body Modifier

By Thanh Tran

Published on Feb 28, 2022


Chapter 2


It was after midnight on a Friday, the lights were dim, the bed was made, the bamboo incense was burning, the light guoyue music was playing, the mist was flowing, the drinks were stocked, I was barefoot in my navy-blue, knee-length yukata with nothing on underneath, a client was coming, and my powers were ready to use.

My chamber was in the backroom of a busy nightclub, quieted by the soundproof door, but I could still feel the vibrations through the floor. Dennis, the owner, had one major request (it was good for business). Play the Asian mystic part as much as possible. A Korean wearing Japanese clothes in a Chinese-decorated room with Indian Sanskrit paintings on the wall was all the better.

I stood in the dark with my neck-length black hair tied back and a fan open in front of my face waiting to make my dramatic introduction at my client's appearance. The fantasy was serious to some of them. An Asian mystic granting them their most personal desire. I doubted my powers had anything to do with my heritage, but it was better than fielding questions I had no answers to. Even after seeing my films, Dennis was positive that it was a trick and a scam until I'd demonstrated on him personally. And then he'd been so freaked out, rightly so with something he couldn't explain, that he chalked it up to magic outside his cultural understanding. Every culture could use magic, he told me, but most lost their practices when the power of science took over. I wasn't sure I agreed, but that wasn't a good debate to get into with my employer. But if I can I make my power look like it was all a just a magician's illusion after the fact, then all the better. It didn't pay to have people be so afraid about what happened that they'd leave me negative reviews online.

I heard a knock at the door. They were told to just go on in. All of them are. "Come in!" I called.

My client opened the door a crack, letting in the bright lights and blaring music, and peeked inside for a long time. I was about to break character and call out to him again when he stepped in, letting the heavy door slam shut behind him. And then there was silence apart from the Chinese harp music accompanied by running water. It was a man, and he'd started taking deep breaths and shifting around.

"Konbonwa," I said softly and dramatically flipped the fan closed in front of my face. I walked toward him through the misty dark and clapped, turning on three low lanterns.

"Dotashi mashitay senpai," he said with a trembling voice with his head down. "Did I get that right?" No idea, I thought, and stayed silent. Senpai meant a older peer, which I wasn't sure if I was to him, and I had no clue what the other words were. Japanese was a poor choice. There were enough anime fans, not to mention serious students, around in a college town who could call out my BS. I just hoped whatever he said did not call for another response on my part.

I got my first good look at his face in the dim light. He looked vaguely familiar, like someone I saw around often but couldn't place a name for. Definitely a student. We stood at eye level with him still wearing shoes. He was gulping for air and scanning the room in panic. I turned on a much brighter fluorescent light hidden under the curtains on the ceiling so he could see the room was safe. He was brown with medium-length dark hair, light-rimmed glasses, and a hint of a mustache on his rounded face. He wore a green winter coat and had his hands stuffed into his pockets trying to seem as small as possible. I was positive I'd seen him around campus, if not in one of my classes. I reached out to him with my power for a second to get a clue to his identity and got that he was Mexican and Laotian, which did not help. Still, it of course was often better to just treat everyone as a stranger regardless in this line of work.

"May I take your coat?" I asked, gliding to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and he did not remove his from his pockets. He averted his eyes from my face, and I could tell they had stopped on the piece of bare chest at the top of the V of my yukata. His breaths were shallow, and I could tell he was blushing even with his dark skin tone.

"Weird question, but are you Minjun?" he asked with a cracking voice. " From my calculus lab." I wasn't expecting to hear my real name here. None of my previous clients had recognized me from anywhere but porn, not that I cared either way. I made the active choice not to disguise my appearance.

I nodded and brushed his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm discreet," I said.

I knew who he was then. He was a freshman like me. He always sat next to the door in the Calculus III lecture hall and always stayed seated working on his laptop at the end of class instead of using that prime advantage. In an interesting coincidence, we were also in the same small group lab where we graded each others' assignments and worked on problems together. I knew his face now, but we'd never spoken directly. His name was on the tip of my tongue. It was a pretty girl's name that his parents had blessed him with, and it started with an A.

"I had no idea," my client said. He swallowed hard. "Y-you don't look anything like, uh..."

"You mean I don't go to class dressed for an adult film?"

"No, I mean—you look good in class, but...uh... I have to ask, a-are those videos real?" he whispered with a trembling voice.

"They're porn. Scripted, acted, edited. We don't have to do anything crazy like that unless you want to. This is your night." I knew I wasn't answering his question. So many people were willing to shell out half a grand for something they were skeptical of. I should ask Dennis to start charging fifty bucks extra for proof, and he'd probably get takers.

"I don't want any extra arms... Uh, are you going to...tell people? Like if I see you in class..."

"I don't talk about my clients. I won't even acknowledge you if you don't want me to."

"O-okay, but.. It's kind of embarrassing what I want and what I look like." Then he blurted out, "And I'm a virgin!" I fought my urge to ask why he'd book some carnival freakshow escort for his first time. But my own V-card story was way worse, so I wasn't one to talk.

I reached out and put my hands on the forearms of his coat. "Is this okay?" I asked. He nodded. That's when his name randomly came to me—Alexis. "Alexis, I promise to make your first time as good as I can.


"Can I take your coat then?" He removed his hands from his pockets and allowed me to come close and unzip it. I smelled a melon shampoo and his minty breath as his ragged breathing continued. I deliberately leaned into to help him out of each arm, and he shuddered from my touch. My cock stirred from the closeness. He was seriously cute. I wouldn't be needing the pills for this one. I thought about leaning in to see if he was also getting hard but didn't want to overwhelm him right away. With his blushing, deep breaths, and sweating, it was obvious I was having some effect, which made my own cock twitch. He futilely covered up his crotch with the bottom of his coat before I grabbed it from him and hung it on the rack next to the door.

Alexis crossed his fingers over the seat of his khaki pants, shifting around and hoping I wouldn't notice. He wore a red sweater vest underneath over a blue button down shirt, and he had brown dress shoes on covered in melting snow. He dressed like he was going to church when this was the furthest place from church he could go, but I couldn't fault him for wanting to look good if it made him more confident.

"“Have a seat," I motioned to the sitting table, and he took his shoes off and sat down cross-legged on a cushion, relieved to have something to cover his hardness. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked. "I have sparkling cider, water, tea. Nothing alcoholic."

"Um, sake."


"Oh, not..not that, I mean, what's um..what's that other one?" He had sweat on his brow. I poured two plastic cups of ice water, chugged one in a single gulp, and put the other one on the table in front of him along with the pitcher itself. I sat at a right angle from him so our knees were almost touching. The table cloth covered his crotch. He drank his water quickly and poured a second cup.

"Do you want to take off your sweater or anything to get more comfortable?" He pulled it off, placing it on a cushion, untucked his shirt, and unbuttoned his top two buttons, exposing a bit of chest hair that got me intrigued. I wanted to jump on him and tear it the rest of the way off if not just for how sweaty and constrained he was in it. If he managed to calm his nerves a bit, he'd be the definition of having fun at work. He wasn't fat, but wasn't thin either, and didn't look like he worked out. But he radiated with his own cute charm that got me going and made me want to see more. He lifted his arm to drink some water and the tablecloth shifted to catch on his tent.

"Sorry," said Alexis. "I can't fucking talk sometimes."

"Take as long as you need," I said. "I was terrified the first time I did this."

"But you're so hot..." He caught himself. "Sorry, I thought you meant like..."

I put my hand on his knee. He gasped at the touch. "Is this okay?" I asked. He put his own hand on top of mine and looked me with wide eyes. I stroked his knee. He moved his own hand to my bare knee that came out of the end of my yukata and started brushing it, driving me wild.

"Do you want to talk about what we're doing now?" I asked.


"You already paid and signed the forms." I started my speech in a soft voice, still stroking his knee with my cock engorging from his brushes on my bare skin. "I'm here to bring your greatest fantasies to life. Whatever you ask for, I can make happen. To your own body or mine. All changes are temporary. No permanent changes. Everything goes back to normal before you walk out that door. We use condoms for anal and a safe word for kinky play. I don't do quote unquote extreme fetishes. If it's actually illegal, I won't help you roleplay it. Any questions?" His hand was teasing under the hem now. I fought to stay professional as my hardness reached full mast.

"Can you just make my dick bigger? It's-it's really small." I doubted it. Before I could answer, he added, "And get rid of the hair down there. M-my belly, not my pubes."

I got up on my knees to conceal my rager for now and leaned into stroke his shoulders with both hands. "Are you gonna fuck me with that huge dick?"

"No, I-I-I'm straight," said Alexis.

"Want me to make myself a girl then?" I asked, rubbing around the base of his neck, struggling to hide my disappointment. At least I'd still have his cock deep inside me, which is more than I could ask for from most hot straight guys.

"You can do that?!"

"Boobs; pussy; dickless or not, your choice. You saw my films."

"I thought that was fake." He put out a shaky hand to rub my flat pec and swallowed hard.

"Want me to? You're paying."

He debated it while feeling my chest and torso, eyes wide and sweating through his dress shirt.

"U-um, no...that's fine. Just don't tell anyone...please. My brother would kill me."

"I don't out people." I started unbuttoning from the third button of his shirt.

"I-I know, I'm sorry... I'm just scared...what could happen... " I finished the buttons I could reach with him seated and motioned for him to stand. Both our tents were sticking out. I went back to his shirt while he continued. "You're...you're really fucking hot. I do like some guys. I'm gay, I haven't told anyone. Please don't tell." His voice was shaking. I finished the last button with him still rubbing my sides and back, grabbed his bare torso, and pulled him in for a hug. But instead of just hugging me, he went for a deep and needy kiss, grinding his pole against mine and holding my face. Even if this was his first fuck, this couldn't have been his first make out session. He assaulted my tongue and greedily sucked on my lips, panting for air before going back for more. He was so good he made me feel bad for him thinking about how he must have gotten that experience, making out with a bunch of chicks when he really needed a man. His hands found their way to my ass, and my cock twitched when I felt the very hairy stomach he wanted bare brushing against me. I fought myself to not stand there and play with the hair he hated.

We broke our kiss session breathing hard and smiling. "Let's move to the bed," I suggested, taking off his fogging glasses.

I pulled his dress shirt all the way off and tossed it aside. He crossed his arms to try to cover his adorable fur. I used my power to attune myself with the matter of his body, imagining him without any hair on his front or back. My vision crackled and blurred together, and ears rang. Then he was hairless all over as though his body had always been that way. He rubbed his chest and belly in disbelief. He was just as adorable without it and five times more confident. He pushed me down on the bed and straddled me with his dress pants still on, leaning in for more kisses and untying the knot holding my yukata closed. I undid the belt and zipper on his pants. He got off me to remove them and his socks and then stood there looking down on me blushing with a serious tent and wet spot on his boxer-briefs. I wanted it no matter how big it was, and it didn't look like a bad size. My own cock was leaking so much pre-cum it was going to be a sticky waterworks when my clothes came off.

He didn't tell me what size he wanted. I attuned with his body again and perceived that it was about 4 inches. I gave him the full size queen fantasy and made it about 12 inches and thick, my own mouth and rectum be damned. He gasped as it nearly burst through his underwear and then shucked them, suddenly beaming at me in total confidence with that monster sticking straight out from him. He'd turned from a scared virgin into a powerful man who knew what he wanted and how to get it. And he was about to have his way with me. He jumped on me, pulling me into a bear hug, and started kissing me again with his hard monster rubbing against me through my robe. I used my power to expand my asshole a bit so it would fit and made it lubricate itself. I collapsed on the bed staring into his eyes, my head swimming and forehead surging with pain from repeated uses of my power. I'd done worse. It would pass soon.

"Are you okay?" I must have cringed too hard. He cradled my head in his hand.

I leaned in and whispered. "Do your worst to me, Alexis," I growled. "My ass is hungry."

"I don't want to hurt you. You can do me instead if it's too big. You're so fucking sexy, Junie." Junie?! My stomach turned at that nickname like a bad memory that suddenly resurfaced.

"It's Minjun." I snapped back a little too quickly and forcefully.

"Sorry," he gasped. "You're so handsome, Minjun. My bad for—" I pulled him down for another make-out session, feeling his tongue again while playing with his massive cock that flexed and twitched in my hands as I rubbed the head. He went for the tie to open my yukata and expose my rock-hard shaft poking him, and I teased him by blocking his hands. He laughed and grabbed my hands and held them behind my head, and then stuck his exposed cock head on my lips. I kissed it and assaulted it with the tip of my tongue, giving it the make-out session he'd just treated my mouth to, making him gasp loudly. He released my hands and started rubbing his nipples while I put my mouth around his huge cock head, massaging every inch with my tongue. "Ohhh..." He moaned, and his cock spasmed. I grabbed the base with a firm grip and deep throated him as far as I was able, filling my mouth with his massive length and letting his sensitive head hit the back of my throat as I ran my needy tongue along the underside of his shaft. "Ah! Oh g—" He pulled it out quickly and it spasmed twice after he took his hand off. He held his breath, contorting his face. "Fuck...you're edging me so hard."

"I'm starving for your cum, damn it!" I yelled, grabbing his thighs. I finally pulled open my yukata, showing him my prick straining for the release only he could give it. "Destroy me with that huge cock!" I pulled up my knees and showed him my lubed up asshole.

"Oh fuck," he gasped, his voice cracking.

"Tear it wide open, you sexy man! Fuck me, Alexis!" I put my feet around him, pulling him closer.

"Stop," he pleaded, biting his lip. "You're gonna make me..." He panted, rubbling down my exposed body, his cock doing another full flex and spitting out a long strand of pre-cum. I reached in the bedside basket of lubricated condoms and found a jumbo sized based on feel. I took it out, expanded it and put it on his huge cock head while he moaned with it jumping in my hand. Somehow the condom made it all the way on without hitting his hair trigger. I coated it with astroglide.

"Use me as your cum dumpster! You're the cutest fucking man who's ever come in here! I should be paying you for every inch of that monster." I spread my asshole wide.

He scrunched his face up, fighting his orgasm, his cock dripping lube. Without any more prep, he pulled me up and stuck just the head into my hole. With the expansions and natural lube, it went in without any difficulty, and he was surprised with most of his shaft also slid in with no resistance. "Uhhhhhhh," he groaned. It felt extremely full with his entire girth in me, but I grit my teeth and pushed back against him trying to swallow the rest of his length with my hungry anus. He got almost to the base when he pulled out and thrust it in again with another loud groan. He felt up my chest with his hands and grabbed my needy cock, stroking it and making me gasp and flex my hole around his shaft, making him gasp in return. I stroked his back and tried to pull him further into me. He got into a steady rhythm with his thrusts, hitting my prostate with each one and sending a surge of electricity through my body. Slowly, his embarrassment melted away and was replaced with a bestial desire for release. He quickened his thrusts, grunting as he pushed into me. He started rubbing his own nipples. I pushed his hands away and tweaked and teased his nipples myself as he laughed and leaned in for a kiss, rubbing his sweaty torso against mine and sending me closer to the edge myself. I might have blown from that move if he still had his sexy chest hair. My prostate was on fire from his girth exciting it with every thrust and needed to blow.

"I'm gonna..." He sputtered. I pulled him in for a deep kiss, forcing him down to me with all the strength in my arms. He moaned against my lips as he thrust one more time into me, balls deep, while I did a kegel, holding his massive, gyrating shaft against my prostate. The tension in both of our bodies reached its peak, and then we both exploded at once, the mighty contractions in his cock vibrating against my needy prostate and sending it into overdrive, releasing my pent up seed. My cum erupted all the way to my own mouth, which made him burst out laughing as he licked it off, swallowed, and kissed me again and again.

"You're so good at this," he said. He pulled off his full condom and laid down next to me, stroking my chest.

The two of us cuddled together for a bit in silence.

"Scale of one to ten," I asked, "was it worth?"

"Every penny," he said. "I'm giving you a five—no, ten star review." He kissed me.

"If you could actually do that, it'd be great. Say my power is real too."

He picked up his monster that still hadn't deflated and flipped it up and down. "I will. I promise. It feels so real. I don't know how you do it, but you're good. Mind telling me how if it's not too secret?"

"I just think and it happens. Like I unfortunately have to do before you leave. But we have about...thirty minutes left if you want to enjoy it some more."

"It has to be a trick. It has to be. It feels like it's not really my penis. I'm only wearing it." I retracted his foreskin and rubbed the head with my thumb, and it immediately responded. "Quit it!" he swatted at my hand and laughed.

I opened the curtain to a hidden door next to the fridge that led into a small bathroom where we both pissed and washed up, then returned to bed. He got his phone out of his pants and took pictures of his massive cock, including one with me holding it in both hands and licking the exposed tip. Maybe that wasn't the best idea if he wasn't out to his brother and other people that cared. But he shrugged that thought off with a, "so what?" and said he would spooge gallons to that picture.

We laid back down and cuddled some more. This time I turned so I was facing him and rubbing his still-bare stomach, tempted to change him back early. "So," he asked me. "What's your major?"

"Biology and pre-med, you?"

"Math and psychology. Are you going to do a bunch of plastic surgeries with that power?"

"Nah, it doesn't work that way. I can't do permanent changes." I pressed a button on a remote and a flat screen TV retracted from the ceiling, automatically starting to play the first of the four films I'd made. "Want to fap with it one more time while you have it? You can turn on whatever you like. There's thousands of gay and straight films in the catalog."

"You know what would make me cum buckets? Watching your film with you next to me. Change me back first. And don't laugh at my small dick." Alexis kissed me as the first act of the film began. I played a frat bro along with a bunch of muscle jocks who were all being haunted by a gay ghost.

I did as he asked and felt a splitting headache and ringing in my ears. I'd save my lubricating stretched out asshole for later or let it turn back to normal on its own over the next two days. Hopefully I wouldn't have any shit coming down the tunnel in the meantime.

"Does it hurt?" Alexis asked, brushing my face. "I wouldn't have asked for so much if I knew."

"You're paying for it. It's fine." I grinned and aggressively rubbed his once-again hairy belly. "Stop!" he whined playfully, "All that hair is so embarrassing. I shave it off and it's back in like a week."

"It's adorable. I want to cuddle up with it all night." His cock was rock-hard once again.

"That can be arranged." I tweaked his hard nipples, making his shaft twitch. "You're so evil, making me hard like this when I have to leave soon. Why do you have to be so sexy?"

From my headache and the fact that he took my third load of the night, mine was only puffed out. But seeing him like this excited me to no end. It was like he was a completely different person, and that person was so fucking cute. I wasn't lying about wanting to cuddle up with his fur either.

"Let me take care it for you then." I stroked his belly with one hand and his nipple with the other before taking his cock in my mouth, teasing the tip with my tongue as I did before. It was much smaller now, but that made it easier to find and massage every sweet spot, eliciting gasps from him. On the TV, my film was on the part where the perverted ghost forced a muscle jock to grow two extra sets of brawny arms that gave anyone who touched them an uncontrollable libido for men. Alexis was glued to the testosterone-fueled frat orgy, urgently fucking my face as he watched me on-screen topping a jock while four freakish bodybuilder arms explored my body and fingered my asshole.

"You're so good," he panted as I increased speed. "Wait a sec." He fumbled with the remote and skipped the video ahead to the final scene, where the horny ghost had cursed me by tying my hands behind my back and making my cock grow uncontrollably to a full length of 20 inches, where it was worshiped by six different frat bros with their mouths, hands, cocks, and holes. "Uhhh," he shuddered as I massaged his shaft with my tongue in between deep throats. I pinched his nipples while I dug my tongue into his piss-slit. "I'm gonna cum!" he yelled and I sucked down on it hard, my own cock twitching from his groans as I sent him over the edge for the second time. It was only a dribble this time, but I swallowed it all.

"Wow!" he yelled and exhaled. "Come here!" he said with his arms wide, and I embraced him and kissed him one more time. "I'll never forget this night." He jumped to his feet and started putting his clothes back on. "If you ever have anyone who hates you, Minjun, I will fight them. You're that amazing."

"Glad to hear it," I said with a grin. "See you in class...but don't talk to me if it'll cause you problems." Exhaustion back-to-back clients had hit me like a sandbag, so I was only able to smile at him, hands behind my head, as he dressed and wiped his glasses. Putting on one final gesture of professionalism, I stood up, tied my yukata, and saw him out the door after he'd collected his coat.

I yawned, got dressed in street clothes, and went home at 2:30AM where my roommate was still awake and shouting at people on a game in Cantonese. And it was then that I'd noticed that I'd received a strange letter in the mail. It was a perfectly rectangular envelope with no address or return address. It only said "Park Min Jun" in Korean characters written in smudged red ink seemingly intended to look like blood. I considered taking it directly to the police without opening it. It could be a religious stalker who'd been offended by my films and sent me anthrax. I found a protective face mask in the bathroom from my roommate's former job and put it on, along with rubber gloves, while I cut open the letter.

The contents were also written in the same red ink, and formed a short message in Korean, which I could not read well enough to understand, signed with a single English "Y". I opened Google and looked through Korean-English dictionaries to decipher the characters and came to the conclusion the message meant something like, "Park Min Jun, I know you are my progeny. You are borrowing my power. You will do as I say. - Y"

Next: Chapter 3

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